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Page 2

by Catherine Lievens

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I have to find my friend.”

  Duncan frowned. “Your friend?”

  “Yes, Demi.”

  “Oh. Is she your girlfriend?”

  Noah laughed. “Oh, don’t let Demi hear you called him a girl.”

  “Your boyfriend, then.”

  “No, no. He’s just a friend, but he’s the one I came here with. I can’t abandon him.”

  “Can I come with you?”

  Noah hesitated. He didn’t really want to put any distance between them, but he knew all too well how Demi would react at the sight of Noah snuggling with a human. Oh, well. It was only for the night, anyway. “Sure.”

  Noah grabbed Duncan’s hand and tried to pull him away, but Duncan didn’t move.

  “Wait, I need to grab my brother.”

  Noah watched as Duncan walked to a guy leaning against the wall and talked to him. The guy’s eyes went wide and shot toward Noah. He beamed at Duncan and nodded before the two of then walked back to Noah and Duncan presented him. “This is Derick, my brother.”

  Noah offered Derick his hand. “Noah.” The wide smile Derick offered him puzzled Noah, but he smiled back then let Duncan take his hand again.

  “So, where’s your friend?”

  Noah looked around. Demi really wasn’t hard to spot, not with his pale green hair and the horns on top of his head. “There, next to the bar.”

  Duncan shot him an amused glance. “What is it with your hair?”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “Oh, no. I love it. The blue looks perfect on you.”

  Noah smiled. He shouldn’t have been so happy that Duncan thought his hair was nice, but at least this was a real compliment, not like the ones he had to hear from the people trying to convince him they were good catches. They were only trying to convince Noah to marry them, but Duncan was genuine, even if he probably was trying to get Noah in his bed.

  He let Duncan lead him toward Demi and ignored the curious glances Derick shot him as they walked. He really wanted to be able to ignore the scowls Demi was sending his way now that he’d noticed them too, but that was harder to do.

  As soon as Noah stopped in front of Demi, he reached for him and dragged him close. Noah had to let go of Duncan’s hand, and while Duncan’s brows rose high at Demi’s reaction, he didn’t protest.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Noah?” Demi hissed in his ear.

  “Nothing. I’m just having fun. That’s what we’re here for.”

  “You weren’t supposed to find a man.”

  “I didn’t.” Demi glared. “Okay, maybe I did, but it wasn’t intentional.”

  “What if he finds your tail?”

  “I wasn’t planning to sleep with him, don’t worry. That’s why I’m here. I think maybe it’s time to go home.”

  Demi cocked his head to the side and examined Noah’s face. “Oh god. You really like him.”

  “What? No, no. I just met him. I can’t like him already.”

  “Who are you trying to convince, Noah? I know you. You like him.”

  Noah sighed. He turned to look at Duncan and his heart skipped a beat when the man smiled at him before going back to his conversation with his brother. “Even if I do, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like I’ll ever be able to do something about it.”

  Noah expected Demi to say told you so or something like that, but he got an understanding glance instead. Demi reached for Noah’s hand and squeezed it before looking at Duncan. “Thanks for bringing him back.”

  Duncan frowned and raised his hand as if to try to get a hold on Noah, but Demi was already dragging him toward the exit. Noah looked one last time at Duncan, then followed Demi without protesting.

  They stepped outside in the warm summer air and started to walk to the car. Demi was still holding Noah’s hand, but now it was more a soothing gesture rather than a guiding one.

  Noah hadn’t expected the door to slam open behind them or Duncan’s voice to call for him. “Noah, wait!”

  Noah stopped in his path and Demi tried to make him walk again. His eyes were pleading for Noah to leave right away, but Duncan deserved to be told something.

  “Noah, are you already leaving? Can I see you again?”

  Noah took a deep breath and let Demi’s hand go before turning around to face Duncan. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  The confusion on Duncan’s face was so obvious that Noah wanted to reassure him, even if he couldn’t understand what was going on. “Why?”

  “Well, we don’t know each other.”

  “That’s why we should see each other again. To get to know each other.”

  It made sense, so how should Noah explain he really couldn’t see Duncan again? “I’m not from around here, so it would be too hard to keep in touch.”

  “I’m ready to commute if I need to.”

  “I...” Noah looked at Demi and silently asked for help.

  Demi stepped closer and slid an arm around Noah’s waist, pulling him closer. “We’re together, that’s why.” Demi lightly kissed Noah’s cheek and Noah had a hard time yelling it wasn’t true. Just the thought of being with Demi that way made him want to puke. It was like imagining himself with his father—definitely not nice.

  “But... he told me you were just his friend.”

  “We do like to explore with other partners sometimes, but we’re a couple. A steady couple. And we should go.”

  “Can’t we at least be friends?”

  Demi was already pulling Noah toward the car. He opened the passenger’s door and pushed Noah inside, murmuring, “I’m sorry.” Noah nodded. He understood why Demi was doing it and he was okay with it, even if he wished he could give in to Duncan. He’d never wanted to be a normal human guy more than in that moment, but there was nothing he could do about it.

  Demi jumped in the driver’s seat and Noah’s glance wandered toward Duncan. The man was whispering to his brother and Noah couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Duncan kept on looking his way, making the fact that he was the topic of the conversation clear.

  Just as Demi turned the key in the ignition and started the car, Duncan walked closer and stuck his head through the open window on Noah’s side. He grabbed Noah’s face with both hands and kept him still as he pressed their lips together.

  Noah gasped in surprise. He hadn’t expected the kiss, not after Demi had told Duncan they were a couple, but when Duncan slid his tongue between Noah’s lips and lightly stroked them, Noah didn’t protest. He gave in instead, opening his mouth a little wider and tentatively touching his own tongue to Duncan’s.

  A hand on his arm pulled him away but Duncan held fast. He kissed Noah again, this time keeping his lips closed, and when they separated, Duncan reached in his pocket and took something out of it. He reached for Noah’s hand and pressed what felt like a piece of paper in it before kissing his cheek and whispering, “My phone number and address. Make good use of it.”

  Only then did he step away. Demi didn’t wait for Duncan to try to get to Noah again. The car shot forward and Demi steered it outside the parking lot and on the road. Noah kept his hand closed around the note, wanting to keep it a secret. He knew Demi would try to talk him out of going to see Duncan, and he would be right to do that. Noah knew nothing good would come out of him going there or calling Duncan, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from thinking about it.

  He raised one hand to his lips and touched them in wonder, but he noticed Demi looking at him so he let it fall back in his lap.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  Noah shook his head. “That I’m sorry I couldn’t...”

  “I know. I’m sorry too, but you know you’re doing the right thing.”

  “I know.” Noah leaned against the door and closed his eyes, hoping Demi would think he’d fallen asleep. He started to plan the visit he intended to make to Duncan in

  * * * *

  Duncan watched the car disappear from sight, his heart heavy. “Do you think they really were a couple?”

  Derick snorted. “Puh-lease. The green guy would’ve pulled Noah away sooner when you kissed him if they were.”


  “Yeah. It’s obvious they’re hiding something. I think Noah really wanted to give you a chance, but thinks he can’t because of it.”

  “What do you think it is?”

  Derick shrugged. “How am I supposed to know?”

  “He didn’t smell... I don’t know. He didn’t smell of human or shifter.”

  “Might be something else, then, and that might explain why he ran. If he thought you were human and he’s not...”

  “He got scared I would freak out. Great.” Duncan huffed and raked his hands in his hair. “What do I do know? What if he doesn’t call?”

  Derick grinned. He looked like the cat that ate the canary as he reached for his phone and his fingers flew on the screen. He held it up for Duncan to see and Duncan frowned at the sequence of numbers and letters in the note. “What is it?”

  “The car’s plate number.”

  Duncan wiped his head up. “What?”

  “I got the plate number. I can ask Isaiah to check it and tell me who it’s registered to. It might be green guy’s car, but it’s a start.”

  “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Duncan reached for his brother and dragged him in his arms.

  Derick laughed. “Not today, no.”

  “Well, I love you, Derick.”

  “Me too, bro. Now don’t get too sappy on me, though.”

  “Can you forward me the plate number?”

  Derick nodded and got to work. “What are you going to do?”

  “I think I’ll wait a few days to see what happens, and if Noah doesn’t call, I’ll find him.”

  “I hope you won’t have problems with green guy. Even if they’re not together, he was pretty protective of Noah.”

  “I’ll just have to take you with me when I go.”

  Derick gave Duncan a toothy smile. “Oh, can I bring Keenan and Nysys too?”

  “That would be equal to a nuclear explosion. God knows the amount of problems those two could create together.”

  “That’s why I want to bring both. That way green guy will be too distracted to try anything funny.”

  Duncan laughed and shook his head. “Let’s hope we won’t need to run after Noah, then. I wouldn’t want to traumatize him.”

  “He will be, if he ever sets foot in the mansion. So, what do we do now? Want to go back inside and dance?”

  “Aah, not really.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so. Trust you to find your mate the one time we go out just the two of us.” Derick stuck his tongue out.

  “Come on, we both know you’re more than happy to run back to Nate.”

  “I was actually enjoying myself, you know. I don’t have to spend all my time around Nate. We’re not attached at the hip.” Derick reached for Duncan. “Come on, let’s go back inside.”

  Duncan let his brother lead him back in the club. What Derick had said was true. Between Duncan’s job, the time he put in the pack’s security and Derick’s busy life, they barely had the time to call each other, never mind actually going out. Duncan also had to be very careful, because his parents would have a fit if they found out he still talked to him.

  They’d pretty much disowned Derick after he moved to Whitedell and mated with Nate, and even if Duncan hated it, he was the one who still had to live with them. Living in the same house, they would make his life hell if they did find out. Of course, he knew they would do that anyway when he told them about Noah, but he still had time to think about that. He’d certainly talk to Kameron before going to them, just in case. He hadn’t seen the need to take one of the pack’s houses for himself until now, but with Noah in the picture, he was going to have to do just that. He really didn’t mind.

  Duncan tried to have fun dancing, but after having to push away the third man who tried to hit on him, he stopped. He knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything with any of them, even if he’d only seen Noah for a handful of minutes. Now that he knew Noah was his mate, that his wolf knew it, going with another man would feel like a betrayal to both of them.

  Duncan retreated to the bar and kept an eye on Derick. Derick was clearly having fun, and Duncan didn’t want to drag him down, but he was relieved when after a full hour of dancing his brother sauntered over to him.

  Derick wiped forehead with his arm to get rid of most of the sweat there and slumped on the stool next to Duncan’s. “Are you pouting?”

  Duncan handed Derick a bottle of cool water. “Nope, just thinking.”

  “Okay, I get it. Let’s go home.”

  Duncan nodded and followed his brother when Derick got up and walked to the door. They got in the car and Duncan drove away toward the mansion. “Do you think he lives near here?”

  “Probably. It looks like we’re going to be spending more time together.” Derick smiled and Duncan smiled back.

  “I hope Kam won’t have problems giving me some free time from the patrols.”

  “You know he won’t, not if you tell him what you need it for.”

  That was true. Duncan knew Kameron would happily take him off patrols completely if he asked for it, but Duncan felt responsible for the pack. The others weren’t good enough yet for him to stop patrolling. It had nearly cost them the alpha mate a few months earlier, and he had no intention of risking something like that happening again, even if the Glass Research Company wasn’t a danger anymore.

  “You think Dominic would let me stay in the mansion for a little while if I need to?”


  It was the last thing Duncan wanted, but if he needed to, he would do it. Not that he didn’t like the pride or the house. While staying in the mansion would help him be closer to Noah, it would make things difficult for Duncan’s job. He had no doubts his boss would give him a period of leave, but it was the last thing he wanted to do. He liked being an addiction therapist, and he would be able to do that only for a few more years before his coworkers noticed he wasn’t aging like he should be. Maybe he could open a private practice once he knew what would happen with Noah.

  By the time Duncan got to the mansion, Derick was asleep in his seat. It made Duncan smile, and he wasn’t surprised to see Nate standing by the front door once he got past the gate.

  The feline shifter’s smile was soft when he looked at his sleeping mate. He opened the door to the passenger’s seat and carefully unstrapped Derick’s belt. “How did it go?” he whispered.

  “Fine. He had fun.”

  “What about you?”

  “I... it’s complicated.” Nate arched a brow in question and Duncan decided to tell him. The man was his brother-in-law after all, and the pride’s beta. “I met my mate.”


  “Yeah, thanks. Like I said, it’s complicated.”

  “If there’s anyone who can work with complicated, it’s you.”

  Duncan stepped out of the car and watched as Nate took Derick in his arms. Duncan’s brother hugged his mate without even waking up and burrowed his face into Nate’s neck. Duncan wanted that, more than anything. He just hoped Noah would be willing to at least try.

  Chapter Two

  Noah poked at the meat in his plate. He pushed it away and speared a broccoli instead, wondering if his mother really had forgotten he was a vegetarian or if she was still convinced it was a phase. She thought of most of the things in Noah’s life were phases, actually, even the fact that he was gay. It’s just a phase, honey, you’ll see. When you find the right woman, you’ll forget all about liking men.

  Yeah, right.

  Maybe he should find himself a boyfriend and present him to his parents, just to see their faces. Duncan immediately popped in hi
s mind, and Noah sighed. He put his fork down, the hunger for food replaced by another one, one he couldn’t explain or give in to.

  He could still almost feel the press of the man’s lips on his. He wanted to feel that again, and he’d been waiting for days, trying to think of a solution to give him that. Noah knew he would have problems if someone found what he was planning out, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.

  “Is something wrong, honey? Are you feeling sick?”

  Noah looked up at his mother. He smiled at her, knowing she meant well even when she ignored what he wanted. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not eating much.”

  “That’s because I don’t eat meat, Mother.”


  “Leave him alone, Sharon. He knows where the kitchen is if he becomes hungry later.”

  Noah gave his father a grateful smile. His father nodded and turned back to his own plate. Noah loved his parents, really, but he didn’t love the heavy weight of the responsibilities they were pushing on him. He didn’t want to become his father’s heir as the company’s owner.

  The pharmaceutical company had been in their family for the past three generations, passed down from father to son. Noah didn’t know what they did, exactly, apart from research and development of new medicines, but he did know his father expected him to take his place when he was ready to retire. Noah hoped that day never came.

  He knew he still had quite a bit of time to decide. His father was young for a demon, but he wouldn’t stay that way forever. He was already pushing Noah to start spending more time with him so that he could teach his son the job. It was the last thing Noah wanted.

  Noah’s dream was much simpler, yet so hard to realize for him. He wanted to paint. He knew he had an artist’s soul, and he was good at it, but he could only do it as a hobby. He would never get the permission to make a living out of it, if he was even able to do that. He knew he wouldn’t be able to survive on his own, not right now, but it wasn’t only that.


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