Escapades (Trident Ink Book 1)

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Escapades (Trident Ink Book 1) Page 17

by Lilly Atlas

  Getting fully back on track wasn’t something that would happen in the blink of an eye. A couple didn’t go through two years of disconnect and bounce back in a mere week or two. And most likely, their relationship wouldn’t be the same as it was before. Too much had happened. Too much sorrow. Too much sadness. But they could still be strong, hell, maybe even stronger for having trudged through the darkness and emerged in the light.

  Yes, in that moment, staring at his wife laid out before him, Derek was one hundred percent confident they’d not only get back to where they’d been two years ago, but they’d be sturdier.

  “How is it possible,” he asked as he knelt on the end of the bed, “that you get sexier and sexier with each passing year?”

  She tilted her head and straightened one leg, sliding her foot up his thigh. A laugh bubbled out of her. Fantastic sound that hadn’t had much chance to be used lately. “Guess it’s just my special gift to the world,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

  Didn’t matter how often he told her, part of her never quite believed she was as stunning as he proclaimed. Silly woman.

  Good thing he had the next forty plus years to convince her.

  “The world?” He reached out and circled a delicate ankle with his hand.

  “Not the world. Just you. Always just you.”

  “That’s right baby.” He stroked up the silky skin of her calf and over her knee to her thigh. “All this gorgeous, just for me. All this sweet, kind, intelligent…” He shook his head. It was his and he’d almost let it go.

  “It’s over now, Derek. We’ve found our way back. No more sadness. Just love me.” She widened her legs further and scooted down the bed until her drenched sex pressed against his knees.

  His dick rested atop his thighs pointing straight toward her tits. He’d love to come on them, see them decorated with the evidence of his desire for her. But it would have to hold until next time. Because there was only one place he’d be getting off right now, and that was deep in her tight pussy.

  He grabbed her hands with his and bent forward, looming over her. He pressed their joined hands into the damp mattress beside her head. Then, he kissed her lips, her cheek, her chin. With a soft sigh, she tilted her head back giving him access to her neck. Answering her unspoken request, he continued kissing his way down the underside of her chin to her tits.

  As he closed his mouth over her taut nipple, she arched her back. “Yess,” she hissed. He sucked strongly on her nipple before releasing it and licking his way over to its twin. This time, he nipped the underside of her breast, causing her to yelp, then giggle.

  She wasn’t as full as she’d once been. Not quite as perky. Nursing Katie had done that to her, but he hadn’t lost one bit of interest in her body post baby. In fact, the evidence of her having had a child, the widening in her hips, the softness of her belly was so innately feminine it only made him more attracted to her. The thought of her filling again, rounding out with another child had white-hot desire shooting through his veins.

  Yeah, it was pretty safe to say he was getting on board with the idea of having another child.

  Still holding her hands captive, he trailed his lips down her torso.

  “Later,” she said, as he was about to get his mouth on her sex. Her voice was strained with need. “I want to feel you inside me. No more playing. No more waiting.”

  Well, that certainly worked for him.

  He rose to a tall kneel and released her hands before scooping under her knees and placing her calves on his shoulders. He was careful to avoid the bandages, but with all anticipation coursing through him, pain had all but disappeared.

  Without being asked, she reached between his legs and circled his cock. Her hand closed in a firm grip and she stroked over the sensitive skin at the same time she tilted her hips and dragged the head of his cock through her soaked folds.

  “Fuck.” He dug his fingers into her thighs where they rested at his shoulder level. “So damn hot.”

  This time, when she slid him through her hot flesh, she halted at her opening and let go.

  “You want my cock, baby?”

  She nodded frantically.

  There was something about seeing her spread out before him, legs wide, waiting for his cock. He wasn’t a sadist by any means, but he enjoyed the flash of desperation in her eyes as he held back for a moment, making her wait, making her beg.

  “Derek, please.”

  He needed no further prompting and thrust into her in one long, hard stroke.

  “Yes,” she cried out as her hips rose, aiding in the penetration.

  This was it. This was everything. It went too far beyond the physical pleasure, to a soul-deep connection. She wanted. She needed. And he was the only man who would ever fulfill that need. The only man who would satisfy her sexually, but also with his love. Buried inside her, they were linked in every possible way and it was as vital to him as breathing.

  The moment he bottomed out, he paused and just enjoyed the feel of her warm, tight grip on every inch of his shaft. Her eyes were at half mast, lips swollen from his kisses, hair a tangled wet mess around her head. She was breathtaking. “Tell me what you’re feeling.”

  “Full,” she answered at once. “Here.” She clenched her pussy around him causing him to grunt and see stars. “And here.” Her hand pressed over her heart.

  There wasn’t a better answer than that.

  “Gonna fuck you now.”

  “About time.” She winked and blew him a kiss.

  With a snicker, he pulled out then slammed back into her, drawing a sharp cry of pleasure from her lips. That sound, the involuntary acknowledgement of how damn good she was feeling broke the last shred of his control.

  He pounded into her again and again, soaking up each and every whimper, grunt, and moan she emitted.

  This was where he belonged.

  This was his home.

  This was where he’d heal.

  It didn’t take more than a few minutes before his balls grew heavy and tight with the need for release. He gritted his teeth and tried to hold off, tried to make it last, but when Alyssa’s cries grew frantic and she clawed at his back trying to pull him even tighter against her, he knew it was a battle he wouldn’t win.

  Bending forward, he folded her nearly in half and whispered against her ear. “Still love you, Lyss. Loved you every day of the last two years. Even if I didn’t show it. Come with me now.”

  She turned her head and met his gaze. He thrust two more times, came with a force so powerful he almost wasn’t able to keep his eyes open and watch Lyss come. Her mouth opened, and a harsh gasp flew out as her body went rigid beneath him. Ten sharp nails pricked into his back. He fucking loved that sensation. When she lost control enough to forget to be careful.

  As though he’d shot all his energy out his dick, he slumped down on her. Their chests met then retreated with their rapid breathing. After a few minutes, Alyssa wiggled, and he realized he was still holding her legs up. Her knees were nearly at her ears. Poor thing probably felt crushed.

  “Sorry, babe,” he said, as he maneuvered his arms so her legs could drop to the bed.

  Strong, slender arms looped around his back. “Don’t completely go. I was just squished. I’m good now. I still want to feel your weight.”

  He shifted so he was only half lying on her, giving her enough space to breathe. He rested his head on her chest as her fingertips caressed up and down his sweat-dampened back. The other hand, he placed over her lower abdomen. “We didn’t use a condom.”

  Her hand stilled. “I know. And I stopped taking the pill, just in case I was pregnant.”

  Her words surprised him. The honest truth was additional protection hadn’t even crossed his mind. She was his wife and they hadn’t had a need for condoms since before they were married. “You okay with that?”

  The question was met with a silence that had a bit of nervousness skittering through him. “Lyss?” He popped his head up and watched he
r face.

  “I think I am. For this time. I’m not ready to actively start trying, but if it happens…”

  He smiled. “Yeah? Well, I’ll pick up some condoms. If it turns out you’re not pregnant, you can go back on the pill until we decide we are ready. I’m good either way. Okay?” It was the truth.

  “Okay. I love you too, Derek. You know that, right? That hasn’t wavered at all. Just like you said.”

  “Never doubted it for a second, Lyss.” And he hadn’t. This had never been about a lack of love. The whole fucking world could be crumbling around them and the one constant would be their love.

  “Derek?” Her hand absently sifted through the hair at the base of his scalp.

  “Yeah, babe?” He nuzzled the side of her breast with his nose. This moment was perfect. There wasn’t one thing that could make it better.

  “Let’s have brunch here this Sunday.”

  He shifted so he was positioned over her once again, staring down at the sated and happy look on her face. They’d come full circle.

  He was wrong, the moment could get better.

  “You got it,” he said as he claimed her mouth, ready to love on her all over again.


  It was Sunday, brunch day. The second one since Derek’s injury and their reconciliation.

  And it was seven days after her period was due.

  It came like clockwork. Never a day early. Never a day late. Until she’d gotten pregnant the first time around. And until today.

  Her friends and chosen family milled around downstairs, eating, laughing, and completely unaware of the impending nervous breakdown one floor above them in the master bathroom. She should have waited, had tried to wait, but she sat at the table obsessing and needed to put herself out of her misery.

  Earlier that morning, it had hit her like a lightning strike. Seven days. Seven days late. She’d been so busy with work and Derek, that the lack of period had gone unnoticed. Until today. The day when she was having a houseful of people for brunch. As they’d done every Sunday until Katie got sick and had recently started again.

  So, under the guise of needing more orange juice, she’d gone to the store and purchased a pregnancy test. It had taken five minutes of staring at the shelf to get her hands to listen to her brain and actually pull the box from the shelf. Of course, they’d been trembling the whole time. This was a moment she’d been petrified of for the past few years.

  After Derek came home, they’d sort of had an unspoken pact not to mention the possibility looming over them.

  And now it may all be upon her.

  As was the way of life, there’d been an accident that blocked her route home and she’d returned at the same moment Roxie showed up. Hunter, who was quickly becoming a close friend of the both her and Derek, arrived about thirty seconds later. She’d decided she could wait until the guests had left and she was alone.

  But that hadn’t worked. So now she was hiding out in her bathroom trying to stare at anything but the little stick waiting on the closed toilet lid.

  Was she ready to be a mother again? It was the main issue she was working on in therapy with Maggie during her solo sessions. The times with Derek were spent focusing on their relationship, and the alone time for individual growth and healing.

  Despite the progress she was making, lingering fears still had a solid grip on her. There were too many things that could go wrong. The potential for soul-crushing pain too high.

  “Babe? Where you at?” Derek’s voice rang out from their bedroom.

  “In here,” she called. “Just fixing my hair.” It was a half-truth. She’d gotten warm cooking and needed a tie to hold her hair back.

  Two seconds later, her husband’s large form filled the doorway between their bedroom and bathroom. “Babe, is there something going on with Roxie? Has she seemed off to you lately?”

  God, she loved this man. He cared about her friend’s welfare just as much as she did. “Actually, I did notice. She’s been strange for the past month. I think something is up with her and Gregg. I’m going to try to get together with her for lunch on Tuesday. I’ll ask her about it then.”

  “Sounds good. You hiding out up here?” He strode into the room and she positioned herself so she was blocking his view of the toilet.

  “No. Just needed a minute. I’ll be right down.”

  He narrowed his eyes and folded his arms across his muscular chest. “Lyss? What’s going on?”

  He knew her too well. Like a bloodhound, he could always sniff out if she was having a problem. The alarm on her phone chimed. Three minutes were up. She swallowed.

  “What’s that?”

  Her eyes locked with Derek’s. It was as though her tongue thickened in her mouth, making speaking impossible. Her heart pounded as she stepped to the left, revealing the pregnancy test waiting on the toilet seat.

  Derek’s gaze shifted then returned to hers, this time wide eyed. “I—” His Adam’s apple rose and fell as he swallowed. “Is it time to look?”

  She nodded. No point in delaying it. With nausea rolling in her gut, she grabbed the test. It wobbled in her hands. Derek stepped forward and surrounded her shaking fingers with his strong, steady ones, lending his never-ending strength.

  “Whatever it says, it’ll be okay, Lyss. I promise.”

  She nodded and for the sake of her husband, pretended she had the strength for this. She gazed down at the test.

  Two blue lines.



  Joy hit her so hard she almost fell to her knees. Any worry, doubt, fear she’d been harboring disappeared the second her eyes caught that second line. She was going to be a mother again.

  “It’s positive,” she said holding the stick in front of Derek’s face. “Oh my God, it’s positive.”

  Derek let out a tremendous whoop and lifted her off her feet, spinning her around. When he set her down, he cupped her face and kissed her. “Are you okay?”

  “I…yes, I am. If you’d asked me yesterday I would have told you I was still terrified. But seeing it now in front of me. I’m good. More than good. I’m ecstatic.”


  Derek couldn’t believe it. Once he’d gotten over his initial poor reaction to the possibility, he’d been ready for it, but Lyss had been having a harder time wrapping her mind around the idea. Actually, she was having a harder time opening her heart to the idea. She was so afraid of setting herself up for a pain like they’d once had.

  But seeing her like this, her eyes shining with excitement and joy. Yeah, she’d be alright. And she’d fall right back into motherhood.

  It was a gift from their daughter. He just knew it. Her way of showing them they belonged together, and they were strong. It was her way of helping them find joy again in their lives.

  Thank you, Katie.

  “Come on. Let’s get downstairs. Everyone’s gonna start wondering what we’re doing up here.” He bobbed his eyebrows. “Of course, it’s exactly what I am planning to do, it’ll just have to wait until later.”

  Lyss laughed, a beautiful sound that happened all the time these days. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

  As he turned to leave, she grabbed his arm. “Let’s keep it to ourselves for now. It’s so early.” She shrugged.

  Part of him was dying to shout it from the rooftops, but he got her point. It was too new. Hell, they hadn’t even had a chance to process it themselves. No point in bringing everyone else in just yet. “Sure, babe. Come on.” He captured her hand in his and tugged her out of the bathroom, giving her ass a swat when she passed him.

  “Hey!” She yelped with a giggle.

  “Can’t help myself. That ass just calls to me.”

  They were still laughing when they reached the bottom of the steps. The staircase led directly into the kitchen, and all their friends were gathered around the kitchen island, loading plates and sharing stories. “Hold up a minute,” he said as he snaked an arm around Alyssa�
��s waist and pulled her back against him.

  She tilted her head up and sent him a quizzical look.

  “Just want to watch them all for a second. We’ve got it pretty damn good, don’t we?”

  Alyssa turned back and surveyed the jovial crowd. “Yeah, we really do.”

  “Ah, twenty bucks, Brett! Pay up.” Alyssa’s assistant Hannah held out her palm to Derek.

  “What? No way, woman. How do you know you won? You can’t possibly tell they weren’t having sex up there.”

  Alyssa giggled at the same time Hannah rolled her eyes.

  “Clothes are straight, hair isn’t mussed, lipstick perfect. Please, man, no sex was being had. Pay up, sore loser.”

  Brett frowned and turned toward them. “Well?”

  Derek laughed, long and loud. “Sorry to disappoint you, brother.”

  “Dude!” Brett said. He reached into his pocket, pulled out a bill, and slapped it in a grinning Hannah’s palm.

  She did a little dance before putting it into her pocket. “Pleasure doing business with you, sir,” she said.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Brett grabbed a potato off Hannah’s plate then hopped away before she could slap his arm.

  Against his chest, Alyssa shook with laughter.

  Suddenly, Derek couldn’t hold it in. “Lyss is pregnant.”

  The room went dead silent except for his wife’s loud gasp. She looked up at him. “What happened to keeping it quiet?”

  He shrugged. “Sorry, slipped out.” Hopefully his grin looked somewhat sheepish, though really, he wasn’t remorseful in the least.

  Lyss rolled her eyes and huffed. “Der, you were a SEAL. You were trusted with covert information all the time. You’re supposed to be able to keep a secret for more than five seconds.”

  “Holy shit!” Roxie jumped up and down sending the mimosa in her champagne flute sloshing all over the floor. It was the first time in weeks she seemed to forget whatever was plaguing her and act just like Roxie. “Oh, shit, sorry! You’re pregnant. Really? I’m gonna be an auntie?”

  Lyss gave him a mock scowl then lifted up and kissed his chin before turning to her friend. “Yes,” she squealed then bounded into the kitchen. Neither of them seemed to care much about the mess on the floor.


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