Wicked Crazy Vampire Love (Psy-Vamp Book 7)

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Wicked Crazy Vampire Love (Psy-Vamp Book 7) Page 21

by Cassandra Lawson

  “Clueless dickhead,” Lydia muttered. “You left her there to be abused. Someone should cut your balls off.”

  “This is your last warning,” Isaiah began. “Put the gun down.”

  “Or what?” Corbin demanded. “Are you going to shoot me and risk having me shoot one of your females?”

  “One of their females?” Tempest asked slowly.

  “You are some kind of stupid,” Drew told him with a laugh, just before the floating fireplace poker made contact with the back of Corbin’s head. Tempest had a nasty temper, and she definitely didn’t like being referred to as a female.

  The gun dropped to the ground as Corbin lost consciousness.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Talia was nervous about being questioned by both the hunters and the vampires who’d arrived to investigate the incident. The deaths of the hunters had created a lot of tension around the country, and no one seemed satisfied with the answers they’d received. Roman and the Santa Cruz hunters had reluctantly agreed to let them be questioned. Everyone was worried things would turn ugly fast if those assembled didn’t like the answers they received.

  Corbin and the other surviving vampires were being detained in a cell at the women’s shelter Tempest, Ivy, Willow, and Rose ran. It had come as a surprise to learn they had cells for holding prisoners. Tempest promised to tell her all about Aiden’s time in one of those cells—a story Talia was looking forward to hearing.

  There was still no firm decision on how they were going to deal with the vampires. The vampires and hunters were fighting over the issue.

  “Am I the only one who thought this would end when we took care of the problem?” Drew asked irritably as they walked toward the meeting room where the inquiry was being held.

  “Pretty much,” Lydia replied.

  “I could have told you there’d be some sort of inquiry,” Mason added.

  Talia squeezed Drew’s hand. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “You don’t really believe that, do you?” he asked.

  “They aren’t going to kill us,” Talia pointed out. “Let’s just be thankful for that much.”

  Drew nodded. He didn’t look convinced, but she didn’t have time to reassure him.

  “You two should probably stop the loving couple crap,” Mason warned. “With the tension between vampires and hunters, it might not be the best time to advertise your forbidden love.”

  Talia sighed. “This isn’t going to remain a secret.”

  “It still might be best if we don’t advertise it here,” Drew advised. “Your council gave their reluctant blessing, but who knows how the people we’re meeting with will react.”

  Lydia bounced forward and slipped an arm around Drew’s waist from the other side. “Look who’s being all responsible.”

  Talia stepped away from Drew, missing his touch immediately.

  They took their seats outside the hotel conference room and waited to be called in. Talia’s nerves were on edge by the time she was called into the room last. Lydia seemed the most unaffected by the questioning, but Talia suspected, as Roman’s wife, they’d gone easy on her—especially with Roman in the room.

  Drew smiled at her when he walked out. “Piece of cake.”

  “Liar,” she accused.

  He nodded. “It sucked, but things will be fine. Don’t worry about covering for me biting Elgin,” he added. “I admitted to it.”

  Talia’s eyes narrowed, and she’d demand an explanation if they were alone.

  “It’s your turn, Talia,” Gareth said from the door.

  She nodded and entered. The door closed behind her with a resounding click that echoed through the room. Roman immediately moved to her side and escorted her to a seat. He wasn’t part of the questioning because his family was involved, but he was allowed to remain in the room. The same was true of her uncle.

  “Just answer their questions honestly,” Roman advised.

  “Yes, just be honest,” Garth agreed from her other side. “Honesty is best. No harm will come to you for telling the truth.”

  Talia nodded, wondering what they were both getting at. There seemed to be a common theme. She suspected it had something to do with Drew taking the blame for the fang marks in Elgin’s neck.

  “We called you here to discuss the events surrounding the death of Elgin Emerson and four other vampires from the Emerson family,” a woman Talia didn’t recognize began.

  Talia nodded. “What would you like to know?”

  “At this point, we’ve already gathered enough information to know you were trying to capture Elgin and the other vampires involved in the recent hunter killings,” a man added. “We’d like to ask you some questions about Andrew Draksel.”

  Unease crept up Talia’s spine. “What do you want to know?”

  “We’ve discovered his mother may have been responsible for the deaths of several humans,” another woman added.

  “Yes, but she’s dead,” Talia told them.

  “We’re aware of that,” the same woman said impatiently. “It would help if you only spoke when we ask you a question.”

  “There’s no reason to be rude,” Gareth growled. “My niece hasn’t done anything wrong. Neither has the vampire you’re suddenly determined to crucify, if you ask me.”

  “We didn’t ask you, Gareth,” another man snapped.

  “Hold up!” Talia interrupted. “What does he mean about you trying to crucify Drew?”

  “We simply need you to answer our questions,” a man with a thick French accent insisted.

  “It can’t hurt to explain your reasoning,” Roman added with a huff. “These games are getting old.”

  “I agree,” a soft-spoken woman added. “There’s no reason for the mystery. Andrew Draksel nearly tore out a vampire’s throat. This sort of violent behavior concerns us, especially in light of his mother’s homicidal tendencies. Despite Roman’s assurances, we aren’t convinced he’s not a danger to the public.”

  “All this because he admitted to biting Elgin?” Talia demanded. It was an exaggeration to say Elgin’s throat had nearly been torn out.

  “If it were just that, we might not be as concerned,” a man replied in a kind voice.

  Talia knew why Drew had taken the blame for the fang marks on Elgin’s neck. She stood and stalked toward the door.

  “We aren’t done questioning you!” a man called out.

  “No shit,” she muttered before throwing the door open and pointing a finger at Drew. “Get in here now!”

  Drew looked startled, and her outburst was enough to stun those questioning her. No one told her she couldn’t call him into the room.

  “Move it,” she pushed when he didn’t get up fast enough.

  Drew let out a sigh and walked into the room. As he passed her, he spoke softly. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Just sit down,” she said with a sigh. “You’re lucky I love you.”

  Since vampires have exceptional hearing, there were several gasps. They’d all heard her declaration, but she didn’t care.

  “Let me tell you a story of a plot to start a war,” Talia began. Her eyes moved to Gareth to make sure he was okay with her plan, and he nodded.

  Thirty minutes later, Drew looked worried. The assembled vampires and hunters had expressions ranging from disbelief to amazement.

  “Your story is very hard to believe,” the woman with the soft voice called out.

  “What she said is true,” Gareth added. “I rescued the child and placed her with a family. We also have video footage of Nicola and Corbin killing the scientist who helped me rescue her.”

  “Why was no one notified of this when the hunters were killed,” a man demanded. “Their deaths could have resulted in a war.”

  “Where is she?” demanded a man. “We need to find out more about this new breed.”

  “You aren’t getting anywhere near her,” Drew growled.

  “This is the instability we’re worried about,” a woman ad

  “Instability?” Talia demanded. “He’s trying to protect someone, and you call him unstable?”

  “Why should we believe he won’t try to tear one of our throats out with his fangs?” the same woman asked.

  Talia turned to Drew. “See what happens when you try to act like the hero and save me? Don’t get me wrong. It’s sweet, but this mess has to be resolved.” Her attention moved back to the others. “I bit Elgin.”

  “They were clearly fang marks,” a man scoffed with a dismissive wave of his hand.

  Talia opened her mouth, but Roman put his hand on her arm. “Give me a moment before you proceed.”

  Talia nodded.

  “Talia is under the protection of my family,” Roman began.

  “She is also fully supported by the Santa Cruz hunters,” Gareth added.

  When Roman nodded, Talia opened her mouth again.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Drew whispered.

  As her fangs slid out, all hell literally broke loose in the room. Vampires and hunters were shouting and arguing among themselves.

  Drew moved to her side and slipped an arm around her waist. “I guess this will seem much less shocking to them after your big reveal.”

  Talia laughed nervously. “I’m not sure there’s much that could shock them at this point.”

  “I could come up with something,” he insisted, as Roman and Gareth argued with the others.

  “I’m sure you could,” she agreed.

  “Why’d you do it?” he asked, sounding completely bewildered.

  “The same reason you were willing to take the blame,” she replied with a shrug.

  Drew grinned. “Yeah? You did it because you love me?”

  “That’s already been covered,” she reminded him. “I love you even if you are an idiot who put himself at risk to try to protect me.”

  “I’d do anything for you,” he assured her.

  “Enough!” Roman’s shout cut through the air, and everyone fell silent. “The deaths of the hunters occurred in our territory. Hunters and vampires will work together to clean up the mess. We are done discussing this.”

  Gareth nodded. “Well said.”

  A man cleared his throat. “Talia is of interest to us all.”

  “She’s not the first of her kind,” a woman admitted. “It hasn’t happened by using a hunter’s eggs before, but we’ve had a breeder become pregnant by a vampire.”

  “As have we,” a man added. “The child is mostly vampire.”

  “I guess I’m not as special as I thought,” Talia muttered.

  “While you discuss this, I’m going to tell the others they’re free to go,” Gareth stated before motioning for Talia and Drew to follow him. Roman stayed in the room, probably to make sure no one decided they wanted to experiment on Talia.

  “What happened?” Lydia asked anxiously. “We heard a lot of shouting in there.”

  Gareth sighed. “Talia revealed her secret to save her vampire.” A tear formed at the corner of one eye. “It’s so heartening to see that Buffy and Angel weren’t the only ones willing to try to make it work.”

  On those words, Gareth disappeared back into the room again.

  “What now?” Mason asked.

  “I’m taking Buffy home,” Drew replied. “I was thinking we’d try happily ever after.”

  Lydia sighed. “House, kids, and dog?”

  “No kids,” Talia and Drew said in unison before laughing.

  “I like the house idea,” Drew mused. “How about if I buy us a house on the beach?”

  “Are you asking me to move in with you after knowing each other less than a month?” she asked.

  “It seems like the only logical solution,” he replied. “It’ll be easier than you trying to find an excuse to come over to my place to sleep with me every night.”

  “For now, let’s just get out of here,” she told him.

  “You’re going to move in with me,” he stated with a grin.

  Mason blew out a frustrated breath. “He’s right.”

  “Mason knows I’m right,” Drew told her.

  “You are an incorrigible pain in the ass,” Talia muttered.

  “I love you, too,” Drew murmured as he leaned in to brush his lips against hers. “Now, let’s go home so I can show you all the things you’ll be missing if you’re not in my bed every night.”

  Talia wasn’t quite ready to agree to live with Drew, but she was definitely looking forward to having him try to convince her.


  Drew kept to the shadows, watching her as she walked along the beach. She was an obsession, one he hadn’t been able to get out of his system since he’d met her over a decade ago. In that time, his life had changed more than he’d ever imagined possible. One of the biggest changes was clutching his hand and screaming at the top of her lungs, “Mommy! We’re stalking you! Did you see us?”

  Drew chuckled and lifted the little imp who looked more like him than her mother into his arms. “Ah, Miri, you blew Daddy’s cover again.”

  The smile she gave him held no apology. “Sorry, Daddy.”

  “Were you really trying to teach our daughter to stalk people again?” Talia asked as she waddled toward them, her pregnant belly leading the way.

  They’d been married four years when Drew had nervously approached Talia to admit he wanted a child, and it had taken another year to convince her it was a good idea. He still couldn’t believe his luck. Not only did he have Talia and Miri, but very soon, he’d have another beautiful girl in his life.

  “Stalking is an important skill,” he argued.

  Talia shook her head. “What are we going to do with him?” she asked Miri.

  “Buy him pizza,” Miri replied with a sweet smile.

  “That’s my girl,” Drew praised. “Pizza is just what I deserve.”

  “Fine, but I get to pick the toppings,” Talia insisted.

  “Anything for you, beautiful,” he murmured as he leaned in to brush his lips against hers.

  “What about me?” Miri demanded.

  Drew chuckled. “I’m not falling for that again.”

  Miri’s eye roll always reminded him of Talia. “It’s one puppy, Daddy.”

  “I’ll bet it was going to be a pony this time,” Talia added.

  “A unicorn,” Miri chirped. “Tell me you’ll get me anything so I can have a unicorn.”

  “How about ice cream?” he offered.

  “Two scoops,” Miri insisted.

  “Deal,” he said before ruffling his daughter’s hair.

  “Pizza and ice cream it is,” Talia said as she waddled up the beach ahead of them. “No more teaching our daughter to stalk me.”

  “We’ll try it again tomorrow, my little hunter,” he whispered close to his daughter’s ear before catching up to Talia. “Sometimes, I wonder if I’m dreaming,” he admitted.

  Talia reached between him and Miri to pinch his nipple hard.

  “Ouch!” he shouted. “I really wish you’d stop doing that.”

  “No, you don’t,” she said with a laugh.

  “You’re right,” he agreed. “I love the abuse.”

  This was his life. It was more than he’d ever dreamed of and more than he deserved. Thankfully, Talia loved him, creepy perverted faults and all.

  Author’s Note

  Dear Reader,

  I was both relieved and sad as I wrote this last book in the Psy-Vamp series. I always knew Drew would be the last to find his happily ever after. With all I’ve put him through recently, I knew it was time for him to discover his one true love. Finding the right woman for Drew was a challenge. I needed to find a strong woman who could love Drew for the unique individual he is. I hope you enjoyed this final installment of the Psy-Vamp series. While this series has ended, I still have many exciting things planned for the future.

  To keep posted on the details of my next book, or just to see what I’m up to, you can follow me on Facebook or Twitter.
  If you enjoyed Drew and Talia’s story, please take a moment to leave a review.

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  About The Author

  Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Cassandra Lawson first discovered her love of writing at a young age. A few early typing classes in middle school planted the seeds of a young author, who enjoyed learning to type through her exploration of storytelling. Head over heels for a good happily ever after, she has dedicated her career to creating dynamic, entertaining, and spicy, romance novels. Ranging from the paranormal to contemporary settings, Cassandra Lawson breathes life into the many different ways people experience love. A hard-working mom, she spends her days writing and homeschooling her children. A lover of music, good food, and a great book, Cassandra remains a resident of the Bay Area, basking in the culture and all the inspiration it affords.




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