New Season: Sparrow's Quest (New Sky Book 2)

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New Season: Sparrow's Quest (New Sky Book 2) Page 17

by Jason Kent

  Ross didn't give the machine the chance to figure out what was going on. The big marine rose up and opened fire with his assault rifle, riddling the mech with direct hits. A few of the shots found vulnerable spots. Hydraulic fluid and super-heated steam erupted from the mech's body. It groaned as it tipped to one side and crumpled to the ground. Ross muttered, "One down..."

  The victory was short-lived as three more mechs clanked their way into the museum. Meanwhile, the pounding of heavy boots on the tile floor drew Kate's attention back the way they'd come. More than a dozen Ater appeared out of the hall leading deeper into the building. They chittered and growled as they spotted Kate and the others.

  The Ater were so focused on Kate and her friends, they failed to take notice of the new enemy at the front door.

  "Duck!" Kate shouted as she heard the multi-barreled guns the mechs carried spin up. The Ater may not have noticed the mechs. But, the machines definitely noticed the arrival of the aliens.

  The Ater were still raising their weapons to fire when they were hit by the mech's weapons. The tall aliens staggered back under the intense fusillade, but, once again, their advanced armor held firm. The Ater warriors quickly recovered from their initial shock and began firing at the mechs.

  As one of the mechs exploded, Kate turned to Merrick and shouted, "What now?!"

  "Freaking machines," Dagger mumbled as she worked the pad on her arm. "Let's see how you like some real fire power..."

  "Got it!" Tivon shouted. She swiped three fingers across her board. A street map of Reticort appeared in the holographic projection in front of the cockpit. Tivon jabbed a finger at the map. "Take the next left!"

  Garrett gritted his teeth as he turned Blade onto a broad avenue. He managed not to hit any buildings, but the blast from the ship's big engines left a trail of overturned cars in their wake. As they rocketed closer to the Reticort Museum, represented by a flashing red icon on the projection, the communications panel lit up.

  "See who that is," Garrett instructed. He figured it was Dagger wondering when they planned to show up.

  Tivon tapped on the panel and an unfamiliar voice came out of the speakers.

  "Unidentified vessel! You are in a restricted, No Fly Zone! You are hereby ordered to..."

  Garret swiped at the panel, silencing the caller. He muttered, "I guess some of the Ardennes' communications still work." He groaned as the communications panel began blinking again. "If that's Local Air Control again, don't answer it!"

  "No, it's Dagger!" Tivon said after checking the caller identification. She opened the link.

  "Hey babe, almost there!" Garrett said before Dagger could say anything.

  "Fire two missiles right through the front door!" Dagger shouted.

  Like the earlier caller, this was a comment Garrett was not expecting. He banked and brought Blade onto a long boulevard. It was a straight shot to the museum now. He pursed his lips and clarified, "You want fire? At you? Through the front door?"

  "Do it!" Dagger yelled. The sound of an intense battle was evident through the link.

  "Crap," Garrett mumbled and realized Dagger would not have told him to try something this insane unless she was in deep trouble. He pulled the weapons control panel down and quickly sighted on the front of the museum. The infrared system picked up several familiar forms on the steps outside. "Mechs..." Garrett breathed.

  Without further hesitation, Garrett hit the firing stud. He felt the double thump of two missiles dropping out from the weapon bays on Blade's underside. The missiles ignited and sped away from them into the night.

  Garrett flew into the broad square. He tipped Blade's nose to the sky just as the missiles sailed past on either side of the obelisk dominating the center of the open space. They detonated with a brilliant flash of light amidst the mechs crowded on the steps. An orange fireball lit up the entrance rotunda, making the building look like it was on fire. The glow shining through the panes of glass of the huge dome gave Garrett an idea. He aimed Blade toward the museum's roof.

  Ardennes ground troops, who'd been using the mechs to lead their assault, dove for cover across the square. The obelisk cast a long, stark shadow pointing away from the museum.

  Tivon caught the look on Garrett's face. She glanced from the pilot to the dome and grabbed her seat harness. "Are you sure about this?!"

  "No!" Garrett replied. He flared out at the last possible moment directly above the dome. Glass exploded and the steel frame groaned under the force of Blade's thrusters. Thoughts of tearing Dagger's ship to shreds, and what she would do to him if he did, flashed across Garrett's mind. But, it was too late to pull out. "Not really!"

  "Move!" Dagger shouted. She got to her feet despite the bullets and micro-darts flying overhead from the mechs and Ater respectively.

  Sparrow knew better than to question Dagger. Had she just told Garrett to shoot missiles at them? She lurched to her feet up beside Dagger and dashed away from the fighting. Sparrow grabbed Kate's hand and hauled the other woman along with her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tarun trying to drag the case with the key along with him.

  "Leave it!" Dagger yelled at the archivist. She grabbed a handful of his tunic and pulled the man to his feet.

  Ross and Merrick were up and firing; Ross at the Ater and Merrick at the mechs. Sparrow winched as both marines took hits on their heavy armor as they covered the retreat. They staggered but kept shooting.

  Sparrow dove behind an information kiosk desk, just as two explosions detonated outside the door. She threw herself down beside Kate as the remaining windows in the entry hall burst inward, showering them with bits of broken glass and shattered frames. Sparrow felt a sharp sting in her leg. But, she put the injury out of her mind, she'd worry about it if they got out of here alive.

  As the blasts died away, Sparrow lifted her head to assess the damage. Just then, the entire dome in the center of the rotunda crashed down upon the central pedestal. Steel beams and broken glass rained down upon the bones. The debris was immediately followed by a familiar form. Blade's wingtips knocked loose the few remaining panes as it descended through the new skylight.

  Blade touched down, crushing the pedestal and snapping the ancient bones like dry twigs under its landing pads.

  "Move!" Even though Dagger was shouting at the top of her lungs, Sparrow could barely hear her over the roar of Blade's engines. She nodded and dashed for the hatch with Kate at her side. Maybe it was the extra adrenalin kicking in from the explosions or just being tired of getting shot at that finally gave Sparrow the energy to draw her pistols and fire at the Ater.

  Clear of the kiosk, Sparrow got a better view of the damage the blasts in front of the museum had caused. She could see the remains of several mechs just outside the door, their bodies blasted apart and their legs bent at unusable angles. The mechs who'd made it into the entry hall fared little better. They were lying face down, venting steam and leaking oil. Their arms twitched but they did not seem like they'd be getting up anytime soon.

  Sparrow turned back to the Ater, firing as she went. Several of the big aliens had been laid out on their backs by the blast wave. The rest were quickly shaking off their daze. Sparrow fired, hoping to keep them off-balance just a little while longer. She was almost to Blade's hatch when she saw Tarun running to the opposite side of the ship.

  "Tarun!" Sparrow shouted then realized what the archivist was after. She cursed and muttered, "Stupid key!" She ran after Tarun, ignoring Kate's calls from behind her.

  Ross fell into step at Sparrow's side. "We need to go!"

  "In a minute!"

  Ross saw Tarun digging through debris and nodded. He rushed over to the archivist and lifted a twisted beam which had trapped the carrying case. It was just enough to allow Tarun and Sparrow to pull it free. Ross eyed the Ater, now taking notice of them and shouted, "Run!"

  Ross dropped the wreckage and took his own advice.

  Heavy blasters swiveled on Blade's hull and zeroed in on the
aliens. The Ater scrambled to get out of the withering line of fire.

  Sparrow saw Garrett grinning at her from the cockpit. She mouthed a 'thanks' then focused on lugging the crate. She and Tarun were struggling with the case when Ross caught up with them.

  Ross slung his rifle over his shoulder, gripped both handles and effortless lifted the metal case out of Sparrow and Tarun's hands. Kate pulled Sparrow and the archivist inside. Ross was right on their heels. Merrick swept the entry hall once then dove through the hatch.

  Sparrow slumped down against a bulkhead and tried to catch her breath.

  Dagger sealed the door and called down the corridor toward the cockpit.

  "Hey, flyboy! Try not to scratch the paint on the way out!"

  Part 2


  Chapter 17


  What was she supposed to do now? Sparrow looked down at her hands. The upgrades were wonderful tools. She'd proven their worth again and again. And now, Sparrow was confronted by a new realization; she had become a weapon. Her upgrades had turned her into more than the Link Sprite she had dreamed of becoming. She had become more than she ever thought possible...but what?

  Sparrow had always wanted to be a Sprite. But this...she clenched her hands. Could she live with the new Sparrow? Did she really want to? She closed her eyes, willing the tears forming not to fall. What choice did she have?

  Sparrow's thoughts were interrupted by Dagger's arrival from the bridge, having ensured Blade was on course for the Archives.

  "Well, let's see it," Dagger ordered abruptly as she dropped onto an empty couch in the common room.

  "See what?" Tivon asked. She turned her glowing light blue eyes toward the pilot.

  "The key," Dagger sighed with an eye roll. "What else?"

  "But, the artifact is secured in the cargo hold," Tivon replied, her tone implied it was nothing short of sacrilege to handle a museum piece more than absolutely necessary.

  "Look..." Dagger leaned forward with her arms on the table. "I just risked my life for that trinket. I don't think it's too much to ask to see what the fuss was all about. If you don't want me pawing it myself, I suggest you go and get it."

  Tarun sputtered and Tivon opened her mouth to protest.

  "I'd also like to see it," Sparrow interjected before the archivists could marshal any further arguments. She was suddenly very excited about getting a glimpse of the key. Back on Ardennes, she'd sensed the key by the temperature variations it created within Vault 77. Sparrow couldn't explain how an inanimate object could cause such a phenomenon, but she was more than eager to get a chance to look at the artifact. This time without someone trying to kill her.

  "There you go," Dagger remarked and gestured at Sparrow. "We have a majority vote."

  "That's not really a majority..." Tivon said, a confused look spreading across her face. She glanced around the room where her eyes met Merrick's. The sniper shrugged.

  "Better give the ladies what they want," Merrick said.

  Tivon's shoulders sagged. She got up from her seat and sighed, "Alright." She thought for a moment, then, as if trying to convince herself, said, "I guess after all we've been through in the past few hours, examining it would be justified."

  "I highly disagree!" Tarun protested. "We should wait until we have the proper facilities! That artifact is extremely—"

  "Yeah, yeah," Dagger stopped the archivist before he could really get on a roll. "We get it. But this is my ship and I reserve the right to inspect any and all cargo." Calmly, she added, "Plus, I could space you if you refuse to do as I say."

  "You wouldn't!" Tarun sputtered.

  "Try me." Dagger's smoldering green eyes bore into Tarun.

  "No one's spacing anyone," Kate said and held up her hands between Dagger and Tarun. She looked over at Dagger. The pilot winked. Kate bit her lip to conceal a smile. "Not today, at least."

  "Of course, Watcher," Tarun said. He crossed his arms and slouched back in his seat, mumbling, "Still, this is no way to treat an irreplaceable artifact..."

  Tivon moved to the hatch, then stopped and looked over at Ross. "I could use a little help."

  Sparrow watched Ross get up and dutifully follow Tivon. She fought the feeling of jealousy which unexpectedly swelled in her chest. A small grin crept onto her face as she realized she didn't need to worry. She was the one Ross had chosen, not the archivist. Still, she didn't like the idea of letting him out of her sight with another woman even if only for a minute or two.

  Her smile slipped a little as she thought about Georges. How was he going to take the news of their engagement? The marine Lieutenant Colonel was like a father to her. She'd given up having a normal life when she became a Sprite. She assumed no one would want to be with her and her implants. Besides, Georges' scowl had sharply curtailed her dating opportunities in the past. Sparrow knew the old marine cared about her and, in his own way, looked out for her. Now, here she was with a full-fledged boy-friend. It was killing her not to be able to share the news with one of the most important men in her life. Ross reappeared a few moments later, suitcase in hand. Sparrow shelved the regret and promised to find a way to get word to Georges when they got back to the Archives.

  Ross set the case down on the table and stepped back.

  Sparrow felt as if a chilly draft had entered the room. She shuddered and wrapped her arms across her chest. "How could it get cold so quickly?"

  "We're in space," Dagger stated blandly.

  "No," Sparrow corrected with a shake of her head. "The key. How can it be so cold?"

  "It is colder," Tivon noted.

  Sparrow held out her hands. The glow in her palms had faded to a dull red as they had in the museum vaults.

  "Should an artifact be able to change the room temperature so abruptly?" Sparrow asked.

  "When I saw Dupont take the key from the display case in my vision, he felt the cold also," Kate said and reached out for the Link Sprite's hands, rubbing them vigorously. "Don't worry, we'll have it safely back in the hold in a few minutes."

  "Perhaps you would be more comfortable around the artifact if you disabled your sensors," Tarun suggested innocently.

  Sparrow eyed the archivist. She figured the icy look on her face perfectly matched the chill pervading her entire body.

  "Sprites don't go offline," Sparrow bit off her words. She didn't mean to put such an edge into her voice. There was no way Tarun could know it was a matter of pride among Sprites to be on-line whenever possible, connected to the world using whatever tools were at their disposal. This usually applied to the digital networks her original implants allowed her to access. Sparrow had extended the mantra to include the mechanical upgrades Knowl had given her as well.

  "I mean no offense," Tarun said, realizing he'd wandered into sensitive territory. He coughed lightly. "I merely was thinking of your well-being."

  "I'll be alright," Sparrow insisted briskly. "Just open the box." Shivering, she reached for her jacket and pulled it on.

  Tivon hesitated and studied Sparrow. She pursed her lips and flicked her gaze to Kate.

  "We'll keep the...examination short," Kate assured everyone. She pointed at the case. "All yours, Archivist."

  "As you wish," Tivon replied and lowered her eyes, deferring to Kate's higher status as a Watcher. Tivon worked the heavy latches and placed her hands on either side of the lid. She paused and swept the room with her glowing eyes. Rather more dramatically than the situation called for, she announced, "I give you the Aether Source key."

  With a flourish, Tivon lifted the lid and laid it gently on the table. She carefully peeled back the top layer of protective material, revealing the key.

  Sparrow leaned in along with the others. She clutched her jacket tightly across her chest. Despite the added cover, her teeth began to chatter.

  "The artifact appears to have suffered no damage," Tarun noted in a professional tone. He leaned over the case to get a better look at the key. Sparrow noted everyone else
gave the head archivist the space he needed to perform what he obviously felt was his duty. As Tarun inspected the artifact, Sparrow let out her breath and found a plume of vapor blowing from her lips.

  "Wow, now I can feel it," Ross commented. He sat down next to Sparrow and wrapped his arms around her. With a shocked expression, he turned to look at her. "You're freezing!"

  "Yeah," Sparrow said, her teeth now chattering uncontrollably.

  "Put the lid back on!" Kate said. She frowned as she looked down at the Link Sprite. "Sparrow, maybe you should—"

  "No!" Sparrow protested. "I need to see it."

  Tarun completed his cursory examination of the key and stepped back. "I advise against handling the artifact given the unknown nature of its function and...unexpected side effects." He tilted his head toward Sparrow with this last statement.

  Sparrow managed to stand with Ross' help and stared down at the key.

  The key gleamed from the light hanging over the table. The curving section was covered with an intricate engraving. Clear blue lines, the color of ice, showed at the bottom of the grooves.

  "Those patterns could either be decorative or functional," Tivon said. "It's impossible to tell. These spikes seem to be meant to plug into something." She gestured at the jagged edge of the key. "Most likely the Aether Source itself."

  "Perhaps the tablet will tell us more," Tarun said, looking sideways at Sparrow. "It may also offer some explanation of your...condition."

  "That'd be great," Sparrow said, teeth chattering.

  "Speaking of the tablet," Ross said, "When are we going after it? I'm worried since the Ater knew exactly where the key was hidden. Could they have found out where the other two components are as well?"

  "The key's location was noted in public records," Garrett reminded the group. "Hopefully, the tablet is still hidden from them."

  "Then let's go get it!" Ross urged. "No need hanging around waiting for the bad guys to make the next move!"

  "What do you think, Master Sergeant?" Garrett asked. His eyes slid to Merrick. The senior enlisted member of the team considered the question for a long moment before offering his assessment.


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