He's So Bad

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He's So Bad Page 13

by Z. L. Arkadie

  “You’re my employee,” I say.

  “I knew you long before I became your employee.”

  Shit. I have to remind myself of what’s important here. I sink into the water and come back up. It’s way too warm to cool my lust.

  I dip my head toward the edge of the pool. “Follow me.”

  I don’t have to guess whether or not she obeys. I climb out of the swimming pool, and Carter’s right behind me. I sit on one of the long chairs, and she sits beside me. I let my dick inform on me. It’s hard and long, and she can’t take her eyes off my rod.

  “As you can see, I want you bad.”

  Carter shoots to her feet. “Then take me.”

  She steps out of her wet bathing suit. I’m mesmerized by her nakedness.

  I take her by the hand. “I’m flattered that you want to give yourself to me.”


  “Just sit.”

  She picks her bathing suit up off the ground and uses the wet garment to cover herself.

  I push the suit down so that I can see her body. “Don’t be ashamed. I want you. Why wouldn’t I? You’re hot.” I take a long sigh. “But, Carter, I have fucking issues. If I fuck you, I don’t know what will happen to me.”

  She frowns. “You’re not making any sense.”

  “You know those rumors you heard about me before I came on board?”

  She shrugs. I take that as a yes.

  “They’re true. I fucked more than half of the women in my other company. And do you know why Vince doesn’t talk to me anymore?”

  She shakes her head.

  “His girlfriend worked for our company, and eventually I fucked her too.”

  “Oh.” She finally has a reaction to something I said. “Well, that explains it.”

  “Explains what?”

  “Allie has been trying to figure out why Vince broke up with his girlfriend and started dating that model.”

  Now I’m the one who’s taken aback. “What model?”

  Carter snaps her fingers as she tries to recall the name. “Oh, it’s Cindy O’Lay.”

  “Vince is dating her?” I sound more disgusted than I am. I’m just surprised. I never thought he’d leave Maggie for anyone, not even Cleopatra resurrected from the dead.

  “Yes. Allie, Maddie, and Lexie…” Carter ruffles her eyebrows. “Those names make them sound like the queens of the WASPs that they are.”

  I chuckle. “They are the queens of the WASPs.”

  She grins appreciatively. “They hated Vince’s girlfriend, but they hate Cindy O’Lay even more. I think it’s because she has more hair and is skinnier than they are.”

  I laugh, but it’s not enough to take the stiff out of my dick.

  Carter shakes her head and rolls her eyes. The thought of her cousins has put her in a cynical mood. “I heard they tried to pawn him off on Emily Callahan of all people.”

  I lift a finger. “I fucked her too.”

  Her eyes widen. “No fucking way.”

  “I bet you don’t want to fuck the same guy who fucked his way through all of Vince’s girlfriends and half of his female employees.”

  Carter drops her swimsuit back on the ground and gets comfortable in her chair. “Well, now that you put it like that…”

  She’s joking, but I can tell by her demeanor that I finally got through to her.

  “I have one thing in this fucking world that I want right now.”

  She looks me square in the eyes. “What’s that?”

  “I want Vince to forgive me, but I need more than his forgiveness. I need him to trust me, and I need to know he can trust me.”

  We stare into each other’s eyes. Finally I can articulate what I’ve been feeling ever since Vince decided to have nothing more to do with me. Carter holds out her hand. I put my hand on top of hers. Our fingers curl around each other’s, and we sit in silence for a long time.

  “Robert, are you still asleep?” Carter says.

  I’m groggy, but I can focus on her pretty face. “No.”

  She checks her watch. “We must’ve fallen asleep two hours ago.”

  “We had an eventful morning.” I’m mostly referring to those fucking pictures Grace dropped on my porch.

  “Well…” Carter stands. She’s still naked, and my dick springs back to life. “A few laps should wake me up.” She dives into the pool.

  I watch her swim from one end of the pool to the other. She swims four laps then clings to the edge to catch her breath.

  “You’re in great shape,” I say.

  She pushes herself out of the water and sits on the edge. “I used to compete in high school. The old girl isn’t what she used to be.”

  I laugh. “You’re only twenty-five.”

  “Who said I was twenty-five?”

  “You alluded to it.”

  “No, you alluded to it. I never confirmed or denied it.” She shakes her head. “I’ll always be younger than what I really am to you. But just so you can stop guessing, I’m twenty-six.”

  I smile at her. There’s no need to point out that there isn’t much of a difference between twenty-five and twenty-six. I join her for some laps. I fool around and push her in the pool, then she pushes me. I’m having a good time dunking her head in the water. She wraps me up around the waist and tries to pull me underwater.

  Suddenly, I lose my head and guide her in front of me. Before I know it, I have her pinned against the edge of the swimming pool. My tongue is in her mouth, and my dick is rubbing against her pussy.

  I pull my mouth off hers. “Shit. No.” My heart is beating a mile a minute.

  Carter holds me tighter. “Robert, if you bang it, you don’t have to buy it.”

  It takes a second for me to understand what she means by that. Basically, if I fuck her, then it doesn’t have to be the start of some great and meaningful relationship. I just remember how sweet her mouth tasted and how soft her lips were. I kiss her again. My dick begs me to let him inside her pussy.

  I drop my face to end the kiss. “I’ve done enough banging without buying.”

  She’s breathing heavily while pelting my forehead and cheeks with kisses. I’m used to women being hot for me to fuck them once I get them to this point. This entire situation is my fucking fault. I call on help from my intuition. Suddenly I hear Maggie say, “Robert is a lost soul only because Vince has done a mighty fine job of enabling him.”

  I take Carter’s hand off my dick. “We can’t.”

  She frowns then pulls away from me. “Okay.” Her voice cracks.

  “Listen…” I say.

  She swims to the opposite side of the pool, and I swim after her. Carter makes it to the steps. I grab hold of her before she can take both feet out of the pool. Her body is so soft and cool, which means her insides are warm. I just want to plunge into her hot depths.

  “It’s okay,” she says. “I’ll get over it.”

  I spin her around. We lock eyes. I make a split-second decision and kiss her sweet mouth. Our tongues roll round each other. Her hard nipples poke my chest. I’m so hard that I’m going to explode.

  “Shit,” I mutter and lift her all the way off the steps and carry her to solid ground.

  Then I lift her legs up and around my waist. Carter’s moaning and whimpering. I’ve never been with a woman this eager. She sucks the skin of my neck between her teeth. It feels so damn sensual. There’s no way we’ll make it back to the house, so I carry her into the men’s changing room. Carter sucks on my nipples as I lay her on the massage bed. My dick is so hard that it’s plastered against my stomach. I pull down my swimming trunks.

  Carter’s eyes grow wide at the sight of my fat dick. “Shit, you’re huge.”

  She sits up, wraps her warm and clammy hand around my cock, and shifts it up and down. I close my eyes to feel the blood flood my shaft. Then a wet, warm mouth surrounds it. I make the mistake of looking down to see her mouth fuck my dick. I quickly shut my eyes and concentrate on not coming.

>   “Enough,” I whisper and guide her back onto the massage bed.

  It’s my turn to taste her. I cover her clit with my mouth and suck and lick. Her creamy juices moisten my face, and as soon as she comes, I intend to lick and taste it all.

  Carter screams and says, “Oh shit!”

  She tries to lift her head, but she quickly pins it back down to the bed. I want her to come harder than she ever has, so I stop working the front of the clit and guide my tongue to the side of her clit. Carter moans and sucks air. She doesn’t sound like a porn star, and I’m satisfied. That’s a classic sign that a woman is faking it. I keep my eyes on her tits. I can’t wait to bite those nipples. Suddenly she screams and shivers. I slow my tongue motion to make her orgasm last.

  “Oh, Robert, oh, Robert, oh, Robert…” she whimpers as I consume her juices.

  I tell myself that I can stop now and not fall deeper into the shit I’ve just stepped in, but instead I spread her legs, crawl between them, and let my cock have what he’s been craving.

  Carter’s pussy is hot and wet. My dick thanks me for letting it slide in and out of her deliciousness. I stroke her nice and slow so that she can feel all ten inches of my fat dick rub against her nerves. The slippery friction makes me want to release prematurely. My rule is to never come before she comes. Even though I feel an enormous amount of guilt for fucking her, I can’t get lazy. I make women come and not with just my mouth. Carter screeches and holds on tighter.

  “Lift your hips, baby,” I say.

  After a moment, she follows my instruction. I work the inside of her pussy until I discover her most sensitive spot.

  “Do you feel that?”


  I put my hands under her ass to keep her stable. Carter’s screaming some indiscernible shit. Her fingernails claw my back. She may have broken skin as she shrieks so loud that her voice echoes throughout the room. Now that she’s come, I fuck her harder and deeper until I’m ready to blow. I pull out and shoot my load all over her belly.

  Now that we’ve started, we can’t stop. We kiss all the way back to my bedroom, where I fuck her some more. This time, I wear a condom. There’s no way I’m ready to bring offspring into the world. We forgo food so that she can blow me until I blow her. I eat her clit and finger fuck her until she squirts.

  And now we lie side by side, looking at the ceiling.

  “How do you feel?” she asks.

  I close my eyes. No woman’s ever asked me that question after I gave it to her so good. The truth is that I feel like a fucking failure. All I had to do was keep my dick and my tongue out of her pussy.

  “That bad?” she says.

  “No, I’m fine.” My tone is coarse.

  She turns on her side and faces away from me. “Like I said, just because you banged it doesn’t mean you have to buy it.”

  I lie on my side and spoon her. “I heard you, but I wanted to buy the next woman I banged.” I chuckle.

  “That’s a tall order for a modern man.”

  I reach around to play with her nipple. I’ve eaten the shit out of her tits, so they should still be nice and tender.

  Carter sucks air. “You’re the best, Robert Tango.”

  I’m too confused about how I feel to say thank you.

  “I’ve wanted to fuck you just about all my life,” she says. “So really, don’t blame yourself for what we’ve done. I wasn’t going to leave here until you gave me what I wanted.”

  I chuckle. “Glad to hear that I was the one being seduced.”

  Carter sighs. “You definitely were.”

  I turn her on her back, and we kiss until I rise again. This time we make serious love. I fucking feel like crying because her pussy feels so good. Not only that, but my soul wants to merge with hers. But fuck, she’s only twenty-six years old. What does a twenty-six-year-old woman really know about the world? I can’t fall in love with Carter long-term, but I can let myself fall in love with her at this moment. I thrust inside her, caress her, and kiss and bite her neck. She squeezes me tightly and shoves her hip against my cock so that I go deeper. When I come, I hold her so tightly that I’m afraid I might break her. Or she may break me.

  Carter and I clean up, get dressed, and drive downtown for dinner at a bistro on Jefferson Street. The waitress takes our order, smiles, and says she’ll get it to us soon.

  Carter rolls her eyes. “I guess I’m invisible.”

  I frown.

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice all the service she was giving you?” She sees my even more confused expression and leans across the table. “Oh, don’t look at me as if I’m a psycho jealous lover. That chick totally ignored me.”

  I laugh because that thought was slowly coming to mind.

  “Anyway, you’re obviously beautiful, sexy, and good in bed, so what’s a girl to do but try to make you her own?” she says.

  I smile as I bask in her beauty. “Have you always been this funny?”

  She winks. “Yes.”

  I laugh.

  “But just so you know, if lightning struck me dead, then I would die perfectly content,” she says.

  “And why is that?”

  “You did me.”

  I sniff a chuckle. I want to be serious about all the sex we just had. A large part of me wants to buy the pussy I just banged, but am I ready for a full-on relationship? “Why did you say that if I bang it, then I don’t have to buy it?”

  Carter does her customary eye roll. “Because where you’re from, a woman only rations out the pussy as an investment.”

  “Where I’m from?”

  “I’ve dated Middle-America-minded boys before. One fuck, and they think I want to marry them at some point. That’s not where I’m from.”

  “Me neither,” I say.

  She picks up her glass of water. “Robert Tango, you’ve made yourself a man of the world for sure, but your issues—you know, the ones that fueled the rumors?—they stem from you trying to disassociate yourself from the rigid shit someone tried to shove down your throat during your formative years. I mean, that’s exactly what’s wrong with Maddie, Allie, and Lexie. They all married the first man they fucked after the age of twenty-one.”

  I take a moment to contemplate everything she just said. I realize that she’s mixing humor with social theories. This isn’t the first time I’ve sat with someone who tried to figure out what’s wrong with most people in our society, but they’re usually stoned.

  “Have you been smoking marijuana?” I ask.

  She tosses her head back to laugh. “I partake in the exotic bush every now and then, but not at the moment.” She waves flippantly. “Just forget everything I just said. You didn’t ask me to play your shrink.”

  I shake my head. “No, it’s okay. Speak your mind. You’ve certainly come alive tonight.”

  “That’s because I have nothing to lose.”

  I furrow my eyebrows, wondering what she means by that. I’m about to ask when the waitress brings my whisky and Carter’s cherry martini.

  The waitress smiles only at me. “Enjoy.”

  Carter pats her arm. “Excuse me?”

  She turns her smile toward Carter.

  “Do you want me to enjoy this drink as well?”

  At first the waitress ruffles her eyebrows as if she’s confused, but then she snorts. “Yeah, right. Sorry, he’s hot.”

  That breaks the ice, because the two women share a good laugh at the expense of my “hotness.” The waitress gives me one more lustful look as she walks away.

  I put my focus back on Carter. “Hey, what did you mean by you had nothing to lose?”

  She shakes her head passively. “Forget it.”

  I feel as if she’s hiding something from me, but I choose to respect her wishes. Our dinner comes, and we reminisce about Vince and his sisters. Carter also has a lot of questions about my marriage to Lena. Where did we meet? How did I feel when I first saw her? I’m forced to speak the truth.

  “The sad tru
th is I wanted her because Vince wanted her. I went too far when I married her.” I feel like shit again. “I’ve been the worst buddy he could have for most of our lives.”

  Carter frowns as she balks. “I’m not big on easing self-pity, but I can honestly say that that’s not true.”


  “You were the brother that Vince needed. Um, Maddie, Allie, and Lexi… hello…”

  I laugh.

  “I love them, but they’re the witches of Eastwick. If it weren’t for you, Vince would be wearing Easter-egg yellow golfing khakis and a Polo shirt with black-and-white Oxfords. He’d be married to the queen of the Stepford wives with three little objects they parade around on Sunday mornings to show the world they’ve gotten with the program. You made Vince edgy, and he should thank his lucky stars for that.”

  I study her expression. She really believes what she just said, but I’m not sure if I do. “I thought you were close to Allie, Maddie, and Lexie?”

  She nods with her trademark eye roll. “We are.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “You sound as if you regret it.”

  “They’re always on my ass. Allie has called three times since I’ve been here. And Maddie called because Allie couldn’t get in touch with me.” She raises a finger pointedly. “Oh, and then Allie called Tyler to ask if I was with him.”

  I feel my whole face frown. “Tyler?”

  “He called me to ask where I am.”

  I flinch, taken aback. “And did you tell him?”

  She gazes off thoughtfully. “No, I didn’t.”

  I study her as she remains in her thoughts for a moment. I’ve seen that look on a woman’s face before. I may have fucked another woman who’s still in love with another man.

  Our food arrives, and we get through the rest of dinner by sharing our dream projects. Once we’re done with our meal, I pay the bill, and we return to my place. I ask Carter if she would like to sleep in a freshly made bed for the night, but she prefers to stay in the room that I originally offered her. And now we’re standing face-to-face. Although I suspect she’s in love with the douchebag that threw her out of her own apartment, my dick wants to go another round with her pussy. Why not? She’s a woman. I’m a man. And that’s a bed.


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