The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Perfect Plan [The Men of Treasure Cove 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Rebecca Joyce

  Soft and exquisitely fragile, Lilly was everything to him. She held his heart in the palm of her hands, and he would bet she didn’t even know it. He adored her and wanted only to live his life loving her. For the rest of his life, he would silently thank Orin for throwing that party, because if not, he would have never met Lilly.

  Unlike his brothers, Jacks knew from the very first moment that she was destined to be his, and every minute since had been a pure blessing. He had waited his whole life for it to begin, and with her here in his arms, it had finally begun.

  “Jacks?” she whispered.

  “Humm,” he replied gently, washing her arms and waist. He couldn’t stop touching her. She drew him into her like no other. Her soft voice tickled his mind, her touch warmed his heart, and her love gave him the courage to fly.

  “I love you.”

  His breath hitched as his heart skipped and then instantly began pounding hard in his chest. He knew she could hear it, could feel it, as he froze. “Say that again,” he said gently, too afraid his ears had deceived him.

  “I love you.” She smiled, looking up at him.

  He felt her gentle fingers trailing up his back and around toward his chest. His breathing increased. She was enticing him, gently and seductively. Something ignited and burst through him in a flash, sending sparks everywhere. It was like for the first time in his life, he truly felt alive, and it was all because of this little woman. She was his everything.

  “Oh God. Baby, I love you so much,” he said, taking her face in his hands and kissing her. The slow, torturous glide of her lips had his cock hardening instantly. Their tongues dueled and played. Nipping at her bottom lip, she moaned into his mouth as a rush of heat flooded him.

  He was getting drunk on her. She tasted of sin and sex, and she loved him.

  There was no more of the gentle touches or the soft caresses, just lust.

  Pure, uncontrollable lust.

  Picking her up, he pushed her against the wall of the shower. His hands tightly gripping her ass, she quickly wrapped her legs around him as he pushed deeply into her hot, moist channel. Heat seared his dick as he slid deeper into her.

  He was home.

  Slowly loving her and being as gentle as he could, he thrust into her, but the more she kissed him the hungrier he got. Soon, the tenderness faded, and his domination took over. Pistoning harder, Jacks used his legs to brace himself as he plundered deeply into her.

  Her soft cries soon turned into long, seductive moans as she tightened her legs around him, drawing him deeper into her.

  “I love you,” she whispered into his ear. Those three simple words she kept saying over and over. She was making him delirious. Soon all reality fled him, and it was just him and her in this moment together, entwined as one.

  The roaring in his mind as his body claimed hers was more than he could take. His body took over, and he grabbed her hips and started to pump his cock hard and deep inside her. She met each one of his thrusts by pushing back hard against the wall, as his cock drove deep inside her pussy as he watched the slow pounding of the hot water on the small of her back.

  Harder and faster, he pumped into her hot channel. Sweat from the steam cascaded down his back. The sweet smell of soap lingering in the air. Her pussy felt like a hot fire as he sucked on her nipples. Jacks felt her squeeze her pussy around his cock with each thrust, stroking his cock with her pussy. He reached for her ass, pulling her tighter into him for a better advantage, and drove his throbbing cock harder and deeper inside, ready to come.

  A few more deep thrusts and Jacks roared out his release as he held his cock deep inside her, coming hard. Her pussy was contracting, coming with him, and milking him as the hot, pulsing water splashed around them, sending water cascading over her ass and his cock and balls.

  Gasping for air, he slowly slipped out of her.

  She stood facing him, her eyes brilliantly glowing, and she smiled. Jacks reached above her head and switched off the showerhead.

  “Come on, baby, let’s get you warmed up,” Jacks said, reaching for a towel.

  “Oh, I’m already warm.” She smiled devilishly at him.

  Jacks just leaned over and kissed her swollen lips. “God, I love you.”

  Chapter 8

  It had been three days since the last snowfall, and with the sun shining brightly, Orin assured her that the snow would melt enough for him to take her into town. Lilly had been cooped up in the house for what felt like months instead of weeks, and she was eager to go into town.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t mind being cooped up with the men. It was just that after weeks of the sex-induced coma they kept her in, she desperately needed a break, that and she really needed to send of a letter to her mother before those old cronies started blabbing. As it was right now, she wasn’t sure her mother already didn’t know, and if she did, that meant her father and brothers knew, and that was something she wasn’t ready for.

  Of course she tried calling them, but with the storm, the phone lines were down. Even her cell wouldn’t work this far out. She had to get to town and pray she got to talk with her mother first. Then she was heading straight over to Doc’s and getting a pregnancy test!

  Dressed and ready to go, Lilly waited as patiently as she could. Standing by the front door, she had her purse, a fully charged cell phone, and the keys to Davis’s truck. All that she needed now was Orin, and he was nowhere to be seen.

  “Orin!” she shrieked loudly. While Orin was taking his time doing whatever, her patience was wearing thin. “Let’s go!”

  “Hold your britches, woman! I gotta put my shoes on,” he yelled from the back of the house.

  “If you’re not out here in five seconds, I am driving myself to town!”

  “And if you keep yelling like a banshee, I’m gonna whip that fine ass.” He grinned, walking into the room.

  Dayum, that man looks fine!

  “Keep lookin’ at me like that, honey, and we ain’t goin’ nowhere.” He smiled, walking toward her.

  “Uh-huh, whatever. I am going into town, and you are not gonna stop me, so get your ass movin’ and let’s go,” she said, turning to walk out the front door, and squealed when he smacked her hard on her ass. Laughing, she ran for the truck with Orin chasing after her.

  * * * *

  He watched as she silently stewed. He knew she was worried, but after trying to reassure her there was nothing she could do, he just gave up and let her figure it out herself. It wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t get through to her parents. Hell, at least she tried about a million times. Didn’t matter how many times she tried calling them. If they weren’t home, they just weren’t home.

  At least the whole trip wasn’t a total bust. Doc Jenkins was able to see her right away, and within minutes he confirmed what he and his brothers already knew. After giving her a month’s supply of prenatal vitamins and an appointment for next month, Doc sent them on their way with a hug and congratulations.

  After the doctor’s appointment, he willingly went with her while she picked up items from Piggly Wiggly market. He knew she wasn’t even paying attention when he put a case of beer and three bags of chips in the cart. The whole time, she kept trying and trying to get a hold of her mother.

  When he suggested they let the sheriff contact the Silver Springs sheriff, a look of horror crossed her face, and Orin quickly nixed that idea.

  So after having lunch over at Macie’s, they were finally headed home.

  “Baby, you gonna be okay?” he asked, breaking the silence. When she didn’t respond, he just let it go. There was nothing he could do. Well, technically he could drive her to her parents, but that was out of the question. The moment he stepped foot on the property with her in tow, he knew all hell was gonna break loose. He had finally relented and agreed that they needed to tell her parents, but no one said when they had to let them know.

  Humm, that’s an idea!

  “You know, I was thinking. We could wait till the baby
’s born and go visit them. Everyone loves babies. We can surprise them.” He smiled, proud that he thought of it. But his smiled quickly faded as he watched as Lilly slowly turn her head to look at him. The venom emanating from her eyes was enough to shrivel him to dust.

  “What? It was a suggestion.” He grinned. Okay, maybe it wasn’t the best suggestion on the planet but damn it, it was an idea.

  “What did I tell you about coming up with plans?” she chastised.

  “I have no idea what you’re talkin’ about. I thought it was a valid suggestion,” he said, affronted.

  “It was the stupidest suggestion ever. You really think I can wait till this baby is born, and then walk up to my mother and father and say, ‘Hey, folks, lookie here! I have a baby and three husbands!’”

  “Okay, maybe it wasn’t the best idea,” he conceded.

  “Ya think!”

  For the next hour, the rest of the trip was in total silence. While Lilly worried over what to do next, Orin stewed. Damn it, I can come up with some good ideas! It was my idea to clear the south field so that the cattle could have a wider range to roam. It was my fuckin’ idea to buy those stupid snowmobiles, and it was a good idea we did, ’cause those suckers were handy a month or so ago, and what about getting that used tractor? Damn thing was the best investment, and Davis had to eat his words. Huh! We didn’t need a new tractor.

  Lilly’s gasp brought him out of his stupor as he pulled into the drive. Parked in the driveway was a black Lincoln Continental. Slowing down, Orin brought the truck to a stop and turned off the engine. Looking at Lilly, he saw that she stared at the vehicle in shock.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “That’s my momma’s car,” she whispered as she slowly got out of the truck. She waited by the front porch, and when Orin took her hand in his, she looked up at him and smiled. “Stay with me?” she whispered.


  * * * *

  Iris Jane Campbell was a vision. Her shoulder-length blonde hair was perfectly trimmed, and it accentuated her strong cheekbones and vibrant blue eyes. Dressed in a wool gray pantsuit and creamy silk shirt, Orin thought she looked more ready for the boardroom than a rancher’s wife.

  When Lilly walked in the front door, Jacks and Davis watched as Lilly’s mother stood and her daughter ran into her arms. The brothers stood and quietly walked over to Orin.

  “What the hell took ya’ll so long?” Davis asked through clenched teeth.

  “Lilly needed to run some errands. How long as she been here?” Orin asked.

  “About twenty minutes. I was out in the barn when I heard someone coming up the drive and thought it was you and Lilly, until I saw her get out of the car,” Jacks said.

  “Where’s her father?” Orin asked, looking around the house.

  “It’s just her,” Jacks whispered.

  “Orin, Davis, Jacks, come here and meet my mother,” Lilly said, turning to them with tears in her eyes.

  Taking a deep breath, the brothers walked over to meet their mother-in-law.

  “Momma, this is Noah Orin McDaniel, my husband,” Lilly said proudly.

  Orin smiled and extended his hand. “Mrs. Campbell. It’s my pleasure to finally meet you.”

  “Noah.” She smiled back. Orin almost gasped, for when she smiled, she looked so much like Lilly.

  “Please call me Orin. Everyone else does,” he offered genuinely.

  “Momma, this is John Davis McDaniel, my second husband,” Lilly said, smiling at Davis.

  “Ma’am. It’s a pleasure,” Davis said, shaking the older woman’s hand. Though he noticed her smile falter, she quickly recovered and greeted him in kind.

  “And this is Kenneth Jackson McDaniel, my third husband,” Lilly said, linking her arm in Jacks’s.

  “Mrs. Campbell, a pleasure.” Jacks nodded.

  “Are there any more of you?” Iris asked, looking around the room. The brothers tensed at her question, quickly looking at Lilly for guidance. Lilly knew it wasn’t every day her men got to meet their mother-in-law for the first time, and regardless of what they said or did in the past, they all wanted to make a good impression. But when Lilly laughed and hugged Jacks and Davis, what tension they had slowly eased, but not totally.

  “Oh, Momma, it’s just these three. I couldn’t handle another one.”

  “Baby girl, I can’t handle one,” her mother replied, sitting down. “Lilly, sweetheart. We need talk. Please sit down, all of you,” she asked, instantly taking control of the room.

  “Would you like something to drink, Mrs. Campbell?” Orin asked, staying on his feet. He watched as Lilly, Jacks, and Davis went to sit, but something in him told him to stand his ground. This was his house, and his wife. When Iris Campbell turned to look at him, he knew instantly this was not going to go as Lilly expected. The pure determination that shone in her mother’s eyes let Orin know that what happened next would define their marriage. Someone was about to get hurt, and he prayed it wasn’t his wife.

  “No thank you, Noah,” she replied, looking directly at him.

  Lady, you hurt my wife and it’s over. Orin stared at the woman defiantly.

  “Please sit, Noah. We need to discuss this situation,” Iris said, sternly never taking her eyes off him.

  “I think I’ll stand. Say what you need to, Mrs. Campbell,” Orin said, firmly standing his ground.

  “Just as stubborn as my husband. That’s good. You’re gonna need to be,” she said flatly and then turned to look at Lilly. But what came out of her mouth next shocked him.

  “Just where in the hell have you been young lady?” she demanded to know sternly, looking directly at her daughter.


  “Don’t you momma me!” Iris Campbell shouted, getting to her feet. Davis got up from the couch, leaving Lilly in Jacks’s capable hands, and walked over to stand next to Orin.

  “I just got back from California, young lady, and managed to make it to church, only to hear the most amazing story. Imagine my surprise that my daughter, whom I haven’t laid eyes in five years, is married to not one but three men! What do you have to say for yourself?”


  “Wait till your father hears this. You know he is going to go ballistic. What about Jethro? He has been waiting on you to come home from your sabbatical. What are we going tell him? Do you realize what you have done?”

  Orin watched as his lovely wife went from complete and total happiness to fear. But when her beautiful eyes shed their first tear, something in Orin snapped. “Baby, come here,” he said, looking at his wife.

  When Lilly stood, her mother pointed back at the couch. “You sit your butt back down, young lady. I am not done talking to you.”

  Orin watched as confusion crossed his wife’s face. For the first time since she had been with them, his wife was uncertain on what to do. Orin knew that Lilly needed to make this decision on her own. She could either listen to her mother, and he and his brothers would know that their marriage would never survive, or Lilly could chose them, and together they would stand united, as a family should.

  He watched as Lilly looked from her mother to him. Holding his breath and praying she made the right decision, he stood his ground, with his hand held out for her to take.

  The silence in the room was deafening. Everything was frozen in time. Nobody moved. What seemed liked hours was only seconds, but when Lilly turned and walked into his arms, he finally took that breath he had been holding and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

  Jacks stood and walked over to stand beside him, with the three of them supporting Lilly.

  “Mrs. Campbell. I know this is a shock for you, but please understand that we love your daughter very much. We only want to see to her happiness and love her till the good lord sees fit to take us from this earth. I understand that you don’t know our ways, and we are willing to give you some leeway till you can see for yourself that me and my brothers are good, upstanding citizens and that we can lo
ve your daughter properly, but let me assure you of one thing. If you ever come into my home again and upset my wife, you will never set foot in this house again. Now please apologize to Lilly so she can visit with her mother,” Orin said firmly and directly.

  “You understand I had to make sure. She is my only daughter. I love her, and I needed to be sure that you were genuine. I am truly glad that you were strong enough to stand up to me. Some men take the cowardly way out. It shows a lot about your character,” Iris Campbell said, looking at him, and Orin saw something flicker deep in her eyes. But before he could figure out what it was, she smiled and turned her gaze toward her daughter. “Lilly, baby, I am sorry. Come here, baby,” her mother said, opening her arms. Orin released his wife and watched as she ran into her mother’s arms and sobbed.

  “What the hell did she mean by that?” Davis asked, looking at Orin.

  “Don’t know.”

  “Did you see that look in her eyes? She almost looked sad for a second,” Jacks commented, watching Lilly with her mother.

  “Yep, I saw it. There’s a story there,” Orin stated and then clapped his brothers on their backs. “Help me with the groceries Lilly picked up. The truck is loaded down with supplies,” he said, walking out the front door with his brothers.

  * * * *

  Lilly couldn’t believe that her mother was sitting in her living room. She wanted to say so much to her but didn’t know where to start. Just having her mother here was enough for right now, but she knew that eventually she was going to have to start talking. So, taking a deep breath, she looked at her mother and started talking. “I missed you, Momma.”

  “Where have you been? I went to California, to that address you gave me. You can imagine my surprise when your college boyfriend opened the door and told me he hadn’t seen you in five years. Why didn’t you come home?” her mother asked.

  Lilly knew this day was coming. She only wished she had prepared for the inevitable. How could she tell her mother that her family was right about Derrick and that after he tried to force himself on her, he abandoned her in Celestial, and she was too scared to go home with her tail between her legs? Though looking at the whole situation now, she knew how childish she had been back then. But after months on her own, what seemed liked this big evil was nothing more than a child’s hand at rebellion. That and there was no way she was going back home to marry Jethro!


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