Secret Keepers: The Complete Series

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Secret Keepers: The Complete Series Page 27

by Jaymin Eve

  We were above that land now. I blinked as I watched it below, trying to wrap my mind around the sheer size of it. From our angle, it was sort of easy to make out a path through the massive green hedges, but if we’d been on the ground, and had to navigate through the miles and miles of twists and turns, it would be next to impossible.

  Lexen dropped a little lower again. We were only about twenty feet up from the top of the maze now.

  “Go left!” I shouted down at a figure standing near a crossroads.

  Daniel covered my mouth. “No helping, remember,” he warned me again.

  I shook my head, dislodging him. “You’re not the boss of me. I’ll help if I want to help.”

  Annnd I was back to belligerent teenager. Being told what to do was a huge pet hate of mine. Lexen laughed and Daniel wisely said nothing more. We dropped a little more, and I thought that Lexen’s wing flaps were slowing. Lifting my hand, I pressed it to his chest. I wished I could send some of my energy into him, my clumsy, unathletic energy.

  On second thought, that might be more of a hindrance.

  His thumb caressed my spine again, and I swear I felt it all the way to the tips of my fingers. My hand was tingling where it remained pressed against him. I was wondering if our energies were clashing together somehow, because it felt like heat shifted between us, when Daniel cleared his throat. “Legreto level,” he said.

  Legreto level…

  We had left the maze and were now over a platform of water. Sunlight brushed across me. For the first time it was warm, almost like I was outside. Pure magic, because there was still only darkness above. The Land of Legreto was stunning. I’d never seen clearer water, aquamarine in color as it thrashed around its level. There were pockets of land scattered along the body of water, land which disappeared at each rise and fall of the tide. It looked like you’d have to have perfect timing to be able to cross, jumping from one to another. I could see a plethora of creatures swimming in the depths of the water. Some looked huge and were shaped like sharks, so I was guessing it wasn’t ideal to be caught in the waters.

  We were going to find out, because Lexen was dropping rapidly now.

  When we were about six feet above the water line, Daniel pointed toward a reasonably large domed section of land. “Put us down there, Lex. I see a clear run through.”

  “I … can … make it.” The labored words were calling him out on his lie. But I knew he was going to give it a shot. He was practically gliding by this point.

  I patted his chest, drawing his attention. “Just land. You still need enough energy to make it past the obstacles of the next level, and if I’m deducing anything from Daniel, it’s that your energy is not going to come back. The justices will keep draining you.”

  I thought he was going to argue, but he tilted us just enough to glide the rest of the way down and land on the island Daniel had pointed out. His feet hit the ground, followed by his knees as he collapsed forward, flinging us free. I braced myself with my arms, stopping my face from smashing into the rocky ground.

  Daniel was up and on his feet in a heartbeat, using his superior height to check out where we had to go next. Ignoring him, I took two steps back to Lexen, who was still on his knees. In his dragon form we were almost eye to eye. Actually he was still taller. I placed both hands on his cheeks, not liking the ragged way his chest heaved up and down.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  He gave me one of those rare smiles with all of his teeth, the one where it felt like I’d been punched in the chest. “Going to protect me, badass?”

  I snorted. “You two – and Jero – need to work on your nickname skills. You all suck.”

  His eyes shuttered for a moment as he sucked in a deep breath, then with a rush of light and energy he pulled the dragon form back into himself. Scales disappeared as he shrank to his normal giant size. The wings were the last to vanish, disappearing into his back somehow.

  “I can conserve more energy like this,” he explained as he got to his feet, with less grace than normal but still more than me.

  “We need to move,” Daniel interrupted.

  Before I could say a word, he had turned and snatched me up into his arms. I opened my mouth to protest just as he leapt from the island, landing us in a small patch of water. It was only ankle deep when he landed, but by the time Lexen joined us, it was already to their knees.

  I tried to ignore the weird creatures swimming close by, some with long lacy-looking tendrils. “I can take her,” Lexen grumbled, staring his friend down.

  “You can barely walk,” Daniel shot back. “Accept my help for once. I’m not going to hit on your girl.”

  His girl. I stupidly enjoyed the sound of that, and Lexen didn’t deny it. In fact it sounded like he mumbled “Better not” under his breath. Which made that enjoyment even greater.

  Daniel leapt again, stumbling but managing not to drop me when we reached the next section. “You don’t have to carry me,” I protested, embarrassed to be such a burden. “No one has to carry me.”

  Daniel just laughed. “Lexen told me about gym class, as did some of my other House of Imperial classmates. This is safer.”

  Before I could inform him that all of the gossiping Daelighters could kiss my ass, a dark shadow splashed out of the water to our right, and in a move which should have been impossible, Daniel bent backward in some sort of Matrix shit and a huge blue thing sailed right past. I caught a glimpse of a million razor-sharp teeth, pointed nose, and huge bulbous eyes, before it splashed into the water again.

  “Hang on,” Daniel told me, turning to Lexen. “We’re going to make three jumps in a row. That should get us out of here. You ready?”

  “I’ll still have more than enough energy to kick your ass when we get there, Dan. Don’t forget that,” Lexen shot back.

  Daniel grinned, jumped and landed with ease. His feet were on the ground for a split-second and then he was jumping again. Each leap was minimum six feet long. There was no way in any world I could have made them on my own. When we reached the edge of the water, Daniel took a flying leap that sent us right over that step and down into the land below – the next level of the justices. I had an immediate flashback to my long fall into trees from the incubation level; screams ripped from my throat before I could stop them. My eyes were squeezed shut tightly because I really didn’t want to see my death coming at me.

  Daniel landed with a soft thud, jostling me only the smallest amount, before he set me down on shaky legs. Blinking a few times, I waited for my heart rate to settle. Lexen was mid-jump down the hundred-yard drop. He also landed gently, barely even making a thud. What in all that is holy? Both of the boys had landed like it was a three foot drop.

  I narrowed my eyes, looking between the two of them. “So … on Earth I’m athletically challenged. Here I’m what, the equivalent of a rock?”

  Lexen just shook his head at me. “You’re doing pretty good for a rock. And don’t forget, a rock is the power which keeps both of our worlds functioning.”

  I grinned. That was a nice way to look at it. I could really get used to non-asshole Lexen.

  Focusing my attention out into this last level of the Cascading Justices, I let out a long, exaggerated breath. “I could really use some good news. What is this level?”

  Turning back, I caught Daniel and Lexen’s grimaces.

  “Well,” the Darken Daelighter said. “This is the level of desires.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  How could a land of desires be something hard or dangerous? Their expressions indicated they thought this was worse than the previous six lands.

  “I see that look on your face,” Daniel started, “and I promise you’re wrong. This land will give you a ghost of everything you crave in life, the deepest hopes you hold in your heart. You will waste away chasing after something, only to find that it is not real, that you’ve been pouring your hopes and dreams, your literal soul into a façade.”

en let out a ragged huff. “I think we should rest for a little while. We’re in the section between again and I can feel an ease on my energy. I need all the strength I can to resist … especially with—” He cut himself off, but with the way he was staring at me, there was no doubt in my mind what he’d been about to say.

  I looked again, across what looked like a beautiful snow-filled field. “What’s with the snow?” I asked, wondering if that had something to do with desires. I had personally always found snow to be magical, but I knew for a fact not everyone felt that way.

  “We don’t see the same thing as you,” Daniel told me. “This land shifts to each individual fantasy. The basic layout is the same, but I’m not a fan of snow, so I don’t see that.”

  He didn’t say what his land was, and no doubt it was quite a personal thing to ask that, so I didn’t.

  “I see snow,” Lexen said, drawing my full attention. “Winter is my favorite season. I have fire and ice in my veins, but like Qenita, ice is where my heart lies.”

  Obsidian eyes flashed with white light. I could barely stop myself from touching him. The draw was getting stronger, especially since we had both acknowledged our feelings. Since we had kissed.

  “I’ll keep watch if you two want to rest,” Daniel said, interrupting my fiery thoughts. “I’m the least battered and bruised.”

  I’d gotten quite good at ignoring the low aching throb in my injured shoulder. But as soon as Daniel mentioned it, the pain seemed to surge out with force. Together with my many other scrapes and my overwhelming hunger … I was not feeling my best.

  “A rest would be good,” I murmured.

  Daniel nodded. “I can give you an hour, no more. The council might have detained Laous, but he will figure out a way to come after us. We do not want to be in the justices when that happens.”

  Hell no we didn’t.

  Lexen held out a hand to me and I found myself smiling as I fitted my palm to his, our fingers interlacing. “Come on, badass little human. Let’s get some sleep.”

  Fatigue was very faintly visible across his face. You’d have to be looking close to notice it, but it was there. I was going to make sure he definitely got some rest. He led me to the wall of the step, dropping to the ground and fitting his spine against it, pulling me down so I was lying in front of him. I could feel the heat of his body all the way down my back. I wasn’t sure what to do, having never—

  “Stop thinking so hard,” he interrupted, murmuring into my ear. “I won’t sleep unless I know you’re safe. The only way for me to know that is if you’re in my arms.”

  Everything in my body went boneless; I sank against him, letting my head fall to his bicep. It was a little too muscled to be comfortable, but it was definitely a step or two up from the ground. Daniel settled in a little away from us, perched on a flat rock, looking relaxed but somehow still alert.

  I was so tired, but my mind just wouldn’t shut down enough for me to sleep. All these new emotions, the strength of my feelings, the new experiences … it was a lot. I was processing as fast as I could, but there was only so much “new” I could handle.

  Lexen’s hand, resting near my hip, started to move slowly. At first the gentle caresses sent fire through my body, but when he didn’t touch anywhere other than that one spot, and the movements gentled, I found a haze washing over me.

  My eyelids fluttered a few times, my breathing evening out, easing into something slow and rhythmic, and then I was fast asleep.

  Chapter 19

  Not a single dream disturbed me. I don’t think I moved a muscle until gentle nudges had me rising from unconsciousness with no concept of where I was. Or what had happened. It wasn’t until I opened my eyes to see a darkly tanned arm that I remembered Lexen. More accurately, me sleeping on Lexen.

  He shifted behind me and I rolled over so I could see him. He was wide awake, not an ounce of drowsiness in his gaze.

  “Hey,” I squeaked out, clearing my throat. “I hope I didn’t kill your arm.”

  He wore a knowing look, like this half-smirk, half-smolder thing that he did so well. It was sexy as hell, especially teamed with the tousled dark hair. “Takes a lot more than a human to kill my arm.”

  I smacked his chest, instantly regretting that decision. Ouch. “You know what I mean. It must be dead from me lying on it.” I let out a huff. “Last time I try and be nice to you.”

  He laughed, tightening both arms around me and rolling onto his back. I had no choice but to go with him, sprawling out across his chest. “I think I’m addicted to you,” he murmured, our mouths brushing together. His expression sobered then as our gazes remained locked. “I’m starting to understand why Daniel wants to shirk his responsibilities. I’ve always accepted mine as part of my duty, even if I didn’t particularly like the restrictions they placed on me. But now I’m wondering if the sacrifice is just too great.”

  “You’ve always accepted being overlord? Never fought against it?” I wanted to know the real Lexen, the foundation that built him.

  He nodded, slowly, like he wasn’t sure he was being completely truthful. “I’ve been groomed since birth, and I was … fine with that. I like to be in control. I like to protect my people. I’m very good at doing both of those things. I’m the ideal candidate for overlord.”

  “But…” I started … because I sensed a but there.

  “But there were moments I contemplated jumping on Qenita and taking off. Soaring through the sky, traveling to other worlds.” He paused, eyes focusing past me, before they came back to my face. “Until you, though, I’ve never had a good reason to truly question my duty.”

  I bit my lip, trying to stem the waterworks. I’d probably cried more in the last eight months than I had the previous eighteen years, so now I tried not to just sob for no reason. But Lexen was talking the duty in his life making no room for us. And that cut me deep.

  “What would happen if ... you and I … were together…?” I broke off.

  He used his free hand to brush some of my disheveled hair back. “I have no idea. No human has ever bonded to a Daelighter. Especially not an overlord.”

  Rigid rules bothered me. I often disregarded them. But it wasn’t my place to suggest that we ignore the very important traditions of his world. I also wasn’t sure what bonding exactly entailed. I would like to start with dating, move on to bonded after that. If we didn’t kill each other in the meantime.

  The hand that had moved my hair settled against my face, cupping it. “You’re worth fighting for, Em. I’m going to figure this out. There has to be a way.”

  My eyes filled and flowed over as I lost my battle with the tears. I couldn’t stop from pressing my lips to his, just for a brief second so I could breathe him in. I pulled back as fast, giving him a watery smile. “This isn’t just because we’re in the level of desire, right?”

  Lexen laughed again. There was a relaxed nature to him that I had never seen before. “No, this is all real.”

  He lifted his body up into a sitting position, bringing me with him, and stood. I was set on my feet, his huge body crowding round me for a beat, before he moved a little away.

  “Where did Daniel go?” I asked, staring at the empty rock.

  I’d forgotten about him. Since waking, Lexen had been the only thing on my mind.

  “He’s just gone to check if a certain path is there for us to use,” Lexen said, his gaze scanning above my head.

  Daniel appeared in that same moment, like we had summoned him. He waved us over, and as soon as we joined him he took a sharp right through two trees, leading us out into a wide, open field of snow. Well, snow for me anyway.

  “Focus ahead,” Daniel said, his voice even more rumbly than usual. Probably because of how rigid his jaw was. “Nothing you see is real. Don’t let it sway you. We just need to cross this field and then we will be able to step into redemption. From there, I can get you back topside.”

  Bouncing on my toes a little – I was filled with nerves and I ha
d to pee – I set my sight on what looked like the end of this platform. I could do this. I could ignore everything I saw, no matter what it was.

  Feeling eyes on me, I lifted my head to find Lexen staring at me. “You ready, Em?”

  Dammit, I was starting to like the sound of Em from him. The accent. The fact he wasn’t sneering and calling me human. I was a goner.

  “I’m so ready.” I bounced again. “Ready as anybody here. I was born ready. Running is my thing.”

  So many lies.

  I was trying to convince myself as well, so hopefully the pep talk worked. Lexen and Daniel just shook their heads at me. “Try not to fall over, badass,” Daniel finally said.

  I very maturely stuck my tongue out at him, receiving a glimpse of dimple in return. With a wink, he faced out across the snowy plain again. I saw him taking a few grounding breaths, before he nodded his head. “Let’s do this,” he growled.

  Then we were running.

  Now, under normal circumstances I have the grace of a hippo on land, all wobbling and roaring, jaw flapping in the breeze. Add in some snow to that mix and I turned from hippo to fish – flopping around, gasping for breath, dying second by second.

  And I was wearing a dress.

  We were all going to die.

  Sure enough, I almost went down in the first five steps. Somehow Lexen snaked a hand around my waist, catching me with speed and grace. Athletic bastard. He didn’t stop moving, flying along behind Daniel, who was pumping his arms rapidly, head firmly facing forward.

  My feet weren’t really on the ground now, so I kind of just skimmed my feet along as Lexen ran. At what looked like the halfway point, I started to feel hopeful. We were close. We were going to make it. I hadn’t seen anything that would hold me up at all.

  Daniel let out a roar then. “Leave me alone!” he shouted, starting to slow. As we drew even, his eyes were squeezed tightly closed and he swung out blindly.


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