Cougar Bounty

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Cougar Bounty Page 7

by J. A. Rawls

  “Like what?”

  “Well, and I know you’re going to love and hate this when I tell you.”

  “Jana, give.”

  “Liza and Jake are expecting a baby. She had a sonogram done before she came here and it’s a boy.”

  “Fuck Jana, I won’t ever see my grandson.”

  “That’s true, but I wanted you to know that Jake and Liza have agreed to name the baby after you, he’ll be Joshua Craig. What do you think? Do you like the name?”

  “Yes, I love it. You know what, it’s probably right. The lord gives one life and takes another; the grand plan.” Tears streaked down his cheeks as he watched Liza enter the room with coffee for her mom. “Liza, you should have told me. It’s great you and Jake are expecting a baby boy. I’m so excited for you.”

  “Dad, I didn’t tell you because it seemed so unfair to be so happy.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m so happy for you.” He held out his arms and Liza leaned over giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thanks dad, we are truly blessed.”

  “Ladies, if one of you will help me, I’d like to go lay down for a while.”

  Liza took one arm and Jana the other. They helped Craig to his room and covered him with a throw. He snuggled down and was soon asleep.

  “He’s lost more weight than I realized,” Jana said as they walked back down the hall.

  “He’s not eating either; it won’t be long, will it mom?”

  Jana hugged her daughter, trying to comfort her, “No, it won’t be long. I truly believe your dad will go when he’s ready.”

  “Mom, I think he’s ready. The news of the baby was the first time I’ve seen him truly smile since he came home from the doctor with the news.”

  “You could be right, and unfortunately, though we say we prepare for this, just because we know it’s going to happen doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. I’m here for you sweetheart, don’t forget that.”

  “I know mom, let’s go out on the patio.”

  Jana stopped in the living room and picked up her coffee. It was still warm and she needed something to hold on to right now. She knew her life was about to change forever.


  Craig never woke up. He’d chosen his time to go and though he didn’t wait a full month, he left with great happiness in his heart.

  Jake arrived and Liza was much calmer with him around; he settled her down. The funeral was nice, if you could say that about such a somber event. Jana closed her office for the day and Liza closed hers as well. Many people took the opportunity to pay their respects. In fact, Liza said if she received one more casserole the freezer would be full. Liza figured she wouldn’t have to cook for the next year. Why do people always bring food to the bereaved–strange habit when what the family really needed was the normalcy of cooking a meal?


  Cheryl joined her again for dinner. It was a sober event and once again they were drinking their dinner. “I’m sorry; I’m not good company tonight.”

  “It’s okay; I think we both need this. Want another drink?”

  “Yes!” Jana waved her hand and Frank appeared. “We’d like another round and keep them coming.”

  “Can I bring you an appetizer?” Frank questioned.

  “No, we’ve had this conversation once before, and the answer is still the same.”

  “I’ll bring your drinks right out.” Frank reached in his back pocket for the business card she’d given him before. Once again he dialed Steven.

  “Steven, this is Frank again, please come pick up your boss.”

  “I’m outside, I’ll be right in.”

  “Thanks, Steven.”

  Jana looked up as Steven walked in. “Did I call you?”

  “Yes ma’am. Let me help you two to the car. Frank can you give me a hand.”

  “Sure,” Frank whispered to Steven, “is this something they do often?”

  “No, actually it’s not. Jana recently buried her ex-husband and I know in spite of them not being married any more he was still one of her best friends. You take Jana and I’ll help Cheryl.”

  “Gentlemen,” Jana brushed a stray lock of hair from her face, “quit talking about us like we aren’t here.”

  Frank put his arm around Jana’s waist and helped her to her car.

  She leaned over, “You didn’t call me back.”

  “Actually I did, but you weren’t in the office. They said you were out on a family emergency.”

  “That’s true.”

  Frank watched tears fill her eyes. He leaned in close and kissed her softly. “It’ll be fine. I’ll call you tomorrow.”


  The office was quiet as Jana and Cheryl walked through the door. Cheryl leaned against the wall as Jana unlocked the door to her office. “God, I feel like I got hit by a truck. What was I thinking?”

  “I can tell you what we weren’t thinking, and that was coming to this office today. I have the worst headache I’ve had in years. Going out with you is bad for my health.”

  “Going out with me, hell this whole mess is your fault.” Cheryl squinted as Jana opened the blinds to her office. “Did you hit on our waiter?”

  “No, I didn’t hit on our waiter.” Jana relaxed in her chair, “What kind of person do you take me for?”

  “I take you for a horny old woman, now come clean. You did hit on that young man. He was gorgeous if memory serves me right.”

  “Actually I didn’t hit on him but I think we have a date tonight.” Jana laughed in spite of the ache in her head.

  “I’m going to my office and cancel all my meetings for this morning. If you need me please buzz-softly.” Cheryl laughed as she walked down the hall. She’d moved to the corner office vacated by Daryl’s firing. In the week Jana had been gone she’d had the room painted and new furniture put it. It was soft and elegant, similar but not the same as Jana’s. She’d brought some of the furnishings from her old office, like that comfortable sofa she could lay down on with a cold cloth over her eyes. God what a night, I haven’t done that since I was in college.

  Charlie knocked on the door of Jana’s office and entered slowly. When he entered he saw her sitting behind her desk going through her in-basket. Doesn’t look like a hangover to me. “How are you doing this morning?”

  “Fine, how about yourself?”

  “I’m fine; would you like me to go to Starbucks and get you a latte?”

  “That’d be great, but regular coffee is fine. Especially if it’s ready; is it?”

  “You bet, I’ll get you a cup.”

  “Charlie, use that cup that’s the size of an ocean liner, please.”

  Ocean liner, the lady is hungover. Smiling, Charlie left to fetch her mega cup of coffee. As he approached his desk the phone rang, “Jana Gates office, may I help you?”

  “Yes, may I speak with Ms. Jana?” a soft, but baritone voice questioned.

  “May I tell her who’s calling?”

  “Yes, tell her it’s-Frank.”

  “Please hold on and I’ll see if she’s available.” He buzzed Jana, “There’s a young man named Frank on the phone, are you in?”

  “Absolutely, thanks.” She pushed the blinking light numbered ‘one’, “Frank I’m glad you called. What can I do for you?”

  “I’m trying to confirm our date for tonight. Are you available, or do we need to make it another night?”

  “No, tonight is good what did you have in mind?”

  “How about drinks and dinner at Cena’s?”


  “The Brazilian/Mediterranean steak house. They have great cheese bread and the food is excellent, I think you’ll like it. What do you say?”

  “I’m game. Do you want me to meet you there?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “Uh-my brother showed up this morning unannounced. I hate to leave him home alone. Do you-think-your friend would like to join us?”

��You mean the lady who was with me last night?”

  “Yes, do you think she’d like to join us?”

  “I can’t speak for her, but I’ll ask. Is there a number I can reach you at?”

  “How about I call you back early this afternoon?”

  “That works, and Frank...”

  “Yes Jana.”

  “Thanks for calling,” Jana hung up the phone and raised her hand in triumph. Yes, he’s mine.

  Charlie knocked on the door. “Who was that?”

  “None of your business; have you seen Cheryl?”

  “Actually no, do you want me to get her for you?”

  “Yes, but I recommend you tread lightly she’s not feeling well.”

  Charlie walked to Cheryl’s office and knocked softly on her door.

  “Yes, come in.”

  “Cheryl, Jana would like to see you if you have a minute.”

  “Sure, do you know if I need to bring anything?”

  “No, just your smiling self. Hey, are you okay? If it’s any consolation Jana looks just like you. Is this the new look for the firm’s top management?”

  “Not funny. We’re both hurting. To tell you the truth I spent the night at Jana’s, but I’m not sure how we got there. It was a rough night. Don’t look at me like that; it was just a couple of drinks.”

  “A couple and you look like this?”

  “Charlie please remember, I’m one of your bosses and you are to respect me.”

  “One question first?”

  “Okay I’ll give you one question but only one, what?”

  “Do you know what a cougar is?”

  “Sure, it’s an elegant older woman who leads young men down the primrose path to seduction and debauchery,” she smiled at the thought.

  “Okay, you have my undying respect, but Jana still wants to see you.”

  Laughing Cheryl left her office, “Follow me young man,” she said as she hooked her finger in the come hither jester.

  “You two are a trip,” he laughed.

  Cheryl entered Jana’s office, “You know your executive assistant is a smart ass. So, what’s up mentor?”

  “Yes I know, but you have to love him, he’s good at his job,” she paused, “and relatively well-trained. Now, speaking as your mentor I want you to double date with me tonight, with Frank and his brother.”

  “Okay,” Cheryl cocked her head and narrowed her eyes, “who’s Frank? Do I know him, or his brother?”

  “Actually you met him last night. He was our waiter, you remember him, don’t you? Cute-young-waiter?”

  “Y-e-s-s, and he has a brother? You want me to go out with someone young enough to be my son?”

  “Actually I don’t know how old Frank’s brother is. All I know is he came into town unexpectedly and Frank doesn’t want to go out and leave him home alone. He asked if you’d like to join us as his brother’s date. Are you game?”

  “Hell, if he asked I guess I’m game. Where are we going?”

  “We’re having drinks and dinner at Cena.”

  “Nice,” Cheryl nodded, “just not sure I can drink again tonight, or tomorrow. I’m just beginning to feel somewhat normal.”

  “Cheryl, one drink that’s all you have to have, and you don’t even have to finish it. Come on it’ll be fun.”

  “Yes, I’ll go. Mmm, a cougar in action.”

  “Do you know what a cougar is?”

  “Sure, don’t you?”

  “I do now, but I didn’t. Charlie enlightened me.”

  “Really, Charlie? That explains why he asked me if I knew what a cougar was.”

  “Charlie asked you that.”

  “Yes, and after I told him I did he seemed very happy.”

  “I think he wants a stable of cougars so he can pimp us out,” Jana laughed so hard she got the hiccups. “ want to join our corporate stable?”

  “Definitely! Let me know when I need to be ready. I’ve got a change of clothes in my office.”

  “Frank’s supposed to call me back this afternoon and when he does I’ll set it all up. We can go to dinner around seven. We should both be home in our separate beds by ten-and with any luck we won’t be alone.”

  “You are kidding right; we can’t go to bed with these guys on the first date.”

  “Tell you what, I’ll have Steven drive us tonight and if we decide we are going to get lucky, Steven can take you and Frank’s brother home and I’ll get Frank to take me home. How does that sound?”

  “You’re beginning to remind me of my kid brother. He used to set up a game plan for every date with the assumption he’d get lucky. I can’t believe we’ve grown up and become like every man we’ve ever met. Have we come to this?” Cheryl relaxed and smiled, “Well, if the truth be known, I don’t have a problem with this at all. In fact it’s good on several levels. Let me know and I’ll be ready.”

  “I’ll give you a call as soon as I have the details. Cheryl, are you sure you’re fine with all this.”

  “Oh, I’m more than fine. I’m ready, willing and able, really I am. Call me, I’ll be waiting by my phone.”

  Where’s Charlie? The phone is ringing off the hook. “Jana Gates, may I help you?”

  Frank laughed, “It’s really bad when the CEO has to answer her own phone. How’s your day going?”

  “Frank, glad it’s you, I’d hate for any of my competitors to know I had to answer my own phone. As for my day, after a half bottle of aspirin I’m beginning to feel like a human again.”

  “Did your friend agree to join us for dinner tonight?”

  “Yes, she did; by the way her name is Cheryl.”

  “That’s great. My brother’s name is Thomas. He’s very excited too. Do you want us to pick you up and if so where?”

  “Tell you what. We’ll both be leaving from the office so I’ll have my driver take us to the restaurant. Is seven okay?”

  “That’s perfect. I’ll make the reservations. Jana?”

  “Yes, Frank.”

  “I’m looking forward to tonight.”

  “Me too, see you then.”





  Time put closure to the life of the only man Jana had loved for the better part of her adult life. The ending of any life was traumatic, but in Craig’s case it happened so fast that no one really had time to accept what was happening. She knew others who would have welcomed the suffering time of their loves ones to be that short, but she and Liza found it hard to come to grips with the speed the cancer had taken Craig’s life. The services were beautiful with friends and family surrounding them.

  I can’t dwell on this. It was critical she put it all behind her and get on with her life. Liza was now the CEO of Craig’s company and she’d proven herself worthy of that task. Her decisions, while Jana had been in Europe, were above reproach. I’m so proud of her. Though Liza and Jake hadn’t made a final decision on whether Jake would work for Liza or Jana, the topic was on the table; Jake had five months left in Iraq so plenty of time to finalize the plan. He would be home well before their son was born and that too was significant.

  Jana signed the letters Charlie had placed on her desk, completing her work for the day. She and Cheryl had dates tonight with Frank and his brother Thomas. I know Cheryl’s nervous about the Cougar image, but I’m confident she’ll pull it off. She punched the intercom, “Cheryl, are you ready to go?”

  “No, not yet; I’m going to catch a quick shower and put on something other than a suit. Are you ready?”

  “Not even close. I just finished the work on my desk. I want to change as well. Let’s meet in the lobby in 45 minutes. Does that work for you?”

  “Works for me, see you then.” Cheryl clicked off the electronic umbilical cord to her boss and looked around her office. She was the Vice President of a prestigious company, her office was exquisite, and yet she was scared to death. I’ve looked at younger men all my life
. I’ve had fantasies about them and imagined them selecting me from a group of other women. I just never believed I’d be dating one. She shook her head as she removed her suit. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  In the lobby Jana paced. Where is she? I said 45 minutes and she’s late. Damn, I hope she hasn’t changed her mind.

  About the Author

  J.A. Rawls writes erotic romance, usually from the view of the Cougar in pursuit. She enjoys including bits of real-life travels that add to the reality and can be identified if you frequent certain cities. Reading, ballroom dancing, travelling and quilting are some of her favorite pursuits when she’s not writing. J.A. is currently working on several other erotic romances to include her sexy ‘Cougar’ series, stories of older women and their younger men.

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  J.A. Rawls

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