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TheOneandOnly Page 7

by Tori Carson

  What the fuck? Hadn’t Sean made a point of telling her he hadn’t scened with anyone in months. Michelle’s stomach dropped and she pulled away from Sean. “Excuse me, gentleman.” She practically ran to the other end of the bar.

  Well, now she understood the cold shoulder from Stella.

  Michelle ran her hand along the collar Sean had given her. She didn’t remember seeing one on Stella. She shook her head, furious at herself. What the hell did that matter? She wasn’t competing for any man and she did not share.

  The lights suddenly flashed, then returned to normal. Spotlights lit the stage area and Steven stood front and center. It was hard to hear him from the bar, but she caught enough words to understand he was about to give a demonstration. When a naked girl, bound by leather cuffs, walked onto the stage, Michelle turned away. Was there no place she could get a reprieve?

  Sean came up behind her from inside the serving area. He had his arm around her waist as he led her to the far wall. The counter blocked her in on one side and his arm on the other. She couldn’t steady her breathing. Part of her wanted to lean against him and be held and another wanted to duck under his arm and get away.

  “Why are you avoiding me?” He sounded stern, angry even.

  “I have a job to do and you’re keeping me from it.” She couldn’t look him in the eye. Tears were too close to the surface. Damn it, why did she turn into a blubbering water fountain when she was tired?

  “I don’t give a fuck who wants a drink. I want to know what’s wrong.”

  He was whispering in her ear, for which she was eternally grateful. No one needed to be privy to their discussion. She put her hand over her stomach and tried to settle it down. The last thing she needed was to be sick. “Now is not the time to go into this. Let me get through this evening, please.” She hated hearing the whine in her voice.

  Sean held her chin between the knuckle of his index finger and his thumb. He did that often when he wanted her to meet his gaze. She allowed him to tilt her face upward, but refused to look at him. She kept her eyes focused on his shirt.

  Michelle was tempted to pull away from him, but what would be the point? It would only push his buttons and she wasn’t sure what the outcome would be. Though she’d never seen him angry and while she doubted he’d get violent, he might very well cause a scene.

  There was that word again, “scene”. What did it even mean? Why make a point of telling her he hadn’t “scened” with anyone in months if he had? Wouldn’t it be easier to say nothing? It seemed doubtful he’d have forgotten scening with Stella just last week. What was the truth? She couldn’t figure out why either of them would lie, but after seeing Stella with Sean, it stood to reason Sean was not being as forthcoming as he pretended.

  “What’s wrong with your stomach? You’re holding it.”

  Michelle dropped her hand and put them behind her back. After remembering Stella’d done that when she’d kneeled for him, she brought them back around to her sides and smoothed imaginary wrinkles in her skirt. “I’m fine.”

  “Hmm, ‘I’m fine’ and ‘fuck you’ sound a lot alike when you say it that way.” Sean looked at his watch. “I’ll be back in a few minutes and you’d better be right here when I get back.”

  She thought he’d pull away, but he continued to stand there blocking her path.

  “Promise me, Michelle. Promise me you’ll be here when I get back.”

  His voice was a seduction, lighting fires all the way down to her toes. She wanted to be angry, and somewhere deep inside she still was. At the very least she was seriously confused. Yet, with his chest so close to hers and his scent invading her body with every breath she took, he was short-circuiting her brain. She gave him a curt nod, hoping he’d give her a moment to get her thoughts together.

  “Out loud, Michelle. Say it out loud for me to hear.” He didn’t give her a single inch of wiggle room.

  “I’ll be here,” she whispered, surprised she was capable of actually speaking.

  “Thank you.” He kissed her forehead, then left the serving area and disappeared toward his office.

  “If you’re done, I have some drink orders that have been waiting forever.” Stella’s sharp voice was the last thing she wanted to hear.

  “Sorry. When the boss says he wants a moment, it’s best not to keep him waiting.” Michelle tried to be nice.

  “Don’t get too comfortable here. You’re just the flavor of the week. By the end of the month, he’ll have moved on to thinner and cuter pastures.”

  Okay, so we’re going to play it that way. “No worries. I wasn’t looking for a job when I was given this one.” Michelle started filling Stella’s orders in hopes of getting her away from the bar as quickly as possible.

  “From the look of your knees, I’d say you were giving head to get this job. Just keep practicing. You’ll need that skill to get your next one.”

  Michelle laughed. “Aren’t you sweet to care about my future? Don’t worry, Stella. I’ve been guaranteed this job for as long as I want it.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Stella took the tray with her drink orders and stormed away from the bar.

  “Well done, darlin’.” Luke praised her. “That one’s a spiteful hellcat. Just keep smiling and ignore her. That’s the worst thing you can do to a subbie like that—ignore her.”

  Michelle gave him a wink. “Easier said than done sometimes.”

  It was over an hour later when Sean came back into the arboretum bearing pizza boxes. Lots of pizza boxes. She couldn’t help smiling at him as he put all but one on tables between the bar and the stage. The one remaining box he brought to the bar.

  “Maybe this will help settle your stomach.” Sean opened a box with a pizza—one half-pineapple and ham, the other pepperoni.

  Michelle pulled out two paper plates for Sean. Before he laid hers on the plate, he held it out for her to take a bite. “Thank you…” She just couldn’t bring herself to say Master Sean. So far she’d gotten by without using anyone’s name. “It’s delicious.” As Sean took a bite, she turned to Luke. “Would you like a slice?”

  “No, darlin’. I’m fine, and girl, you ain’t got nothing to worry about.” Luke chuckled and turned around, putting his back to the bar to start watching the action on the floor.

  “I missed you.” Sean took her hands in his. “Are you doing all right?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine. A little tired.”

  “You’ve been awake over twenty-four hours. You’ve gotta be beat.”

  “My point was I get emotional when I’m tired. It’s nothing to worry about. Once I get some sleep, I’ll sort through what’s real and what’s me overreacting. I’m finding I have a jealous streak and I’m not proud of that. It’s a worthless, destructive emotion and I don’t like it.”

  Sean was looking at her like she mattered to him. Dana’s analogy of a big teddy bear popped into her mind.

  “Okay, that helps me understand a bit better. We’ll talk about it after you get some sleep.” Sean tipped his head toward the door. “Brian and Dana just came in. They’re heading this way.”

  Michelle turned to see Dana waving. It was nice to see a friendly face. Michelle and Sean went to the end of the bar to greet them.

  Dana pulled Michelle a few feet away. “How are you doing, sweetie?”

  “Great! It’s so good to see you. I’m glad you guys could make it.”

  “Look at you.” Dana ran a finger over the heart locket on Michelle’s collar. “So beautiful. Tell me…what have I missed? As soon as I saw Stella was here tonight, I knew the shit was going to hit the fan. Pardon my French.”

  “Nothing too bad. Some dirty looks and a hateful comment here and there. No big deal.”

  “Come on.” She motioned with her hand. “I live for this shit. What’d she say?”

  Michelle laughed. “She says I’m the flavor of the week and I’d better start looking for a new job.” She couldn’t bring herself to add more. It hit a little
too close to home.

  “Flavor of the century is more like it. Seriously girl, I’ve never seen him like this before and we’ve been coming here a long time.”

  “Thanks, Dana, that’s nice to hear.”

  “What about all the other crazy shit that happens in this place? Are you ready to run for the hills yet?”

  Michelle laughed again. “I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t considered it. Tonight I’m just focusing on the bar and trying to block out everything else.”

  “Good for you, sweetie. Master bought a new flogger and I’m anxious to try it out. We’ll swing back by a little later.”

  Michelle nodded and watched Dana kneel beside Master Brian with her head bowed and her hands behind her back. Oh God, would she ever get used to seeing that? Luckily, a few more members came to the bar and distracted her. When she was finished, she looked up and saw Sean back at “his spot”. She immediately went to him.

  “Have another bite. You need to eat.” He held her pizza up to her mouth.

  Fire. Liquid fire was the only thing Michelle could think of to describe the pain shooting through her mouth and throat. She spun around where no one would see her and spit the food into a napkin. The fire was spreading. She started fanning her mouth and coughing. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw legs coming at her and she shrank back against the wall.

  Sean had vaulted over the bar counter. “What is it? What’s the matter? Do you need your EpiPen?” Sean was there, pulling her into his arms. He picked her up and ran toward his office.

  She shook her head. “Sean, I don’t need the EpiPen. My mouth is on fire. Something’s on the pizza. My whole throat’s on fire. I need milk.” She felt Sean’s arm lower her feet to the ground and she thought they were heading back to the bar. Instead he opened his office.

  “Go brush your teeth. Use my brush in the medicine cabinet. I’ll be right back.”

  Sean was furious as he returned to the bar. He didn’t know what the fuck was going on but he intended to find out. The look of betrayal on Michelle’s face ate at his gut. She’d believed he’d done something to hurt her on purpose. First he went to the slice of pizza he’d dropped back onto the plate as soon as Michelle had reacted. It was missing.

  “Is Michelle all right?” Luke asked.

  “I think so. Where’s her pizza? It was right here.”

  Luke nodded toward a series of tables where Stella was standing.

  “She was at that end of the bar while you two were talking to the Richardsons. I don’t know what she did to it, but as soon as you carried Michelle out of here, Stella went and threw it in the trash over there. She’s been taking swipes at Michelle all evening. I should have said something but I never dreamed she’d actually hurt her.”

  “Neither did I. Thanks, Luke. Would you ask Ethan to take over? I’m taking Michelle home.” Sean pulled a quart of milk out of the bar fridge and headed back to his office.

  Michelle was at the bathroom vanity brushing her teeth. He noticed it wasn’t his brush and had to assume it too came out of that purse of hers. “Drink this.”

  She took the container and started drinking. After a few swallows, she wiped the sweat off her face.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. Looks like Dana might have been right on the money.”

  After Michelle drank more of the milk, she asked, “Stella?”

  Sean nodded. He put his hands on her shoulders, needing the contact. “Luke said she’s been catty all night. Is that true?”

  “Cat claws might have been a more appropriate name for your club. So who else do I need to watch out for? I’d rather not find out the hard way again.”

  Tears had streaked mascara down Michelle’s cheeks. She looked tired and pale. Sean wanted to put his fist through something. He dug his cell phone out of his pants and texted Steven. Send Stella to my office. She’s fired.

  Michelle took another drink of the milk straight from the container. “Sorry about my manners. I know it’s rude but damn, that shit was hot. What the hell did she put on it, gasoline? My ears and throat are still on fire.” She took the towel and wiped the sweat from her face again. After looking in the mirror, she held the cloth under the water, then washed all the makeup off her face.

  She looked so young and innocent that Sean’s heart contracted. What the hell was he doing bringing her here? “Do you want to go to the hospital?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I only swallowed a bit. I’ll be fine. Thank God it wasn’t seafood.”

  “I don’t understand why she would do this. What did she hope she’d gain by this stunt?”

  Michelle blushed. “She wants me to quit. She made a crack that I got this job by giving you head and that I’d better continue to practice because you’d get bored and fire me within the month.” Michelle looked at her knees. The marks had disappeared. “It hit a little too close to home, so I smarted back that the job was mine for as long as I wanted it. I think this was her way of making me not want it any longer. It was stupid. I shouldn’t have engaged her.”

  A sharp knock sounded at the door. Sean answered, a bit surprised to find both Steven and Stella at the door. He waved them to the two chairs in front of his desk. As he passed the pocket door, he slid it mostly closed, giving Michelle a bit of privacy.

  “Do you know why I asked you in here, Stella?” Sean took his place behind his desk.

  “No, Master Sean. Did I do something wrong?”

  Sean watched her closely. She looked like the perfect submissive with her head bowed, her back straight and her hands in her lap. “You tell me, Stella.”

  “I hope I didn’t do anything wrong, Master Sean. You know I would never wish to displease you.”

  “Cut the crap, Stella. What did you put on Michelle’s pizza?”

  She raised her head, looking shocked, then dropped her gaze toward the desk. “Nothing bad. Only some hot peppers, Sir. She was saying how she liked spicy food. Master David brought in some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion peppers. I thought she’d like them. I didn’t have a chance to tell her before she ate it because I was waiting on tables. I’m so sorry if she didn’t like it.”

  Sean had never heard of those peppers before. He typed it into a search program on his computer and let Stella sit and wait while he scrolled through the information. They were indeed hot and painful to eat, but not necessarily harmful. “Wait outside.”

  Stella came around to the corner of his desk and kneeled. “I’m sorry I displeased you, Master Sean. Please punish me.”

  “Do as you’re told.” Sean’s voice was as cold and impersonal as he felt.

  After she went outside, Sean turned to Steven. “Do you believe her crap?”

  “No. Chrissy said she’s been bitching all evening about Michelle, but you don’t really have grounds to fire her.”

  “Bullshit. Tampering with food is plenty of grounds to fire her ass. Michelle has food allergies. This could have sent her to the hospital, not to mention lying and harassing another employee.”

  Sean looked up as he heard the door slide farther open. “Don’t fire her, Sean. She probably needs this job. I can always keep my other gig. You’ll have a few days to find someone else and no one’s out anything.”

  “Was she telling the truth? Did you have a conversation about spicy foods?”

  Michelle shook her head no.

  “Fuck it. She’s out of here.”

  “Sean, please listen. She has friends here. They’ll all rally to her defense and I’ll be the outsider who made waves. If you really want me to work here then firing her will only make that more difficult.”

  “She’s right,” Steven chimed in. “Let’s suspend her for a week without pay and transfer her to the dungeon.”

  Michelle closed the door and left them to their negotiations.

  “Make sure she understands the gift she’s been given. And if she comes within ten feet of Michelle, there’s no saving her. She’s gone.”

  “You got it.” Steven stood. “I like
her.” He nodded toward the dressing room. “I didn’t want to after you strong-armed me into hiring her, but she’s all right.”

  Steven took a few more steps toward the door. “You know, boss, Stella isn’t the only one who is going to be upset that you’re interested in Michelle.”

  “I don’t give a fuck.”

  Chapter Four

  Another dream about Mr. Jameson. Geez, this had to end. She needed to stop living in her mind and find a man who was actually attracted to her. God, she felt like she’d been run over by a truck. She reluctantly opened one eye. Sunshine? What happened to her blackout blinds?

  Her eyes flew open. This wasn’t her bedroom and that wasn’t the blanket making her way too warm. With a squeak, she tried to scramble out of bed.

  A strong arm pulled her back, “Michelle, relax. You’re safe.”

  “Mr. Jameson?”

  “I think we’ve moved beyond that, Michelle.” He chuckled. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Where are we?” Michelle looked out the window at the beautiful lagoon. Were they in a hotel? Why couldn’t she remember?

  “You feel asleep in the car so I brought you to my house. I was worried that you might get sick after the stunt Stella pulled and I didn’t want you to be alone. Hell, I didn’t want to be alone.”

  She dropped her head back onto the pillow. “Now I remember.” If their heavenly encounters on the club’s St. Andrew’s Cross and in his shower had been real, then the debacle with Stella must have been too. “How long have I been asleep?”

  Sean sat up and looked at the alarm clock. “About eleven hours.”

  “No wonder my head is so fuzzy.” She turned to look at Sean, smiling, she scraped her finger along his whiskers. “You’re fuzzy too.”

  He ran a hand over his cheeks. “It happens.” Sean tossed the covers off her and gently rubbed his face across her tummy. She squirmed and giggled as he kissed her side.

  As she tried to scoot away, he locked his leg over hers. Sean’s hard-on was pressing against her hip and a wave of heat flooded her pussy when she realized they were naked in bed together. Such a dream come true.


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