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Scars of My Guardian Angel

Page 28

by Russell L Martin

  Starring out into space, admiring the many planets and the twin moons that light up the night sky, I think back and realize how foolishly I lived my life on Earth, and wasted so many years. I should have spent my time sharing the Gospel, and trying my best to help draw more people to God. If the lost souls of Earth could only see and hear what I’m experiencing, they would turn from the wickedness of the world and run to Jesus.

  “Hey Daddy, after I got killed, you and mom were in mourning. Do you remember having certain dreams?”

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact I had quite a few dreams. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, God allowed me to visit you and mom several times through dreams.”

  “Really, so they were real?”

  “Yes, I don’t know why but I could only come as a younger me, well I mean as a little girl.”

  “I know, each time I dreamed about you, you were around four or five years old.”

  “Daddy do you remember the hugs I gave you?”

  “Oh yeah, the dreams were so real. I can even remember smelling your hair and feeling it on my face. But when I would suddenly wake up, the reality of you being gone would hit me hard. The pain and sickness would overtake me to a point that I would wail and cry out like I was dying. I guess I was really dying, or at least a part of me died with you when you were gone. You know Sweetie, as a dad I’ve always been a fixer. Something breaks, I would fix it. Any kind of problem that would come up, I could figure out how to make it better or fix it. When you died, I was helpless, I wanted so badly to fix it, but I couldn’t. That was beyond anything I had ever dealt with. Through your death I was drawn closer to the Lord than I’d ever been and that’s how I continued on through life. Summer, it took me a couple years before I could even look at your pictures without falling to pieces. Videos were out of the question; I would refuse to watch. I just couldn’t bear the pain, it was too great. If I had only known for sure you were saved and were living here in Heaven, it would have made it a lot easier to deal with when we lost you.”

  “I’m so sorry Daddy; I know I put you and Mom through a lot.”

  “Hey that’s okay Sweetie, just look at us now. We’re laid back against a three thousand pound bear listening to a concert on a beach in Heaven!”

  “I know, it’s so awesome, and I can’t wait for Mom to get here.”

  “Yes, she misses you really bad kiddo.”

  * * *

  Daddy, the reason I brought up the dreams, is I feel God urging me, to remind you of one particular vision you had. I believe it’s got something to do with the mission that God has you on.”

  “Okay Sweetie, you’ve got my attention.”

  “Well Dad, in your vision, you were standing in a national park, and I was riding on a school bus loaded with kids. As we were getting off the bus, I saw a small demon disguised as a kid throwing tiny spears over in the crowd. You turned from trying to find me and chased the demon away, throwing spears back at him.

  Then a table was lowered from the sky and it had gold coins and large black ink pens lying on it. Several people stood around the table, and were to choose between taking the gold coins or the pens. Everyone else chose the coins, and you couldn’t seem to make your mind up. Suddenly the table started to rise back up, and just before it was too late you jumped up and grabbed two pens. Then you were walking through the crowd crying out my name; that’s when I ran up to you and in the middle of our hug, I had to suddenly vanish. At that very second, you saw a white flash that reminded you of an ole-timey black and white camera flash. During the brief blinding light you had a vision of a city laid waste from a nuclear blast.

  Then the other vision in your dream, was about the old lady in a wheelchair. Her husband wheeled her up to you at her request. She held your hand and told you how much she enjoyed your songs. You suddenly fell to your knees and placed your head in her lap. As she started caressing your hair, you felt the Holy Spirit flood over you. Not realizing; that you were now laying your head in the lap of Jesus. Daddy, I don’t know what these visions meant, but God wanted me to remind you of it right now.”

  “Well Sweetie, if God’s been urging you to share that with me, it has to be something pretty significant. Summer, I’m hoping I’ll find out soon what this whole mission is about. Maybe you’re right, and the visions are somehow tied to all of this.”

  After enjoying several more beautiful songs, Rosie heads straight for Summer. As they embrace, she curls up in her arms and quickly falls asleep.

  I look over at Uriel, “Hey bud, those kids are something really special, don’t you think?”

  “Yes they are, Little Soul. Yes they are.”

  The gentle wind continues to play a sweet lullaby, blowing through the seashells, and my eyelids begin to feel so heavy. I look around and everyone is fast asleep except for Uriel. He stands just a few feet away as if watching over us like a Sentinel, guarding a precious treasure. As I stare into the small campfire just before falling asleep, the visions Summer reminded me of, are now replaying in my mind.

  Why was the table being lowered from the sky? Having to choose between the gold coins and pens, was this a test? Did I choose wisely? The demon disguised as a child throwing spears, is there a hidden message there? The blinding flash from the old camera and seeing the city laid waste, could this represent a nuclear war in the future of the Earth? I remember dark red blood covering skulls and piles of bones, and the sky behind the burned out and crumbling buildings had turned to a dark orange glow.

  “Hey Chado, wake up. You were talking in your sleep. Hey get up, you need to see this!”

  “Okay, okay, I’m up! What do you want me to see?”

  Uriel whispers, “Follow me, Chado.”


  When Angels Sing

  W e walk away from the campfire a few feet, just enough to see clearly, while standing in the darkness under a canopy of stars and twin moons. I look up at this strange galaxy and I am awestruck by its beauty. The stars almost look close enough to reach out and touch.

  “Uriel, this is beautiful.”

  “Yes it is something to behold, but viewing the stars wasn’t why I woke you.”

  He suddenly bumps me in the ribs, points to our left down the beach and then to our right.

  “Oh my goodness! What the heck Uriel?”

  I see several hundred Angels pouring out of the sky from both directions. The roaring sound of their wings as they slow down to land reminds me of a distant rolling thunder. Their bright white and silver colored wings are glowing as they’re reflecting the rays of light from the stars and moons.

  I am totally speechless while watching the Host of Heaven as they all start to line up behind the conch seashells.

  “Uriel, what’s happening? Is this another concert? They’re standing exactly where the children’s choir was when they sang! ”

  Suddenly the voices of these Angels come together like nothing I’ve ever heard, “Holy Holy is the Lamb, the Lamb of God, Holy is He that sits on the Throne, Holy is the Lamb…”

  I whisper. “Hey Uriel, I thought the kids were good, but this is unbelievable!”

  He smiles as we both stand facing the choir, feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit getting stronger as it pours over us.

  Just as I have the thought of waking Summer, I feel a gentle touch on my shoulder, and without looking back, I place my hand over the hand that’s touching me. This doesn’t feel like Summer’s hand.

  Without looking behind me, out of the corner of my eye, I now see the hand that’s on my shoulder. It’s the nail-scarred hand of Jesus! My Savior is here, and He’s touching me!

  At first, I’m shocked, frozen in my tracks. I’m not worthy to touch the strap of His sandal, and He has His hand on my shoulder. I want to turn around but I can’t seem to move.

  “Welcome, Little Soul.”

  As I hear His soft still voice, I fall to my knees, and slowly spin around in the sand. Being overwhelmed with His presence and my humility, I embr
ace my Lord around His legs. As I feel the soft cotton garment on my face and the presence of the Holy Spirit, tears of joy fill my eyes.

  He kneels down and with a whisper, “Stand up friend; let your heart not be troubled, but rejoice and rest in my Father’s love.”

  Reaching down with His nail-scarred hands, I take hold. My Savior helps me to my feet. I’m now staring into the eyes of Jesus.

  “Little Soul, how about we three break bread, I’m sure you desire to know the mystery behind your journey.” He smiles as he turns and heads for a bench and table made of palm wood near the camp fire.

  Jesus reaches over in a wicker basket and retrieves one sand shroon. He lays it down on the table, grabs our hands, “Thank you Father for this blessing.” While smiling he breaks the shroon into three pieces, handing Uriel and me each a portion. After Jesus takes a couple bites, “I thirst for new wine.”

  Without having to call or chase Bennie the spider monkey to fetch the wine, the little furry wine bearer suddenly drops down out of a coconut tree, dragging Sampson’s wine pouch straight over to Jesus.

  After having a late night snack and a few sips of new wine while enjoying another concert, I have the thought, I wish Summer, Lori, Dad, Uncle Spike and the kids were awake. They are missing out.

  “Hey Jesus, can I wake Summer and the children?”

  “Not yet Little Soul, we have a journey that needs to be discussed.”

  “Okay, I understand.”

  “As you know, my Father has chosen you to take part in drawing millions away from the clutches of Lucifer. He has blinded God’s very elect and they have drifted away from the truth. Satan’s cleverness throughout history, and now in modern times, has explained away my love and replaced it with science and the theories of men. As we near the tribulation, this great falling away has to be stopped.”

  “Lord, I have always loved you, but I’ve walked the earth a sinful man, undeserving of anything. Why has God chosen me for this journey?”

  Jesus smiles while placing His hand on my face. “Little Soul, my Father saw in you a pure heart and a strong desire for righteousness. Under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, you always humbled yourself before God and He was true to forgive your sins.

  Little Soul, I ask you this; why did He choose Adam as the first man, Noah to build an Ark, Jonah to be swallowed by the fish, or Moses to free the slaves? They were men that He chose to fulfill His purpose. He saw them as willing vessels with pure hearts. ”

  “I am yours Lord, tell me what to do.”

  Suddenly a blinding bright light flashes behind us. I ask, “What was that?”

  * * *

  “Fear not Little Soul, we have company.”

  With my back to the campfire, I slide around in my seat looking in the direction of the fading flash.

  Out of the darkness a mighty Lion appears. As he stands just on the other side of the fire, overwhelming fear and trembling washes over me. I fall to my knees as a man dying and began to cry. Again I feel the hand of Jesus on my shoulder as He whispers, “Weep not Little Soul. Behold! The Lion, King of Kings and Lord of Lords!”

  As I look up wiping the tears from my eyes, the Lion is now standing only a couple feet away. In His mouth He’s holding two scrolls. He takes another step closer and I suddenly remember my dream. The dream of the lion and the scroll is now unfolding before me. I reach out with my hands still trembling and the mighty Lion releases the scrolls, dropping them into the palms of my hands.

  To my surprise he reaches down taking hold of my shirt with his giant teeth, and gently lifts me up from my knees. As I stand, He rubs His thick mane against my face and just as I reach out to touch His fur, He quickly turns and walks away. We all watch as He walked over and lies down in front of Summer and the kids.

  “Little Soul, My Father wants you to go back to Earth and spend twenty-one days on God’s Mountain where the Ark of Covenant rests. There you will write down everything you’ve seen and heard on your journey here. The Holy Spirit will overcome you and help you with His final message. Then you will duplicate the second scroll with the same message as the first. When the scrolls are complete at the end of the twenty-first day, you will follow Uriel and witness several events that will unfold on Earth.

  Shortly after you’ll be led on two different journeys. At the end of each, you will give the scrolls to two different people who are each caught between death and life.

  Then you will walk through the portal of the damned. At the gates of Hell you will recognize the one that cheats death. He was one of your close friends back on Earth. He is an unbeliever but has been chosen to receive one of the scrolls.

  You will meet a second person at the eleventh gate of Heaven. This believer that also cheats death will receive the other scroll. You will give the scrolls to these two chosen vessels with instructions.

  As they rejoin the living on earth, they will both fall under great condemnation as they stand as My witnesses before a perverse world; many of which have ears but cannot hear, eyes but refuse to see, and hearts that have grown cold, without feeling.

  Most assuredly, I say to you, this wicked and perverse generation shall not pass away before they see Heaven open up and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man. The final days are at hand and there will be no hiding place from the wrath of my Father.

  These two chosen vessels will be used to show the world through the Bloodline of the Scrolls. It’s my Father’s last offer before His coming.”

  As soon as Jesus finished telling me what was to take place, I see the Lion stand and slowly walk away. Before He is almost out of sight He turns, looks back and His left eye sparkled. It was like the Lion had just winked at me! I suddenly have a funny thought, In the tunnel when Tizzy the sea monster winked at me, was that the Spirit of God in the Leviathan and now the Lion?

  I’m trying to stare through the darkness just to catch another glimpse. I notice a growing bright light coming from His direction. I hold my hand up trying to protect my eyes from the brilliance; it’s becoming unbearable.

  Just before the peak of a blinding flash, Jesus quickly steps in front of me, sheltering me from the light. His action reminds me of scripture, “So it shall be, while My glory passes by, I will put you in the cleft of the rock and will cover you with My hand while I pass by.”

  Jesus whispers, “My Father took the form of this great lion so He could walk among His children.”

  I suddenly realize this was the only way we could look into the eyes of God and live.

  Jesus takes my hand, “Walk with me Little Soul, let us go to the water’s edge and watch the rising sun.”

  As I stand beside the Savior of the world watching my first sunrise on the beach of Heaven, I’m overwhelmed with joy and thanksgiving.

  I look over at Jesus as the first rays of sun peep over this crystal sea. His face seems to be glowing.

  “Little Soul, are you staring?”

  “Sorry Lord, I couldn’t help myself.”

  Jesus starts laughing, “Hey, it’s okay Chado. I get that a lot.”

  “Lord, you’re too funny!”

  As we stand watching the sunrise, I hear a familiar voice. It’s Rosie; she has awakened and had already joined in with the Angel choir.

  “Lord, that Angel choir is so awesome, and little Rosie, she can sure enough sing.”

  “Chado, do you recognize that song? ”

  “Yes, that’s Living Water. That’s a song I wrote! Well a song You gave me to write.”

  “We thought you might like hearing it performed by an Angel band, and it’s a nice going away present. Speaking of going away presents, look down the beach.”

  I turn, and a couple hundred yards out, I see a huge dog running full speed along the water’s edge, with the occasional splash as the dog edges over hitting the shallows. “Lord is that your dog?”

  “No Little Soul, that’s your dog. You do remember Buck don’t you?”

  “Buck, my faithful old do
g Buck from Earth! Lord, you let Buck come to Heaven?”

  Jesus starts laughing, why wouldn’t I let that ole warrior come to Heaven, he is a good dog!”

  A few feet before Buck got to me, he stops and does his old trick of crawling on his belly and grinning, yep grinning. After a bit of rolling around in the sand and a bunch of dog licks, Jesus taps me on the shoulder.

  “Chado, I want you to bring Buck with you on your mission, he will play a big part in protecting you from the hell hounds when you and Uriel pass through the gates of Hell.”

  “Okay Lord, we’ve got fallen angels, demons and now we have to deal with hell hounds?”

  Jesus chuckles, “You will be fine, just remember Who has your back.”

  “I understand, Oh yeah, one other thing Lord…”

  “Name it, Little Soul.”

  “I just want to thank you, Jesus.”

  “What would you be thanking me for, Chado?”

  “Well Lord, through the years in my prayers, I have thanked You for so many different things. The main one was thanking You for what you did on Calvary. But anyway Lord, I never thought I would be standing beside You, I mean in person, here and now. So I would like to thank You for it all!”

  Jesus reaches over, wraps His arms around me giving me a great big hug. “Little Soul, you have a journey ahead of you. Go say your goodbyes to everyone and be about My Father’s work.”

  I turn and head back to the camp, shaking hands and hugging necks, until I get to Summer.

  “When will you come back, Daddy?”

  “I’m not real sure Sweetie; I won’t be long if I can help it.”

  “Is it dangerous?”

  “Well I’m not real sure about that either. I have to write some stuff down on these two scrolls and then deliver one to someone at Hell’s gates and the other one to another person at the eleventh gate of Heaven. Hey don’t worry; I’ll have Uriel and Buck with me. By the way, have you seen Uriel?”

  She points down the beach. “Yeah Pop, there he is standing in front of that portal.”


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