Secret Keepers: The Complete Series

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Secret Keepers: The Complete Series Page 68

by Jaymin Eve

  He then took some of the liquid into his hand, lightly pushed the neckline of my sweater aside, letting the gel slide down the cut in my shoulder.

  “How did you know I was hurt there?” I asked, astonished.

  He shrugged. “You’ve been favoring the other arm, and Lexen told me they cut you. It wasn’t hard to figure out.”

  The relief in my ankle and shoulder allowed me to relax finally. “Thank you,” I sighed. “I don’t know what this is … and if it’s something gross, please don’t tell me … but whatever it is, it’s working.”

  Chase laughed, and it was nice to see a happier emotion on his face. “It’s just water, legreto. This sort is extra special. It comes from the Galinta and has their healing energy within it. The same water you were born in.”

  He lowered himself so he was sitting next to me, our arms and bodies pressed together down my left side. I leaned into him, not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. The mark on my stomach responded to our touch. I could feel the bond wrapping around me like the most comfortable blanket in the world.

  Chase lifted his arm and I shifted forward so he could slide it behind me, then we fell back together again, not an ounce of unease between us. Our conversations started up easily enough. I told him about the events from the time Lexen landed with us in Daelight Crescent, to the fake Chase and Daniel, and getting lost in the darkness of the transporter. As I talked, our bodies continued to mesh together, until I was practically lying across Chase.

  There was no guy in my entire life, outside of Brad, who I would have ever felt relaxed enough around to be like this with. Especially not one I hadn’t known for years. It gave me that feeling of home again.

  When I finished telling him everything, he was quiet, and I could feel the simmering emotions just under the surface waiting to burst free. “I’m okay,” I finally said, reaching out and taking his free hand. He interlinked our fingers in the same instant, and that happy jump was back in my chest.

  “Knowing you were hurt, could have died—” He broke off. “It riles me in a way that I’m not used to dealing with. In general, House of Leights are calm and tranquil. We do not involve ourselves in the drama of the other houses much. We remain neutral. But after what Laous has done, the way he has taken so much in his selfish quest to retrieve the starslight stone, neutral is no longer an option for us.”

  Twisting myself around, I hugged into his body, offering whatever comfort I could. He’d been there for me so much, this was the smallest thing I could do to try to return the favor. “I will support whatever decision you make,” I murmured against his chest.

  His lips pressed against my hair, and I tried not to cry at the perfect moment we were having. “That’s good to know,” he said, remaining close. “Because you’re going to rule with me one day as overlord. I already know that you’ll have the final say, because I can’t deny you anything.”

  I jerked, having forgotten that very important and pertinent detail. Chase was an overlord minor. When his parents decided they were done ruling, that role was passed on to him.

  Wiggling free, I tilted myself back to see him. “What if I make a mistake? I don’t know anything about ruling people. I’m a freaking human … what if they don’t accept me?” There were literally a million what ifs. I mean … I was the girl who couldn’t even decide on a college – or an outfit half the time.

  He twisted around, his free hand cupping my face. “You don’t have to do anything but be the person I already know you to be. Kind. Compassionate. Incredibly smart. Ruling together means you don’t ever have to worry about carrying the burden alone. As for the fact you’re not a Daelighter…” His hand pressed against my stomach – which jumped like crazy – right where the symbol was. “You wear our language, the mark of a bonded overlord. You’re one of us.”

  Just like that, at least ninety percent of my fears faded away. How in the hell did he do that? I guess it helped that most of the restlessness I’d felt in my life was gone now. This new path, the one with Chase and Overworld, felt right.

  “Could I still go to school on Earth? If I want to finish up my education?” It didn’t hurt to determine how all-encompassing this was. Like … if I’d married a prince back home, I wouldn’t get to have a career as well. Being a princess was your career … life … everything. Was it the same here?

  Chase’s arms tightened around me. “Maya Lewis, you can do whatever you need to for your future. I will support you, the same way you have vowed to support me. Being Overlord of House of Leights is a full-time job, but my parents plan on ruling for many more years. And even if they were to abdicate, you still have the freedom to make your own choices. I don’t own you.”


  This was all my perfects. Now we just had to make sure Laous was stopped before he took them away.

  Chapter 16

  By the time Chase was satisfied I had healed enough to leave, my ankle and shoulder felt a thousand times better. I had no idea what this legreto here was made of, but it was a hell of a lot better than the water we had on Earth.

  “Where do you live?” I asked as he helped me to my feet. My foot felt slightly stiff inside my shoe, but otherwise I was fine to walk.

  “We build homes inside the trunks of a special type of Galinta. They allow us to share their space, forming round rooms to keep us warm and dry. Most of my people live in their own communities. There are hundreds spread out across Leights.”

  “And you…?” I asked.

  “The overlord families are nomadic. We travel and live with each of the communities, immersing ourselves in their world to hear of their lives and grievances. This is the best way to ensure we help all of our people.”

  Unlike most kings and queens back home, who sat in their castles and waited for the peasants to come to them…

  “You’re an only child, too?”

  “Yes. Because Daelighters are so long-lived, our women are only fertile once or twice in an entire year. My parents have not been able to have any more children since me. My mother has mentioned more than once that she wishes the gods would bless her with another.”

  That was interesting. I definitely didn’t take after their women, I had normal cycles. Something we would eventually have to discuss, because I was way too young, and not even remotely equipped to raise children. But I apparently had a long time to get around to that. I was going to enjoy being bonded first.

  Chase called for a path back to the main platform. We waited as the trees moved themselves. We were just about to move through when a rustling of branches to our left had another path opening.

  Chase paused, then let my hand go to maneuver himself in front of me. I was just starting to worry that we were about to be attacked when a man and woman stepped out of the pathway.

  As soon as he saw them, Chase relaxed, and so did I.

  “Chase, we have no news about your intended one,” the woman said, hurrying forward, her voice low, smooth, and almost musical in nature. “We checked with the elders and the network…”

  She trailed off when she saw me.

  Chase carefully moved me to his side. “Mother, I’d like you to meet Maya. My bonded mate.”

  Mother. Oh man, I was so not ready – or dressed – to meet a queen. Nervously, I tried to smooth my hair back, all the while staring at the stunning woman before me. She reminded me of an African Queen, regal, dark skin, high cheekbones, and the same light green eyes as Chase. She had her long bronze-colored hair in braids, almost to her ankles, beads threaded through them that clinked together as she moved.

  She was about a foot taller than me, with the lithe body of someone strong and flexible. On Earth I’d have guessed Pilates, but here it was no doubt all the running through the trees. She wore tight-fitting clothing, but they looked very simple and natural, not fancy like a queen, though she did have jewels woven into the crown of her head. I didn’t recognize the gems, but they were in a range of colors similar to aquamarines, rubies, sapphi
res, and diamonds all blended together.

  She took a step closer to me and I wondered if I was supposed to bow. I really should have asked Chase about royal protocol here.

  “Maya,” she trilled, and then she smiled. “It’s an honor to meet you.”

  She didn’t touch me, and I dropped my head in an awkward bow, returning her smile. “The honor is all mine.”

  Her smile was huge, and she was just breathtakingly beautiful. She turned to Chase. “You said bonded mate?”

  He nodded, one arm still around me while the other lifted his own shirt to show her the mark. She let out a trill of delight, clapping her hands together. “Chila, get over here. You need to see this.”

  Chase’s father, who had been standing a little back waiting his turn, strode forward. Chase might have had his mother’s eyes, but in all other ways, he was just like his father. The same shorn hair, the same masculine planes across his face, and broad shoulders. The fact that the overlord majors did not look much older than us was a little disconcerting, but they carried themselves with wisdom that belied their youthful looks.

  He was wearing just a pair of pants, fitted to his very muscled body – something I was trying hard not to notice, because it felt really weird to look at your father-in-law figure like that. He also held a long staff with a jewel on top; the base looked like it was made from the Galinta trees.

  With his free hand, he reached out and clasped Chase’s briefly. “I’m so pleased to hear of your bonding,” he said, looking between me and his son. “Jasmin and I will organize a proper bonding ceremony as soon as we deal with Laous. Our people need to meet Maya.”

  Nerves rocked me and I tried to school my expression, even though the thought of standing in front of all House of Leights’ people was enough to have me searching for the nearest bathroom. When I was nervous, I usually had to pee twenty times in about five minutes.

  Chase cleared his throat, and from my angle it looked like he was sending warning glares at his parents. “Maya is very new to this world,” he told them. “We should give her some time to adjust to our ways. There is no need to rush anything.” He paused, his eyes searching out mine. The air practically shimmered between us, my stomach swirling. “The Galinta could not have chosen better for me,” he said.

  He turned away from me then and I struggled to get air into my lungs. That boy knocked all of my senses out.

  Jasmin nodded decisively. “Yes, you are right, son. We have no need to rush. We are just so happy and excited for you both.”

  She reached out and placed her hand across my shoulders, long slender fingers wrapping around lightly. “Welcome to our family, Maya.”

  I was overwhelmed, and scared of saying the wrong thing, but I felt like I needed to be honest. “Thank you. Your kindness and acceptance mean a lot. I can’t even tell you how much. I know I’m probably not the person you expected your son to end up with – being human and all – but I promise I will do my best to never let Chase down. The bonding … it’s the best thing that’s happened to me. Chase makes me feel … complete.”

  No more searching endlessly. I was finally home.

  She nudged her son out of the way and wrapped her arms around me. “I always wanted a daughter,” she said, her low accented voice soothing. “You are perfect. The Galinta would never choose someone unworthy.”

  My heart felt like it would burst, and I had to bite my lip not to cry when she pulled away. She stepped back to her husband’s side, and Chase drew me closer to him. I could practically feel his happiness.

  “You have done well, son,” his father said. “Your mother is right, Maya is worthy.”

  Cue a raging blush from me and more emotions threatening to send tears down my cheeks.

  “We need to go,” Chase said, looking between his parents. “Lexen is waiting on us to try and find the fourth keeper. We have to get to her before Laous does.”

  Everything turned a little more serious then. Chila straightened and gave a low nod. “I am amassing our warriors. We will not stand on the sideline for this fight. Not any longer.”

  I wanted to freak out about the word “warriors,” because it made me think of war, but Chase, grim-faced, just returned his father’s nod. “Yes, this is a good idea. We might have to call on them quickly. I will be in touch as soon as we know something.”

  Jasmin looked upset but didn’t say anything more. We exchanged farewells and they stepped back into the trees again, their path closing behind them.

  I let out a long, deep breath. Between Chase and his parents, I’d barely been able to get my lungs to work.

  “So,” I said, swallowing hard, “your parents are so lovely … and kind of intimidating.”

  Chase just laughed before he wrapped an arm around me. “You have nothing to worry about. They already adore you. I promise.”

  Maybe it was better I didn’t have time to build the meeting up. The randomness of the last few minutes had meant it was an authentic first introduction, and it did feel like it went well.

  “Ready to go now?” he asked, gesturing to the other path he’d opened. It was still there, waiting for us.

  I nodded, and Chase kept his arm around me as we stepped out. I felt more than capable of walking on my own, but there was no way I was telling him that. He was touching me. I liked the touching.

  “Do you and your father have short hair because of the overlord thing?” I asked him. The few other House of Leights members I’d seen all had long hair, which had me wondering.

  Chase nodded. “Yes, overlord major and minor have their hair short to display our marks. Otherwise it’s customary for our people to grow their hair long. It’s a sign of age, which is a sign of wisdom.”

  I got the feeling wisdom was something our people respected a great deal.

  “Tell me about your life,” he said as he held a branch back for me. He was so much taller that everything hit him first. “I want to know who you are, the life you’ve lived.”

  I paused, trying to think of something fun and interesting to say. After a few moments, I realized there was nothing. “I’ve been kind of lonely, really.” Pathetic, but it was the truth. “My parents love me, don’t get me wrong, but their jobs have dominated their time. So, I just drifted along. If it wasn’t for Brad, I’m not sure if I’d be as well-adjusted as I am. His parents also work for the government, so we kept each other company.”

  “Brad…” He let the name trail off, and I worried we were about to have our first moment of jealousy and male dominance. I wouldn’t give up Brad, not even for Chase, so I really hoped he wouldn’t ask that of me.

  “I’m very glad he was around.” His words took me by surprise. “It’s nice to see the bond you two have. It reminds me of my friendship with Lexen, Daniel, and Xander. The four of us have been through a lot together. We had to hide our friendship for many years because of bad blood between our houses, but we’re connected on a level which I don’t believe can be broken.”

  In some ways, I felt like Chase might have been as lonely as I was. Moving nomadically all the time would have been really tough. I doubted he would have seen his friends much, especially if they were hiding their bond.

  “I’m really happy you had the other guys,” I said, echoing his sentiment. “I believe humans … and Daelighters, I would guess … thrive in a close community. We need love and support. No person should be an island, you know.”

  We’d had to move apart as we got further into the trees, so I reached out and took his hand. He automatically laced our fingers together. I loved the way he did that. “You won’t be lonely anymore,” he said, his voice sounding a little rougher than usual. “You have me. Our bond is from the fates, and you have the other secret keepers and their mates. The eight of us … it’s soul deep.”

  He was philosophical. Never how I would have described myself, but I was starting to come around to his way of thinking. “Already marrying Xander and the last girl off,” I teased, needing to lessen the emotion for
a beat. “Don’t you think he might want a say?”

  Chase chuckled. “Xander is going to be the hardest to crack. He’s adamant that he’ll never settle down. He moves through women … not disrespecting them, but always making sure they know he’s not the serious kind. Not now. Maybe not ever.”

  “Do they normally have marriages, or bonds and mates in House of Royale?”

  “The caramina – tailed folk – are much more isolated in nature than most of the other houses. They live in pods that move together beneath the legreto. Honestly, no one knows that much about their families and relationships, but from the little I have learned from Xander, I think it’s possible that they do not have any traditional bonds. They tend to just switch and change partners whenever they get sick of each other. If a child results, that’s no problem, because they are raised in a collective, pretty much.”

  “So, no one knows who the father is?” That kind of weirded me out. “Do they make sure not to get into relationships with someone younger? Just in case it’s their kid?”

  Chase nodded. “Yes, that is generally the rule. Also, most young are sent to other pods. Like exchanges. It would be very rare for that sort of situation to arise.”

  Still kind of creepy. I hadn’t met Xander yet, but I had some mental images of him that weren’t very flattering.

  “You said tailed folk…” I blurted suddenly as I remembered that. “Like … literally? They have tails and swim under the water?”

  Mermaids. My mental image of Xander changed completely, and now he was a hot, buff mermaid. God I was shallow.

  “They can choose to have tails or legs. Under the water, I believe they mostly have tails, for the speed.”

  “How long can they stay under water for?”

  His smile grew and I had to shake my head to focus again. “Forever. They have a dual breathing system that allows them to filter the oxygen in the legreto. Again, they can choose which to utilize.”


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