Silent Witness

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Silent Witness Page 4

by Aurora Rose Lynn

Mel remembered Lia telling her a story one day about how she’d gone into a bar for a drink but ended up on the pool table without her panties. She said she’d lost count of the guys who’d taken a turn on her. Mel’s face flushed crimson at the memory, at Lia obviously enjoying what she’d received. Or was that a tall tale to make Mel jealous of Lia’s sexual exploits? Mel shrugged off the memory. Lia couldn’t have possibly allowed several guys at her.

  Mel drummed her fingers on her desk. Lia might be a liar, but she was pretty, and the guys went after her like flies to sticky paper. Except for the prof who sat at a desk in the front of the classroom, staring out the window. No, he was so bored he’d turned Lia over to someone else to do with her what he wanted.

  * * * *

  Lia’s eyes were so hauntingly expressive that Daniel almost thrust his throbbing cock into her wet pussy without further foreplay. He suspected she guessed what he’d done, but he didn’t give her the satisfaction of finding she was correct though he desperately wanted to. She was headstrong, utterly without inhibition and the most exquisite woman he’d ever met, both on and off Outbay 33.

  He’d fallen in love with her at first sight, a fact he thought absurd. His colleagues at Outbay 33 would deride his fantasy if they found out. His heavy dick bobbed as he slipped out of his pants, and the fabric pooled around his feet. Absentmindedly, he stepped away from the denim, keeping his eyes focused on Lia’s. With barely a thought to the consequences that would surely come, he did the ultimate and plunged inside her.

  The class faded from view.

  In his mind’s eye, he witnessed the scene the unsuspecting students now had. Lia spread out and Sal thrusting his cock into her, hardly able to restrain himself from climaxing too quickly and spoiling the fun for the class while Professor Harmon looked on disinterestedly. How far was that from the truth?

  Without a second thought, he untied her ankles then her wrists and finally the gag.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded in a sleepy, imperious tone. For all she knew, she was still facing the classroom.

  Something I should have done from the first. “I thought you’d be glad for the freedom.” The words didn’t come out quite right. If only he could tell her that he loved her, wanted her by his side forever. His heart was heavy with foreboding.

  The class was completely gone. She scissored her legs together, sat up like an elegant, pampered queen against soft cushions, and rubbed her wrists as she observed him.

  He was immensely irritated with himself. How had he taught women about their hidden sexuality the last three years, twined their delicate limbs into all manner of positions and remained aloof? Lia was different. She deserved a royal prince catering to her every whim not some conceited fool who thought he knew all about women, their fantasies and what made them tick.

  Then all hell broke loose. He should have guessed Lia wasn’t as helpless as she made herself to be.

  Chapter Four

  Lia gently rubbed her chafed wrist. A deep silence fell, unbroken by so much as a hint of soft breathing or exhaled breaths. Her hair hung around her face making it impossible for him to see her playful expression. She shifted slightly to ease her cramped muscles. It was time to repay Daniel Harmon. The same way he hadn’t given her privacy, she wouldn’t give him much either.

  In less time than it took to blink, Daniel shifted from Sal back to himself. Her radar attuned, she easily recognized the change this time, and she wouldn’t hesitate to let him know what she thought of his trickery. She waved her hand, and the class with each one of the students reappeared. Before he could open his sexy lips wider, she slipped off the medical bed and confronted him. Even though she was naked and sweaty, she stood tall, proud and defiant. Her lips trembled with pent up emotion.

  “Don’t you know your limits?” Her tone was quiet but firm, the disturbing lull before the storm.

  His blue eyes twinkled. He had the nerve to examine her from head to toe and back again. “Is it really my limits we should be discussing?” he drawled.

  “Maybe you should learn a lesson or two yourself.” In half a heartbeat, she’d dressed herself in thigh-high black boots and wielded a leather whip in her right hand. She didn’t bother to clothe herself simply to drive him to distraction.

  His mouth fell open in shocked surprise, but she saw his turmoil stall as a counter plan began to form swiftly in his head. She knew him better than he knew himself, she gloated. She’d quickly turned the proverbial tables on him, leaving frustration and recriminations ‘til later. Their relationship, based on nothing but sex, was an uneasy truce at best, reminding her of soldiers regrouping while their commanders figured out how to bring the enemy down for good this time.

  “Cease!” she called out pre-emptively. He froze, his cock rock hard, bobbing towards her enticingly, his expression questioning and, for the first time since she’d met him, uncertain. How many months of tumultuous agony ago had that been?

  Ten months, three days and six hours without him, and she still wasn’t sure whether she loved him or hated him. She was so mixed up emotionally and mentally when it came to Daniel Harmon. Lia hated him for his arrogant self-assurance that acted as an unbridgeable chasm between them but loved him for the loving in bed. He’d given her one orgasm after another, not that they had sated her, but he hadn’t had the luxury of spending himself to find relief.

  Daniel’s chest rose and fell as he gulped. “How long have you known?”

  “From the very first moment.” With a satisfied smirk, she ordered, “Mr. Paul and Mr. Roberts. The professor requires your assistance.”

  Both men sprang to their feet. She’d unveiled the professor’s little drama, allowed the students to witness what he hadn’t wanted them to see. Too bad, because she had no compunction about revealing the scene he’d tried to keep hidden. No compunction at all.

  Harmon stepped back but the two men rapidly seized his arms and tugged his wrists behind him.

  “Lia,” the professor gave her a weak grimace. “What in heaven’s name are you doing?”

  “Returning the favour of your teaching.” She sashayed up to him, leaving a space of several inches between their naked bodies, and allowed her gaze to sweep over him. His muscled chest, his well-honed biceps, his lean waist and oh my… Her mouth watered at the luscious sight of his pulsing, stiff rod, and her pussy wept ashamedly. She stroked his long cock with the whip, whisper soft, non-threatening, although her gut instinct was to play her small hand over the pulsing muscle until she saw agony cross his features and he begged her to release him for the erotic hell he was assuredly in.

  “You made me cry out, beg you to bring me to an orgasm my body needed…” Her voice trailed off. Her thoughts spun. How could she give him better than what he’d given her? “No…that my body demanded,” she continued in a strong tone, determined not to beg favours from him ever again. The determination often fell flat when they encountered each other after a short absence, as they often did given who they were. “And now your audience is back.”

  She lifted an elegant hand towards the class that hung on her every word, each student struggling with the event that had so suddenly shifted before their astonished eyes. Events that changed in a fluid movement. Did any of the students know they were being manipulated by two Celadian aristocrats?

  Daniel moaned. “You can’t, Lia. Your actions would be against the rules.”

  His protest fell on deaf ears. No one had ever dared to face her when her mood was less than forgiving. Each one had learned the consequences. Melissa, Sal, and a few others. Not that Daniel was never on the receiving end of her raging hurt, but he hadn’t ever learned not to mess with her mind.

  “You see,” she continued, “you were the one who shouldn’t have broken the rules.”

  Several bewildered students gasped at her outright challenge. She’d be expelled. There was no doubt about that.

  “Lia,” he urged, his usually deep voice laced with bitterness, “don’t.”

sp; “What?” she flashed back at him. He towered above her, but she refused to allow his commanding presence to quell her desire for sweet, sweet revenge. “Breaking the rules is good enough for the gander but not the goose?”

  She chuckled without amusement although inwardly she found a great deal of satisfaction in outwitting the man who’d thought to use her body as a pawn in the political game he’d formerly played without error.

  “Lia,” he intoned, shifting from one foot to the other. “Don’t play with fire. Please.”

  She refused to let his intimidating presence, like that of a waiting panther ready to pounce on its victim, force her to back down. “You should have thought about that before you started in on me.”

  Lia bounced away. Silently, self-assured, she ordered Roberts and Paul to tie Harmon’s wrists to the bar above the medical bed. She really didn’t need them as her minions, but she didn’t want to lose the support of the students or their sympathy for her former plight. She whispered, “You should never underestimate the power of your female opponent.”

  Daniel sucked in his gut and groaned. “I should have known.”

  His gaze met hers, unflinching, resolute. He was not a man who would allow anyone to beat him at his own game. Lia knew only too well.

  “Tell the class who I am,” she urged, her breasts mere inches from his chest. Interestingly enough, his cock was still hard, but that would come in useful as per her plans.

  “No.” The merest of smiles tugged at the corners of his mouth. His musky, sexy scent was so strong, Lia would have given anything to have him riding her hard and fast.

  She nudged the whip under his chin. “Tell them, Daniel. Perhaps, they’ll figure out who you are.” Intense erotic pleasure flooded through her, reinforcing her need to conquer the one enemy she’d never been able to completely vanquish.

  A muscle danced nervously under his eye. He pressed his lips together.

  “Well?” Lia said, rubbing the whip along his rugged jaw.

  “No,” he ground out.

  She heaved a deep breath. “So this is how you want to play,” she muttered. “I can do one better.”

  “Haven’t you always done that, Lia?” he queried, undisturbed by her menacing stance.

  She snorted, remembering how his cock lodged in her pussy, so tight and perfect. No matter how she’d tried over the last few days since their last encounter, she hadn’t been able to dismiss him from her thoughts. Thoughts about hip-grinding, sweaty limbs wrapped around each other as if they belonged together. But that could never be. Never.

  “Tell them, Daniel. Tell your class who I am,” she prodded.

  He swallowed hard. The admission, she knew, wouldn’t come easily for him. It was anathema for his universe-size ego to admit she was more powerful than he’d ever be. “A Celadian shifter,” he replied, his voice barely above a taut whisper.

  “For those who don’t know, what is a Celadian shifter?” she prompted, enjoying herself at his expense. To think that, once upon a time, she’d loved him.

  He kept his voice low, for her ears only. “A sex-starved Celadian female who doesn’t know her limits.” Louder, for the students’ benefit, he said, “They are a race of people from the far corner of the galaxy, who come into their greatest power during sex. They shift into anything and everything.”

  As one, the students gasped. Without turning around, Lia knew their eyes had widened with surprised shock. Every one of them had heard of the famed Celadians, but few had encountered them, a fact the Celadians found amusing since they made it a practise to place themselves amongst unsuspecting humans.

  Lia lowered the whip, shifted it to her left hand and, with feather-light caress, stroked Harmon’s cock. The skin pulsed under her palm, sending waves of frissons along her belly and into her pussy.

  “Tell the class, Professor,” she wheedled. “Are you a Celadian male?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. For a glimmer of a second, she saw the wild glance he gave her. He hadn’t wanted his identity revealed to anyone. His carefully planned life was unravelling in front of her eyes. “Lia,” he whispered, “I’m going to kill you.”

  “Why? Because you’re going to lose your job?” she asked softly. Their private conversation wasn’t intended for curious, eavesdropping ears. A job wasn’t a necessity for him, not with his status in the nobility and his natural abilities. She prided herself on making his life unbearable just when he thought he’d got it right. It could never be ‘right’ without her.

  He shook his head, masculine arrogance at its best. She suspected what his answer would be. And she revelled in the fact that he was being forced to remember who he was, and most importantly, who she could be if she set her mind to it.

  Mel looked on in utter bewilderment. She suspected that many of her fellow classmates weren’t who they appeared to be. It was the nature of Outbay 33. Many showed up human even though they were, as those from Earth liked to say, alien. But there was nothing alien about Lia and the professor. They were playing an intense drama on a stage of their own making. The students had become mere observers, as distant from the unfolding scene as a bug behind plate glass.

  Not Mel. She’d taken the class for reasons of her own. She slipped a Texxter from her notebook and silently tapped in the message:

  Romeo and Juliet are neck to neck again as they were on Zandra. Must terminate them both. Put stop to idiocy between them.

  Then she zipped the message off to the Celadian Authority. Being a mouse had its uses. A mouse could sneak in where no one suspected them, observe then send instructions to those higher up in Celadia. The Authority had little use for the antics of their aristocracy. Very little use.

  Mel hid her Texxter back in her notebook. It wasn’t just the Authority that had little use for Lia. She herself could hardly wait until long-awaited justice was meted out.

  She sniffed. If only she could get a man like Daniel to look at her and see her for who she was, she wouldn’t have to resort to being a low-level, but handsomely paid, spy for aliens she detested.

  Chapter Five

  “Lia, cut out this charade.” Harmon’s wrists were carrying his weight from hanging, but that wasn’t the only part of his body that needed assistance. Perspiration beaded his forehead. If Lia didn’t give up her tough Madame routine shortly, he’d have to show her who was the boss. An act he’d looked forward to but even more now that she had effectively ended his job on Outbay 33.

  She flashed cynical eyes at him. “What do I get in return for cutting out this charade, as you call it?”

  “Forgiveness.” He nodded with self-assurance. That was it. Lia needed forgiveness then a good paddling on her rounded ass. After the paddling, perhaps she’d simmer down and forget about playing these little sex-laden routines wherever she found him.

  “Forgiveness?” she squeaked in mock horror. Her eyes told a different story. She wanted more of him.

  “Do you remember back home how you used to make love to me using those naughty words?” His mouth tilted upwards in a woman-killer grin.

  Outraged, she waved her hand in the air and shouted, “Why are you doing this to me, Daniel? Why are you wrapping me up so tight that I can’t breathe?”

  “That’s all? You can’t breathe?” Okay, so he was trying to antagonise her into making a wrong step. It wouldn’t be the first time nor, he suspected, her last. Lia was the most volatile woman he’d ever met and had the misfortune to fall in love with.

  Her eyes shot flames of liquid fire. “Who do you think you are?” she ranted. “Thinking you know all about me when you don’t know one damned thing?”

  “I know how your pussy wraps around my cock,” he replied softly. Yup, she was losing control. This would be fun. As soon as she lost her composure, he’d show her one hell of a good time, and he just might take away the whip and use it on her pert ass.

  Her face reddened charmingly, and she kept spitting out sounds but nothing coherent. “You, you, you—”

  “Yes, Lia,” he said patiently. “What are you trying to tell me?”

  She found her voice and let out her righteous anger in no uncertain terms. “You bastard!” she shrieked, dismissing the class with a tight turn of her wrist. They disappeared into the murky shadows. “How dare you patronise me? How dare you?”

  She was about to whip him across the chest with her tail-o-nines, but he would have none of it. A fraction of a nanosecond passed as he released his hands from their temporary bondage and whisked away her whip. Then she lay underneath him on a resplendent bed of pure black silk. He loved how the creamy colour of her skin was highlighted against the black sheets. He worshipped the ground she walked on, figuratively of course, but nonetheless, he worshipped her and she had nothing but disdain for him.

  Lia struggled, attempting to get up from under him, but his patience had been frayed beyond endurance. He held her wrists to either side of her head on the soft pillow. He nudged her knees apart, thigh-high boots and all, and thrust his cock deep, deep inside her, forcing a drawn out gasp from her lips.

  “Now tell me I’m patronising you,” he murmured, but before she could spit more rapid fire, nonsensical responses at him, he crushed his lips to hers, utterly and fiercely.

  She seemed to relax, to allow the melding of their bodies. He rested his cock in her wet pussy, adoring her with every fibre of his being. She could make him so angry, yet she could also artfully bring out the man he always wanted to be with her. A notorious rake, a rich, bad boy.

  Reluctantly, he broke the plunging hot kiss—a poor imitation of his dick stroking her wet, hot channel—lifted his head and gazed into her face. “Lia, why do you do this to me?”

  “What?” Her voice caught on an achy inhalation. Her volatile expression had softened. Her eyes became sleepy with contentment.

  “Make me want to rip off your clothes, when you have any on, and when you don’t, to take you as violently as a volcano explodes into the atmosphere.”


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