His Contract: Legally Bound, Book 1

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His Contract: Legally Bound, Book 1 Page 12

by Rebecca Grace Allen

  “Shhh.” A blanket came over her and Jack pulled her into his arms. “I’m here.”

  Her mind glazed over. Her eyes closed.

  Sometime later she awoke with a start. With her body sore and tender, she expected to be greeted by an empty bed and the sound of the shower in the background, the clock ticking down to her obligatory quick exit. But she wasn’t in Damien’s bed. She was in Jack’s, and he was right there, holding her, his breathing soft against her hair.

  “Are you all right? You slept so fitfully.”

  It was unfamiliar and lovely, to be held like this after what he’d done to her.

  “Yes.” Her voice was gravelly, just as he’d promised it would be. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  His fingers crossed her back in lazy, unhurried strokes. Lilly stretched and started at the tenderness on her backside, but the hot skin felt good. She looked down at her wrists and stroked the skin he’d cuffed. Shifted her legs at the lingering wetness between her thighs. She’d never been through the aftermath of a scene without humiliation and pain, but Jack hadn’t made her feel shameful.

  He made her feel beautiful.

  Moving purposefully, Lilly lifted her leg over his and brushed it against the bulge in his jeans. Jack’s lips parted on a jagged inhale, his limbs going rigid. She smiled, loving the reaction she’d triggered in him, and tentatively reached down to where his cock strained beneath the denim.

  “May I, Sir?”

  Jack hissed, his hips arching up toward her touch, but then he grunted and took her hand in his. He brought it up to his chest and held it there.

  “No, you may not.”

  The rejection stung. “But, Sir, it’s my job to serve you.”

  “It’s your job to do what I tell you to do.”

  There was a finality to his words, but his breathing was heavy, his eyes flashing. Did he want her to beg again?


  “Lilly, stop.”

  It was a shock to hear her name again. Her face fell. It was over, and he wasn’t going to let her touch him. “I don’t understand.”

  “There’s nothing to understand. Today was about you.”

  Jack kissed her forehead and quickly shifted away. He put his T-shirt back on, grabbed his flannel and retrieved a bottle of water from a mini-fridge in the closet. “Drink this. Get dressed and meet me in the kitchen when you’re ready. We’ll talk there.”

  She took the bottle and watched him walk out the door. He didn’t look back before closing it behind him.

  Stunned, Lilly covered herself with the sheet. It didn’t make any sense. Jack hadn’t seemed displeased with her, hadn’t strode away with satisfied indifference like Damien did. He rushed out of the room as if it were on fire. As if he were on fire.

  She frowned. Why wouldn’t he let her touch him? She could tell how worked up he was. She’d felt the proof of it, hard and greedy for her touch. He wanted her, and she wanted to give him the release he hadn’t felt in so long.

  The kind of release he gave her.

  “Oh,” she said. “Today was about me.”

  Everything he did today was for her. He’d never had any intention of asking for anything in return.

  Well. Hell, no.

  Determined, Lilly stood and reached for her clothes. They’d only planned on one day, but she couldn’t stand the idea of not getting to serve Jack, of never hearing his soft curses and groans of pleasure. She didn’t want this to only be about her.

  She wanted to be back in his playroom, and be his again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jack punched his fists through the sleeves of his flannel and clumsily buttoned it closed. He was barely holding on to his self-control. He had to get away from the playroom before he cracked. He reached the first floor landing and scrubbed his hands over his face, but it didn’t help. He could smell Lilly on his fingers.

  He walked quickly to the liquor cabinet and poured himself a scotch. The glass smarted against his reddened palm, stinging from the spanking he gave her. Fuck, he loved that feeling, the way power coursed through him when he got her to beg. She was everything he’d hoped for, stunning in her vulnerability and then wild in the frenzy of her desire. He never wanted to stop—building her up but holding her off, driving her to a whimpering, pleading mess. And then watching her orgasm take over her when he finally gave her what they’d both been craving.

  Jack groaned and took another sip. Seeing her overcome her fears affected him like he never expected. He wanted more. To push her harder, to tan her ass an ever deeper shade of red. To drive into her slick, tight passage and let every dominant urge free.

  He needed to get a hold of himself.

  Jack set down his drink and gripped the edges of the cabinet. Damn it, why did she have to look at him like that? It was bad enough to have her sleep next to him with his cock throbbing, to hold and soothe her through what seemed to be uneasy dreams. But when she wanted to touch him—Christ, he’d had no choice but to stop her. There was no way he would’ve been able to hold back, soft limit or not, and that simply wasn’t an option. Not after what happened when they first began. He should’ve read her better, should’ve realized that her breathing had been tight and labored from anxiety, not excitement.

  Jack leaned over, all that euphoric energy he’d felt during the scene crashing and tumbling into a sea of guilt. It was his own damn fault for forgetting to remind her of her safewords when she’d never used one before, but why did she jerk in fear like that when he’d first touched her? He hadn’t pushed any of her limits or used anything she disliked.

  There had to be more she wasn’t telling him about her ex. More pain she was burying, like a festering wound that wouldn’t heal.

  He wanted to heal her. To help her see that she should be embracing her submissive side, not fearing it. If only he had more time with her, but that wasn’t part of the deal. One day was all they’d agreed to. And what the hell did he know about walking a heartbroken submissive through her pain, anyway? Eve never panicked like that.

  God, Eve. What am I doing?

  A creak on the staircase got his attention, and Jack stood up straight. The plea to his wife for guidance couldn’t have been more absurd than at a time like this. He knocked back the rest of his drink and hurried into the kitchen. Lilly lingered in the hallway a few feet away from him.

  “Hey,” she said.

  Her cheeks were rosy in a post-orgasm flush, lips swollen from the bite of his kiss. Her messy ringlets curled over her sweater, and Jack was suddenly angry at her clothes for covering up what he wanted to see. To touch. Taste. Fuck.


  “Hey back.” He fought to keep his voice steady and waved to the island. “Have a seat.”

  She sat down and shifted, looking like she was trying to find a comfortable position. Jack stifled a groan. He’d branded her with his handprints. She’d be feeling it for days. It took every ounce of restraint in him to move to the opposite side of the island. He needed to keep the block of granite between them, a concrete reminder of the self-denial he had to employ.

  “How are you?”

  She gave him a tentative smile. “Good. Thank you, Jack.”

  She was calling him by his name, coming out of her role. That was good. “You’re welcome. You did very well.”

  “Not that well.” Lilly leaned on the table and tangled her fingers together. “Is it because I didn’t safeword that you didn’t want me to…?” She didn’t finish, but her eyes skated downward to where his lower body was hidden from view.

  “No, Lilly. That isn’t why.”

  God, please don’t push it.

  “It was because today was about me,” she said. “You never planned on letting me do anything to you.”


  Her face fell. God
, did she really have no idea how close he was to losing it?

  Jack covered her hands with one of his, hoping the small contact would reassure her.

  “Please don’t think I didn’t want you. That wasn’t the case at all. But I told you I would respect all your limits, and I had to honor that.”

  “And you didn’t think you could respect my limits if we did…more.”

  He gave her a tight nod. “That, and I didn’t want to push you too much, with this being your first time after so long.” Jack let go of her hands and reached up to stroke her cheek. “You were so frightened when we first began. I didn’t want to do anything to trigger that reaction again.”

  Her cheeks colored beneath his touch. She leaned into his hand, a docile kitten asking to be petted.

  He wanted to pet her. Cuddle her. Give her a safe space to feel powerless. And then, to ravage her. To feel her come while buried inside her.

  Fuck, he didn’t think he’d ever wanted something so much.

  “I understand,” she said. “Thank you for being so respectful of my needs. And it was wonderful.” Her lashes lowered when she smiled, a provocative one that made him stiffen to the point of pain. “I really enjoyed it.”

  “Good.” Jack dropped his hand. He liked knowing he’d satisfied her needs, but he needed to put some space between them now. “You’re an incredible submissive, Lilly. You shouldn’t be afraid of that part of yourself.”

  She lifted her chin. The waning sunlight streaked in through the windows and shined across her face, creating a kaleidoscope of blue, green and gray in her eyes.

  “I want to learn to not be afraid. With you.”

  Jack went rigid, every inch of his body going tense with desire as her request sank in. “Are you saying you want to continue playing with me?”

  Lilly replied with a rapid nod. “I do.”

  A rush of admiration and surprise washed over him. She trusted him, even after all she’d been through. It was so tempting—the idea of taking that trust and retraining her, showing her how much freedom, power and beauty there was in submission.

  He could be the one to anchor Lilly, to guide her back on the path of the vibrant woman she’d lost when her ex destroyed her trust. He could push her boundaries in a way that would heal, not hurt her.

  But he had to make sure they were on the same page first.

  Jack chose his words carefully. “I’d like that too, but I need you to understand something. There’s a reason I’ve always been very private about what I do. My career is important to me. If anything about this got out…”

  He let his words trail off.

  Tell me I can trust you as much as you’re about to trust me.

  “Oh. God, no. I’d never say anything.” She offered him a meek shrug. “It wouldn’t exactly look great for me either. Can you imagine the headlines? ‘Paralegal Submits to Venerable Law Professor’. It would be scandalous.”

  She giggled, and Jack chuckled in response. A playful side was coming out of her, one he hadn’t seen before.

  A side he wanted to see more of.

  “All right,” he said. “If we’re going to do this, we need to set some more ground rules.”

  Lilly sat straighter on the stool.

  “I’ll write up another contract for a period of three months, and we’ll see where we are after that. From now on I will discuss each scene with you in advance, and I want you to carefully consider revising your limits.”


  “I’m serious, Lilly. You have to be completely honest with me. No more miscommunications.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Fierce desire raged through him at her response. Every scenario imaginable flashed through his mind like a dirty movie, but he held himself in check, and forced the inferno inside him to settle down into a simmer. There were going to be other times with her. Many of them.

  He could afford to be patient.

  “Is there anything you’d like to change on your checklist?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “All right. We’ll leave it as is. I understand your soft limit on sex, and I’ll let that be.” Jack stared hard at her. “For now.”

  Lilly shuddered. It made his cock twitch, but he’d found his control. He walked around the island and advanced toward her. “Do Saturdays work for you?”

  “Every Saturday?”

  “Barring any emergencies or scheduling conflicts, yes.”

  There was a beat of silence until she smiled and said, “I can do that.”

  “Good.” Jack moved in close. “There’s one more thing.”

  “Yes?” She leaned toward him. He could taste her breath.

  “You will not touch yourself during the week without my permission.”

  She gaped at him. “You mean, I can’t at all?”

  Jack laughed. There was a bratty streak in her that he was going to enjoy playing with. Gripping the sides of the stool, he bracketed her hips with his hands and ran his nose along hers.

  “That’s right. If we do this, your orgasms belong to me. I say if and when you are allowed to have them.”

  “And if we do this, will you let me…?”

  She glanced downward once again, and Jack’s grin widened. Even in the face of denying her pleasure, she was focused on his.

  “Yes, Lilly. You will serve me. Repeatedly.”

  She exhaled and grunted softly. Jack caught her moving her hips, trying to chase the friction she once again obviously craved. He raised an eyebrow and slowly shook his head. She groaned but held herself still.

  “Now, let’s get you home.”

  She pouted. “I figured you’d say that.”

  Grinning back at her, Jack stepped away and strode down the hall, knowing she’d follow. As he retrieved her coat, he felt a blast of bitter air pushing in from outside the front door. It was colder now that the sun was setting. There was no way he’d let her walk to the T.

  “I’m driving you,” he said, grabbing his own jacket.

  “Oh, you don’t have to—”

  “It wasn’t a request.”

  He backed her up to the wall. She fell against it with a thud. “We may not be in my playroom, but you will obey me while we are in this house. And when I decide something is in your best interest, I expect you to do as you’re told. Are we clear?”

  A shivery breath escaped her. “Yes, Sir.”


  Jack claimed her mouth and ground his hips against hers. Lilly moaned, whimpering when he ended the kiss. He was tempted to march her back down to the playroom and get a taste of relief, but it would’ve been a shame to ruin how amped up she was. If he worked this right, he’d be able to seduce that soft limit off her list in no time.

  He passed Lilly her boots, then grabbed a pair of winter socks he kept in a wicker basket in the bench by the door. After stepping into his own shoes, Jack led her into the garage. His car purred to life, heat licking from the vents as they set out on the icy streets. Determined to tease her even more, he reached over the gear shift to stroke along the inside of her thigh. She twisted in her seat, legs spreading and seeking out a stronger touch. He removed his hand when he pulled up in front of her building, relishing in the frustrated noise she made.

  “I’ll call you in the morning,” he said. “I want you to think about what we discussed, and be sure it’s what you want. Tomorrow, you might regret doing any of this at all.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Do it anyway. And pamper yourself a little. Take a bath and relax.”

  She raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Is that a command?”

  Oh no. He wasn’t having that.

  He gave her a brief stare of warning. “Don’t test me, or you’ll get a spanking you won’t like as much next weekend. And, yes. It was a command.”
r />   She lowered her head in an apology, but the sass was still on her face. Jack tapped the tip of her nose, enjoying the way she crinkled it up in response. “Go. It’s cold.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Lilly stepped out of the car and hurried across the dusk-lit snow, waving before going inside. When she was out of sight, Jack dropped his head against the headrest and exhaled. Waiting until Saturday was going to be a bitch. Maybe eventually they’d play midweek too. There was so much they could do together, so much they’d be able to enjoy, and there was no reason they couldn’t keep going as long as they kept things between them.

  Between them. Shit.

  He’d told Lilly not to tell anyone, while Patrick already knew.

  Jack drove quickly across town, parking outside the luxury building where Patrick owned a river-view apartment. He didn’t even call before going upstairs, but immediately regretted it when he found his friend leaning against his doorway, a young woman with cocoa-colored skin fingering his open collar. Patrick met Jack’s eyes and smiled.

  “You get home safe now,” he said to her.

  Jack waited a few feet back and jammed his fists in his pockets, his jaw clenched with discomfort until the elevator door closed.

  “What?” Patrick asked. “You can pick them young. Why can’t I?”

  “Shut up.” Jack brushed past his friend and closed the door behind them. “We need to talk. Lilly was in my playroom today.”

  “No fucking way.” Patrick punched his shoulder. “I can’t believe you actually went through with it.”

  “It was your goddamned idea.”

  “Since when do you listen to me?” His grin widened as he scratched his goatee. “So, if you finally got some, then why do you look like you have a pole up your ass?”

  Jack walked over to the couch and dropped down onto it. “I didn’t.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did you stop understanding English? I said I didn’t.”

  Patrick crossed his arms. “I know it’s been a while for you, but did you forget how it works or something?”


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