Silent Witness

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by Aurora Rose Lynn

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Silent Witness

  ISBN #978-1-907010-34-7

  ©Copyright Aurora Rose Lynn 2009

  Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright June 2009

  Edited by Michele Paulin

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

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  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2008 by Total-E-Bound Publishing 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road

  , Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Aurora Rose Lynn


  For my wonderful readers and fans. Thank you.

  Chapter One

  Outbay 33 in the Meridien Galaxy, 2203 AD

  Lia’s skin quivered with anticipation. Once again, she and the professor were about to confront each other. To her delight. College chemistry classes had never been like this. Professor Daniel Harmon was not only the sexiest, leanest man on Sweet Meadows’ campus, but one whose big, big cock, momentarily hidden behind well-washed denim, tantalised her.

  Professor Danny, as she’d taken to calling him privately, probably didn’t care for strong-minded brunettes with small tits and big egos, and that’s why he always gave her a rough time in class. He seemed to know when she drifted off into a daydream, glancing out over football field to the tall spire of the gleaming silver church across the street. The sun-touched spire would fade away replaced by a scene engraved on her mind. Silk sheets rumpled on a king-size bed, pillows strewn on a Persian carpet, and her hot, aching body willing her man to stroke her wet clit and suck her hard nipples.

  Professor Daniel didn’t fail to live up to his reputation of ruining her silent reverie. The meter-long ruler he constantly toyed with, perhaps to intimidate his students, slapped Lia’s desk with such force she jumped from her seat. Her heart pounded erratically. A few of the other forty students snickered, but she paid no attention. They were only bit actors in her drama.

  The professor was so gorgeous when his blue eyes glittered menacingly. Blue like precious, glittering sapphires. His lips, full and rosy, pressed together grimly a brief second before he asked, “Do you know the answer to the question I just asked?”

  Lia sighed. Menacing was sexy. She hadn’t a clue about the question, let alone the answer. Her gaze met his unflinching eyes. The man was sheer hell to be around in class but so very male. She pictured his bulging biceps under his black jacket and the button-down, white, collared shirt he wore. Tiny blue stripes ran its length. Blue was her favourite colour.

  Professor Daniel was clearly not as amused as she was by her ignorance. In fact, she detected a rising fury on his part, evident in his slightly tensed shoulders and the way he fingered the ruler as if he were thinking devilish thoughts about naked bodies. In a gravelly voice that sent tingles shivering up and down her spine, he growled, “We need to show the other students the price for not knowing the correct answer.” He paused, waiting to her to assess his statement.

  “Yes?” Lia asked as meekly as possible. She loved his no-nonsense strength, the fact that he was in charge and could ask her to do anything he wanted.

  Her classmate, Sal, muttered, “Get her to play strip poker. That’s her favourite.”

  Lia gave him a withering stare. “Why don’t you shut the fuck up?”

  Although…playing strip poker with the professor might not be such a bad idea. She glanced up at the professor, wondering what the punishment would be this time. Detention with the sexy man wasn’t such a bad idea. She’d sit on his lap, kiss his lips and persuade him to smile for her. All the time, she watched the angular lines of his rugged face, she’d be stroking his hard cock. Would he groan and lay her back on his desk and fuck her but good, preferably from behind? Or would he make her stand at the blackboard with her blouse buttons undone so he could get a glimpse of her body and turn himself on? Or worse yet, would he sit at his desk, several feet from her and watch disinterestedly as she balanced boring chemistry equations? The only chemistry she was interested in was the body kind—hot, heavy, sweating, and passionate.

  “You will immediately get up and go stand in front of the class.”

  More snickers as she got to her feet, wondering what the good professor had in mind. She was sitting almost at the back of the class and had to stroll past several desks. Lia stumbled a little as she stepped up onto the platform, but the professor caught her elbow and steadied her.

  She righted herself and jerked her arm free of his tenacious hold. “What are you going to make me do?” she asked softly, keenly aware that forty pairs of eyes watched her with avid curiosity.

  She heard Sal mutter in a harsh voice, “Strip her naked. That’s the punishment she should get.”

  Lia stiffened. Naked? In front of the whole class? This was after all a New Age where teachers held complete control over not only their students’ minds but their bodies, too. Welcome to Outbay 33 in the Meridien galaxy. She had to remember she’d come here to this Outbay for the discipline. Conditions, she’d heard, were tough but well worth the achievement factor.

  The professor eyed her speculatively with narrowed pupils. “You wait and see, young lady,” he growled.

  Lia didn’t dare take a peek lower at the bulge straining against his jeans’ zipper.

  Isolated from the rest of her classmates, she visibly trembled, excited and a little hesitant. She wanted the professor’s attention, but she’d have preferred to have him to herself.

  The professor stood to one side and tapped the ruler against his palm. “I’m going to ask a question, and you’ll answer. Or else.” He left the last two words shivering in the tense air between them.

  Against her will, her nipples puckered against the thin, sheer blouse she wore. The school uniform on the Outbay consisted of filmy blouses and tight black mini-skirts for the girls, white silk shirts and black pants but no underwear for the guys. Thank goodness, the girls were allowed a skimpy panty and a semblance of a bra. White, of course.

  “What do the letters Pb stand for in a chemical equation?”

  Lia shrugged laconically. Once again, the question absolutely stumped her.

  Professor Daniel strolled in front of her then back again, so much like a hunter cornering its quarry. Not even a flicker of amusement traced his stern features. Lia knew she was trapped and had no way out. She’d asked for this, hadn’t she?

  She was a modern girl and found it difficult, no impossible, to obey a professor’s commands. Taking orders from anyone wasn’t her idea of freedom. From the moment she had arrived two days ago, she’d sensed she was in for a shitload of trouble. The professor asked the question again. Lia suddenly felt like a timid doe caught in a set of all-too bright headlights on a lonely, dark road.

  “I don’t know the an
swer,” she replied, her heart stuck in her throat.

  He nodded. Her classmates held their breaths. She’d been the first of their number who seemingly didn’t understand the consequences of not answering questions correctly. Or at all.

  Still to one side, Professor Daniel extended the ruler and gently tapped her blouse over her breasts. “Off,” he ordered.

  Lia bit into her bottom lip, wondering if she’d made a mistake coming to Outbay 33. The rumours she’d heard were that it was tough for a student, but that the sex was phenomenal. She’d known she’d have difficulties in school but not so soon. The sex she could easily handle—and even looked forward to—but not like this. Not in front of a classroom of other students, not ordered to do something she didn’t want to. But if she didn’t want to be sent home with a black mark on her academic record, one which boasted scholarships and straight A’s, then she had no choice but to take off her blouse. In front of the whole class.

  Her forehead beaded with tiny drops of perspiration, but lower, her folds were damp against the beaded thong she slipped into this morning. Faceted blue beads rubbed against her clit, inflaming the hot spot. There were no school rules about what kind of panties a girl had to wear. Lia knew Melissa in the next row to hers wore none at all and made no secret of it either. And the rules were strict about the boys not touching the girls unless invited.

  “Lia,” the professor prompted.

  Lia was certain he had ulterior motives for teaching on Outbay 33. Her understanding was that Daniel Harmon had been forced here, otherwise he’d have lost his teacher’s certificate and would have been barred from teaching anywhere in the galaxy. That left a lot of teaching positions banned for a hot stud like him. She suspected that he enjoyed roughing the students up a bit, that his foremost subject wasn’t chemistry at all. Rather it was the study of psychology, principally that of young, naked women writhing in discomfort.

  Her fingers shook slightly as she unfastened the button nearest her throat. The professor’s ruler tapped on her knuckles ever so lightly.

  “Yeah, make her take it all off,” Sal urged from the back.

  The bastard seemed to have no compunction about her clothes being removed. Because Lia had no doubt the professor would make his questions as difficult as possible, and in her aroused state, when her mind lusted after a good fuck, she couldn’t focus long enough on chemistry to even think about giving the right answer.

  “You’re way too slow,” the professor admonished her as her fingers rested on the next button. “Sal, get your ass up here,” he growled, his tone low, commanding.

  Lia watched Sal’s expression migrate from studied mockery to unaffected surprise.

  “Yes, you,” Professor Daniel stated, all the time keeping his eyes on Lia.

  The bastard was enjoying her discomfort. Lia’s ears reddened. “Why do you need him?” she asked tentatively, resting her gaze on the professor.

  “You need a little help,” he uttered, the dictator on a rampage.

  Great. She hated Sal, thought of him as an overbearing masculine gigolo. Lia took a deep breath and let it out slowly as Sal made his way up the to the front of the class, wearing a “what the fuck?” expression. He was as much at a loss as she was. Maybe, when she was in as bad a pickle jar as she was, the guy wasn’t so bad after all.

  Professor Harmon ambled up to Lia, turned her in profile to the class and faced Sal towards her. Sal was no longer as sure of himself as he’d been back at his desk. His chin drooped and his twisted his hands at his belt.

  “Since Ms. Burns is unable to comply with my request, let’s see if you can.”

  Lia groaned, then swallowed hard. She had no idea why Sal was in this class. He had no clue about balancing equations or the periodic table or anything that might be deemed scientific. The highest he could count to was two and that had been when he’d sucked on her nipples with unpractised bravado. What a disaster that had been! And only last night, too.

  “Mr. Chelsee. What element does Pb stand for?” the professor asked.

  Was his breathing a touch ragged? Lia couldn’t decide. His face was tainted by the faintest blush, and his movements seemed less fluid than they’d been moments before.

  Obviously, Sal didn’t have a clue about what the letters stood for. Oh man. To make matters worse, her nipples puckered for the cool air spinning from the air conditioner overhead. Tiny but robust points poking at her sheer blouse.

  “I don’t know,” Sal replied sheepishly. The braggart who privately claimed to know everything in the galaxy.

  The ruler tapped mercilessly on the floor. Tap, tap, tap. “Unbutton Ms. Burns’ blouse completely.”

  Like Sal would have any trouble with that. Last night, he’d been eager until she’d told him ‘no’. Men didn’t get the word and always thought that a ‘no’ from a woman really meant a ‘yes’.

  Sal’s eyes, a murky shade of sea-green, met hers, questioning, probing, unsure. “Come on, you idiot,” Lia teased him. “Get it over with.”

  Sal flinched as if she’d slapped him.

  The professor moved forward, breathed down her neck, fanning the fine hairs. “What was that, Ms. Burns?”

  Lia shivered. “I told him he’s a jackass.” She knew even as she spoke, she was letting in a whole stream of trouble.

  As one, the class sucked in a collective breath, forcing Lia to wonder what exactly the professor would do. Or, to be more precise, what he’d make her do. Conceivably, he could award extra achievement awards for all the guys spread-eagling her on the teacher’s wide desk and taking turns with her.

  She let out a breath, knowing she’d signed up for this class, had signed the release forms, realising that several men and a single woman were a distinct possibility. She thrilled at the thought of several men waiting impatiently, their dicks long and hard, waiting for their turn. And maybe she’d even have to get on her knees and suck the tips of their dicks of glistening pre-cum. Lia wasn’t certain she’d enjoy the experience, but she was always up for a challenge.

  A muscle twitched under the professor’s left eye. “I see,” was all he said.

  Lia knew without a doubt she’d stepped in past her comfort zone. Sal was a predictable factor, but the professor was a complete unknown, and she realised from the last two days in classes that he was of mercurial mood.

  “I gave you an order, Mr. Chelsee,” he commanded, but his eyes were Lia as if to say ‘I will deal with you later’.

  Sal lifted his hands to her blouse and, one by one, unfastened the pearly white buttons down to her waist. He wasn’t clumsy as he’d been last night but more assured. He did as he was told but the blouse remained closed.

  “Pull her blouse out from her skirt,” came the curt order.

  Sal licked his lips, giving Lia the impression he was enjoying himself. Her nipples, already painful buds, tightened even more. Her stomach clenched into pleasurable knots as Sal practically ripped the sheer material from her skirt. Her arms broke out in goose bumps and her legs trembled. This was not a good time to get nerves and sink to her knees.

  Professor Daniel shoved Sal aside, stepped in front of Lia, took hold of her blouse and unceremoniously ripped it off her body.

  “You know,” he said conversationally as if they were alone, “I don’t care for smart mouth women.”

  Lia bristled. Who was he to tell her that she was a smart mouth? “I don’t exactly care for you either,” she put out bluntly. Oops. Shouldn’t have said that. Should have kept her mouth shut with a padlock.

  Sal licked his dry lips. Lia waited for the punishment that was sure to come.

  And it came swiftly. “Since you don’t care to know the answers to my questions, which by the way, you should already know, you will sit on my desk.”

  There was a slight pause. Lia sensed her classmates holding their breaths. After all, any one of them could have been up here instead of her.

  “Without your skirt and allow the whole class to see you.”

nbsp; “Oh, that’s not hard,” Lia breathed even as Sal sucked in another breath. What was frightening about taking off her skirt and sitting on the professor’s desk?

  She was suddenly glad she’d worn the jewelled thong. Give the class a look at an elegant woman in her stride rather than boring white panties.

  “Mr. Chelsee, dispose of Ms. Burns’ skirt, please.”

  Another order Lia found herself resenting. “I can do that myself.”

  The professor faced her, chucked his index finger under her chin and tilted her face upwards. “You are certainly chalking up a great many punishments, aren’t you?”

  “Why? Because I can do things myself?” she retorted.

  Daniel’s lips twisted in a wry smile. “You don’t get it, do you?”

  With a swiftness that startled her, he seized her wrists and quickly bound them together behind her back with a black leather strap that seemed to come out of nowhere. She grunted in dismay.

  “Remember the days when the teacher ordered the misbehaving student to stand in a corner the whole school day? Ms. Burns, you won’t have that luxury.” Turning to Sal, he gave him a speculative look.

  Sal knew better than to object. He tore away Lia’s skirt with a slight, whispered mutter of apology, but Lia noticed, his cock was rock hard in its fabric prison. And his eyes widened to the size of half-dollar pieces, the currency they used on the Outpost, when he saw what she wore under the skirt. The other students broke out in applause although Lia couldn’t see why. She was being punished for goodness sake!

  The professor gave a low whistle of appreciation then a chuckle of amusement. “I see you came prepared.”

  The class immediately quieted. Lia said nothing. She was the bad girl, the other girls’ jealousy factor and the guys’ wet dreams acquisition. She knew now why Daniel had singled her out. Her face was fresh with little more than shimmering pink lip gloss, her breasts were just the right size for an inquisitive male palm, and her cunt was wetter than in her wildest fantasies. With her hands bound behind her, she could do nothing to help herself.


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