Lamy of Santa Fe

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Lamy of Santa Fe Page 59

by Paul Horgan


  (Danville Christmas) Ibid.

  (Sandusky Christmas) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Sandusky City, Ohio, 15 Jan 1847, French

  wettest winter and spring Ibid.

  (living costs; Lamy brings honey) Ibid.

  (Lamy’s steeple and bell) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Danville, Ohio, 1 Jan 1847

  (all in good health) DEN/RA, Machebeuf to sister, Sandusky City, Ohio, 17 Feb 1847, French

  three-year summary CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Danville, Ohio, 1 Jan 1847

  growth, Machebeuf’s parish DEN/RA, Machebeuf to sister, Sandusky City, Ohio, 17 Feb 1847, French


  (trip to Niagara Falls) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Sandusky City, Ohio, 17 Feb 1847, French

  (Rome refuses Cleveland diocese) Ibid.


  (Lamy begs not to be moved) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Danville, Ohio, 9 July 1847


  (Purcell not displeased) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Danville, Ohio, 3 Aug 1847

  (Lamy citizenship) Darton, 26

  (Lamy willing to go to Covington) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Danville, Ohio, 20 Aug 1847

  (Lamy’s final report on Danville) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Danville, Ohio, 27 Aug 1847

  (Francis Sapp’s statement) Sapp


  (Covington committee) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1858

  (Machebeuf’s “earthly paradise”) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Sandusky City, Ohio, 24 Mar 1848, French


  (Lamy visit to Machebeuf on way to Europe) RA, Machebeuf to brother, Sandusky City, Ohio, 22 May 1848, French

  (Machebeuf’s ees Lamy off) Ibid.

  (Lamy’s journey to New York) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, New York, 30 May 1848

  (Rappe advises not to move Lamy) CIN/ND, Rappe to Purcell, Toledo, Ohio, 1 July 1848

  (Lamy home at Lempdes, family settlement, can partially repay Purcell) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Lempdes, France, 2 Aug 1848


  (France in “uncertain state”) Ibid.

  “some dreadful explosions” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Clermont, France, 27 Aug 1848

  (Mont-Ferrand seminarians; other recruits) Ibid.

  (Lamy to bring sister and niece to America) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Lempdes, France, 2 Aug 1848

  (all remember Purcell) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Clermont, France, 27 Aug 1848

  (Machebeufs requirements) RA, Machebeuf to brother, Sandusky City, Ohio, 3 Oct 1848, French


  (Lamy recruits nuns; to England) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Clermont, France, 27 Aug 1848

  (bishop of Clermont approves Lamy’s sister to go to U.S.) CIN/ND, bishop of Clermont to Purcell, Clermont, France, ? Sept 1848, French

  (niece Marie frightened at sea) DEN, Sr. Evangelista, “Notes on Early Santa Fe”

  (immigration, Irish famine) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Sandusky City, Ohio, 16 Oct 1848, French; Howlett, 148–49

  (Lamy visit to Machebeuf; vine cuttings; objects) RA, Machebeuf to brother, Sandusky City, Ohio, 10 May 1849, French

  railroad had reached Cincinnati Ibid.


  (First Baltimore Council) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Sandusky City, Ohio, 10 May 1849, French

  (Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) VPF, copy, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, n.d.


  (Speech of Congressman Smith) Smith, T.

  (Church jurisdiction after Treaty; Zubiría in New Mexico, affairs bad there) TCA, Blanc to Odin, New Orleans, 23 Jan 1849, French


  (Rome lets Mexican bishops retain jurisdiction in ceded lands) Ibid.

  (cholera, New Orleans) Ibid.

  (details, Baltimore cathedral) Cuyler


  (bishop of Durango—only three visits) L/SPF, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1851, French (summary)

  (“the good old man” escaped death) Ruxton, 164


  (state of church, New Mexico) Gibson; Abert; Turner


  (state of church, Texas) TCA/L/SPF, Odin to L/SPF, Galveston, 1851, French

  (Rome rules on extent of Galveston diocese) TCA, Odin to Barnabo, VPF, Rome, 18 Sept 1851, French

  (Baltimore Council report to L/SPF) L/SPF, U.S. bishops in Council, Baltimore, 14 May 1849, French (copy)


  “Beatissime pater” VPF, Baltimore Council to Pius IX, Baltimore, 13 May 1849, Latin


  ever since 1630 (et seq.) Benavides, 11, 192


  (N.M. bishopric proposed 1810) Pino


  (Lamy on several lists) VPF, Baltimore Council to Pius IX, 1849, Latin

  (Lamy first on list for Santa Fe) CIN/ND, Eccleston to Purcell, Baltimore, 30 March 1850

  cholera not so bad CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Covington, Ky., 25 July 1850

  (establishment, vicariate) Salpointe, Soldiers, 194

  (Lamy named vicar apostolic) Salpointe, LA SEMAINE RELIGIEUSE, French; Councilia Prov. Bait., 273, Latin


  (the great news—these two vicars) RA, Machebeuf to sister, on board Peytona en route New Orleans, 17 Jan 1851, French

  (Machebeuf’s dilemma) Ibid.


  never to be separated Ibid.

  (Lamy retreat, Ursulines) Fifty Years

  (Blanc on Lamy’s plans) CIN/ND, Blanc to Purcell, New Orleans, 16 Nov 1850, French; GALV, Blanc to Odin, New Orleans, 21 Sept 1850, French


  (Cincinnati 1850s) Contemporary engravings

  (St Peter’s, Cincinnati) Brochure, Cincinnati cathedral; Trollope, T.A., 59, 60


  “bishop factory” McCann

  (the consecrators) HL


  (Lamy consecration) McMahon, passim


  (Lamy’s episcopal ring) Brun-Voyat, conversation with author

  Purcell preached McCann


  (Rappe tries to persuade) RA, Machebeuf to sister, on board Peytona, 17 Jan 1850, French



  25 November 1850 VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 8 May 1864, French


  mixed passenger list Darton, 35; RA, Machebeuf to sister, on board Peytona, 17–20 Jan 1851, French


  (details, river travel) Ibid.


  (Lamy guest of Blanc) VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 8 May 1864, French

  “friend and brother” CIN/ND, Blanc to Purcell, New Orleans, 16 Nov 1850, English, French

  (why via New Orleans?) Ibid.

  (Lamy to Mobile) GALV, Blanc to Odin, New Orleans, 21 Dec 1850, French

  (New Orleans, description) Defouri, 32; photos and prints, New Orleans Public Library


  (Gulf shipping details) COMMERCIAL BULLETIN, New Orleans, 4 Jan 1851; DAILY PICAYUNE, New Orleans, 4 Jan 1851; TCA, Odin to Blanc, Galveston, 30 Dec 1850, French


  (Odin advice for Lamy) Ibid.


  (Lamy to sail on Army transport; missed it) RA, Machebeuf to sister, New Orleans, 23 Jan 1851, French

  (Lamy takes next ship) Ibid.

  (Palmetto cargo) COMMERCIAL BULLETIN, New Orleans, 6 Jan 1851

  (Palmetto condemned; Lamy knew it) MNM, RED RIVER CHRONICLE, 29 April 1882

  having left a letter RA, Machebeuf to sister, New Orleans, 23 Jan 1851, French


  (Pilot-town, description) Contemporary print, New Orleans Public Library

  (Lamy arrives at Galveston) TCA, Odin to Blanc, Galveston, 8 Jan 1851, French


  (Odin advises Lamy, Galveston; Lamy sails on) TCA, Odin to Blanc, Galveston, 10 Jan 1851, French


  (weather turned result of “norther”) Defouri, 33


  (Palmetto wreck, details) DAILY PICAYUNE, New Orleans, Tuesday, 21 Jan 1851


hite with frost” MNM, RED RIVER CHRONICLE, 29 April 1882

  (drunkenness ashore) Ibid.


  (Lamy, Negro helper, salvages some books) Defouri, 33

  Capt. James Cummings DAILY PICAYUNE, New Orleans, 21 Jan 1851

  “A Card—to the Public” Ibid.


  (Smith—testimonials and reply) NEWS, Galveston, 14 Feb 1851

  (Indianola, a railroad terminal) Hine, 17


  (San Antonio, description) Reps; Schuchard


  (Lamy losses, asks loan) L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1851

  “disastrous beginnings” ND, Rev James F. Wood to Purcell, Cincinnati, 14 March 1851

  “bought bronco mules” MNM, RED RIVER CHRONICLE, 29 April 1882

  gave further thought TCA, Odin to Blanc, Galveston, 7 Feb 1851

  (Machebeuf at New Orleans; death of Margaret Lamy) RA, Machebeuf to sister, New Orleans, 23 Jan 1851, French


  (Lamy accident) Salpointe, in LA SEMAINE RELIGIEUSE

  to overtake the soldiers Howlett, 157

  “Lamy will start for Santa Fe” TCA, Odin to Blanc, 17 Feb 1851, French

  during the delay VPF, Zubiría to VPF, Durango, 1 Nov 1851, Spanish


  (Lamy, Machebeuf at San Antonio) Fifty Years; Lamy to Purcell, San Antonio, 10 March 1851

  Odin had built L/SPF/ND, Odin to L/SPF, Galveston, 1851, French

  (population after 1849) Ibid.

  (Machebeuf visits forts) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 29 Sept 1851, French

  (Harney and Lamy) REPUBLICAN REVIEW, Albuquerque, 29 Oct 1870; Darton, 37

  (Machebeuf’s baggage) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 29 Sept 1851, French


  “Lamy … won’t hesitate” TCA, Odin to Blanc, Galveston, 13 May 1851, French


  (overland to El Paso, details variously) Long, O., 174; RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 29 Sept 1851, French; Howlett, 158–59; Lamy to Blanc, El Paso, 29 June 1851. French, tr. in Ellis


  (El Paso road) Map, “Reconnoissances of Routes from San Antonio de Bexar, El Paso del Norte, etc.,” by Bvt Lt Col J. E. Johnston, T. Eng, et al., Philadelphia, P. S. Duval’s Lith. Steam Press.


  (El Paso and adjacent villages, details variously) Lamy to Blanc, El Paso, 29 June 1851, French, tr. in Ellis; Fifty Years, Lamy to Pur-cell, El Paso del Norte, 29 June 1851; Hine, 30; L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1857, French


  (El Paso, description) Print, Sarony & Co., New York, El Paso Public Library


  (Lamy wrote pastor at Socorro) Darton, 38a

  Lamy wrote his official news Warner, 263


  (northward, El Paso-Santa Fe, details variously) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 29 Sept 1851, French; L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1857, French


  (Zubiría at Tomé) Parish church register, Tomé, N.M.


  (Lamy, reception at Santa Fe, details variously) L/SPF, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1851, French; RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 29 Sept 1851, French


  (Juan Felipe Ortiz, description) Turner, 73


  (church of St Francis, description) Abert, 40


  (drought broken) Defouri, 34



  “continue to exercise” TCA, Blanc to Odin, New Orleans, 23 Jan 1849, French

  (Ortiz denies Lamy authority) Salpointe, 196; Segale, 164–65


  news of Lamy’s presence CIN/ND, Martίnez to Zubiría, Taos, 28 Aug 1851, Spanish


  (Castrense affair) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 2 Sept 1851; Abert, 41; RA, Machebeuf to sister, Peña Blanca, N.M., 31 May 1852, French

  (The Castrense has long since been razed and the stone reredos is installed in John Gaw Meem’s beautiful church of Cristo Rey in Santa Fe.)


  (diocese limits) Howlett, 169


  (census 1851) Horn, 25–26

  “stable of Bethlehem” L/SPF/ND, Lamy to SPF, Santa Fe, 30 Nov 1854, French

  “casa Americana” Defouri, 42

  (Palace of the Governors) Davis, 41ft


  “the most abject” Pvt. A. T. McClure (?), in Smith, G. W., 121


  (New Mexico costumes, customs) Elliott, in Ibid., 122; Davis, 61–64; Salpointe, 221


  four Protestant ministers L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1851, French (summary copy)

  Juan José “told me” Bandelier, I, 256–57

  “real masters of the country” Baker, in Smith and Judah, 123–24

  $114,050 Frazer, in McCall, 178

  to form itself politically Ibid., 21


  citizens’ memorial 31st Congress, 1st session, Executive Document No. 76 (Senate)


  hostile to the power Defouri, 35

  “steamboats and steam cars” Abert, 56

  skeptical observer Turner, 89

  New Mexican houses Abert, 39; Davis, 50–52


  fandangos Abert, 34–35, 55


  “troops drunken and reeling” New Orleans PICAYUNE, 19 Jan 1857, reprint of letter to ST LOUIS REPUBLICAN

  funerals Abert, 34

  “all the luxuries” Ibid., 75

  (Santa Fe plaza, stores) Ibid., 35, 40

  hotel Davis, 42

  the local newspaper SANTA FE REPUBLICAN, 16 Oct 1847


  Lamy could see Davis, 42

  Fort Marcy Frazer, in McCall, 120; Abert, 39, 40; Davis, 42

  Sumner … in open conflict Horn, 39–41; Frazer, in McCall, 26; Emmet, 116–19

  “Navajoes are a terror” Abert, 43

  “the hillsides and the plains” McCall, 89

  sale of Mexican children Horn, 55


  “archaic city-republics” Long, H.

  “intelligent, moral, sober” McCall, 85

  parish church Abert, 40


  a later churchman Salpointe, 199–200


  “not one was supposed” Turner, 75

  “diminution of filth” McCall, 85

  “kindness of the people” Abert, 71

  “mistake to think the country” VPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, summary, 28 Aug 1851, Santa Fe, French (tr.)

  “everything needed to be created” Salpointe, 201


  “state of immorality” P/SPF, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 31 Aug 1851, first Annual Report, French

  “Mexican national vice” Ibid.

  his own census Ibid.

  eight or nine thousand L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1851, French (summary)

  another six thousand Indians L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 31 Aug 1851, French (summary)


  first Franciscans L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 31 Mar 1853, French

  three times in twenty years L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1857, French

  “frightful abuses” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 2 Sept 1851

  “what would you think” Ibid.

  “the priests of New Mexico” Davis, 96

  “guilty indulgence” VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Santa Fe, c. 1852, French

  a certain Father Lujan Ibid.

  (on Gallegos) Abert, 44, 51; Howlett, 191–92; VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Rome, 1856, French


  (on Martίnez) LaFarge, 44; Howlett, 227–29; Warner, 6gff; Keleher, n 132–33; Montoya, 67


  regretting Lamy’s appointment SF/ND, Martίnez to Zubirίa, Taos, 28 Aug 1851, Spanish


  in early September CIN/ND, Lam
y to Purcell, Santa Fe, 2 Sept 1851

  written to Lyon Ibid.

  as no religious teachers 75 Years, 25–26

  (repair of the Castrense) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 2 Sept 1851


  “Providence seems” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Danville, Ohio, 9 July 1847

  travelling bag Preserved in treasury, Notre Dame University


  Les cieux … Paroissien

  Si Vous êtes … Ibid.

  mail rider Gregg, 266–67

  road merely a trail Ibid., 268–69


  Fort Conrad Prucha, 67

  Jornada del Muerto Gregg, 271


  Fort Fillmore Prucha, 74

  “Pass wine” Gregg, 273

  sand hills Ibid., 274

  cloudbursts Ibid., 275

  two inhabitants for each square mile Ruxton, 284


  (Mexican ranches) Ibid., 207, 208, 214

  “barbarians of the north” Ibid., 288

  (Chihuahua, animal life) Ibid., 284–87


  (Chihuahua city) Ibid., 276–77

  (Chihuahua city, description) Gregg, 300, 301


  Apache scalps Ruxton, 278–79

  Americans and “Northerners” Almada Ch., 229

  in long stretches Ruxton, 225

  imagined presence of savages Ibid., 219


  long cry of the coyote Ibid., 225

  midst of an alarum Ibid., 210

  (Mexican ranch life) Ibid., 256–57


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