Dropout (The Good Guys Book 3)

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Dropout (The Good Guys Book 3) Page 15

by Jamie Schlosser

  The last of the dirty silverware made it into the dishwasher. With a loving pat to my cheek, Mom tossed the dish towel over the side of the sink and left the kitchen.

  I didn’t have to think very hard about what had changed. I’d always thought of myself as the type of girl who didn’t need a guy to be happy, and I still believed that was true.

  But it wasn’t just any guy who’d made the difference.

  It was Jimmy.



  Damn it. Maybe kissing Mackenna had been a mistake.

  No. That wasn’t true at all.

  It was the best thing ever. That kiss was everything.

  I hadn’t expected her to respond to me that way. Feeling her mouth open for me. Listening to that quiet moan of satisfaction. Watching her melt under my touch.

  It put me on a high that was better than being drunk, more fun than any party, and more intense than the adrenaline rush I got after a fight.

  And when she begged me to kiss her again? In that moment she totally owned me, and I loved every second of it.

  Problem was, now that I’d had a taste I wanted more. A lot more.

  I thought having a night apart might be a good idea. Knowing Mackenna was safe at her parents’ house gave me peace of mind, and it gave us some distance to think about the past several days.

  But I wasn’t used to this feeling—missing someone so much it made me restless—and I didn’t like it.

  “What are you brooding about over there?” Grandma’s question cut into my thoughts. “Wedding Crashers is supposed to be funny. You look downright depressed.”

  “I’m not brooding,” I lied. “My favorite part is coming up.”

  “Ah, the motorboatin’ quotes. Those are the best. Vince Vaughn is a fine piece of ass. I’ll spare you the details of my fantasies about that man.”

  Cringing, I laughed. “You’re not right in the head, you know that?”

  She pointed a finger at me. “But I got you to laugh. Does this have to do with a certain next door neighbor?”

  There was no point in trying to deny it.

  “Yeah,” I sighed.

  “Why aren’t you spending the night over there tonight?” she asked, and my eyes widened at being called out. I thought I’d been sneaky enough that she wouldn’t notice my absence the past couple nights. “Oh, you thought I didn’t know? I might be old but I’m not senile. I made your bed two days ago. Can’t help noticing it’s still the way I left it.”

  “How do you know I didn’t make it?”

  She shot me a look. “Jimmy, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your bed-making skills are absolute shit.”

  I barked out a laugh and held up my hands. “Alright. Yeah, I’ve been staying over there but I’ve got a good reason for it.”

  “You don’t need my permission to spend the night elsewhere. You’re an adult and I’m a lousy babysitter anyhow. Things certainly moved fast with you two—not that I’m judging.”

  “It’s not what you’re thinking,” I told her, then paused. “How much do you know about what happened to Mackenna a few years ago? With her ex?”

  “This is Tolson. I know everything.”

  “I thought so. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She shrugged. “Figured that’s Mackenna’s story to tell. Besides, a first-hand account is a lot different than rumors or news reports.”

  I nodded in agreement. “Well, her ex recently got out of jail. He left a threatening letter at her house. She’s pretty shaken up about it and I’m worried about her.”

  “Ah, the knight in shining armor.” She smiled. “If that’s not a way to get a girl to fall for you, I don’t know what is.”

  “It’s not even about that. I just want to be there for her,” I explained before admitting my true feelings. “I care about her. A lot.”

  Grandma beamed. “Even better.”


  When I got into bed, I looked at the clock on my phone. It wasn’t even 10:00 yet. As I scrolled through my contacts, I brought up Mackenna’s number and fought the urge to hear her voice.

  For some reason, the thought of calling her made me nervous. What if she didn’t pick up? What if I was coming on too strong?

  Never in my life had I second-guessed calling a girl. If I was being honest, they usually contacted me first. Like a chicken-shit, I opted for sending her a text instead.

  I typed out ‘Hey beautiful’ then immediately deleted it.

  Way too lame.

  Then I typed out ‘Hi’, but changed my mind again.

  Way too short.

  I thought about earlier when I walked her home. I bet she had no clue about how disheveled she’d looked.

  I grinned as my fingers flew over the keys.

  Me: How long did it take you to scrub off my handprints today?

  I stared at my phone for a minute before setting it down on the nightstand. I told myself to play it cool. But as soon as that ping sounded, I snatched my phone with lightning speed.

  Mack: A while. Next time it will be your responsibility to clean it off

  Images of her in the shower flashed through my mind. All soaped up and naked. Part of me hoped she meant it, while the other half wanted her to stop saying shit like that. My willpower was hanging by a thread.

  Me: I might take you up on that challenge. There’s always tomorrow

  Mack: ;)

  A fucking wink face. What I wouldn’t give to see her wink at me for real.

  Me: I want to see you. Send a pic

  Mack: I don’t think you want that right now. My sister and I are doing the whole girl sleepover thing.

  Me: What’s the definition of that exactly?

  Mack: Braided hair, painted nails, and face masks

  Me: Now you definitely have to send a pic

  About a minute later, a picture of Mackenna and her sister came through. I grinned. Their faces were covered with green goop, and messy pigtails stuck out at weird angles.

  She was gorgeous.

  Me: Hideous

  Mack: Hey! You were warned

  Me: I’m just kidding. You’re beautiful, even when you look like an alien

  Mack: Thanks, I think

  Me: So what else is on the agenda tonight?

  Mack: Probably sleep soon. I’m having a great time. I think I needed this

  Me: I’m glad. That makes missing you a little bit easier

  I wondered if I was being too honest, but fuck it. I was done playing games. Holding my breath, I waited as I saw those dots appear. Then they stopped. Then they started again.

  Mack: You miss me?

  Me: Like crazy

  Mack: Good. Because I miss you too

  Her confession caused a grin to pull at my lips.

  Me: I’ll let you get back to your sis. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow

  Mack: Looking forward to it. Goodnight Jimmy

  Me: Night Mack

  I stared at the picture she sent for longer than I should have. I loved seeing her happy, seeing her having fun with her sister.

  It made me miss my brother. This was the first summer of my life we weren’t spending together. As if he could read my thoughts from two states away, a text from him appeared.

  Ezra: Hey. How many laws did you and Grandma break this week? Do I even want to know?

  I laughed.

  Me: I’ve been keeping her in line. I was just about to text you. What are you up to this weekend?

  Ezra: Went to a graduation party tonight

  Me: Oh that’s fun

  Ezra: Eh. Not really

  Me: Did something happen?

  Concern caused my heartrate to pick up. It wasn’t like Ezra to go to a party in the first place. When he didn’t respond righ
t away, I lost patience and called him instead.

  He answered on the second ring. “Hey.”

  “What’s wrong? Did someone fuck with you?” I didn’t waste any time getting straight to the point.

  Ezra sighed. “No. It wasn’t anything like that. It was just lame and, well, I’m sort of confused about something that happened.”

  “What is it?”

  “That girl I like… She tried to kiss me.”

  I chuckled. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “Not when she has a boyfriend,” he replied, sounding miserable.

  I frowned. “Oh. Yeah, that’s not good.”

  “I wish I’d just done it,” he said, exasperated. “I should’ve let her do it.”

  “Nah, you don’t want to mess around with someone who’s taken. Not cool.”

  “Yeah, I guess. I mean, I know you’re right.” He paused. “It’s just that it would’ve been my first kiss. And I really wanted it to be her.”

  It wasn’t news to me that Ezra hadn’t even kissed anyone before. I had a feeling that when he finally gave his heart to someone, that person would have it forever. But that meant the girl on the receiving end of his love needed to be worthy of it.

  “Don’t sell yourself short, okay? You deserve better than being runner-up,” I said confidently. “But, hey, at least you’ve got some game, huh? You’ve got committed girls throwing themselves at you.”

  “That’s one way to look at it,” he grumbled before changing the subject. “Hey, you’re coming back for my graduation next weekend, right? Mom and Dad want you to bring Grandma.”

  “So I get to add chauffer to the list of my duties, too? No problem,” I said with humor.

  That humor disappeared when I realized I’d be leaving Mackenna in Tolson for two days. The thought of her being here alone made me uneasy.

  Then I had an idea.

  “I might bring someone. A girl,” I added.

  Ezra’s laughter was so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. When he finally calmed down, he said, “I thought you were done with women.”

  “So did I. Mackenna’s different, though.” There was no need to hold anything back with my brother, so I spilled my guts. “It’s been less than a week and I’m crazy about her. I am so completely fucked.”

  “Well, shit. If she’s got you by the balls already, I definitely need to meet her.”

  I thought about the bumper testicles and laughed, because that wasn’t the first time someone referred to my balls when it came to Mackenna. It was literally and figuratively correct.

  Now I just needed to get her to agree to come home with me. I had a feeling that was easier said than done.



  The second day of painting—which was technically the fourth in total—ended much like the day before. I was covered in sage green marks in the shape of Jimmy’s hands. And he was covered in mine. The teasing, playing, and kissing had been foreplay of the best kind.

  I’d been waiting for this moment—the moment when my desire for Jimmy became bigger than my fear of intimacy.

  As soon as the front door shut behind us, I mauled him. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I connected our lips while running my hands over his pecs. I was beginning to love the fact that he hated wearing shirts.

  “Mack,” he panted. “Mack, wait. Baby, slow down.”

  “Don’t want to,” I mumbled against his neck before sucking on a spot under his ear.

  He groaned as he fell back against the wall. “What do you want? Because, God help me, whatever it is I’m going to give it to you.”

  “Not sex,” I said, knowing I wasn’t ready for that step yet. “But everything else would be fantastic.”

  Pulling back, Jimmy looked me in the eye before leaning in to tenderly kiss the corner of my mouth.

  “Okay, here’s the deal. First, you and I are both going to take showers—separately.” He attempted to give me a stern look and I smiled. “Then we’re going to talk about you coming to Ohio with me next weekend for my brother’s graduation.”

  “Wait, w-what—” I stuttered.

  “Then we’ll get to the ‘everything else’ stuff.”

  Letting go of the hold I had on him, I planted my feet on the floor.

  “Back up a second. You want me to come with you to your parents’ house?” I asked, and he nodded. I raised my eyebrows. “For an event that’s reserved only for family?”

  Grinning, he nodded again.

  I sighed. “Listen, I realize you feel like you need to protect me or whatever, and I appreciate your concern. But I’m a big girl. Unfortunately, this is something I might be dealing with for a long time. I’m not your responsibility.”

  “Do you like me?” he asked, then added, “I mean, in a more-than-friends, you-want-to-jump-my-bones kind of way.”

  My lips tipped up. “I guess that’s one way of putting it.”

  “Well, I like you a helluva lot. Yeah, I’d worry about you while I’m gone,” he confessed. “But I’m also being selfish because I’d miss you. And I found out last night that I don’t like missing you, so I’d rather not if I don’t have to.”

  Well, crap.

  What’s a girl supposed to say to that?

  It was tempting, the thought of seeing him with his family and meeting the brother he loved so much. But I knew my social awkwardness would somehow end up making me look like a weirdo. Meeting the family was a big step in any relationship. How would we explain that we were friends-with-benefits, but also sort of dating for now?

  “I’ll think about it,” I told him. “It would just be weird because I don’t know anyone that well, including you.”

  I playfully poked his chest and he grabbed my hand before placing a kiss on my palm. “I’d say you’re getting to know me pretty well. And Grandma’s coming, too. You’ve known her for over a month.”

  I feigned concern as I thought of my way out. “But what about Sweet Pea? That poor bird can’t be all alone for days. Who would clean up his poop?” I gave a mock pout. “I’ll make the sacrifice and stay behind.”

  “Nice try.” Jimmy’s grin stretched wide. “Ernie’s doing it.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I said again.

  And I did think about it. As I took my shower, I thought about the way my heart pitter-pattered when Jimmy said he’d missed me. I thought about how fun it might be to go on a road trip with him and Beverly.

  But it was too soon. Wasn’t it?

  As I rinsed the conditioner from my hair, I tried to come up with a way to let Jimmy down easy.



  Mackenna had the most comfortable mattress I’d ever had the pleasure of lying on. Growing up, I’d always had a twin-size bed. And at college, that was the only choice in the dorms.

  This bed, though… It was so massive, it took up most of the room. It conformed to the shape of my body so that every position felt perfect. The only thing that made it more perfect was having Mackenna next to me, underneath me, on top of me.

  And I wasn’t even talking about sexual positions. That was just sleeping.

  But now I had her looking at me with lust in her eyes. Her toes grazed my ankle as our limbs tangled together. My thumb rubbed over her knee, tracing the flower print on her leggings. The clean scent from her shampoo mingled in the air between us.

  “So,” I started, toying with her slightly damp hair, “about my brother’s graduation…”

  With an apologetic expression, she glanced away. “I don’t think so, Jimmy.”

  “Give me one good reason.”

  “My fern might die,” she tried, and I laughed at her feeble excuse.

  “Ernie can water it.”

  “What will I do without my ice cream sandwiches?” />
  “I’ll get some for you. Gotta feed that addiction.” I tweaked her on the nose.

  She sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to go. But I would be imposing.”

  I knew there was a good chance she was going to give me a hard time on the invitation to my hometown, and I was prepared to fight dirty.

  Instead of arguing with her, I tilted her face toward me. Brushing my mouth over hers, I pushed my tongue past her lips. I kissed her slow and deep, and she let out a quiet moan in the back of her throat.

  When she tried to reciprocate by sucking on my bottom lip, I pulled back a little until I was just out of her reach.

  She chased.

  I moved to the side and pecked her cheek.

  Again, she followed. I chuckled when she missed and ended up biting my chin.

  “What the hell, Jimmy?” She huffed impatiently. “Kiss me.”

  I placed my head on the pillow next to hers. “Say you’ll come with me next weekend.”

  “Oh, so it’s like that?” she asked breathlessly, her voice full of the snarky tone I liked so much.

  My teeth scraped over her collarbone before I worked my mouth up to her jaw, then rubbed my nose over hers.

  “Please?” I whispered against her lips.

  “You don’t play fair,” she whispered back.

  “I know. Say yes.”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh, my God. Okay! Okay. Just put me out of my misery already.”

  “Misery? Is making out with me that awful?” I teased.

  “Jimmy,” she whined, her fingers curling against my back. “I’m, like, in actual pain here.”

  Her voice was quiet and hesitant, like she was telling me a secret. Like she was telling me something she didn’t fully understand, and I was reminded again of how innocent she was.

  “You ever felt like this before?” I asked, even though I knew the answer.

  She shook her head. I knew what she needed.

  “Where does it hurt, baby?” I moved my hand to her breast. “Here?”

  Running my thumb over her nipple, I felt how hard it was through the fabric of her shirt.

  Nodding, she moaned and arched her back.


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