Hearts on Fire: Romance Multi-Author Box Set Anthology

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Hearts on Fire: Romance Multi-Author Box Set Anthology Page 21

by Violet Vaughn

  Slowing down, I can’t spot Jason’s truck. Where is he? I pull to a stop on the side of the road by the walkway, and the emergency break screeches as I give it a yank. I jog to the door and let myself in. “Anyone home?”

  Bill steps out of the kitchen. “Hey. Jason isn’t here.” A blond head leans out. Jess?

  I send lasers at her with my eyes. “I need to talk to you.” My feet pound the wood floor to the kitchen. “I know what you saw at the coffee shop probably looked like it, but Blaine and I aren’t engaged. He was giving me a toy ring from Tim’s son.” Oh hell, I should tell all. “And the kiss.” Crap, I can’t do it. “It was just a friendly one.”

  “It’s okay. I know. Blaine explained everything this afternoon. And I mean everything.” She shakes her head, and with a sneer adds, “I can’t believe you dated him so long before you knew.”

  Yeah, okay. I’m still glad I made her squirm with that kiss. “Good. Do either of you know where Jason is?”

  Jess’s mouth twitches with a smile she tries to contain. “Nope. But he was really pissed at you this morning.” She gives me a fake apologetic look. “Sorry.”

  Yeah, I’ll bet. My eyebrows lower as I squint. I’ve never beat up a girl, but I’m tempted right now. Instead, I turn and stomp back to my car.

  When I get home, I check my phone for the millionth time just in case I didn’t hear or feel a text come in. Damn it. I call one more time and leave another message. “Jason, please. I hate that you were hurt by a misunderstanding. Please, let me explain everything. I love you.”

  It’s late, and I’ve got to stop my frantic attempt at getting in touch with Jason, so I lay my phone on the kitchen counter and flop down on the couch. I reach over to the coffee table and pick up the ring. The glass gem catches the living room light as I picture Benjamin and hear his little voice. “Casey, can I marry you?” Tears spill out, and I cry myself to sleep.


  I park next to Jason’s truck in the employee parking lot. Chances are good he just got here if I got a space next to him. Waking up late on the couch ruined any shot at first chair today, but at least I’m at work on time. He still hasn’t replied to my texts or phone calls, and my stomach is in knots as I imagine what he must be thinking.

  I throw my bag over my shoulder, and my lock clicks down on my car door before I close it. Jogging to the locker room, I have one thing on my mind. I need to find Jason and explain. I glance at my empty aisle and move on to the ski rack. His skis are gone. I take a deep breath and let it out.

  Padding back to my locker, I form a new plan. Okay. I don’t want to do this in front of the kids. My locker door twangs with the impact of slamming against metal. I yank out my things and shove my bag inside.

  He knows what happened if he read his phone, but as of this morning, his texts didn’t show up as read. I suppose he could have seen the notification on his screen without opening them. I wiggle into my ski pants before I turn on my phone and check again and discover he’s read them. I let out a sigh of relief.

  The zipper of my fleece hums as I pull it up and wonder why he’s avoiding me. I guess I’m about to find out. A quick turn of my combination lock, and I’m on my way to the Kids’ Castle.

  Jason is already standing at the sign talking to a little boy, and I say, “Hey. You read my texts?”

  “Yeah. It’s fine.” He continues to talk to the boy.

  That’s it? I know it’s inappropriate to talk about this in front of the child, but that’s all I get? An “It’s fine”? I’m a girl here, and I need more than that. How about adding a “We’re good”?

  Jason interrupts my internal hissy fit as he taps on my shoulder. “I’ll take the boys on their own again today.” Turning to the kids who have gathered by him, he adds, “We’ve got jumps and trees to ski, right?” He fist bumps each one of them.

  I shake my head but put on a professional face. “Sure.” I turn to the girls. “We have bumps to ski today, right girls?” They smile at me, and one sticks her tongue out at the boys. I guess today I’ll bounce through the moguls and wonder what the heck is going on.

  Fortunately, bumps are my favorite thing. I have a competent group of girls, and we head to E chair. When we get there, the snow is light and the moguls are huge. These girls are about to learn the joy of quick turns and shock-absorber legs, while I make the best of this day until I can force Jason to talk to me.

  At the end of the day, I make it down a little late with my group. They were so great in the moguls that we snuck in one last run. Almost all the parents are waiting when we get to the sign, and I say to them, “Your girls will be tired tonight. These little ladies skied bumps like nobody’s business. I’m so proud of them.”

  I wave to them all as the families ski off. My binding clicks as I remove my foot from a ski, and my legs are wobbly from exhaustion as I shuffle toward the locker room.

  Megan skis down, and snow swishes as she stops just below me. She lifts her goggles onto her helmet. “Did you get everything sorted out with Jason?”

  I sigh. “I don’t know. I didn’t get to talk to him until we were meeting kids. All he said was, “It’s fine.” He didn’t even open my texts until this morning.”

  I stop and wait as she wipes the snow off her skis before putting them on her shoulder. “That’s it?”

  “Yup. I’m going to force him to talk to me now. I can’t take this.” Snow flies forward from my kick at the ground.

  “I bet he turned off his phone. Last night, he went to the gym with Nick, and then they went out for burgers. I didn’t get much, but I think after the shock wore off Jason realized you wouldn’t marry Blaine.” She pulls open the door, and the scent of sweat wafts toward us.

  “That’s good to know, thanks.” I drop my skis in the rack with a clunk and don’t see Jason’s. It’s strange, because I thought he was back already. I say to Megan, “He’s not here.”

  Tears fill my eyes, and Megan tilts her head to toward the ladies’ room. “C’mon.”

  As soon as the door shuts, she pulls me into a hug. “Go ahead, cry if you need to.”

  I hug her back and sniff. “No, I’m okay.” I pull away. “I didn’t get much sleep last night. This whole thing is so screwed up. I’m pretty sure he isn’t mad now, but something isn’t right. Why would he be avoiding me?” My face prickles from my sunburn and the realization I did this to myself.

  “Who knows? He’s a guy. He probably thinks it’s all sorted out because of some conversation you had in his head.” She chuckles.

  I give her a wry grin. “You may be right.” I hold open the door for us to go to our lockers. Karma is out to get me, and it’s doing a good job.

  When I walk out of the locker room, wind blows my hair, and I yank a strand out of my mouth as I glance toward my car. Jason’s truck is still here. Perfect. He can’t escape me now.

  I throw my bag into my car and move to the back of his truck. My quads whine in complaint as I squat down and slide my fingers along the underside of the bumper. The grit is rough, but I find the little magnetic metal key box. With force, I slide the rusty cover open and pull out his spare.

  I let myself into the cab and find the blanket tucked behind the passenger seat. Benjamin’s ring is in my coat pocket. I slide the light plastic onto my finger as the woodsy scent of Jason drifts over me, and I snuggle in for the wait.

  A few rounds of a game on my phone pass the time until I notice him. Recognition spreads to his face. Nope, he’s not mad. I think he might even be amused.

  When he gets in, he asks, “You found my spare key?” He slides in, slams the door, and turns to lean against it with his arms crossed.

  “I did.” I hold my hand up so he can see the ring. “Remember me telling you about Clara’s kids? This was a gift from Benjamin. Jess must have seen Blaine put it on my finger and jumped to the wrong conclusion.” I take a deep breath. “And I also made a friendly kiss look like a passionate one to make her mad.” I cringe at my pettiness. “I�
��m sorry.”

  He chuckles. “Only you could make such a mess.” And then his face turns sober. “I was pretty pissed at you when Jess told me. But once I calmed down, I thought long and hard about us. I figured maybe you said yes because he offered you children.”


  He holds up a hand for me to stop.

  “I know you think it doesn’t matter now, but someday it will. I can’t be with you knowing that will happen if I don’t want kids.”

  My stomach clenches, and my throat gets thick as I wait for him to tell me it’s over.

  Jason says, “The past couple of days teaching kids have shown me how important children are to you.” I start to shake my head as tears threaten to escape. He wraps his warm fingers around my hand. “It’s also shown me they aren’t so bad. I like kids. They like me.”

  I say, “They do.”

  He continues, “I was convinced I’d be a terrible parent given my childhood. But now I think I might not be so bad, and that’s why I wanted to have the boys alone today. I needed to prove to myself I could do it without you.”

  Hope blossoms in my heart. “You’re great with them.” I gaze at him for a moment and try to read his expression. “Are you saying having kids isn’t out for you?”

  “That’s what I’m saying. Kids are a possibility, and not just because I know you need them.” He squeezes my hand. “I might need them, too.”

  I throw myself into his arms and pull his face toward mine. My lips sear him as my tongue darts in his mouth. He responds with the same hunger. My core quivers as I fall into the depth of our kiss.

  When we break apart, Jason touches my lips to quiet the tremble and says, “There’s more. I just finished talking to Heather and transferred over to kids. You’re looking at the newest children’s instructor.”

  “Really? Oh, Jason, you’ll be so amazing.” I climb over and straddle his lap. He’s warm between my legs.

  His eyes twinkle. “Will be? I already am.”

  I slap at his chest. “What am I going to do with you?”

  He raises his eyebrows and pulls my hips in tighter. His arousal is hard against me. “I have a rain check from last winter I could cash in.”

  I rotate my hips under his hands as I say, “The parking lot is almost empty.”

  His husky voice answers, “Uh-huh.”

  I unzip his jacket. “And I already steamed up the windows.”

  “Uh-huh.” His fingers slide under my waistband and toward the button of my jeans.

  The stubble on his face is rough on my lips as I kiss the salty skin of his neck and move toward his ear to nibble on the lobe. I whisper, “Who needs foreplay when you’re about to explode?”

  The seat motor hums as he moves us backward, and my button pops in one quick motion. He rips open my zipper and tugs on my jeans. I rise up on my knees and grab his pants to do the same. Rough denim scrapes my thighs as he tugs, and I work on releasing him from his underwear.

  I say, “Wait, I’m trapped.” I flop over to the passenger seat and make short work of removing my jeans and panties. He opens the glove compartment to pull out a condom box.

  When I straddle him again, my voice is raspy. “Now, where were we?” My stomach twitches and my legs tremble.

  Jason slides a finger in me. “Jesus, you’re soaked.”

  “Like I was saying.” I grind into his palm with a sigh.

  Teeth tear a foil wrapper, but I impatiently take the condom from him. As I roll it on, he chuckles. “You’re something else.”

  “Shhh.” He holds my hips as I guide him home. I slide down the length of him, and he groans.

  A soft cry escapes me as I lean my head back. God, I’m already so close. I rise up and slam down hard, and my core pulses around his cock as the pace quickens. He pants and continues to pump as I shatter. My body convulses with an orgasm, but I can’t stop until he’s there too, so I focus on a steady rhythm. Shudders shake my shoulders as another climax builds.

  Jason twitches and grunts out his release, but I barely hear him as I ride him at an increasing pace. I quake and then erupt. My cry is almost a scream as I slide down one last time and collapse. Every piece of me shakes as he holds me in his arms. I whisper, “I’ve missed you.”

  Hands slide under my sports bra to cup my breasts, and my tender nipples send another zing of pleasure to my core as he says, “I think you did explode.” Through hooded eyes, I stare at his mouth. I touch his lips, and he sucks my fingers, hard. An aftershock twitches, and I bite my lip.

  He whispers, “More?” He’s already sliding out of me, and his finger rubs my clit.

  I thrust my hips as I say, “Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

  My juices seep as he presses his palm against my mound and flicks his finger. My hips thrust quickly as another wave of pleasure threatens to drown me. I’m on the brink when he stops, and I complain with a whimper.

  He reaches past me for the condom box on the dash, and I understand what he’s doing. Jason grins at me as I ask, “More?”

  He whispers, “Shhh.”


  It’s New Year’s Eve, and I’ve just arrived at Jason’s house. A roaring fire crackles and throws off heat as I walk toward Jason. He gets up from the couch to take my hand. He says, “Come up to my room with me.” There’s a gleam in his eye, and I wonder what he’s up to.

  When we get upstairs, I notice Kaleb’s room as we go by. His door is shut, and I assume he’s already left for his night out. My heart warms as I think about him being with Lori tonight.

  I take off my boots at the bottom of the ladder, and wood is hard on my feet as Jason waits for me to climb first. Once up, I’m drawn to his window and the view. Mistletoe is hung over the window seat, and I turn to him to say, “I think I’ve been set up.”

  Items rattle as he fumbles in one of his cubbies. He turns to me with a small present in his hands. “I got you something.”

  “You did?” I know that I sounded like a little girl, but I’m surprised he got me a gift. The paper is smooth in my hands as I unwrap it. Opening a little white box reveals a small star charm hanging from a silver chain. Tiny letters spell Jason. My heart beats a bit faster, and my fingers tremble as I remove it from the box.

  “Your wish came true,” says Jason. “You have me. And, maybe, that family someday.” He pulls me close. “I love you. More than I thought possible.” He glances at the mistletoe before he kisses me. It starts off tender as he nibbles at my lips but intensifies, and I’m swept away as my body tingles. His hands move down my back. Our bodies touch, and we meld together as one. There’s no denying our desire, but this is more than sexual. Erasing any doubt in my being, I feel totally and helplessly loved as the kiss ends. I gaze up into his eyes. “Oh, Jason, my heart is so full right now. I love you, too.”

  I reach the chain around my neck and turn around as I ask, “Will you do the clasp for me?”

  He takes the ends, and I lift my hair. His fingers are soft against my skin, and I long for his touch. He leans down and kisses the back of my neck, making a shiver travel down my spine as lust radiates through my body. I take a deep breath, and it’s shaky when I let it out.

  He whispers in my ear, “We’d better go back downstairs before I forget about dinner.”

  I think I already have. “Yeah.” I pull away and peer out at the sky one more time. Touching the star on my chest, I close my eyes and thank the heavens above.

  * * *

  It’s a few minutes before midnight, and the bottle of champagne is cold in my hands as I say, “We’re running out of time.”

  “Coming. Hang on.” Glasses clink in his hands.

  “Okay.” I sprint to the loft and hear him chuckle behind me. He catches up just as I’m at the ladder. I scramble up first, and I let out a yelp when Jason nips at my butt. Once up, I turn to him. He crawls toward me with a playful grin. I cock my head and look down at him with one hand on my hip. “This is eerily familiar.”

  He kn
eels at my feet and looks. “You aren’t naked.”

  “You aren’t either.” I kneel down across from him. “Let me fix that.” I set the bottle down with a thump, and he does the same with the glasses. Facing him, I pull his sweater off over his head. Static crackles, and when he looks into me, I melt in his eyes. I reach out and unbutton his shirt. Flannel caresses my fingers as the buttons release. I push it open with my hands and peel it off, savoring the sensation of his skin. A small sigh escapes my mouth. Touching his chest with my index finger, I drag it down toward his pants and stop at the button. He lifts my dress up over my head. His eyes go down to my breasts, and my nipples harden as I watch him lick his lips. I tremble as he reaches for the hooks on my bra. Releasing them, he lets it open and takes the straps off my shoulders with gentle fingers. I see him shudder when my breasts are revealed. He reaches out and swirls his finger around my nipple. His touch makes my nerves quake.

  He takes my hands, and we stand up together. I reach for his pants and undo the button that’s warm on my fingers, and I slide the zipper down. Pulling them over his hips, I feel he’s hard—straining against his boxer briefs. I pull those down, too. They fall to the floor in a heap, and he steps out. I sigh and say, “You’re incredible.”

  Kneeling, he pulls down my panties as I lift my feet so he can remove them. His eyes travel my body, and he says, “So are you.” I’m so ready for us to be together, but I want him to lead the way. He licks my belly, and it quivers with excitement. His whisper is hot against me as he says, “I love every inch of you.”

  I pull him up and crush his mouth with a kiss, and he sweeps me up into his arms to lay me down on the bed. His mouth finds my neck, and I arch my back. His lips make their way to my breast, where they suckle and send a zing of pleasure through me. A small cry escapes as he moves down my stomach. Kissing and nipping, he progresses on. Hands part my legs, and his tongue is there, licking and sucking as only he knows how. I squirm with ecstasy before I fall over the edge and cry out.


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