by C E Johnson
Coral – Variable, fly
Cyan – Magestone shaper
Gray – Intelligence, memory
Green – Heal
Gold – Elemental control: fire, water, earth, wind
Indigo – Bondsmates, control animals
Orange – Enchant objects, prophecy
Red – Offensive spells, fight
Sand – Stonework
Silver – Psionics
Violet – Potions
White – Illusions, camouflage
Yellow – Truth-telling, aura assessment, leadership
Glossary of Half-deads
After death, some spirits go to Ater, a type of purgatory.
Through spells, spirits in Ater can be pulled back to the physical world as a Mavet raa.
A Mavet raa is a zombie-esque creature. It will follow the orders of its creator and will die upon its creator’s death.
If a Mavet raa kills a magician, magus will be released, and the energy will transform the creature into a half-dead.
A half-dead can assimilate components of energy released by death in its vicinity, gaining vitality, knowledge and memories. A half-dead will not die when its creator dies.
Transformation from a Mavet raa to half-dead is based on the aura of the first magician killed:
Black – Vampires, night vision, agility
Blue – Gargoyle, stone-like skin
Brown – Were-creature, a single animal form
Coral – Harpy, half human, half bird
Cyan – Maricoxi, ape-like creatures
Gray – Kobold, intelligent, reptilian
Green – Dryad, nature skills
Gold – Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs, Fire-serpents. Elemental power
Indigo – Skinwalker, multiple animal forms
Orange – Wyvern, small dragons, poisonous bite.
Red – Goblins, human-sized fighter
Sand – Troll, intermediate-sized fighter
Silver – Shade, weak psionic ability
Violet – Vetala, increased speed
White – Banshees, camouflage
Yellow – Ogre, large fighter
Glossary of Time
Earth prime age: starts from the day one first arrives on Earth
One day on Earth is equivalent to one year on Acacia
Traveling from Acacia to Earth: No change in age. Earth prime age begins. Weakening in magic, senses, agility. A tolerance can be built over time or adaptation occurs with spells that promote rejuvenation
Traveling from Earth to Acacia: Travelers from Earth to Acacia undergo a heightening. Agility, strength, intelligence, senses and magical ability all increase, greater based on years on Earth. Heightened abilities decay slowly over years spent on Acacia
Traveling from Earth to Acacia and back to Earth:For each year spent on Acacia, one day passes on Earth.
Age will revert upon a return to Earth based off Earth prime age plus one day for each year spent on Acacia. Cheating time.
Retain skills and memories from a trip to Acacia upon a return to Earth
Weakening upon a return to Earth - greater depending on the amount of time spent on Acacia
Born on Acacia. Leave Acacia at 30, arrive on Earth. Earth prime age begins at 30. Weakening. Tolerance will build. Remain on Earth 10 years. Will be 40 Earth years. Return to Acacia. Will stay 40. Heightening. 3,650 years will have passed on Acacia (365 x 10). If remain on Acacia 10 years, heightening decays. Will be 50 years old. Return to Earth. Weakening. Only 10 Earth days will have passed for the 10 Acacean years. Revert to 40 Earth years plus 10 days. Cheat time. Will retain new abilities, memories. Tolerance begins
Born on Earth. Earth prime age begins at birth. At 14, travel to Acacia Heightening. Live 10 years on Acacia, will be 24 years old, heightening decays. Return to Earth. Weakening. Revert back to 14 years of age plus 10 days. Cheat time. Will retain memories and skills learned. Tolerance begins
Twins born on Acacia. Twin A leaves at birth to Earth. Weakening. Earth prime age begins at age 0. Tolerance begins. Twin B lives 10 years on Acacia (10 Earth days). Twin B goes to Earth. Weakening. Earth prime age begins at 10 years. Tolerance begins. Twin A will be 10 days old, Twin B 10 years old. Discrepant age based on Earth prime day.
Born on Acacia. At 50 years old, travel to Earth. Earth prime age begins at 50. Weakening. Tolerance begins. If stay one day and return to Acacia. One year will have passed on Acacia. Mild heightening. Stay on Acacia ten years - 60-year-old. Return to Earth. Weakening. Revert back to 50 years plus 10 days. Cheat time. Stay one day on Earth, return to Acacia. One year will have passed on Acacia. Will still be 50 years plus 11 days. Cheat time. Mild heightening.
Glossary of Characters
Andrew Dalton – Pediatric surgeon, Emily’s godfather, magician, blue magic
Anna – Emily’s friend, martial artist
Apache – Emily’s horse at the Henry stable
Argos – Isabelle’s horse at the Henry stable
Bronte – Emily’s war-horse
Brytam – White Magician
Caroline – Swimmer
Coach Palin – Swimming Instructor
Dax – River otter, bondsmate to Andrew Dalton
Delores Quadmire – Bully in Austin, Texas
Doeg Quadmire – Delores’ father, trainer, gym-owner
Dracul, Drago, and Drakkon – Black dragons
Drogor – Wraith-spirit, dead grandfather of Samil, magician, black magic
Droth – Samil’s Earth Commander, Acacean general, magician, black magic
Dysis Hoshi – Blacksky agent
Elizabeth – Emily’s friend, swimmer
Emily – Fourteen-year-old girl in Austin, Texas
Hadrian Simara – Head of Blacksky
Isabelle – Emily’s friend, horse rider
Jeff McAdams – Fencing instructor
Marcus Tate – Yellow magician, Samil’s assistant
Mr. Jesse Gunlock – Attendant at the animal shelter
Ladon – Dragon of Angkor
Lampos – Horse merchant of Angkor
Loff Retz – Wraith-Spirit, nexus, indigo magician
Luke – Emily’s friend, fencer
Lyall – Were-creature, created by Samil
Maaca – Vampire half-dead
Malachi Hughes – President’s son
Marie – Swimmer
Mrs. Rew – Swim mother
Nathan – Vampire half-dead
Pendon – Castle director
Richard and Jean Whayne – Emily’s adoptive parents
Samil – Ruler of the Island of Bashan, arch-mage magician, black magic
Scott Henry – Owns the stables where Emily trains
Skyler – Dragon, bondsmate to Samil
Tebah – Blacksky agent
Tiamat – Multi-colored dragon, Dragon Queen of Acacia
Oliver Tseng – Sensei of martial arts
Ullr – Shade half-dead
Vadimas – Prior ruler on the Island of Bashan
William Hughes – President of the United States
Wuldur – Shade half-dead
Xander, Xanthus, Xeno – Xena’s littermates
Xena – Doberman, bondsmate to Emily
Glossary of Magic
Aneoxa porta – Open
Aranea textura – Weave a web to look for others or look for items
Armus – Communicate with animals
Ater – Purgatory, the spirit world
Death-cloud or Death-smoke – A smoky mist release at death on Acacia
Fegkos fulgar – Fire
Flammeus absorbeo – Reduce things
Fulgar makria – Turn off lights
Ianitorus – Spell to open doors
Infernum - Hell
Ki (pronounced “key”) – Inner voice, inner magical power
Magestone – Stones of power that potentiate or perform magic
Magus (pronounced “may-jus”) – Inner mag
Makria – End a spell
Medicor – Heal
Memoria – Memorize, commit to memory
Propero – Move
Pulsus – Psionic spell, push, moves an object
Somnio – Sleep or meditation to begin to send across a dream-link
Thyreos o – Shield spell
Ukcabala – The process of pulling across a spirit from Ater
Usra - Heaven
Vinculum – The process of bonding with a bondsmate
Glossary of Locations
Acacia – Parallel world to Earth
Angkor – Sector on Acacia
Aquatine River – A major trade route
Austin – Capital of Texas
Castle Cave – A castle within a mountain on Acacia
Dothan Forest – Dense woods on Acacia
Ekron sector – Sector on Acacia
Eusebius - Capital city of Ekron sector on Acacia
Haran – Capital city of Angkor sector on Acacia
Henry Ranch – Oaktree stables, a ranch in Texas where Emily trains
Island of Bashan – Location of the greatest school of magic on Acacia
Lake Austin – Lake adjoining Lake Travis in Austin
Lake Travis – Lake on the west side of Austin
Portal Lake – Location of a portal in the Angkor sector
Machimum – City on Acacia
Seton Medical Center – Hospital in Austin
Glossary of Possessions
Acacia – Book by Dr. Andrew Dalton
Bluestone Cube – Three pyramid shaped blue stones that merge to form a cube
Bluestone Staff – Augments light spells
Common sword
Dagger with golden hilt with engraved dragons
Leather backpack containing maps, compass, and camping gear
Quiver with silver tipped arrows
Silver necklace of a tree
Storm – Black bow with ornate gold scroll
I would like to thank my wife and children for their patience during this process and for advising me on the world of Acacia. Without their excitement and encouragement, I never would have completed my journey. Elizabeth Orler and Gracie Funk have been stellar editors to guide my wayward path, and I will be forever grateful for their contributions.
I would like to thank my brother for being my brother and Oliver for being my brutha.
I have been blessed to have my father, my mother, and Grandpa Fred to advise me on this endeavor.
I would like to thank Benjamin Roque for his incredible artwork (B-Ro, 99 Designs), Matthew Potts for his fabulous maps and Ashley Davis and Jowinn for their extraordinary skill with words.
Lastly, I would like to thank any reader that dares to enter the portals with me.
Forthcoming novels by C.E. Johnson
The Ammolite Adventures
[email protected]