Young Blood (A Witch Hunter Saga Novella)

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Young Blood (A Witch Hunter Saga Novella) Page 6

by Nicole R. Taylor

  Handing her keys to Sam, she nodded up the stairs to her front door at the top. “If you think we can get in, you go first.”

  Threading his fingers through hers, he tugged her up the stairs behind him. Unlocking the door, he stepped inside. “See. Told you.”

  With a relieved sigh, Liz followed Sam and closed the door behind her. At least she could get into her own apartment. That was a good start. Good things were thinner on the ground in the past week, so that was a win she was taking straight to the bank.

  Dumping all the letters but one on the kitchen counter, she held the biggest one in her hands, the emblem of UCLA in the top corner. What was she supposed to do now? Open it probably, but everything was different now.

  “Is that?” Sam asked, looking over her shoulder.

  Ignoring him, she stared down at the package and ripped it open with shaky fingers. Forgetting that she was stronger now, she almost tore the entire thing in half. Reading the cover letter, she already knew what it said before she read the word 'congratulations'. She'd gotten in. She'd gotten into UCLA.

  It seemed like some kind of cruel joke. A vampire going to college.


  She looked up at Sam and handed him the letter. “I can't go now, can I?” She felt tears threatening and wondered if that was just her stupid vampire feelings overloading again.

  “You can always put it off for a year,” he said. “Get a handle on things.”

  “I've been waiting for this for what seems like forever.”

  “You can still go, Liz. You can still live as much of a normal life as anyone.”

  “Normal?” She wanted to yell at him to stop being so blind. “I won't age. I can't stay anywhere longer than a few years because people will start noticing. I can't make any human friends because I might eat them. I will always have to control myself in more ways than I can count. I will always have to hide. How is that normal?”

  Sam ignored her protests and pulled her against his chest, winding his arms around her.

  “What a screwed up love story,” she sighed into the crook of his neck, taking comfort in the whoosh of his blood she hadn't noticed before.

  “Love story?” he asked, resting his cheek against the top of her head.

  “I don't believe in insta-love.”

  “I do.”

  “Good for you.” They just stood there, in the middle of her apartment, tangled in each other for what seemed like an hour before she worked up the courage to tell him what Gabby had told her before she'd decided to change. “I know what you said.”

  “What did I say?” he asked, uncertainly.

  “In the forest.”

  “I thought you didn't remember-”

  “I don't. Gabby told me. I asked her and she told me.”

  “Why didn't you say anything?”

  She shrugged, not game enough to look him in the eye.

  “It's okay,” he murmured into her hair. “It's been a tough week.”

  “You can say that again.”

  “You don't have to make a decision about college right now. You've got a little bit of time before you can accept or defer, right?”

  A year. A whole year to get a grip and find out who she was all over again. Ironically, she didn't have a choice anymore. She was a vampire and would always have to compensate.

  She was a vampire and there was no going back.

  “Sam?” she asked, her voice a mere whisper.


  “I think I could love you.”

  “Well, I know I love you. The rest will come in time.” He pushed her back, cupping her face and their eyes met. She didn't have to ask if he meant it, it was all there for her to see. Vampires were weird in an emotionally charged kinda way.

  “I'm going to look after you, Liz Evans,” he murmured against her mouth. “Whatever it takes.” Then he kissed her and she wanted to believe him so much. She had to believe him because there was nowhere else to go.

  She'd be okay as long as Sam Degaud was by her side.

  Part II

  A year and a half later...

  Chapter 6

  Afternoon sunlight streamed through the curtains, dappling over Liz's outstretched legs. It was eighteen months after the day Sam found her in the forest and things seemed as well as they could be. She had a handle on the whole vampire thing and it didn't seem like that much of an inconvenience anymore. With everyone's help, she'd found the perfect balance between human and immortal bloodsucker.

  Time was pressing on and she'd deferred her college placement another six months. There wouldn't be another chance, so she had to make a decision like yesterday. You'd think after battling two thousand year old vampires and witches and siding with a heartless bitch of a Witch Hunter, that you'd have life worked out at least a little. Liz couldn't fathom any of it anymore. Her little world had exploded into blood feuds, unrequited love, ancient curses…all kinds of crazy stuff. College seemed to pale in comparison to all the things her friends were going through.

  At least she didn't want to eat anyone anymore. There was always that.

  Sam sat next to her on the sofa in her apartment, looking utterly beaten. Zac had disappeared with a broken heart, which was bad enough on its own, but he'd left with Regulus, the two thousand year old founding vampire and he was one hundred percent bad guy.

  How many founders was that now? Caius was the first, then Arturius, both of them dead. Regulus was the last of them who still drew breath, thanks to Aya. Aya, the Witch Hunter, who'd broken Zac's heart beyond repair. What else had she done that was good for them? Nothing.

  “Aya came to see me at the cafe today,” she said, squinting in the sunshine.

  “Really?” Sam asked, snapping out of his thoughts.

  “I'm not stupid, Sam. I have a bad feeling she compelled me. I know she can do it.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “She was in and out in ten seconds flat. She's never wanted to speak to me voluntarily before. I know Aya has done a lot for us, for Zac, but it's too coincidental, especially after what she did to him.” Teach Zac that he was able to love all along, then rip his heart out. Bitch.

  “I think where she's concerned, it's better to be in the dark.”

  Sam's expression changed so quickly, she was sure he knew more than he was letting on. Something told her not to press the matter, so she didn't. ”You're telling me.”

  They sat for a while, their legs pressed together. Zac had only left that morning and already Ashburton seemed empty without him. She kind of missed his arrogant comebacks.

  “Do you think he'll come back?” she asked. Gazing at Sam, she took in his features. He was worried about his brother, which wasn't anything new, but this time it seemed almost painful.

  “Zac's always struggled with his vampire side,” Sam replied. “He's gone off like this before. Sometimes for five or six years, sometimes ten or more. This time, I don't know. He really loves Aya. The consuming kind of love.” He glanced over and took her in, cupping her face in his hand. “It could either destroy him or save him.”

  “How could you just let him go like that? Why don't we go after him?”

  “I want to. I've wanted to every single time, but I know he needs to do this on his own. Zac's either going to come back a better man or we'll never see him again. Dead or alive.”

  “I just-”

  “I know. I want to help him too, but he doesn't want it.”

  She supposed that was it. After everything, she had a better handle on the whole vampire thing and it didn't seem such a burden anymore. Maybe it was time to think about what was next and put her dreams first again. She couldn't help Zac, it pissed her off, but Sam was right.

  “Have you given any thought to UCLA?” Sam asked.

  Thankful for the change of topic, she nestled into his side. “Yeah, actually. I need to let them know by the end of the week or my place is gone.”

  “It's the perfect time to go, Liz. No more fou
nding vampires or crazy witches to interrupt anymore.”

  “What about you? I can't leave you on your own, Sam. Not after Zac-”

  He pressed his fingers over her lips. “I'll come, too.”

  Liz titled her head to the side, asking him a silent question.

  “I've been on my own before,” he explained. “It's not like I can't handle it, but wherever you are, so am I.” He pressed a quick kiss on her lips.

  “College?” she asked with a small grin. “You and thousands of humans aged eighteen to twenty five out looking for a party?”

  “I'm sure there's a great deal of them not looking to get drunk at frat parties every weekend.”

  “You'd really come?”

  “Of course. I told you. You're stuck with me.”

  “Vampires in the sun.” She laughed at the irony.

  “Vampires at the beach.”

  “Now there's a thought.”

  Turning her thoughts into UCLA, she felt a burst of hope for the first time in months and months. Maybe now she could live that normal life that Sam had told her was possible. Well, as normal as she could get. There was no reason why she couldn't do the things she always wanted to. They just had to approach them from a different angle. Things were finally looking refreshingly normal.

  Friday nights hadn't been the same since Aya had come to town. If they wanted to get technical about it, they hadn't been the same since Alistair had shown up looking for Aya. The vampire who had been in league with Victoria, the woman who had changed the brothers all that time ago. It was a twisted story, but Alistair hadn't planned on finding Zac the day he walked into Max's. Revenge on the elder Degaud brother for killing his lover was last on his list, but he took it nonetheless. Zac had killed him, but that's when their real trouble had begun.

  After that, it had been all about ancient witches, founding vampires, witch hunters and Friday nights at Max's had fallen by the wayside in favor of battling evil.

  Liz let out a long sigh, staring off into nothing. It was their first Friday night at Max's since Zac had left and it just didn't feel right anymore.

  “You okay?” Gabby asked, bringing her back to reality. They sat in their usual booth at the back, a sort of reclaiming, drinks and a basket of fries between them. Just like old times.

  “Yeah. I'm just thinking about the past few months.” She curled her fingers around her glass of scotch, an unconscious ode to Zac maybe, and sighed again.

  “Is Sam coming?”

  “He's off with Alex picking up his new truck.”

  “Oh yeah. They finally got around to that?”

  When Arturius had kidnapped Gabby a few months back, he'd totaled Alex's truck in the process. That was a messed up day to say the least. Alex had been shot in the stomach and it was the first time Liz had used her blood to heal someone. Gabby had hit the founding vampire with their friend's truck and that was the end of that. After it was all over, Sam had promised to replace it.

  “It was just delivered to the dealership. I can't believe Sam bought him a brand new truck.”

  “Where can I get a rich boyfriend?” Gabby asked.

  “I think I lucked out on that one.”

  “So, isn't your deadline this week for UCLA?”

  Liz nodded. “Friday.”

  “Have you made a decision?”

  “I'm going.” She smiled at the grin that was on her friends face. “I mean, it sucks about Zac and everything, but Sam says he'll be okay. I've gotta do something for myself. I can't keep holding back to help people who can't be helped.”

  “I don't think it's a matter of not being bale to help him,” Gabby said, her smile fading. “I think he just doesn't want it. Being able to get through things on his own is a big thing with Zac.”

  “I still worry about him. Especially since he's gone with Regulus.”

  Gabby cast her eyes down, playing with her napkin. It didn't escape her notice when the witch's heartbeat changed and she began to wonder if Gabby knew more than she was letting on.

  “Do you know something?” she asked.



  “Just let it go, Liz.” She drew in a sharp breath, signaling she wasn't into talking about it.

  “Did Regulus do something to you?”

  “Liz, it's over. It doesn't matter. I dealt with it and it's fine.”

  She didn't like the look on her friend's face, but something told her to drop it. Nodding, she sat back in the booth and took a sip of her scotch to soothe her throat.

  “I'm going to Europe,” Gabby declared, abruptly. “It's time I got out of this stink hole since everyone else is.”

  “Gabby,” Liz exclaimed, beaming from ear to ear.

  “I've always wanted to go, and after all the crap we've been through with crazy as fuck vampires and witches…I'm so gone.”



  “Tomorrow?” she almost shrieked. “That's so soon.”

  “If I don't go now, I'll never get there.” Gabby shrugged. Pointing to Liz's ring, she said, “I can't fix that, you know. Spell your body, if you want. God knows I'm strong enough now.”

  Smiling, Liz nodded. Her friend had come such a long way in the past year and a half. She'd found her estranged grandmother Sophia, awakened her power and battled all the crazy beside her friend and then some. Gabby had turned into a badass witch she was proud to call friend.

  “It would be good not to have to rely on a ring to stop me frying to a crisp,” she said. It had once belonged to Sam's mother back in the 1860s and she'd never think of taking it off, but it would be nice to have a back up. Gabby had spelled it the day Sam had found her dying in the forest. It meant a lot, knowing where it came from and reminded her of hard times past.

  “Let's do it before we go home later, okay?”


  “I can't believe you're going to college. In LA of all places.”

  “I can't believe your ditching Ashburton and going to Europe. I'm so jealous.”

  “You've got a rich boyfriend,” Gabby said, stifling a laugh. “He can take you in semester break.”

  “I'm going to miss you, Gabby. Like you wouldn't believe.”

  “Me, too.”

  “All our dreams are finally coming true.”

  Gabby's smile faded and when she replied, Liz wasn't quite sure if she meant a word she said.

  “Yeah. I guess they are.”

  Chapter 7

  LA was a world apart from Ashburton. It was just as hot, but it was a different kind of heat. Instead of humidity from the swamp, the air was full of the dry heat of the desert. It seemed like the less obvious place for a couple of vampires to set up residence.

  Sam had found them a prefect little apartment close to the UCLA campus. Liz was beyond thankful for that - it made for one less complication having to hide all her weird ass vampire tendencies from a roommate.

  In the few weeks before classes officially started, they spent them getting to know the city. They went to the beach, wandered the city, went out to eat, went dancing…Sam even took her to Disneyland. Every time she pictured him riding the teacups with her, she descended into fits of laughter. The photo they had taken with Cinderella was currently pinned to the refrigerator much to his disgust.

  Liz didn't know if she could love him more than she did right now. Everything was working out just as he said it would. Their lives had become as normal as they could possibly get and they didn't have a worry in the world…apart from Zac's lingering absence and whom they still hadn't heard from.

  She currently stood in the middle of the lounge room in their little apartment, unpacking the stack of books she'd just purchased from the campus bookstore. The whole place was alive with students new and old, so much so it took her nearly two hours to get through the line for her class schedule. Then another hour at the bookstore.

  The front door opened and she glanced up at Sam, who strode in with his own pile of books.r />
  “What's that?” she asked with a frown. He was up to something...

  Dumping his books on the sofa, he waved his class schedule at her and winked.

  Her mouth fell open. “What did you do Sam Degaud?”

  “Enrolled.” He shrugged like it was no big deal.


  “I can do this thing with my eyes…” He trailed off, a wicked grin on his face.

  Her eyebrows rose. “You compelled your way into college?”

  “When you say it like that…”

  She slapped him across the arm with her copy of Jane Austen's Persuasion she needed to read for her Lit class. “If I knew it was that easy, I would've skipped all the essays.”

  “Seriously, how many vampires want to go to college?”

  “Um, two that I know of.” Sam pulled her close and planted a kiss on her forehead. “What are you majoring in? Do you know?”

  “Business,” he replied. “I figured I didn't get to finish it the first time round.”

  She knew enough about his past to understand that he'd been visiting his family during a semester break when his entire life had changed. He'd gone away to study at some ancient fancy college after Zac had run off to join the Confederates. He'd been the one left to take over the family legacy in his brother's absence. Zac had supposedly died in the Civil War some time later and he'd gone home to be with his family the first moment he could. Little did they know that Zac was a different kind of alive.

  “So, do we have any classes together?” she asked, steering the conversation to safer waters.

  “One.” He flopped down next to her on the sofa.

  “And what one's that?”

  “Biology,” he said with a chuckle, before capturing her in a kiss.

  “I don't take Biology, smart ass.”

  “It's a class of two.”

  Liz managed to find her first class without much trouble.


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