The Last Narkoy_OSLO

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The Last Narkoy_OSLO Page 14

by Elizabeth Price

  Zion’s eyes glassed over. “Her arm? How bad is it?”

  “Bad enough to keep her on pain killers. They don’t just give those out to slaves. They say it will heal, but I doubt it seriously. She will need surgery,” she explained.

  “Can she move it?” Rosanheer questioned. Jeina shook her head no. “Great,” he huffed.

  “She can fight with one arm, I’ve seen her,” Zion muttered low to Rosanheer. “This has changed nothing. She still will be receiving her honors in a few days. We keep with the original plan. If anything else changes, we’ll deal with it then. Jeina, a word?” he said, his way of dismissing the group.

  The group piled out of the room, leaving only Zion and Jeina behind. “Did you speak to the Marnet?”

  “Um,” she paused, her eyes transfixed on his shirt. He glanced at his shirt, realizing how thin the fabric was. It outlined his perfectly chiseled chest. She shook away her distracted thoughts. “Yes. He recognized me immediately.”

  “Good, I hope,” he said mainly as a thought.

  “I missed seeing you around. It wasn’t the same without you,” she admitted.

  Zion looked deeply into her eyes. “I’m glad I was missed. It’s been an interesting experience living with the Novaac. I have to admit that I will miss…” he paused to rest his hand on her shoulder, “it a little when we leave.”

  She waved her hand to her face, fanning herself. “Wow. Uh… damn air must be off line again. I better…” she pointed to the door, “go find out what’s going on.” She hurried out of the room.

  Zion couldn’t help but chuckle. “You do that.”

  Out in the hall, Jeina ran face-first into Aris and Avant Nigeer as they were walking to the cafeteria.

  “What’s the emergency?” Avant Nigeer questioned.

  Jeina bounced back from the aged man, continuing down the hall. “I have to get back to cover a gathering tonight. I’ll be by in the morning,” she explained, walking backwards briefly as she spoke.

  “She’s an odd girl,” Avant Nigeer pointed out.

  “But she does an excellent job,” Aris returned.


  A knock at the door caused Danstu to momentarily look away from the screen. “Come,” he called. He turned his attention to the screen to speak to Rosanheer. “At least one thing is going right.”

  “I’ll contact you as soon as we learn more,” Rosanheer said. Shortly after the screen blanked.

  “Good news?” Cidele questioned.

  Danstu glanced away from his com monitor, noticing Cidele had walked inside caring a large case. “About Sortec. They had some one on the inside disable her collar. She knows who she is,” he said in a low grumble. “Which isn’t exactly a good thing, but good for now,” he added.

  Cidele set the case on the floor and took a seat across from Danstu. “Why isn’t it a good thing?” she asked.

  “If a telepath reads her mind, we could all be in great danger,” Danstu mentioned.

  “But we changed the code,” she pointed out.

  “Doesn’t change our location. The Marisheio will know where Gathow is located. We can’t defend ourselves against a military of their caliper. I’m barely…” he paused, hearing another knock at the door. “Excuse me for a moment. Come,” he said.

  A short, blue-haired Windrit woman entered the room. She wore the uniform of a Tasgool captain. The woman barely reached Danstu’s chest, but the way she held herself demanded respect.

  “Chisarel,” she began with a head nod.

  “Captain Annaya, good of you to stop by,” Danstu began as he stood from his desk. He hurried over, handing the woman two computer pads and a clear keycard. “Your first officer and several of your staff are waiting for you. I will have the Assan deliver the rest of your crew once they arrive,” he explained.

  “The rest of my crew?” the captain questioned.

  “We’re short on a number of positions including weapons control. The crew of the Assan has three weapons control experts. We need to transfer one to you and one to the Esirra. They will meet you on the Cha’laan border tomorrow,” he explained.

  The captain nodded, all the while a huge grimace creased her aged face. “When I was told you were a little disorganized, I didn’t realize the extent. Very well, I can shoot my own damn weapons if came down to it.” She took the computer and the card from him.

  “Yes, I hear you’re quite skilled. Well then, welcome aboard. Try not to destroy our ship,” Danstu said, offering the woman his hand. She glanced down at his hand, reluctant to shake. She did, just to make him feel better. She left just as quickly as she entered leaving Danstu alone with Cidele again.

  He slowly turned, Cidele not paying him any attention. “She seems nice,” she said sarcastically.

  “Captain Tin’nal Annaya. She’s going to take command of the Merial. She has a rather colorful, bordering on brutal, background, but she does know how to handle herself in battle,” Danstu explained as he sunk back into his seat. He sat forward, clasping his hands against his desk. “Now, how can I help you?”

  Cidele lifted the black case from off the floor and proceeded to open it, pulling out several clear containers full of food. She began to set them on the table before Danstu.

  “Without Ryn here to remind you to eat, I thought I would assume the job,” she mentioned, handing him a spoon.

  “You… brought me mid-meal?” he asked, amused she would even think of him after he said no to her joining the team so many times.

  She nodded as she handed him a cold beverage in a plastic bottle. “You were right. I would have caused more harm than good. Zion and Rokaa know what they’re doing.” Danstu stared at her for a long, unnerving moment. “What?” she asked a little crept out over his staring.

  “Who are you and what did you do with Cidele?” he asked seriously.

  “Stop it, silly. This is my way of apologizing for being unreasonable about Sedom. Ryn explained the situation and, well, perhaps I have been overstepping. Now stop fooling around and eat your hagolo before it gets cold,” she warned.


  Jeina peeked around the corner into the restroom, noticing Zion standing by the mirror with a towel around his waist. He glanced at her image in the mirror, smirking when he noticed her reflection. She ducted around the corner.

  “Anything I can help you with?” he called out.

  “Sorry, I didn’t realize you’d be undressed. I wanted to let you know before I return to the Cassaus that the reports were confirmed. Sortec was purchased by Lord Sidoc Wyice. His paperwork is being finalized,” she called back.

  “How soon does he take custody” he asked from the doorway beside her.

  She turned, her nose bumping into his chiseled chest. “Uh, tomorrow,” she gasped. She took a step back, realizing he was still wearing a towel around his waist. “I… didn’t realize what a large man you were.” She cleared her throat uneasy. She glanced at his towel, grinning slightly.

  “Yes, I am… large,” he whispered, causing her to blush slightly. He bent close to her, passionately kissing her lips. She didn’t refuse. As they parted, she took a step back.

  “This is highly irregular,” she gulped, fanning herself.

  He watched her for a long moment. “Very well. Inform me if you hear of anything else. So far we’re still on schedule. No matter who owns her, she won’t it denied her honors,” he said as he returned to the restroom mirror.

  “That’s it?” she questioned, following him into the restroom. “Just kiss me and walk away?”

  He continued over to the sink and proceeded to comb his chin-length black hair. “I’m Zalmin, I know what you want. I’m interested in the same thing. I took a chance. But until you realize it yourself, I’m not going to push you into a situation that would jeopardize this mission or make you feel uncomfortable.”

  She crept closer, not stopping until was she nearly on top of him. He turned, finding her hands caressing his moist chest. This time she kissed him back.
“Meet me in my office. I can spare twenty minutes,” she ordered as they parted. “Towel optional.”

  As she left, Rosanheer stepped out of one of the showers. “I thought your senses were still scrambled?”

  “They are,” Zion grunted back.

  “Then how in the galaxy did you break that cube of ice?” he asked as he toweled off.

  Zion shrugged. “She’s been attracted to me since we arrived. I don’t need to read her mind to know that.”

  Rosanheer glanced at the doorway where Jeina left from. “Well, let’s see if it works out for you. You do know it’s bad timing if it doesn’t work out between you?”

  “Yeah,” Zion returned. He sighed deeply. “It was a bad idea to kiss her, but she would have continued her little nervous dance around me until I did. I’ll back off until after the mission is complete,” he offered.

  “And then what?” Rosanheer pointed out.

  Once again Zion shrugged. “She talks like she’s Sortec’s biggest fan. Something tells me she’ll be sticking around.” A sudden stabbing pain shattered through his skull, causing him to fall against the counter.

  Rosanheer took him by the upper arm, holding him upright. “Man, you need to get that checked out.”

  “It will return. I just need to give it time,” Zion insisted, still rubbing his forehead. “Just some more time.”


  Later that day, Sedom woke to the sound of voices and footsteps outside her cage.

  “This is the east wing where we house many of our players,” a man’s voice called out. Sedom perked up, noticing a group of people walking towards her cage as if they were on a tour.

  “We keep most of the high priority players here. They’re kept under heavy guard, just in case a rival attempts to eliminate them before the next game. We don’t want to risk harm coming to them. In some cases, like our friend over here,” the guide pointed to Sedom, “they can be worth a lot of money. Syrok Cantro was just sold for 2.8 million parces. I believe she’s one of the most expensive game players ever sold, even in her current condition.”

  Sedom watched the tour as they walked by. Above her, she could see Rokaa pretending to be part of the tour. He dropped a note into the cage then continued with the group. Sedom slowly moved her thigh over the note so nobody could see it.

  As soon as the group continued on, and she was certain no one else was around, she opened the note.

  “I pray you know who I am and that you can trust me. In two days, they will move you through the main gardens as a tribute. We need you to attack the guard to Cassaus’ left as you pass. What ever you do, do not kill him. We’ll handle the rest.”

  Footsteps behind her caused Sedom to shove the message into her pocket.

  “What was that, Syrok?” Terrill asked from behind.

  Sedom looked up at him by leaning her head against the bars. “Someone wanting an autograph,” she sneered.

  “The gull,” he quip. He knelt to her level, looking into her eyes. “I suppose you heard,” he mentioned.

  Sedom nodded. “Lord Wyice is my new master.”

  “It’s been a nice run,” he said.

  Sedom grinned. “For you.” She moved her broken arm slightly to reveal her game slashes. “I heard I broke records,” she mentioned.

  Terrill nodded. “You did. You were worth every credit he paid. Take it easy on Lord Wyice. He doesn’t know what he’s purchased.”

  Sedom glanced over Terrill’s shoulder, noticing Lord Wyice’s dark-skinned assistant standing in the shadows behind him. “He’ll know soon enough. As long as he’s kind to me, I won’t kill him,” she offered.

  Waar stepped forward, clearing his throat for Terrill to turn around. When he did, Waar handed him a computer pad. “The money has been transferred to your account. You are no longer to have any contact with Cantro,” he explained.

  “Very well. I wish you and your master luck,” Terrill said, giving the man a slight bow. He left, leaving Waar alone with Sedom.

  Cautiously, Waar approached the cage. “How many languages do you speak?” he asked Sedom. She stared at him as if she were confused by his words. He attempted the question in two additional languages, all of which she knew but wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of telling him that. “You enjoy playing games, don’t you?” he accused.

  She ignored him, resting her head against the bars. He scoffed at her outward show of disobedience. “Lord Wyice is going to have a hard time with you,” he grumbled.

  He moved on when the tour group returned. This time the group continued on, but Rokaa remained behind.

  “Sedom,” he whispered, kneeling to her level.

  She swung her head over to her shoulder to look at him. “You shouldn’t be here,” she whispered back.

  He took her hand through the bars, squeezing it tenderly. “Do you know who I am?”

  “In a lot of trouble if you’re seen speaking to me,” she whispered in Celibec. “Rokaa, leave. It’s too dangerous for you,” she warned.

  He raised her dirty hand to his lips. “I swore to protect you,” he returned in Celibec.

  She shook her head. “Lord Wyice purchased my contract. Whatever it is you have planned won’t work,” she mentioned.

  He nodded against her hand. “Yes, it will. Trust me. Just stay strong for a few more days,” he said.

  She tenderly squeezed his hand. “Have you heard from Tausi? I’m worried about him.”

  He frowned, trying to recall the name. “Tausi? No.” He quickly released her hand, standing when he heard footsteps behind him. “Master Waar,” he announced, seeing the man approaching again.

  Waar stared directly at Rokaa for a moment then glanced at Sedom. “Anything I can do to help you, Marnet?” he asked. “I’m honestly surprised you’d get close to this wild creature,” he mentioned.

  “Curiosity. It’s been a while since I’ve seen another Narkoy,” Rokaa admitted. He took a moment to look around the room. “These games fascinate me. When did the…” he trailed off, leading Waar away from Sedom’s cage.

  Later that evening in the main hall, Rokaa found Jeina near the refreshment table. She lifted her glass to Rokaa, inviting him over. As he did, she gave him a wink.

  “The big man with a bad attitude says hello,” she whispered. “Did everything go well today?”

  “Nothing like spending the day touring the sights,” he returned as he took a drink from the table behind them. “And he does have a bit of an attitude, doesn’t he?”

  She nodded nervously, taking a sip of her own drink. “I heard you took a tour of the fighters’ housing. Did you learn anything interesting?”

  He nodded to Lord Wyice as he walked by. “Very.” he mentioned. “She mentioned a name… Tausi. She was concerned about him. I didn’t know what to tell her.”

  A smile brightened her lips. “He’s the man who short-circuited her collar. I have a media event about her this evening. I’ll let her know then.”


  Later that evening, Sedom watched as several members of the media converged around an empty area near her cage. Many were asking questions regarding her recent acquisition. Lord Wyice’s assistant, Waar, was standing at the front of the group, answering questions. Although the questions were about her, no one bothered to look in her direction. It was as if everyone there was afraid of her.

  Jeina broke away from the main group of reporters and casually walked over to Sedom’s cage. Sedom watched her through slit eyes, pretending to sleep. She had no want to talk to the media, especially a woman who she saw standing beside the Cassaus.

  “Syrok,” she whispered several times, attempting to gain her attention. Sedom ignored her. Jeina glanced around to see if anyone had noticed she was there. “Sortec!” she whispered harshly.

  Sedom’s eyes widened with surprise that the woman knew her name. She slowly rose from the floor, her eyes darting around in a mad panic. “Who?”

  “A mutual friend attacked me the other day. I
wanted to let you know that he got what was promised to him,” Jeina whispered in Celibec, shocking Sedom.

  “Is he safe?” she whispered back in the same language as she neared the bars. Jeina nodded. “Thank you. I was concerned. Are you working with my friends?”

  Jeina nodded. “We’re working directly with the Tasgool and your Chisarel. Stay strong, Chadon. We’re coming for you soon,” she returned.

  She continued back to the group of media, but as she did Sedom noticed Waar watching Jeina. It was hardly noticeable at first except to Sedom. It wasn’t until he forced the crowd aside and grabbed Jeina by the arm did anyone notice there was an issue.

  Waar forced Jeina back to Sedom’s cage and tossed her like a rag doll to the bars in front of Sedom. “What did you say to her?” he demanded.

  Jeina glanced over her shoulder to Sedom, fear and panic causing her body to shake. “I, I…” she stammered.

  Sedom had to do something or this woman was going to die. She reached out, holding her uninjured arm around Jeina’s neck as if she were going to kill her.

  “Taskesk invala!” Sedom yelled, all the while cameras filmed her every move.

  Waar glanced at the camera then back to Sedom. He jumped to the bars, demanding, “Release her!”

  When Sedom didn’t release her at first, Waar forced her arm away from Jeina’s neck. Jeina tumbled to her knees, heaving for breath.

  “What did she say, Syrok?” Waar questioned again.

  “Threaten me?” Sedom shook her head, forcing all of her rage to radiate throughout her body. “Threaten ME!” She slammed her hands against the cage bars, causing the steel bars to vibrate. All twenty members of the media took a step back, fearful that she would break free of her cage.

  “Threaten me again and I will kill you!” Sedom howled.

  Waar quickly helped Jeina to her feet and rushed her away from Sedom. For several more minutes Sedom continued to bang on the cage and cause a ruckus until every one of the media had left.

  “What the hell, Syrok?” called one of the players.

  Sedom sunk down against the bars again, breathing heavily. “Saving… one of our own,” she coughed. She brushed her hair away from her sweaty face then leaned her head against the bars.


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