Scars of My Guardian Angel

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Scars of My Guardian Angel Page 29

by Russell L Martin

  As I turn around, to my surprise Uriel has lost the street garment and has gained his body armor, shield, sword and his huge wings.

  “Summer, it looks like it’s that time. I believe Uriel is ready to go. Give me a hug, Sweetie.”

  “Come on Daddy, I’ll walk you to the portal.”

  Just before we get to the threshold I hear the pitter pats of bare feet. “Wait my Pawpaw! Wait!”

  Little Rosie jumps up, hugging me as though I was leaving forever.

  “Hey little one, you were really making Pawpaw proud when I heard you singing with the Angel choir this morning.”

  “Thank you my Pawpaw!”

  “Rosie, I want you to watch over Summer while I’m gone, and as soon as I can, I’ll be back. ”

  “Okay my Pawpaw. I will.”

  Uriel nudges me with one of his wings, “Let’s go Chado.”

  As we step through the portal I hear the fading voices of Summer and Rosie, “We Love You…”

  The End of the Beginning…

  Russell L. Martin Biography

  Russell L. Martin, known to his family and friends as Rusty, was born and raised in Grant Parish, located in central Louisiana. His family lived near the poverty level throughout his childhood. With a limited education and a strong desire for a better life, he hired out with a traveling construction company that installed oil and gas pipelines all across the U.S.A. Starting out at the bottom of the food chain, working as a laborer with little to no money, he would camp out near creeks and rivers to survive the high cost of living away from home. When his strong work ethics became noticed by his supervisors, he was allowed to advance and work in all phases of the oil and gas industry.

  After several years of working on land, Rusty decided that it was time to get a taste of installing pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico. To further his education in this part of the industry, he received commercial diving degrees at The Ocean Corporation in Houston, TX. After only a couple years working in the Gulf as a diver he went back to land-lay operations, due to a family crisis. He continued working freelance for multiple pipeline companies, until finally retiring after 34 years in the oil and gas industry.

  It was not until he decided to settle back down where his roots of life started in central Louisiana, that he finally surrendered to becoming an author. His love for God, paired with many strange events throughout his life, left him with a gift of telling amazing stories. He has stated, and truly believes, God led him to the keyboard of his old work laptop. Surprising his family and friends, he unveiled a hidden talent that no one realized he possessed, including himself.

  After writing the Christian novel, “Scars of My Guardian Angel ”, several proof readers were asked to give an unbiased opinion of the book. Their incredible reaction and positive reviews inspired this new author to continue writing, what is now called “The Portal Series”. The second book, “Bloodline of the Scrolls”, was self-published in December of 2018. Russell is now writing a third book of the series, “Revelation of the Scrolls ”, with intention of publishing in 2019.

  Thirteen wonderful Christian songs are among the collection of Russell’s writing. He and his wife enjoy sharing them in local churches around their community. Playing his Taylor guitar and singing Christian music is truly a deep passion of his heart.

  Rusty and his wife, Laura, live a humble and quiet life on a few acres nestled in the middle of Kisatchie National Forest. They enjoy spending time with their two beautiful horses, Ellie Mae and Hollywood. This couple also loves three stray dogs they rescued out of the deep woods. The one they call Daisy Lou, looks like she might be a Redbone Coonhound. Another, Moushie, the most recent addition, looks very much like a Mountain Cur. Lastly is Benji-faced Nibbles, well he’s just a dog with a cute little underbite.

  Excerpt from Book Two of “The Portal Series ” :

  “ Bloodline of the Scrolls” :


  A Toddler’s Heart

  S ummer Allyce Cole sits peacefully at the crest of a hill in front of her home overlooking the Valley of the Children. On her arrival in Heaven, God had placed in her heart an overwhelming desire to come to this valley and have a part in receiving the souls of babes. This giant valley is filled with magnificent structures designed by the One True Architect, God Himself. It is well known throughout Heaven to be a very special place; and is very close to God’s own heart.

  Thousands upon thousands of unborn children, some of whom have been judged and sentenced back on Earth, arrive here in the valley. They are passed through portals from the hands of angels, into the hands of their ancestors.

  This constant flowing river of children arriving in Heaven, are embraced and met with rejoicing hearts and a deep love like no other.

  * * *

  Summer Allyce feels a cool breeze on her face as she hears and watches the movement of this invisible force. It gently sways the tall plush grass growing along the hillside. Her mind runs away with memories of family and friends she had left behind on Earth several years ago.

  Staring at the grass dancing across the hillside almost in a daze, Summer whispers a prayer, “Lord, you know I’ve never really thought much about why you took me at such a young age. I was only 22, and I thought I had big plans for the future. Not understanding why is okay. I guess it really doesn’t matter. I’m just grateful You allowed me the honor of serving You. As I look down on this valley, I feel in my heart that this is my final destination. For that, I thank you Lord.”

  Summer breaks out in a huge smile as she hears the pitter pat of little feet running up behind her. It’s the green-eyed toddler, Rosie.

  God had placed Rosie on Summer’s heart, giving her a desire to take Rosie in, and be a mother to her. Rosie was another casualty of abortion, with hardly any relatives who made it to Heaven. The few ancestors she had were already so overwhelmed with the many children they received to care for; God made this choice of where Rosie belongs.

  Summer braces herself as she hears Rosie getting closer. Then suddenly the toddler goes airborne as she jumps on Summer’s back. They both break out giggling as they roll around on the ground. “Hey, my Summer, what ya doing?”

  “Oh… I’m just sitting here in the soft grass watching the wind dance. What you doing?”

  “I have a question.”

  “You always have questions, Silly Willie.”

  The toddler laughs, “I’m not Silly Willie. I’m Rosie!”

  “Yes you are. So what’s your question, sweetie? ”

  “So if Chado Cole is your daddy and you’re my mommy, does that mean he’s my grandfather?”

  “Yes, I guess so. You could say he’s your heavenly grandfather. He would probably like it if you continue to call him Pawpaw.”

  “Why did Pawpaw and his angel have to leave? I want him to come back. I really love my new Pawpaw, and I miss him.”

  “He’ll be back soon. Don’t you worry; I believe he really loves you also.”

  “But why did he have to leave?”

  “Well, Rosie, from what Daddy told me, and what I also overheard Jesus telling him and his angel Uriel, they are on a fantastic mission! This mission is really top secret, not even the angels know. So, Rosie, can you keep a secret?” The toddler grins from ear to ear as her green eyes glisten with excitement. “Yes, my Summer, I can keep a secret forever!”

  “Okay, sweetie, listen closely. Your Pawpaw Chado has been chosen. He had to travel back down to God’s Mountain on Earth. There he will write down all the things he witnessed while he traveled through the spiritual realm and here in Heaven. He documents everything inside two scrolls. He is to give one to a lost soul who doesn’t believe in God, and the other to a believer of Christ. They both are caught between life and death as your Pawpaw hands the scrolls over to them. He has to meet the unbeliever at the Gate of Hell and the other at the Eleventh Gate of Heaven.

  “As these two spiritual souls return to the living, the scrolls, along with their testimonies, will make the unbel
ievers believe. You see, God is going to use this in a special way to open the eyes of millions of lost people. When the people of Earth realize they’ve been fed lies all along, hopefully they will run to the Lord and seek His saving grace.”

  “So does that mean we will have more friends here in Heaven? ”

  Summer chuckles, “Yes, sweetie, we will.”

  “How did Pawpaw Chado lose his life back on Earth?”

  “You are full of questions, little one, but I guess we have time to answer one more before we head down into the valley.

  “You see, back on Earth people have jobs, kind of like we do here in Heaven. Your Pawpaw was a deep-sea diver working for the oil and gas companies, and his job, was to help build pipelines on the bottom of the ocean. Your Pawpaw and his friends lived and worked on a vessel that floats on the water. He called it Barge 101. He had lots of friends out there, from Captain Lee to the rest of the dive team. Some had silly names like Bones and TC. Others were normal names like Joey and Matt. He even had a friend who lived in the swamps of Louisiana he called Cheese Hound.”

  Rosie laughs, “Cheese Hound is a funny name!”

  “Yes, he’s one of your Pawpaw Chado’s childhood friends. Well anyway, while they’re under the water they need air to breathe. The air is supplied through long hoses hooked to big machines that make and pump the air. This keeps them alive while they work.

  “One cold winter night it was your Pawpaw’s turn to go down to the bottom of the ocean, and the air machines quit working!”

  Rosie’s face lights up with expression, “What happened then?”

  “Well, Rosie, Pawpaw ran out of air while he was on the bottom under water, and right before he died he spoke to God.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He said, ‘God, I guess you’ve got me.’ That’s when God sent three angels to carry him over into the Spiritual Realm… and that’s where his mission began.”


  God’s Mountain

  C hado has spent the last four years and eleven months in Heaven. To Chado, it only seems like he’s been away from Earth a few days. He has been directed by God to follow Uriel, his guardian angel, along with his dog Buck, through a portal that takes them back to the hidden Mountain of God, located on Earth. On top of this holy piece of ground at the Plateau of Portals, Chado is to document everything he experienced and saw from the time of his death and during his heavenly journey on two scrolls. After 21 days, upon completion of the scrolls, Chado, Uriel, and Buck are to travel and witness many profound events which will unfold on Earth.

  * * *

  It is December 18th, 2019, earth time, and Chado Cole steps out of a portal located on top of God’s Mountain, followed by his guardian angel, Uriel, and Buck. Without saying anything, Chado walks over to the cliff wall overlooking the lake.

  “Hey, how far would you say it is to the village?”

  “Oh, I would say around 70 miles or so. Why do you ask? ”

  Chado chuckles, “Well, if I can’t pull off writing everything God wanted me to write in these two scrolls, I might just go hide in that ancient village until it’s all over.”

  Uriel smiles, “You cannot hide from God, especially after he chose you for this assignment.”

  “Yeah, I reckon so. Well, what do you think? Or should I say, what do we do first?”

  “Chado, this is as good a spot as any. Well, actually this is a perfect spot.”

  “It’s a perfect spot for what?”

  “Before I answer, we need to take off our sandals.”

  “Hey that’s right. We are standing on holy ground!”

  “Chado, when Allayer and Nipper were transporting you, did they show you the face of this cliff?”

  “Oh yeah, they made me guess what the writing meant and who the author was. It took me a while to figure out that it was the Ten Commandments, and it was written in an ancient Hebrew language. To top off their guessing game, I couldn’t figure out how the words were so deeply chiseled into the cliff, until they finally told me I was witnessing the fingerprints of God. So, Uriel, you were talking about a perfect spot?”

  “Yes, we need to go to the Lord in prayer before we get started.”

  “Ok, bud.”

  Uriel draws his sword and jams it into the soft ground only a few inches from the edge of the cliff. He slowly drops down to his knees with his hands draped across the handle of his mighty blade. Chado follows the guardian angel’s lead as he kneels beside him and places both scrolls on the ground, one on each side, while lowering his face to the ground. Wanting to join in, the huge mixed breed canine does his crawling trick as he wedges in between Chado and Uriel, as if to be praying also .

  After a short hour of prayer a soft warm breeze comes across the lake hitting the trio in the face. Feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit, they open their eyes to find heavy clouds now hovering just above the mountain plateau.

  “Chado, follow me.”

  They all walk over to a stone bench just past the three portals.

  “Let us take a seat and wait.”

  “Uriel, I feel the urge to start writing but I only have the two scrolls, nothing to write with!”

  “Have patience, Little Soul, have patience.”

  After sitting on the stone bench for a short while, Uriel points up at the low hanging clouds. “Does that look familiar, Chado?”

  Suddenly the legs of a stone table appear out of the clouds. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing. It’s just like the dream I had several years back before I died! The table in my dream had gold coins and ink pens lying on top, and I was to choose between the two.”

  “Yes, Chado, just like your dream.”

  The table slowly comes into full view as it lowers out of the clouds. The legs look to be made of brass, and the feet of the table from iron. Finally resting directly in front of the stone bench, they stand and admire the tabletop. Chado rubs his hands across the cool slick surface, and realizes it looks like pure white marble, polished to a brilliant gloss finish. Uriel reaches over and slides two square jars filled with ink from the center of the table over in front of Chado. One of the glass containers is filled with dark, red ink and the other one filled with black.

  “Ok, bud, looks like we won’t run short of ink, but what are the small skinny sticks for?”

  “That, my modern friend, is a bundle of Egyptian reed pens. This type of writing tool comes from a time around 400 BC, along with the ancient scrolls made from an aquatic plant called papyrus. You should not have any trouble getting everything written down. ”

  “Uriel, I need a little direction on how to use these reed pens.”

  “Dip, write, dip a little more.”

  “Boy howdy, I just knew I would get a good ole 21st century ink pen, and boom, knock this thing out right quick and snappy.”

  Uriel said, “You might as well face facts—dip it, write it, dip it, write it.”

  “Okay, okay, I get the picture. We’re going to be here for the full 21 days.”

  “Yes, sir, just like Jesus told you, 21 days.”

  “One more thing, what’s the different colored ink for?”

  “Come on, Chado… you should know that. It is just like in the Bible—red ink when you are writing down what God has spoken, and black ink for everything else. Also, Chado, remember God spoke to you quite a bit in your dreams, so take heed of His words.”

  Reaching over, Chado removes the glass lids from the jars, takes the first scroll and slowly rolls it out over the marble table. Staring at the blank sheet of papyrus, he feels overwhelmed with this task set before him. As he lets out a long deep sigh, he closes his eyes; “Father God of all who breathe in Heaven and Earth, help me fulfill this mission as we continue our journey. I humbly ask for knowledge dear Lord and that I may never fail you. Fill my mind with the words so that I may fill the pages of these two scrolls with your truth, wisdom, and message to the saved and the unsaved. I am nothing without you dear Lord. Help me in this time
of need. I love you this day, tomorrow and forever. Amen”

  He opened his eyes to see Uriel with his hands and sword raised toward Heaven, praising God, shouting to Heaven. “We praise you, oh Holy One, we praise you!”

  Suddenly, Uriel’s sword and arms disappear as the mist of the cloud lowers itself to only a few feet above their heads. Chado quickly stands with the overwhelming need to reach up into the dense canopy. He slowly pushes his hands through the haze of the cloud, when suddenly the Holy Spirit floods over him consuming all his thoughts and igniting his senses.

  Buck leaps up on the table. He turns facing Uriel, sits down and begins staring up into the clouds.

  “Hey, Buck, you ok? What are you looking at?”

  Suddenly, a deep rolling thunder starts. The continuous rumbling creates vibrations and the small pebbles on the ground begin to move. After several minutes of thunder, an eerie silence falls over the mountaintop. Chado reaches over and places his hand on Buck’s head as the huge mixed breed gives off a small whimper.

  “Hey, buddy, it’s going to be ok. We’ve got Uriel with us. There is nothing to worry about.”

  The low tone of a soft still voice echoes across the plateau. “Little Soul, where art thou?”

  Chado looking around while cupping his hand against his mouth, quietly whispers, “Hey, Uriel, was that you? Are you, jacking with me?”

  Uriel shakes his head no and points up into the clouds.

  “Little Soul, where art thou?”

  With his voice quivering, “I’m here. Is it you, Lord? Is that really you?”

  “Little Soul, I Am.”

  Chado turns and looks over at Uriel, who is now already bowing and on his knees.

  Turning back and looking into the midst of the clouds, Chado falls to the ground, humbling himself, as to be a dead man.

  “Little Soul, arise; stand up my child, I am with you. Have joy in your heart.”

  “Will you help me, God?”

  “Help you? Chado, you have everything you need. Oh, I see, you need confidence. I have gifted you with an abundance of confidence. You just need to find it. Is it imbedded in the rock bench beside which you stand? Has it flown away in an eagle or swum away in a fish? Where could it be? It is right here, deep down in your heart. Just close your eyes and let the Holy Spirit help you search for it. Soon you will recognize the hidden places of your soul, and that all your strength comes from me. Chado, you have to understand, it is I who dwell in your mind, soul and spirit. Once you truly understand the mysteries of Heaven and my ways, you will accomplish all things set before you. I hear your prayers and I Am with you.”


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