Reclaiming Love

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Reclaiming Love Page 15

by Vicki McElfresh

  "All right then. Do you think you can get some clothes and things? I'm going to have Detective Sanders pull his car around to the back door. We're going to take you out that way and leave your car here. It's not a perfect plan, but it might confuse him for a little bit. Detective Sanders can take you to Mr. McCann's."

  As the shock wore off, he could think more clearly. “What about my car? How do I get to work?” The clock now said seven, and he had to be at work in an hour. “I need to call my boss. I don't think I can go to work today."

  Karen Babcock's smile was warm and friendly, and he liked her. “And I don't think you should. You and your roommate work for the same company?"

  Kevin nodded.

  "He can pick you up and take you home. I'm going to ask him to make other living arrangements as well. This place obviously isn't safe anymore. If you can, I think you should take a couple of days from work, but that's your choice."

  "What about Josh?” He shivered at the mention of the name.

  "I'm going to have a talk with him. It's possible he might be scared away by that. Not likely, but possible. Go ahead and gather up some things.” Her voice was gentle, and he didn't flinch when she touched him. He stood and stared into the kitchen. Most of the photos had been gathered up now.

  "Will I get my pictures back?"

  "Do you want those back?"

  "Some of them. He tore up all of my albums and my family pictures. I can't replace those."

  "I'll see that you get them back. Right now, they're evidence."

  Kevin couldn't shake the feeling that his awareness was hovering somewhere above his body while he took down a duffel bag and gathered up clothes. He shoved a few days’ worth of work things into a garment bag and put his laptop into its case. A thought occurred to him just before he zipped the case, and he pulled the computer out and turned it on. His account had been locked when he tried to log in, but he managed with another, hidden account.

  "Kevin?” He looked up from the log files on his screen to find a concerned Connor in the doorway.

  "He tried to hack into my computer."

  "How can you tell?"

  He turned the screen around so Connor could see. “I might mistype a password a few times, but not nineteen times.” He shut the laptop and stowed it in the bag. Connor picked up his bags.

  Connor's touch was gentle, and Kevin was proud that he didn't flinch. “You might not be any safer with me. You do realize that. He knows where I live, too, and it's probably the first place he'll look."

  Kevin nodded, and he stared at the place where Connor had held him, offering a net of safety and love. “But I feel safe with you, and I don't want to put Nicki in a position where she might get hurt.” He shouldered the laptop bag. “I don't want to come back here,” he whispered. “I've got to find someplace else to live."

  "One thing at a time."

  Detective Babcock led him out of the apartment. “I'll take you down to Doug's car, and he'll take you to Mr. McCann's. I'm going to come talk to you later today."

  He nodded and looked around the apartment for Nicki.

  "Where's Nicki? I wanted to—"

  "She'll meet you at Mr. McCann's. Come on now.” He allowed himself to be led from his home, down several flights of stairs and to a service door in the back of the building. A dark sedan waited for him. He climbed into the backseat, too tired and drained to protest. Connor got in the front, and the car pulled away. He didn't think about work until the car stopped at Connor's building and the detective had escorted them both upstairs.

  "I need to call my boss,” he said, not expecting any response, but Connor put a cordless phone in his hand.

  He dialed the number, and he was actually glad when Cheryl answered. “I can't come in today.” He closed his eyes and wondered what sort of excuse to use. He hated calling in.

  "Kevin, are you all right? You sound—"

  The truth would be best, no doubt. “My apartment was broken into. Things are kind of a mess. I'll be there tomorrow."

  "Take as much time as you need."

  "I'll be there tomorrow."

  They spoke for a few more minutes before he finally hung up the phone. He curled up in the chair, tempted to simply go to sleep.

  "If you want to sleep,” Connor said. “At least use the bed. Detective Babcock said you should rest.” He led Kevin into the bedroom, and he curled into a little ball in the middle of the bed and closed his eyes. Connor pulled the covers over him, and he fell asleep, basking in the scent of the man, certain he was safer than he'd been in a long time.

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  Chapter Twelve

  "I will warn you.” Doug Sanders was a big man. As tall as Connor, he might have been imposing, except he smelled faintly of cigarettes and old coffee, and his middle-age paunch hinted that he was well past his prime. “He's not any safer here than where he was. Harding knows about you. He knows where you live. He'll look here."

  The echo of the same thing he'd told Kevin made Connor sigh. “I already told Kevin that, but he insisted."

  Doug pointed to the windows. “I'd advise you to keep the shades pulled and the windows and door locked. I wouldn't let Kevin stay here alone. Out in public, he's probably safe, but alone, that's when something is likely to happen."

  "Probably safe?"

  Sanders shrugged. “I wouldn't put it past Harding to try something in public. I would take that threat seriously, Mr. McCann. Apparently, the guy's been stalking him for a while now, and he's angry because he's trying to move on. I don't know what your relationship is or how serious it is, but you could end up being as much of a target as Kevin."

  "I know."

  "I'm offering a warning, that's all. I wanted you to understand the situation."

  "There's nothing you can do?"

  Sanders stuck his hands in the pockets of his overcoat and shook his head. “We can talk to Harding. We have no hard evidence that he was in Kevin's apartment. All we have is Kevin's word.” He fumbled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and tapped the pack. “Harding would have been in prison if we could have gotten Kevin to testify three years ago, but he refused. He didn't even really refuse as much as he just wouldn't talk. I worked that case with Karen, and I know it still haunts her. We could press stalking charges on him, but he won't stay in prison. First time offense, and the charge would be a misdemeanor. He'd be out in no time.” He slid one of the cigarettes out and palmed it, then put the pack back in his pocket. “Harding's got money. He's well connected. It's not as easy as it sounds."

  Connor sat down and rubbed his eyes. He still felt tired and groggy, and now he was worried and afraid as well. “What can I do?” A tiny little part of him wondered if Kevin was really worth all of this, but the greater part of him knew the answer. He was definitely worth it.

  "Besides what you've been doing?"

  Connor nodded.

  "More of the same. Karen has some resources she wants to give Kevin, but other than that, just be there. I'm going to go now. I've got this number if we need to call. Someone should get him another cell phone with a different number. Harding probably took the phone to get the number and any numbers stored in the phone."

  "I'll see what I can do. Kevin's not handled this..."

  Sanders leaned against the wall and stuck his cigarette in his mouth, but he didn't light it. “He hasn't done too badly, actually. His pink-haired friend said he had the cell phone with him all the time. His friends and anyone else who needed to get in touch with him had that number and were instructed to call it because he didn't answer his home phone. He has refrained from any contact with Harding. He doesn't call. He doesn't respond to his letters. He keeps a bag packed in his car, and he's fastidious about keeping the gas tank close to full. Unfortunately, Harding doesn't take the hint. All the things Kevin's done are recommended for victims.” Sanders went to the door. “Here's my card. Call if you need anything."

  Connor shut and locked the door behind the detecti
ve. He made a circuit of the flat and pulled all of the shades down. Kevin appeared to be soundly asleep.

  A soft knock on the door hailed Nicki's arrival. She was alone now, but she was carrying a bag of bagels and cups of coffee. “Kevin asleep?"


  They sat down and ate and stared at each other. Connor could think of nothing to say to her. “I'm sorry, Connor. I wish—"

  "It's okay. Once we get past this...” He didn't finish the thought. He knew she was thinking the same thing he was. If Kevin survived. Seeing the death threat scrawled on Kevin's door had left him cold, and he felt as if he should be able to do something more than what he'd been doing. “Things will be better."

  They sat in silence for a while, neither able to summon the words to speak. Eventually, Nicki left, promising to come back later. Connor propped his feet on one of the milk crates he hadn't yet gotten rid of and closed his eyes. He was so tired he couldn't think.


  The voice startled him awake. He blinked at Kevin. He was still wearing the sweats and T-shirt he'd likely slept in the night before. His arms were crossed over his chest right now as though he might be cold. The flat was chilly, Connor realized.

  "Sorry,” Connor mumbled and rubbed his eyes. “What do you need? I've got food if you're hungry, and I'll put on some water for tea. Sorry, I don't have coffee."

  Kevin shivered. “Could I take a shower?"

  "Of course. Here, I'll show you where everything is, and if you need something we can go out and get it."

  Kevin didn't protest, and he accepted a towel with a whispered thanks.

  Connor shut the bathroom door and paused a moment to turn the heat up before he sat down in front of his computer. He needed to do some work, but he was so tired he didn't think he could concentrate. He just stared at the computer screen, unable to find the motivation to do anything. He gave up on work and instead went into the kitchen to fix something to eat. He had a feeling Kevin wouldn't to eat, and he kept the meal light—just sandwiches—but he did make certain to put a pot of water on to boil so he could make tea. He took the plate into the living room and left it on the coffee table and waited for Kevin to return.

  Kevin's hair was damp, and he'd changed into a clean pair of sweats and a sweatshirt that didn't seem to match. The pants had been black once, and the shirt was blue. He sat down in the office chair, looking lost and alone.

  Connor couldn't resist smiling. “I made something to eat."

  "I'm not hungry."

  "I thought you would say that.” He went to the kitchen long enough to bring two mugs of tea out. He handed one to Kevin. “It's not coffee, but it's the best I can do. It's hot and soothing. I think you need that."

  "Thanks.” He sipped it and glanced around the living room. “We've got to get you a couch.” Kevin's face flamed after those words came out. “I'm sorry, I—"

  "A couch would be nice.” Connor put his mug aside and reached up to push the tangled hair away from Kevin's face. “How do you feel?"

  Kevin licked his lips. “Do you want me to be brutally honest?"

  "I love honest."

  The phrase brought a brief smile to Kevin's lips. “I'm terrified, and at the same time I'm so mad. I wish I could get hold of him and choke him. He's taken everything from me, Connor. Everything. I had to start completely fresh. I had two boxes of stuff when I left him. Two boxes.” He held up two fingers. “I only unpacked one. The other one is under my bed. I've peeked in it, but I never unpacked it. The things that mattered most, he kept, because he knew it would hurt me. My pictures. My computer. And then when I finally start to get my life back in order, and it finally starts to look like I might find some happiness, he starts this shit. I am so sick of being afraid."

  "I won't let him hurt you.” Connor meant those words. He'd do whatever it took to keep Kevin safe.

  "I know.” Kevin smiled, and the smile brought a little life to his gray eyes. “That's why I came here. I believe that."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "I'll talk to the cop. Babcock?"

  Connor nodded.

  "I don't think there's much they can do, really. I need to get another phone, a new place to live. I hate going through this again.” He sipped the tea. “I did everything right, everything those stupid Web sites I read told me to do. I didn't talk to him. I didn't let anyone else talk to him. I tried to stay safe. I made sure someone always knew where I was, just in case. It made no difference.” He put his mug on the floor. “Why can't he just let me go?"

  "I don't know. I'm not going to pretend to understand him. The important thing is keeping you safe."

  Kevin gave him a brief smile and reached for the mug again.

  "I can fix them,” Connor said.

  "Fix what?"

  "The pictures, if they aren't too badly damaged. Bends and tears, I can fix. I might even be able to fix the ones that were in the water. I have a scanner.” He pointed to the desk where a little scanner was buried under a pile of papers and mail. “I just have to uncover it."

  The smile that lit up Kevin's face made Connor's heart ache. “You can do that?"

  He nodded. “It'll take some time, but I can. They'll be digital files, so if something happened to the paper copies, you wouldn't lose the pictures."

  Kevin left his chair to embrace Connor, eventually sitting in his lap. “Thank you.” He punctuated the word with a kiss. “For everything."

  "Eat something. I know you aren't hungry, but..."

  Kevin grimaced, but he did pick up the sandwich and ate a couple of bites before putting it aside. He sagged against Connor with his head resting on Connor's chest.

  "This isn't very comfortable."

  Connor laughed. “No it's not. You're heavier than you look. I think my leg went to sleep."

  That dragged a little laugh from Kevin. “That's from all of the good food I eat."

  Connor laughed. “You aren't fat.” He rubbed Kevin's belly, noticing that no matter what Kevin said, it felt perfectly flat, and he could feel muscle definition under the thick shirt. “I like you like this."

  "I don't."

  He smoothed Kevin's hair and touched his belly again. “Did you ever stop to think part of this could be from the surgery that cut these muscles?"

  "My doctor said that."

  "Then you should listen to the doctor. It takes time to recover from something like that."

  "Three years?” Kevin didn't believe him.

  "We all heal at difference paces.” He shifted slightly. “My leg is definitely going to sleep."

  "Lay on the bed with me.” Kevin stood and pulled him up. “Please.” Kevin's expression betrayed no hint of his emotions, and Connor wasn't quite sure what to do. Being so close to Kevin made him ache, and yet he wanted to comfort him.

  Kevin curled around him like a blanket as soon as they lay down, and Connor was certain Kevin noticed his erection, a fact proven when a knee nudged his groin gently and drew a gasp from him.

  "Are you teasing me?"

  Kevin's response was to kiss him hard, a kiss full of tongue and teeth, one that left Connor breathless and gasping.

  "Kevin, I—"

  "Don't talk,” Kevin murmured. “I don't want to talk.” Kevin's hands slid under Connor's shirt, and nimble fingers tweaked his nipples. Kevin gathered the shirt in his hands and slid it up. “Off."

  Connor obeyed, and Kevin's lips moved over his jaw, and his tongue snaked a trail from his chin down to the hollow of his throat. His hands slid across the flat planes of his stomach, and those sweet lips moved lower, the tongue slipping out to circle a rosy nipple, before hard teeth nipped at it.

  "Oh, God.” Connor buried his fingers in Kevin's hair and resisted the sudden urge to move him lower to the aching erection hidden by the fabric of his own sweat pants. Kevin buried his face in the patch of curly hair on Connor's chest, breathing deeply before moving to the other nipple.

  "Kevin,” he gasped, and that gasp turned to a m
oan when Kevin's hands trailed down his thighs then tugged at the waistband of the sweats. He grabbed Kevin's hands and drew them back up, raising each palm to his lips. “Not yet."

  He flipped Kevin onto his back and pinned his wrists above him. The eyes were dark with what Connor hoped was desire. He claimed Kevin's lips with bruising force, slipping a knee between his thighs. “My turn,” he whispered.

  Fear glittered in Kevin's eyes for a moment, and Connor hesitated, letting his wrists go, but Kevin immediately drew his head down for another kiss.

  Connor slid his hands under Kevin's shirt, delighting in the way Kevin arched into his touch. He gathered the fabric in his hands and tugged. “It's only fair that I get to see, too."

  Kevin hesitated before sitting up to draw the shirt off. His touch wasn't quite as confident now, and Connor saw real fear. He touched Kevin's cheek, a little rough now with the need for a shave. “We don't have to do this."

  "I want to.” As if to prove his point, Kevin's next kiss stole Connor's breath, and his fingers traced a pattern down Connor's bare back, sending prickles of excitement and goose flesh crawling all over his body. He moaned into Kevin's mouth. He ached for that touch, wanted it everywhere at once, and Kevin's fingers again moved to the waist of his pants.

  "You're determined to get me naked."

  Kevin laughed softly, reminding Connor of a wicked nymph, and when Connor pulled away, Kevin's eyes glittered with amusement, a teasing smile skirted around his lips. “Can you blame me?"

  Their fierce kiss had Kevin moaning this time. He kissed his way over Kevin's chin and down his neck. He dipped his tongue into the hollow of his throat and tasted the salty flesh. Kevin's chest was smooth, and Connor ran his hands over the soft skin, pulling away so he could drink in the sight of Kevin with swollen lips and hooded eyes. His chest heaved slightly, and his breath was a little fast.

  Connor lowered his mouth to one of the dark nipples, mauve colored, already erect. Kevin whimpered and squirmed when Connor's thigh moved up further, nudging his erection. He laughed softly and circled the taut flesh with his tongue, pulling away when he noticed a small hole in the skin. “Your nipples are pierced?"


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