Beauty and the Feast

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Beauty and the Feast Page 15

by Julia Barrett

  Gabe could hear the grin in Eva’s voice when she teased, “Is that kind of like The Joy of Cooking, because I’m looking for a first edition?”

  “Honey, it’s better than The Joy of Cooking, although I have to admit that your food comes in a close second. Remember the salmon tartar you made for me?”

  “Yes,” Eva answered.

  “That was out of this world, but the taste of you is so much sweeter.”

  “Gabe…I can’t concentrate when you do this to me.”

  “Do what?” he asked, keeping his voice innocent.

  “Make me think about you.”

  “That’s the whole point, sweetheart. But if you need to concentrate, I can let you go,” Gabe offered helpfully.

  “No, stay. I like the sound of your voice.”

  “All right, but I’ll change the subject to something productive. Tell me what you’re making for Jason.”

  “Really? You want to hear what I’m making?” Eva sounded surprised.

  “Yes, of course. I love the way you cook…food, I mean.”

  The passion in Eva’s voice when she talked about her culinary creations thrilled Gabe. It was almost like listening her talk about sex. She exuded that same enthusiasm, the same sensual energy and fire. He half expected to hear her to whimper with pleasure simply discussing the menu. He had remind himself to pay attention to Eva’s words because the mere sound of her voice over the phone was so arousing, so mesmerizing, that he ended up with a hard on regardless of what she was saying.

  “Hmm? What? I missed that? Gabe commented.

  “I’ll tell you what, just come on Sunday and you can taste it all. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  “Only on the condition that you attend the dinner with me on Friday. Quid pro quo.”

  “What time will I need to be there? And where is this dinner?” Eva asked, doubt evident in her voice.

  “You don’t have to worry about driving into the city. I’ll send a car to pick you up around six.”

  “But Gabe…”

  “No buts. You can do this. You’ve met my staff, this is no different. Piece of cake, Eva. And I know you’ll look beautiful whatever you wear. Even prettier if you wear nothing…” he added, hopefully.

  “All right, all right, I’ll come. Just don’t expect me to know what everyone is talking about.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short. You are well-read, you’re observant, you’re perhaps the smartest woman I’ve ever met and you’re utterly charming. Marsha is enamored of you. And you’ve cast a spell over Luis. He’s besotted. Besides, we’ll be talking about biking and you can relate the story of how we met, you know… your colorful vocabulary and your little ass up in the air.”

  “Uh, I think not, Mr. Abbott. I think we’ll keep that just between us.”

  “As you wish,” said Gabe, gallantly. “Sweetheart, I hate to leave you, but I’m stuck in the office for at least another hour and I want to get some sleep tonight. I seem to be accumulating quite a sleep deficit.”

  “That makes two of us,” replied Eva. “Goodnight, Gabe.”

  “Night, Eva.”

  Gabe clicked off.

  Five days without her. This was going to be rough.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Eva stopped into the ATAP office first thing in the morning.

  “I need help,” she announced to Tom and Marcus.

  Tom rose to his feet and came around the black table he used for a desk. He pulled a chair over and sat her down.

  “What is it, darling? You look worried.”

  “I’m invited to a dinner in the city on Friday night. With Gabriel Abbott. It’s a little black dress kind of dinner. You have to help me, guys. I don’t even know where to look. I don’t know what to do with my hair, with my toes, with my fingernails. Look at them.” Eva thrust her hands forward. “They’re so short. Help me. Please. Help me.”

  “Oh,” said Marcus. “Honey, you have come to the right place. Pygmalion redux.” He walked around her, appraising her from all sides.

  “You mean My Fair Lady? You’re going to transform me from Eliza Doolittle into a Hungarian princess?”

  Tom laughed. “More like you’re Cinderella and we’re your fairy godfathers.” He lifted her long hair off her neck and twisted it up onto top of her head. He considered his handiwork. “You just leave it to your uncle Tom and your uncle Marcus. We’ll have you looking fabulous.”

  “He’s sending a car for me on Friday. It’s supposed to be at my house around six. Do you think I can beg off from the White’s? Miriam could clean the house for me and I can make their dinner the day before, on Thursday. I’ve already started on Jason’s graduation party.”

  “We can arrange that. It’s the least we can do. After all,” said Tom with a knowing smile, “We did bring the two of you together.”

  “Maybe we should branch out, start a match-making service,” suggested Marcus. “You know, Rent-a-Yenta.”

  Eva burst out laughing.

  Tom pointed a long finger at Marcus. “You know,” he said with a grin, “That’s not a bad idea. Not bad at all. I like it. I can see the shirts… pink and blue… R.A.Y. across the chest. It fits right in with our theme, All Things to All People.”

  “We’ll brainstorm over the weekend,” said Marcus.

  Eva started to rise from her chair.

  “Sit your little self back down, darling,” Tom directed Eva. “We have some calls to make.”

  * * * *

  Gabe waited at the curb. He stood, chatting with his wine maker, Adam, when the man suddenly stopped in mid-sentence and stared over Gabe’s right shoulder. Gabe turned just in time to watch a shapely pair of bare legs in stilettos emerge from a limousine. He heard his companion whistle under his breath. The woman bent her head down, appearing demure, and leaned against the side of the vehicle, discreetly flexing one of her long legs to the side as she adjusted the strap of a high heel. She wore a body hugging short black dress, which showcased her high, pert breasts and her rounded bottom to perfection. Her deep auburn hair was piled on top of her head, her neck and shoulders bare, except for a long scarf draped around her naked, slender arms. It slid down her back as she leaned over. Her skin gleamed, pearlescent in the evening sun.

  “Who is that stunning creature?” Gabe heard his companion ask in a low voice, “And can I have her?”

  Gabe turned back to the man. “No, you can’t,” he said, “She’s mine.” He strode toward the limo.

  “Hello, lover.”

  Eva straightened up at the sound of Gabe’ voice. She colored nicely, her cheeks and neck flushing a tender pink.

  “Hello.” She looked directly into his eyes and smiled a small, self-conscious smile.

  Eyes on her taut breasts, Gabe’s mind was busy pulling off the dress. He wondered if she wore anything at all beneath that tight black getup. He leaned close to her hair and inhaled. “God, you smell good,” his voice pitched low. “You smell good enough to fuck. Right here. You’re dressed like the most delectable little morsel on a buffet table. I could eat you in one bite.”

  “Gabe!” The blush deepened.

  Gabe laughed as he kissed her on the cheek. He offered his arm. Eva took it gratefully.

  “Stilettos aren’t my strong suit,” she admitted.

  “You’ll do fine,” Gabe reassured her. “You’ll do better than fine. You’ll have everyone eating out of the palm of your hand.” Gabe nodded at his gaping acquaintance as they passed. “Just watch out for Adam over there. He’s already in lust with you.”

  Ignoring Adam’s open-mouthed stare, Eva grinned up at Gabe as she said, “It’s good to see you. I’m beginning to think that five days without you is five days too long.”

  “Well,” replied Gabe, his mouth against her ear, “Try to look at it this way, absence makes the cock grow harder.”

  Eva burst into laughter, attracting the attention of several couples standing nearby.

  “I don’t know about that,�
� she winked at him, keeping her voice equally soft, “If last weekend is any indication, I don’t think you can possibly get any harder.”

  “You do know how to make a man feel good,” Gabe teased. “But I’m serious when I say that you look absolutely stunning. Remember, this dinner is just for fun. No pressure. You can stay with me all night or you can mingle. Whatever you feel most comfortable with.”

  They strolled into the reception hall. Discreet eyes glanced in their direction. Gabe knew that his newest escort would quickly become a topic of discussion. He intended to find a way to let those who mattered know that Eva wasn’t a fling.

  “When I first attended these events, I had no idea what to say. Marsha tutored me. I’ll admit I’m not entirely comfortable with this crowd, but you will meet some very nice people here. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.”

  “Did you check out my toes?” Eva interrupted him.

  Gabe glanced down. He studied the gold polish on her long toes as she displayed her feet for him. She’d obviously splurged on a pedicure for the occasion.

  “I have to say,” he admitted, “That your toes weren’t high on my list of body parts to attend to, but I think I may have to reconsider. I might be tempted to pop one in my mouth later.”

  Gabe watched as a smile lit up her entire face.

  “That wasn’t my intention,” she said. “I just think they look pretty. I’m not a girlie-girl, Gabe. This is all new for me.”

  “One would never know,” he replied, smiling in return.

  “By the way,” Eva added, “you fill out that tux extremely well.” Her bright eyes wove their way up and down his body and he felt himself grow even harder beneath her gaze. Time to get moving.

  “C’mon, sweetheart,” he said, stepping forward into the room. He forced himself to swallow the urge to back her into a corner and rub himself all over that luscious little body. “There are some people I’d like you to meet.”

  An attractive pair of cold blue eyes followed Eva’s every movement as she wove her way through the room. A blond head of exquisitely coiffed hair turned whenever Eva turned. Bare, white, shoulders shifted as Eva shifted. Stephanie Lindstrom squeezed a lime into her third gin and tonic, feeling her anger grow exponentially each time Eva Raines smiled. The woman had big, straight, white teeth. They annoyed Stephanie no end. Gabriel was just as bad, his stance proud and possessive. He kept a protective hand moving between the woman’s back, her neck and her arm, as he introduced her to the people who really counted. God, it seemed as if he couldn’t stop touching the woman. It was enough to make Stephanie gag.

  Her own escort, Paul Rupnik, shifted at her side, restless. He was a bright, young lawyer from her firm. He had hopes of making partner within five years. Right now, he was eye candy, pure and simple. Stephanie shot a glance at him. Her eye candy was eyeing Eva Raines.

  “Why don’t you go get another glass of wine,” Stephanie commented, her voice dry, suppressing the urge to smack the back of his head.

  He nodded, grateful, as he ambled off toward the bar, detouring a little too close to Gabriel and Eva for Stephanie’s liking. As she watched, Gabriel worked his way near her, heading toward a group of winery owners, a hand on Eva’s lower back. Stephanie moved out of his line of sight and headed to the far corner of the room. She smiled and nodded absently to her acquaintances, business and otherwise, as she passed. She’d known Gabriel had been invited to the dinner. She assumed he’d make an appearance, but to bring his housekeeper? And make her play dress up, no less? It was like putting lipstick on a pig. Stephanie wondered if he’d personally taken Miss Raines shopping and to a salon and told them exactly how to make her over. She snorted. He’d probably given the assignment to Marsha, his miniature pit bull.

  She’d met with Eddie Jamison over breakfast and he’d filled her in on Miss Eva Raines. Eddie was no dummy. Despite her more general instructions, he didn’t waste time investigating anyone else. He knew exactly who she was interested in, although he was able to provide her with a juicy tidbit about Gabriel. She learned Gabriel had just discovered a half-brother, apparently the abandoned child of his deadbeat father. Although he was still a juvenile, the kid had a rap sheet and he’d been placed by the state in a school for troubled teens. Gabriel hadn’t publicly acknowledged the boy yet. Stephanie wondered if he intended to. Perhaps a rumor dropped in the right ears could cause him a little embarrassment. It was worth considering.

  As far as Eva Raine’s background was concerned, unfortunately there was no such drama. She was merely an uneducated housekeeper. She worked for an agency in Napa, idiotically named ATAP, All Things to All People. The woman cleaned houses for a living, for God’s sake. She cooked bland meals for old people. Eddie mentioned that she’d graduated from the California Culinary Academy, but as far as Stephanie was concerned, the woman obviously hadn’t been able to cut it in any of the Bay area restaurants she’d worked in. Gabriel, or more likely, Marsha, had hired her to cater the dinner he’d planned for her. Stephanie suspected that was how the two met and she was willing to bet good money that the woman saw dollar signs and had hopped into bed with Gabriel at the first opportunity. Maybe she even wore a maid costume. Considering the dress and the shoes and the hair, so far, her gamble appeared to have paid off. Stephanie wondered if Eva made a habit of this kind of thing. Who knew? Maybe she was a working girl who really worked it. Cleaning woman slash whore. Maybe she was good with a blowjob. Men liked that, didn’t they? Someone who could perform like a pro? How else could a farm girl make it in the big city?

  Stephanie took a sip of her gin and tonic. She grimaced, annoyed to find that her ice had melted and the drink tasted like water. A server walked by with an empty tray and Stephanie set her glass aside, seeking out the closest bar and ordering another. Where had her date gone to? Stephanie scanned the room, looking for his dark gray suit. She didn’t spot him, but her eyes lit on Gabriel. She watched him laugh out loud, probably at some stupid Napa Valley inside joke. She noted with interest that Eva had left his side. She appeared to be wandering the room in the company of a doctor’s wife, checking out the hors d’oeuvres. More likely cruising for potential customers. Stephanie chuckled as she watched the woman pop a wild mushroom turnover into her mouth. Eva wouldn’t fit into that dress for long. Poor Gabriel. What a sap. Stephanie decided that this was an opportune moment to say hello. She patted her hair and smoothed down her already smooth skirt, grabbed her drink and sauntered in his direction.

  Gabriel Abbott felt an arm slip beneath his as a voice purred in his ear, “I’m delighted to see you, Gabriel.”

  Stephanie Lindstrom. Fuck.

  He released his arm from her grip and turned to greet her politely. Gabe kept his voice neutral. “How are you, Stephanie? You look beautiful, as always.”

  “Aren’t you the charmer,” she said with a seductive smile. “I’m absolutely fine.” She gave him an appraising look, starting with his toes and working her way slowly up to his head. “I must say, you’re looking well. Apparently that little girl you came in with agrees with you.”

  Gabe struggled to think of a reply that wouldn’t embarrass Stephanie in front of the couple he’d just been speaking with. He stared at Stephanie for a moment, as if daring her to say more, and then he excused himself to find Eva.

  “I always say,” came Stephanie’s voice from behind him, “There’s nothing like a good housekeeper. Reliable help is so hard to find these days, don’t you think, Gabriel? Especially someone who provides full service. I understand Miss Raines does… provide full service, that is.”

  Gabe felt the blood rush to his head, but he didn’t want to confront Stephanie at a social event. If she’d been a man, he would have decked her. He stood frozen for an instant and he heard another voice behind him, Eva’s.

  “Did I hear you mention my name?”

  Gabe was afraid to turn around. While he would never hurt a woman, a riled Eva was perfectly capable of tossing the taller Stephanie Lindstrom on her
ass. He backed up and faced the two women, wondering if he’d have to intervene.

  “Why, yes,” Stephanie purred again. She offered her hand. “I’m Stephanie Lindstrom. I was Gabriel’s date the night you were hired to cook for us.”

  Eva stared at the extended hand like it was leprous. Gabe watched as she looked directly into Stephanie’s eyes. “Too bad you didn’t get to stick around and enjoy it,” she countered.

  Gabe stood, fascinated, as a blush crept up the back of Stephanie’s neck.

  “Yes,” Stephanie replied, her voice sticky with venom. “What a shame Gabriel was called away.”

  “What a shame for whom?” asked Eva.

  “Oh, well, for you, of course. All that hard work, gone to waste.”

  “I wouldn’t say it went to waste,” said Eva. “I believe Gabe found my tasting menu to be quite pleasurable.”

  Gabe nearly choked at that one. He noticed that a young man in a dark gray suit stood nearby, listening to the exchange.

  “I’m sure he did.” The chill in Stephanie’s voice couldn’t be any more obvious.

  Adam suddenly appeared at Gabe’s back. “Are we about to witness a girl fight?” he asked. “Because my money’s on your date. The woman’s got cojones.”

  Gabe leaned back and deliberately stepped on his friend’s toes.

  “Shit, man,” Adam hissed in his ear. “It’s a compliment.”

  “Excuse me, Miss Lindstrom.” Gabe watched Eva pass Stephanie and head in his direction.

  “Gabriel Abbott must have a lot to offer a girl like you, more than I imagine you ever dreamed of having,” Stephanie called after her.

  Eva froze. She turned and faced the woman. “Oh, yes,” she said, her voice equally frosty. “He certainly does. In fact, I think I’ll let you imagine exactly how much a man like Gabriel Abbott has to offer a woman like me.”

  Stephanie’s face turned beet red and she stared over Eva’s head, directly at Gabe. He stared back. The corner of his mouth twitched, despite his best efforts to keep a straight face.


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