Hearts on Fire: Romance Multi-Author Box Set Anthology

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Hearts on Fire: Romance Multi-Author Box Set Anthology Page 123

by Violet Vaughn

  “Don’t run. Don’t be afraid.” He pressed his lips to her ear. She trembled in his arms, both of her hands holding tight to his forearms. “Greta, you’re like a comet. Spectacular and rare. The kind that takes seventy-five years to come back around. Do you think I’m not gonna try to catch your tail, just to experience your fire? Enjoy the beauty that is you? I’d be a fool. Take the leap with me. I won’t let you fall.”

  Another shudder shook her. “I want to. You make me want to.” She turned her head. Her nose brushed along his jaw. “I don’t know what to do.” The tremor in her voice told him how out of her comfort zone she was, but she wasn’t fighting him.

  “I’ll never make you regret trusting me, Greta. I promise.”

  He put his heart in his eyes and let her see his sincerity. The blood pounded in his head so fiercely he was afraid he’d drop with a stroke from the pressure. If this night taught him anything, it was that Greta did not do anything by half measures. When she gave herself to him, it would be with her whole heart. Patience with her would be well worth the effort.

  When she lifted her face for his kiss, he knew she was his. He had won, they had won, and now it was time for her to collect her prize. It killed him to go slow, but he did. He wanted to savor every moment. She said she was leaving in a few weeks. He was determined to give her a reason to stay.

  He took care to find the perfect fit for their mouths. Chocolate and that spice he already associated as belonging to Greta filled his senses. He didn’t devour her, he didn’t consume her. He sipped, he savored.

  The entire evening had been an exercise in studying Greta. She was a tactile person, sensuous in her movement. The way she held onto his arm during their walk, how she trailed her finger over the counter as she cooked and the rim of her mug as she drank. She touched, she felt, because she liked to be touched in return. That observation was confirmed when he traced his thumb along her jaw and cupped her neck in his palm. She sighed into his mouth and let him take all of her weight as she sagged against him. The hand he trailed down her back and around her hip had her arching and mewling like a kitten being stroked.

  Together they fell onto the couch, Trey sitting and Greta straddling his left thigh. The heat of her skin enticed him to touch and explore. Over her shirt he palmed her breast. The heavy weight filled his hand as if it were made for him. When he pulled and plucked her nipple through the lace and cotton, she reared up with a hiss. Her eyes glittered in the lamplight while her lips, wet and swollen, curled into a satisfied grin. “Your kisses have gotten better.”

  “I told you, I’m a quick study.” He pinched the nub harder in retaliation of her doubt. She responded by grinding her hot pussy against his leg. The evidence of her arousal singed his nerves. “Jesus, I knew you were a wildcat.”

  Her husky chuckle shot straight to his groin. The warmth of her breath touched his neck just before her teeth scraped over his pulse. His hips jerked in reaction, making her laugh again. With slow deliberation, she ran her hand down his chest to rest low on his belly. Her fingernail tapped the top snap on his jeans. The tiny vibration zinged along the shaft. “How are you at sex? Are you better than your kisses would suggest?”

  “Baby doll, don’t you know not to tease a bull?”

  “Is that the same as don’t grab one by the horns?” Her hand squeezed his length through his jeans.

  “She-devil,” he groaned, then pulled her shirt up and over her head and flipped her down to the couch so fast she actually squeaked.

  She blinked up at him from her new position flat on her back. “Impatient?” she gasped.

  “You have no idea.” He rained kisses from her collarbone to the swells of her breast. “I’ve been dreaming about this all week.”

  The white lace of her bra glowed against his tanned hands as he pulled the cups down to expose her dusky nipples. She was a feast waiting to be tasted. He bent to sample her treats, reveling in the way she bucked and rolled beneath him. Under his callused palms she was living satin. A sparkling gem in his grubby workman’s hands. He’d never be worthy to touch such perfection, but there was no way in hell he would ever give her up.

  “I want to touch you, too,” she panted. She managed to unzip his jeans, her hand coming to rest just above his groin. Her fingers tugged the hairs around the base, a sensation that had his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

  “Please, please, please, please.” It took him a while to figure out the begging was coming from him.

  She rewarded him by wrapping those talented fingers around his girth. Firm, long strokes brought him to the brink too quickly. He gritted his teeth and fought the urge to spill. The little witch’s throaty laugh told him that she was enjoying driving him mad. Well, two could play at that game.

  His fingers found her silk panties wet with need. He pushed the fabric aside and traced the lips of her sex. She giggled and moaned at the same time while adding a twist to her wrist with every down stroke. Between the laughter and moans they traded teasing caresses, each driving the other higher, daring the other to break first. He pressed two thick fingers deep inside her wet heat. God, she was tight. If he weren’t careful, he would blow before his cock was all the way in. She was so responsive, giving as good as she got.

  “What do you want?” he breathed against her lips. “Tell me what you want, Greta.”

  “You, Trey.” She lifted up to nip at his mouth. “I want you to fuck me.”

  Her words inflamed and chilled him at the same time. She was right where he wanted her, yet so far away. He settled between her thighs and rubbed his aching cock against her pussy, pushing the silk of her panties into her slit. He wrapped her thick hair around his hand so he could hold her still. Dark eyes drowsy with desire gazed up at him.

  “I’m not going to fuck you, Greta.” He thrust his hips, showing her how much he wanted her. “I’m going to make love to you. Never think that it’s anything different between us.”

  Her kiss-swollen lips parted with surprise and her eyes widened. She swallowed hard. “I know, Trey. I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.” Gently, she brushed a lock of hair from his forehead, then trailed her fingers down his cheek.

  Pure joy burst from his chest. She did understand. His mouth claimed her, staked his territory while he reached for his wallet in his back pocket. He couldn’t believe how much his hands shook at the prospect of having her.

  “Greta, are you still up?”

  “Motherfucker,” Trey growled. Every muscle in his body screamed at the abrupt change of blood flow. His arms gave out as he collapsed, smothering Greta with his weight.

  Gina strolled into the living room as she shed her jacket. “Well, that was a wasted evening. Cheap dinner and a tiny dick—Trey? My, my, my. Trey Armstrong, what are you doing here?”

  “He was about to entertain me with his not-tiny dick.” Greta leveled a gimlet glare at her cousin over the back of the couch. “Do you mind? We would like some privacy.”

  “Oh, come on. It looks like the party’s just getting started. What say we give Trey a really good time?” Gina purred.

  Seriously? Did Greta even swing that way?

  Normally, the idea of two beautiful women willing to pleasure him would have had him raring to go, but now it had his stomach clenching with distaste. Damn, he must really like this girl.

  Greta dug her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and cradled him to her breast. Whether it was to let him know she was all right or to use him as a cover up, he didn’t know. Nestled against her like that, he really didn’t care. He just wanted to recapture that perfect moment when she gave herself to him.

  “I say you leave. Now.” Greta’s tone brokered no argument.

  “Oh, you so don’t know how to have fun.” Gina stormed off in a huff. The sharp click of her heels echoed down the hall like machine-gun fire.

  He couldn’t stop the moan of loss that rippled from his throat. Her chest bounced with her suppressed laughter. “You do know that s
he’s probably listening outside the door?” she whispered right into his ear.

  “I wouldn’t doubt that.” He kept his tone just as low to prevent Gina from getting her jollies.

  “Do you think you could keep quiet?” She flexed her thighs around his hips.

  He snorted. “With you? Never. I have no restraint when it comes to you, magpie.”

  “Magpie?” Her fingers kept stroking his hair like she couldn’t get enough of touching him.

  “Yeah. Margaret, you like to cook and bake pies, and you like to talk things out. Magpie.”

  “I’ve never let anyone give me a cutesy nickname.”

  “You like it when I do it. I can tell by the goose bumps on your arms and the way your nipples pucker when I call you ‘baby doll.’ ” Said nipples beaded to attention, begging to be licked. He shook his head to clear it. “You better cover up, or I’ll forget my place and take you right now, never mind the audience.”

  “Your strength amazes me.” She giggled and sat up, smoothing her clothes back into place. He almost whimpered when she covered her magnificent breasts but knew it wasn’t the last he’d see of them. “We’re getting dressed now. Good night, Gina,” she called out.

  A muffled “damn” came from the hallway, followed by the heavy tread of stocking feet.

  Not wanting to let her go just yet, he pulled her close once they were dressed. She rested along his side as though she was meant to be there. “Tomorrow night, come to the ranch. I’ll show you around. We can pack a picnic.”


  “There’s this perfect spot right along the stream under this huge elm tree, and—what did you say?”

  She laughed. “I said okay.”

  “Really? I don’t have to convince you to spend time with me?”

  “Oh, Trey,” she sighed and brushed his hair back again. “It was never an issue of not wanting to spend time with you. I like you.”

  “Good.” Was all he said, trying to remain cool, but not able to stop the warmth that infused him and had him grinning like a fool.

  He couldn’t resist the provocative pull of her lips. He kissed her with a mixture of elation and desire. She was with him. She made her choice, and she was running with it. His fingers dug into her side as the need arose in him again and the twitch in his erection reminded him of the aborted attempt to make love to her. Reluctantly, he drew away, his willpower stretched paper thin when he saw the sheen on her lips left by his kiss. “I better go. I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

  The light in her eyes and the promise in her smile made his breath catch. “Tomorrow.”

  * * *

  Trey awoke with a start. The room was encased in darkness save for the numbers on the alarm clock glowing 4:00. Greta was curled against his side, soft and warm, just where she belonged. He grinned, his hand stroking her thick hair.

  She’d been quite the little spitfire back then. Where had that woman who was so direct and held nothing back gone? The woman who looked at every angle then threw herself in wholeheartedly? It made him sad to think that he had done something to dampen her spirit.

  But she was with him now. Persistence and willingness to learn. That was what she claimed had gained her trust all those years ago. Well, he’d always prided himself on being a good student. If it worked once, it would work again.



  “Greta, what is this?”

  She poked her head around Trey’s tall body and looked down at the smoldering hot grill, where he poked at a pink rectangle with the tongs. “Steak, chicken, and salmon.”

  “Salmon?” Did the woman not know where she lived? “Baby doll, you can’t have fish next to steak. It’s against the laws of nature.”

  “Watch it there, Hoss.” Mark handed him a beer. “Greta’s salmon is my favorite thing she makes.”

  “Really? That good?” When you lived out in cattle country, fish was sometimes synonymous with a four-letter word.

  Mark nodded. “That good.”

  Greta handed Trey a spatula. “Watch the grill. I’m going to get the fruit salad.”

  “Hey.” He caught her by the elbow and pulled her in for a quick kiss. “Don’t take too long.”

  She was able to contain the grin that tugged on her lips, but a blush blossomed across her cheeks. All day long she had resembled her old self, the one Trey remembered, carefree and dazzling, and even he felt more rejuvenated. His reflection in the mirror looked more like that young man from the picture in his office. Apparently, great sex did do a body good.

  Both men watched her hips sway as she walked into the house as Trey ignored the snickers and catcalls from the rest of the hands standing behind him. The woman did wear denim well.

  “You’re looking quite spry,” Mark commented. “Things going well, I take it?”

  “Yeah.” Trey laughed with unrestrained joy. “Yeah.” There was a good chance that the huge grin on his face would become permanent.

  Spending the day with Greta, laughing and kissing while preparing for the cookout, taught him several invaluable lessons. He noticed more about her in those few hours than his twenty-three year old self would have observed. Young Trey had been all about her beauty, how different she was from the other girls in Mission, and those gorgeous tits. Older, more mature Trey saw her inner strength, her compassion, the great love she had for those around her. He admired how she took the time and energy to think of others. Earlier that morning he watched as she finished the necklace she made for Adam’s mother. Saw the detail and care she took to make sure it looked exactly how he wanted. She created a menu to have each of his men’s favorite dish at the cookout. Greta made the effort to care.

  And through all of that, she never let Trey out of her sight. She guided his hand while working on supper, whether he needed it or not, with that tiny grin on her face as if she just needed a reason touch him. He caught her gazing at him with wonder and hope in her eyes that left his insides shaking. She was opening up like a rare flower, retaking her place by his side. It had been a great day.

  “Have you remembered anything new?” Mark took a draw off his beer, watching him closely.

  “I’ve remembered enough.” He turned around to observe the group that had gathered near the fire. He spread out his arms to encompass the group. “This. This I remember. Well, maybe not these men specifically, but you know what I mean.”

  All of his men were there, along with Adam’s and Steven’s girlfriends. Jokes were swapped, stories told, just like the cookouts his parents had put on when he was a kid.

  “I can’t feel like I’m missing out or suffering by not remembering everything. I’m alive. I have a great woman. Business is good, and I have my best friend at my side. Life doesn’t get better than this, Hoss.”

  “That’s you, Trey. The golden boy.” Mark smiled, although it appeared to Trey as if it was forced.

  He glanced around again. “No date tonight for you, Hoss?”

  A blank curtain fell across his face. “Nope.”

  “Why not?”

  The muscles in Mark’s jaw bunched with tension. “None of the women around here interest me.”

  “Well, what kind of woman are you looking for?” Trey knew he sounded harpy, but he couldn’t help it. He was just so damn happy, and he wanted Mark to have some of that happiness, too.

  A wave of annoyance rolled off Mark as he shifted his stance. “I want a woman who is kind, intelligent, loyal, and hard working. I’d want her to love me so much that she’d walk through hell for me, because I certainly would for her.” The timber of his voice was low and intense.

  “Wow.” Trey could only blink at the fire in Mark’s stare. “She sounds like she’d be quite a woman.”

  Mark’s mouth tightened as he nodded.

  “Hey, boys! Watch the steaks!” Greta shouted as she placed a huge bowl on the picnic table.

  Trey and Mark jumped and flipped the smoldering steaks in the nick of time. The scent of grilled meat and roaste
d spices hovered like an epicurean cloud waiting to rain its scrumptious flavors down upon them. Trey’s stomach growled. Mark’s stomach growled. Behind them the shifting of the crowd grew, building with tension. The natives were ravenous.

  “Dinner’s ready everyone,” Greta announced.

  Like a pack of locusts, they descended on the food. Steve and Colby didn’t even bother with plates and utensils and started stuffing salads and biscuits straight into their mouths.

  Greta stopped Trey by waving a full fork of pink meat in front of his nose. “Here, try this.”

  “What is it?” he asked dubiously. “Is that your fish?”

  “Just try it,” she cajoled. When he opened his mouth with hesitation, she placed the bite of grilled teriyaki salmon on his tongue.

  Well, whatd’ya know. The hot salmon melted in his mouth, crispy-sweet and salty and absolutely delicious. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned down to rub noses. “I am sorry I ever doubted your salmon.”

  Her eyes sparkled with laughter even as she pressed her lips together to stop from grinning. “You’re forgiven.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “If you want some more, you better hurry. It’s almost gone.”

  “Ah, hell no.” He rushed to the table just in time to snatch the last piece.

  Conversation reduced to contented moans and appreciative sighs. The sky performed a spectacular show as the sun set in a fiery splendor before settling into periwinkle twilight. A bonfire crackled and popped, warming them as they sat around on fallen logs and lawn chairs. Summer days in Central Washington reached into the nineties, but when the sun fell, the temperature became downright chilly. Trey was grateful to have Greta there to cuddle with and keep him warm.

  Around mouthfuls of chicken and strawberry salad, Trey became reacquainted with his men. It still amazed him there were so many faces he didn’t remember.


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