“He dislikes to have me visit Aspasia; and was angry because I danced with Alcibiades.”
“And did you tell him that you went to Aspasia’s house, in conformity with the express directions of Phidias?” inquired Philothea.
“Why don’t you say of my master?” interrupted Eudora, contemptuously.
Without noticing the peevishness of this remark, her friend continued: “Are you quite sure that you have not been more frequently than you would have been, if you had acted merely in reluctant obedience to the will of Phidias. I am not surprised that Philæmon is offended at your dancing with Alcibiades; assuredly a practice, so boldly at variance with the customs of the country, is somewhat unmaidenly.”
“It is enough to be one man’s slave,” replied Eudora. “I will dance with whom I please. Alcibiades is the handsomest, and the most graceful, and the most agreeable man in Athens—at least everybody says so. I don’t know why I should offend him to please Philæmon.”
“I thought there was a very satisfactory reason,” observed Philothea, quietly: “Alcibiades is the husband of Hipparete, and you are the promised wife of Philæmon. I would not have believed the person who told me that Eudora seriously called Alcibiades the handsomest and most agreeable man in Athens.”
“The sculptors think him pre-eminently beautiful,” answered Eudora; “or they would not so often copy his statue in the sacred images of Hermes. Socrates applied Anacreon’s eloquent praise of Bathyllus to him, and said he saw in his lips ‘Persuasion sleeping upon roses.’ ”
“That must have been in the days of youthful innocence,” replied Philothea: “Surely his countenance has now nothing divine in its expression; though I grant the coloring rich, and the features regular. He reminds me of the Alexandrian coin; outwardly pleasing to the eye, but inwardly made of base metal. Urania alone confers the beauty-giving zone. The Temple of Aphrodite in the Piræus is a fitting place for the portrait of Alcibiades; and no doubt he is well pleased that the people go there in throngs to see him represented leaning on the shoulder of the shameless Nemea.”
“If Aristophon chose to paint him side by side with the beautiful Nemea, it is no fault of his,” said Eudora.
“The artist would not have dared so to represent Plato, or Philæmon, or Paralus,” rejoined Philothea; “nor would Alcibiades allow his picture thus to minister to the corruption of the Athenians, if he had any perception of what is really beautiful. I confess, Eudora, it pained me to see you listen to his idle flattery. He worships every handsome woman, who will allow herself to be polluted by his incense. Like Anacreon, his heart is a nest for wanton loves. He is never without a brood of them—some trying their wings, some in the egg, and some just breaking the shell.”
With slight resentment in her manner, Eudora answered: “Anacreon is the most beautiful of poets; and I think you speak too harshly of the son of Clinias.”
“I am sorry for you, if you can perceive the beautiful where the pure is wanting,” rejoined Philothea: “You have changed, since my residence in the Acropolis. The cherub Innocence, that was once the everpresent deity in your soul, has already retired deeper within the shrine, and veils his face in presence of the vain thoughts you have introduced there. I fear Aspasia has made you believe that a passion for distinction is but another name for love of the good, the true, and the beautiful. Eudora, if this false man has flattered you, believe me he is always ready to bestow the same upon others. He has told me that I was the loveliest of earthly objects; no doubt he has told you the same; but both cannot be true.”
“You!” exclaimed her companion: “Where could he find opportunity to address such language to you?”
“Where a better man would have had better thoughts,” replied Philothea: “It was during the sacred festival of the Panathenaia. A short time before midnight it was my duty to receive the sacred basket from the hands of the priestess, and deposit it in the cave, beneath the Temple of Urania, in the gardens. Eucoline, the daughter of Agatho, attended me, carrying a lighted torch. Having entered the cave, I held the torch while she took up the other sacred basket, which was there in readiness to be conveyed to the Parthenon; and we again stepped forth into the gardens. A flood of light streamed from the Temple, so clear and strong, that I could distinctly see the sacred doves, among the multitude of fragrant roses— some sleeping in the shaded nooks, others fluttering from bush to bush, or wheeling round in giddy circles, frightened by the glare. Near a small lake in the centre of the gardens, stood Myron’s statue of the heavenly Urania, guiding a dove to her temple by a garland of flowers. It had the pure and placid expression of the human soul, when it dwells in love and peace. In this holy atmosphere we paused for a moment in silent reverence. A smiling band of infant hours came clustering round my memory, and softly folded themselves about my heart. I thought of those early days, when, hand in hand with Paralus, I walked forth in the spring-time, welcoming the swallows to our shores, and gathering fragrant thyme to feed my bees. We did not then know that bees and young hearts need none to take thought for their joy, but best gather their own sweet nourishment in sunlight and freedom. I remembered the helpless kid that Paralus confided to my care. When we dressed the little creature in wreaths, we mourned that flowers would not grow in garlands; for it grieved our childish hearts to see them wither. Once we found, in the crevice of a moss-covered rock, a small nest with three eggs. Paralus took one of them in his hand; and when we had admired its beauty, he kissed it reverently, and returned it to its hiding-place. It was the natural outpouring of a heart brimfull of love for all things pure and simple. Paralus ever lived in affectionate communion with the birds and the flowers. Firm in principle, but gentle in affection, he himself is like the rock, in whose bosom the loving bird found a sheltered nook, so motherly and safe, where she might brood over her young hopes in quiet joy.”
The maiden’s heart had unconsciously followed her own innocent recollections, like the dove led by a garland; and for a few moments she remained silent in thoughtful tenderness.
Eudora’s changeful and perturbed spirit had been soothed by the serene influence of her friend; and she too was silent for awhile. But the giddy images that had of late been reeling their wild dance through her brain, soon came back in glittering fantasy.
“Philothea!” she exclaimed, abruptly, “You have not told me where you met Alcibiades?”
The maiden looked up suddenly, like an infant startled from sweet dreams by some rude noise. Recovering from her surprise, she smiled, and said, “Eudora, your question came upon me like his unexpected and unwelcome presence in the sacred gardens. I told you that we stood by that quiet lake in meek reverence; worshipping,—not the marble image before us,—but the Spirit of Beauty, that glides through the universe, breathing the invisible through visible forms, in such mysterious harmony. Suddenly Eucoline touched my arm with a quick and timid motion. I turned and saw a young man gazing earnestly upon us. Our veils, which had been thrown back while we looked at the statue, were instantly dropped; and we hastily retraced our steps. The stranger followed us, until we passed under the shade of the olive grove, within sight of the Propylæa. He then knelt, and attempting to hold me by the robe, poured forth the wildest protestations of love. I called aloud for protection; and my voice was heard by the priests, who were passing in and out of the Acropolis, in busy preparation for the festival. The young man suddenly disappeared; but he was one of the equestrians, that shared in the solemnities of the night, and I again saw him as I took my place in the procession. I had then never seen Alcibiades; but when I met him tonight, I immediately recognized the stranger, who spoke so rudely in the olive-grove.”
“You must forgive me,” said Eudora, “if I am not much disposed to blame mortal man for wishing to look upon your face a second time. Even Plato does homage to woman’s beauty.”
“True, Eudora; but there is reverence mingled with his homage. The very atmosphere around Alcibiades seemed unholy. I never before met such a glance; and the
gods grant I may never meet such another. I should not have mentioned the occurrence, even to you, had I not wished to warn you how lightly this volatile Athenian can make love.”
I heard something of this before,” rejoined Eudora; “but I did not know the particulars.”
“How could you have heard of it?” inquired Philothea, with an accent of strong surprise.
“Alcibiades had a more eager curiosity than yourself,” replied Eudora: “He soon ascertained the name of the lovely Canephoræ, that he saw in the Gardens of Urania; and he has never ceased importuning Aspasia, until you were persuaded to visit her house.”
The face, neck, and arms of the modest maiden were flushed with indignant crimson. “Was it for this purpose,” she said, “that I was induced to yield my own sense of propriety to the solicitations of Pericles? It is ever thus, when we disobey the gods to please mortals. How could I believe that any motive so harmless as idle curiosity induced that seductive and dangerous woman to urge me into her unhallowed presence.”
“I marvelled at your courage in talking to her as you did,” said Eudora.
“Something within impelled me,” replied Philothea, reverently;— “I did not speak from myself.”
Eudora remained in serious silence for a moment; and then said, “Can you tell me, Philothea, what you meant by saying you once heard the stars sing? Or is that one of those things concerning which you do not love to have me inquire?”
The maiden replied: “As I sat at my grandfather’s feet, near the statue of Phœbus in the portico, at early dawn, I heard music, of soft and various sounds, floating in the air; and I thought perchance it was the farewell hymn of the stars; or the harps of the Pleiades, mourning for their lost sister.—I had never spoken of it; but tonight I forgot the presence of all save Plato, when I heard him discourse so eloquently of music.”
“And were you as unhappy as you expected to be during this visit?” inquired her friend.
“Some portions of the evening I enjoyed exceedingly,” replied Philothea. “I could have listened to Plato and Tithonus, until I grew old in their presence. Their souls seem to move in glowing moonlight, as if surrounded by bright beings from a better world.”
Eudora looked thoughtfully in her friend’s face. “It is strange,” said she, “how closely you associate all earthly objects with things divine. I have heard Anaxagoras say that when you were a little child, you chased the fleeting sunshine through the fields, and called it the glittering wings of Phœbus Apollo, as he flew over the verdant earth. And still, dearest Philothea, your heart speaks the same language. Whereever you look, you see the shining of godlike wings. Just so you talked of the moonlight, the other evening. To Hipparete, that solemn radiance would have suggested no thought except that lamp-light was more favorable to the complexion; and Hermippus would merely have rejoiced in it, because it saved him the expense of an attendant and torch, as he reeled home from his midnight revels. I seldom think of sacred subjects, except while I am listening to you; but they then seem so bright, so golden, so divine, that I marvel they ever appear to me like cold, dim shadows.”
“The flowers of the field are unlike, but each has a beauty of its own; and thus it is with human souls,” replied Philothea.
For a brief space there was silence.—But Eudora, true to the restless vivacity of her character, soon seized her lyre, and carelessly touching the strings, she hummed one of Sappho’s ardent songs:
“More happy than the gods is he,
Who soft-reclining sits by thee;
His ears thy pleasing talk beguiles,
His eyes thy sweetly-dimpled smiles.
This, this, alas! alarmed my breast,
And robbed me of my golden rest.”
Philothea interrupted her, by saying, “I should much rather hear something from the pure and tender-hearted Simonides.”
But the giddy damsel, instead of heeding her request, abruptly exclaimed, “Did you observe the sandals of Artaphernes sparkle as he walked? How richly Tithonus was dressed! Was it not a magnificent costume?”
Philothea, smiling at her childish prattle, replied, “It was gorgeous, and well fancied; but I preferred Plato’s simple robe, distinguished only by the fineness of its materials, and the tasteful adjustment of its folds.”
“I never saw a philosopher that dressed so well as Plato,” said Eudora.
“It is because he loves the beautiful, even in its minutest forms,” rejoined Philothea; “in that respect, he is unlike the great master he reverences so highly.”
“Yes—men say it is a rare thing to meet either Socrates or his robe lately returned from the bath,” observed Eudora; “yet, in those three beautiful statues, which Pericles has caused to be placed in the Propylœa, the philosopher has carved admirable drapery. He has clothed the Graces, though the Graces never clothed him. I wonder Aristophanes never thought of that jest. Notwithstanding his willingness to please the populace with the coarse wit current in the Agoras, I think it gratifies his equestrian pride to sneer at those who are too frugal to buy colored robes, and fill the air with delicious perfumes as they pass. I know you seldom like the comic writers. What did you think of Hermippus?”
“His countenance and his voice troubled me, like the presence of evil,” answered Philothea: “I rejoiced that my grandfather withdrew with us as soon as the goblet of the Good Genius passed round, and before he began to dance the indecent cordax.”
“He has a sarcastic, suspicious glance that might sour the ripest grapes in Chios,” rejoined Eudora. “The comic writers are over-jealous of Aspasia’s preference to the tragic poets; and I suppose she permitted this visit to bribe his enmity; as ghosts are said to pacify Cerberus with a cake. But hark! I hear Geta unlocking the outer gate. Phidias has returned; and he likes to have no lamp burn later than his own. We must quickly prepare for rest; though I am as wakeful as the bird of Pallas.”
She began to unclasp her girdle, as she spoke, and something dropped upon the floor.
Philothea was stooping to unlace her sandal, and she immediately picked it up.
It was a beautiful cameo of Alcibiades, with the quiver and bow of Eros.
Eudora took it with a deep blush, saying, “Aspasia gave it to me.”
Her friend looked very earnestly in her face for a moment, and sighed as she turned away. It was the first time she had ever doubted Eudora’s truth.
“Two several gates
Transmit those airy phantoms. One of horn,
And of sawn ivory one. Such dreams as pass
The gate of ivory, prove empty sounds;
While others, through the polished horn effused,
Whose eye see’er they visit, never fail.”
The dwellings of Anaxagoras and Phidias were separated by a garden entirely sheltered from public observation. On three sides it was protected by the buildings, so as to form a hollow square; the remainder was screened by a high stone wall. This garden was adorned with statues and urns, among which bloomed many choice shrubs and flowers. The entire side of Anaxagoras’ house was covered with a luxuriant grape-vine, which stretched itself out on the roof, as if enjoying the sunshine. The women’s apartments communicated by a private avenue, which enabled the friends to see each other as conveniently as if they had formed one household.
The morning after the conversation we have mentioned, Philothea rose early, and returned to her own dwelling. As she passed through the avenue, she looked into the garden, and smiled to see, suspended by a small cord thrown over the wall, a garland fastened with a delicately-carved arrow, bearing the inscription— “To Eudora, the most beautiful, most beloved.”
Glad to assist in the work of reconciliation, she separated the wreath from the string, and carried it to her for whom it was intended. “Behold the offering of Philæmon!” she exclaimed, joyfully: “Dearest Eudora, beware how you estrange so true a heart.”
The handsome maiden received her flowers with evide
nt delight, not unmingled with confusion; for she suspected that they came from a greater flatterer than Philæmon.
Philothea returned to her usual avocations, with anxiety somewhat lessened by this trifling incident.
Living in almost complete seclusion, the simple-hearted maiden was quite unconscious that the new customs, introduced by Aspasia, had rendered industry and frugality mere vulgar virtues. But the restraint of public opinion was unnecessary to keep her within the privacy of domestic life; for it was her own chosen home. She loved to prepare her grandfather’s frugal repast of bread and grapes, and wild honey; to take care of his garments; to copy his manuscripts; and to direct the operations of Mibra, a little Arcadian peasant girl, who was her only attendant. These duties, performed with cheerful alacrity, gave a fresh charm to the music and embroidery with which she employed her leisure hours.
Anaxagoras was extremely attached to his lovely grandchild; and her great intellectual gifts, accompanied as they were by uncommon purity of character, had procured from him and his friends a degree of respect not usually bestowed upon women of that period. She was a most welcome auditor to the philosophers, poets, and artists, who were ever fond of gathering round the good old man; and when it was either necessary or proper to remain in her own apartment, there was the treasured wisdom of Thales, Pythagoras, Hesiod, Homer, Simonides, Ibycus, and Pindar. More than one of these precious volumes were transcribed entirely by her own hand.
In the midst of such communion, her spirit drank freely from the fountains of sublime knowledge; which, “like the purest waters of the earth, can be obtained only by digging deep,—but when they are found, they rise up to meet us.”
Philothea Page 6