Barbarian Alchemist (Princesses of the Ironbound Book 3)

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Barbarian Alchemist (Princesses of the Ironbound Book 3) Page 9

by Aaron Crash

  The little woman was about to say something more when a strange hush filled the air.

  Gatha felt it as well. “There is something wrong outside.”

  A faint trembling shivered through the floor under their feet.

  Darkness swamped the windows and the light left them. There were windows facing the building on the left. On the right, the walls were just stone, except upstairs, which had windows on both sides. Glass shattered. An awful roaring eclipsed everything else as a tide of black water rushed in.

  Gatha’s tusks snapped out of her mouth. She hissed as it began to rain in the room, or that’s what it felt like, water dripping down from the beams. The ocean had reached up to smash water on them. How big was that wave? And would there be more?

  “My books!” the librarian thundered.

  Tori shoved her down the aisle between her bookshelves, mostly empty, thank the old gods and the Tree. The long room had become a hell of water and noise and terror. They could easily be drowned or swept away even if they got outside. From the water dripping down, the upstairs was already flooded. Going up there would be suicide.

  There was only one thing to do. Tori didn’t have much magic—she was at the dang school to get better, but she was a Morbuskor maid, dammit, and she was half made of stone anyway. She’d feel better unground. She dragged the she-orc to the back of the room where the wooden floor changed to rock.

  “Lutum lutarum!” The brown-and-green Focus ring on her left hand flashed as she reached into the stone and opened a hole in the floor. Gatha saw what she was doing, and she also knew there was no way to save her books. Thank goodness the Gruul didn’t panic. She jumped right into the hole, and Tori dropped down after her. A final call of “lutum inanis” sealed the hole.

  “Ignis ignarum!” Fire burst from Gatha’s left hand, and the red-and-yellow Focus ring gleamed. She found an old box full of half-burnt Sunfire candles and lit one.

  The basement sloped down from where they were. Most of the space was full of old bricks and some planks, building materials from when the structure was first finished. Where Tori and Gatha huddled, however, there was a comfortable shelf of stone. Around them were piles of cloth, bolts of fabric from some kind of business, maybe a tailor, or furniture maker—you could make a dress or cover a sofa with the material around them.

  Water drained through the floor above them, filling up the room, and that roaring sound seemed just as loud. Gatha’s tusks were still out, and she was infuriated. She’d be lucky to save even a single novel.

  Tori was relieved. This building had some drainage, since the basement wasn’t completely flooded. They could weather out the terrible wave if they just stayed close. They’d found a perfect place to hide. If the water rose, maybe Gatha could burn it away with fire, or the dwab could try her Flow magic.

  Outside, they could dimly hear screams. That wasn’t a surprise. It was strange that the air was so cold. The temperature must’ve dropped twenty degrees.

  The basement didn’t smell too good—the water mixing with the dust and mildew did give off a stink. But then Tori caught a whiff of the she-orc, musky and sweet.

  All at once, her Inconvenience hit her, and it hit hard. Tori blinked at the tingles in her special spot and tightening of her big nipples. She needed to touch herself, or better yet, get Gatha to help her. They’d grown close, and gosh, Tori had told Gatha a lot about herself.

  She remembered the she-orc’s face pressing up against her big titties. She remembered holding the poor Gruul girl. And didn’t Gatha mention something about an inner animal?

  Before she could stop herself, the words left Tori’s mouth in a gush. “Oh, Gatha, here’s the thing about us Morbuskor, though you can’t tell anyone, okay? Can I trust you? I have to trust you with my secret, and you might be able to help me a bit, though this isn’t ideal. Gosh, it’s not ideal at all.”

  Gatha was lying against a big bolt of colorful fabric. Tori knelt between her legs. Yep, the she-orc’s tunic was pulled up to reveal her muscular green thighs. And farther up would be her sex. Did the Gruul women have tusks around their quims? That was what the gossip suggested.

  Just that single word in her head, “quim,” had Tori breathing hard. This was the worst timing ever, but wasn’t that always the case with this dumb sex stuff?

  Chapter Eleven

  GATHA FROWNED AT HER, lips curving around the big ivory spikes emerging from her mouth. “What are you saying, Tori? And why now? We might be trapped unless you can open another hole in the rock.”

  That might be a problem. Those Form cantrips had worn Tori out. Good thing she had her Focus ring to protect her dusza and to give her a bit more power than normal. The hot little woman had more important things to consider than escape. They’d be fine. Most of the room was flooded, but not all of it, and they were on their little ledge, and it was rather cozy with the candles and the bolts of cloth.

  And that she-orc smelled good.

  Gatha snapped her fingers. “Tori, you need to tell me why you are acting so strangely. You’re sweating and blushing. Either tell me or let me swim through that water. I might be able to save some of my books. If that was an earthquake wave, there might be another one.”

  The green woman wrapped her arms around herself, clearly cold.

  Tori knew how to warm Gatha up, but the dwab was having trouble thinking. Such a big wave hitting them during the big summit meeting between the merfolk and King Velis IX was a bit too convenient. There might be a full war going on outside. Well, she and Gatha could do the war thing after they did the sex thing.

  “Those books are gone, and you know it,” Tori said. Then it was no use and the truth came out in a rush. “I need you, Gatha. You can say no, but I’ll have to get naked to take care of it myself. I have this sex thing that happens to me, the Inconvenience, and I can’t control it. I’m feeling it now. So I have to masturbate. You don’t need to help, like I said, and maybe you could make it through that water, but I wouldn’t try.” She gulped. “So, I’m gonna get naked now.”

  The she-orc retracted her tusks. At the same time, her mouth fell open in surprise. Was that a smile there in her eyes? Yes, yes, it was. “Tori, I read a novel about the Inconvenience—it wasn’t called that; it was called the Heat. There were several very good scenes.”

  The dwab was already reaching behind her back to unbutton her dress. Her fingers felt so fat and useless. She wanted to just tear the damn thing off. She was on the verge of tears, out of frustration and, yes, out of embarrassment. A stray thought managed to sneak through her dumb urges. No wonder she’d never sampled the Amora Xoca. Choosing to be horny was insane!

  Gatha scooted around her and helped with the buttons.

  Tori’s voice broke. A tear did fall. “Oh, thank you, Gatha. I’m so sorry for this. I can’t think straight. You might hate me afterwards, but I can’t care about that. I just need a finger in me. Two fingers, maybe. And I can rub myself. You won’t have to do much.”

  The she-orc was silent, which made it worse. But Gatha got Tori’s dress off and then worked on unhooking the dwab’s big brassiere, which had three seriously engineered clasps to keep her boobs under control. Tori had thought of suggesting that her Sunfire professor, Korga, get some additional support. However, that would be too embarrassing.

  Gatha pressed her tits up against Tori’s back. The she-orc’s soft hands cupped her overflowing breasts, and already, just that intimate touch, had the little redhead feeling better. Yes, she could share this Inconvenience with someone—that worked far better than Tori just jilling herself.

  The librarian whispered into her ear, “I can help with this. I want to help. Since I first saw you, I’ve had thoughts about you, and about your body. I’ll say it again—you’re a fool not to see your own beauty. We all see it. We all want you.”

  Gatha sucked on her earlobe, and that drove Tori wild. She pawed at her dress, trying to get to her throbbing quim, or oheesy—that was the elven word. Once again, G
atha helped, pulling the dress up and over her head.

  Tori had her big boots on, and yes, she ripped the seams of her pannee getting them off, but then she was naked, sitting on her ass, with her legs spread. There was cloth under her butt, but even if it had been cold stone, the dwab wouldn’t have cared.

  Gatha knelt in front of her. Her eyes were on Tori’s chest. Her mouth was open, she was breathing hard, and the she-orc’s nipples poked through her tunic. She swallowed. She couldn’t stop staring.

  Tori reached up and pinched her nipples. She hated how big and odd they looked. But she loved how rubbery and sensual they felt, connecting her tits to her quim. Her juices dripped down onto the fabric under her. She couldn’t hide how turned-on messy she was.

  The she-orc took off her tunic. She didn’t wear any pannee. Both of them were naked except for their footwear. Tori’s eyes went to the dark green skin of the woman’s nipples on such attractive, medium-sized breasts. Then the dwab’s gaze travelled down her stomach, carved with muscles. Then Tori saw her big clit, sticking out from her body like a miniature cock. Underneath, Tori could just make out her oheesy, already shiny and dark with her juices.

  Such a sight drove Tori onward into more perversion—touching her tits wasn’t enough. She reached her left hand under her ass and got a finger in her quim. The penetration felt incredible—she was wet enough and open enough for two. Then she found her pearl with her right hand. She felt so nasty and terrible for doing this in front of this strong warrior, and yet Gatha talked of her inner animal. She must know how good it felt to lose control sometimes—how necessary it felt.

  Gatha knee-walked over and got close. “You really can’t control it, can you?”

  “I can’t,” Tori wept. “I have to fuck myself. I have to finger my wet little quim, and I’m rubbing my clit. Unless you want to suck on it. Unless you want to fuck me.”

  Gatha was so close, that pretty face so close, and then the two were kissing. That wasn’t all. Gatha supported her own weight with her left hand. With the right, she pulled on Tori’s nipples, first one, then the other, pulling and working them.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since I first saw them, you horny little thing.” Gatha laughed—it wasn’t mean or teasing. It was joyous. “I’ll help you, Tori. I’ll help you with your rahgaht.”

  The dwab was too far gone to remember what that strange word meant. She was sucking on Gatha’s tongue, and all the sensations—the orc working her tits and Tori’s fingers working her own dripping sex—sent Tori into a world of happy bliss. She felt her quim suck on her fingers, the rhythm of the spasms matching the waves of pleasure. She loved feeling herself come.

  She was breathing hard into Gatha’s mouth. She made her yipping sounds with each crescendo. The she-orc’s taste was in her mouth. Her smell was everywhere, strong and musky. It made Tori want to lick her quim.

  Gatha had the same idea. The warrior woman laid Tori back down on the carpet. Then the she-orc gave her mouth a final lick before kissing down her neck, sucking on it, biting it, and then Gatha got to her tits. The orc grunted in pleasure, sighed, and made other happy noises. She sucked on one, then licked her way across the valley of freckled skin to suck on the other one. She was clearly taking so much pleasure in the dwab’s huge breasts. How could she love them so much? Gatha’s own breasts were far smaller, yet they matched her frame perfectly.

  Tori couldn’t wait to feel the she-orc’s mouth on her sex. She got her hands up and tried to push the strong woman’s head down to her aching pussy.

  Gatha chuckled. “Someone is getting a little impatient.” She then snatched up Tori’s left hand, her fingers still wet, and sucked on them with her green lips.

  “Oh, you’re tasting me already,” Tori squeaked. “You’re tasting my quim.”

  “It’s the animal in me,” Gatha growled. “I want to taste you. I want to smell you. I want to stick my tongue in your pussy and fuck you with my face.”

  Gatha then licked her way down Tori’s soft belly and down through her red curls, darkened by her drip. An instant later, the dwab felt a tongue in her quim, Gatha’s tongue, tasting her before licking up her lips to her clit.

  “Finger me, Gatha, finger my fucking quim,” Tori begged. It was so embarrassing to say those words out loud, but she had to tell the she-orc what she wanted. She needed to be fucked. If only Ymir had been there—his big cock stretched her so well.

  Gatha followed instructions and slid a finger into Tori’s tight tunnel. Not just one finger, but two, sawing in and out while she licked her sensitive little ohi, her special, special spot.

  Licking, sucking, fucking—Tori writhed and came again. This time, it was even better than the last one! How could that be? How could this woman know exactly how to tease her into an orgasm so fast?

  The answer came to the yipping little redhead. It was those books Gatha read. It was those nasty books. Tori felt lost in the storm of bliss because Gatha wasn’t letting up but giving her more and more and more.

  It was clear the she-orc wasn’t expecting Tori to return the favor. It might’ve been selfish of her, but the dwab was having too much fun, feeling so much goodness, she didn’t care.

  Gatha finally lifted her wet face from between Tori’s legs.

  The she-orc grinned. “I’ll be taking my turn now, you nasty little thing. I want to rub my clit while I suck on your tits. I want to be on my back. I want for you to dangle your big milk jugs over me. Will you do that for me, Tori? Will you let me suck on your tits while I rub my pussy and come?”

  Tori was still too lost in her Inconvenience to answer. She scooted away from the wall, and Gatha flopped down on her back, legs spread open. Her calves flexed in the leather straps of the sandals, and that seemed as sexy as everything else going on.

  Then the redhead was over the woman, smothering the she-orc in her big mammaries. The less Gatha could breathe, the more she liked it, and the harder she sucked on Tori’s big rubbery nipples. The dwab was on Gatha’s left side, and the orc’s left hand got up between Tori’s legs. Again, Gatha was finger-fucking her, sucking on her tits while the warrior woman rubbed her big, extended clit, hard and fast.

  “You’re so big down there, Gatha,” Tori breathed. “I’ve never seen an ohi so big, and Lillee has a big one. You’ve seen it. Does it feel good, Gatha? Does rubbing your clit feel good?”

  “Yes,” the she-orc hissed. “Your big tits make me so horny. I love your big nipples. I love your body, Tori. It makes me so fucking horny. I have to suck now. I have to rub my ki.”

  Ki—that must be the word for ohi in Gruul.

  It took a bit for Gatha to come, far longer than it took Tori. Gatha smacked the redhead’s quivering sex a couple of times, and that was enough to send the little woman back into blissful spasms.

  For the she-orc? Minutes went by as she sucked. Growling, groaning with lust, she worked herself closer and closer to an orgasm.

  Tori thought she might’ve plateaued, so she pulled on one of Gatha’s nipples.

  “Harder, Tori.” Gatha’s hot breath scalded Tori’s tit. “Pull on my nipple harder. Don’t be gentle. Be rough.”

  The dwab grabbed the sensitive nub between her finger and thumb, squeezing and drawing it up from the tit itself. That was enough. The bestial woman let out a scream. She worked her hips up and down, her fingers rubbing and rubbing. It might’ve taken her a long time to get there, but her orgasm lasted a minute, if not two. All the while, Gatha whined and grunted as she fell back, breathing hard, whimpering a bit.

  By that time, the Inconvenience had left Tori. What it left behind? Feelings of love and the desire to cherish this strange woman. She kissed Gatha, who smiled up at her, a little frazzled, definitely sweaty, and those rose-colored eyes were soft now. It was like she’d changed from this harsh warrior into this love doll.

  Then tears filled Gatha’s eyes. “I want to do this again with you, Tori. I want you to come to me when you are in the Heat. That’s not what you c
alled it, but I understand what it is. We don’t need Ymir. You and I can be enough for each other.”

  Tori wasn’t going to ruin the moment with an argument, or with the sad news that she already had three willing Inconvenience Partners and didn’t need any more. It would break the she-orc’s heart, and Tori had the idea it had been broken enough.

  Instead of talking about the stickiness of their relationship, Tori gave Gatha a quick little kiss on her green lips. “Let’s get out of here and see what that wave did. Betcha a million shecks that it’s not good.”

  Chapter Twelve

  YMIR HEARD THE CRIES of the people and the roar of the ocean. He’d been at his normal table on the second floor of the Librarium Citadel, going over his notes on how to forge the Yellow Scorch Ring—that damn poem was driving him insane.

  At the sound of the cataclysm, he jumped from his seat, sprinted down the steps, and raced to the Flow courtyard.

  There he saw a sight he’d never forget.

  Professor Issa Leel stood at the top of the Sea Stair, hands held high. The Focus ring on her left hand glowed like sunshine. In front of her was a mountain of ice, a wave of frozen water, which rose up above her in an arc. The wave wouldn’t have just drowned the Librarium Citadel, it would’ve struck the Imperial Palace as well. A spike of stone, perhaps some coral swept from the ocean floor, was like a ballista bolt, ready to slam through the window of the Reception Room.

  Caught in the frozen wave was more seaweed, kelp, and even some boats. The ice was stuck to some apartments, several businesses, and the staircases themselves,. However, the bottom of the Sea Stair hadn’t been iced over, only flooded.

  Ymir ran up to the professor and caught her as she fainted dead away in his arms. He held her, wondering at her power. This Ohlyrran professor had been such a pain in his ass, but her power was undeniable. And she’d saved not only the many books but also this summit meeting between those fucking fish people and the Sorrow Coast king.


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