"I am to be George Evan's wife. This will be my home." She looked around the room. "Someday. I wonder if I'll ever feel like I'm something other than a guest."
"You will be mistress of this house one day," Rebecca said.
Sighing, Ursula nodded. What would it be like to go from Heir Presumptive to Lady Selwyn? George Evan would never inherit any fortune, and what land he might own one day would be minimal.
Surely, her love for him would make all that meaningless.
Dinner was a modest affair, but Ursula hadn't expected anything else. The soup course was clearly something the footman was not used to as he served her from the wrong side before the butler corrected him. The broth was thin with few vegetables, and she wondered if this were the usual fare for the family.
Pir Walter and Lady Alice sat on opposite ends of a long table that could seat three times the number of people here tonight. George Evan was the fourth person at the meal, and he sat across from Ursula. He smiled at her as he sipped his broth but no one spoke.
The silence grew until the Princess felt as though she were smothering in it. Was it like this every night? Her soup was soothing but not quite filling, and she resisted the urge to ask for a second helping, assuming another course would follow soon.
After another moment, Pir Walter folded his napkin and set it next to his bowl, which still held a few tiny pieces of carrot. Ursula's heart raced.
Was the meal finished? Were the Selwyns' this destitute that even when royalty visited, all they had for dinner was thin broth? No wonder Lady Alice's father had retreated to a fantasy world.
"How is the Queen's health?" Pir Walter asked as the butler refilled everyone's goblets with ale. "Any word on when the babies will make their appearance?"
"No, Sahdeer," Ursula said. "Kylan and the court physician said it should be in the next month, but she feels fine."
"I understand a delegation from Heyton has come with a proposal to open friendly relations between our two countries."
"Father," George Evan said, "I don't think now is the time to discuss politics. I'm sure this isn't something that interests the Princess."
"On the contrary," Ursula said. "I am interested in the potential for open relations with the Kingdom of Heyton." She smiled at the Sahdeer. "As George Evan has probably told you, I have been doing my part to improve the lives of the prisoners' families."
Pir Walter nodded and glanced at his wife. Then he turned back to Ursula. "So, I heard a rumor the King of Heyton offered a proposal where the prisoners would be released."
Ice began to flow through Ursula's veins and as she reached for her goblet of ale, she saw her hand tremble. Swallowing and keeping her expression calm, she asked the Sahdeer, "May I ask where you heard this, Pir Walter?"
The butler and footmen came from the door that led to the kitchen, carrying plates, each with a small meat pie and a shallow bowl of gravy. When they had set one serving in front of each diner and left the room, the Sahdeer turned back to her.
"Your brother spoke to the House of Pirs a few days ago."
Had Ramone told all the nobles in Valborough she was to marry the King of Heyton? She hadn't told her brother about George Evan's proposal yet, but surely, Mariana wouldn't have let him announce something that wasn't true?
"Are the prisoners coming home, Your Highness?" Lady Alice asked, her face bright with excitement. "My personal maid, Sarai, has a nephew who has been held in Heyton for eight years without any word to his family."
Eight years. Ursula's stomach churned and even the aroma of the meat pie and gravy, rich with spices and something fruity, couldn't tempt her. Trying not to show the turmoil roiling in her stomach, she pushed her plate a little bit away from her before she embarrassed herself. She took a deep breath before she spoke, trying to keep her voice even.
"A proposal did come from Heyton," she said, finally. "I'm not involved in all the negotiations. The Queen has excused me from the discussions because George Evan will only be with us for a few more days."
She gave him a brief smile, hoping to reassure him, then continued. "What I do know is that not all parts of the proposal were acceptable to the Queen, and talks are ongoing."
"Isn't this exciting, Walter?" Lady Alice said. "Those poor men have been gone for so long. It would be wonderful for them to return. Think of how good this could be for the whole kingdom."
Ursula sipped her ale, but even the little she drank fell into her stomach like acid rocks. What would they say if they knew the whole story?
She saw George Evan watching her, and she schooled her features into the perfect Princess mask. One day, when they were an old married couple, watching their grandchildren play in these rooms, she'd tell him she gave up the crown of Heyton to marry him.
Perhaps by then, the guilt would be nothing more than the memory of pain and not the stab of poison she felt now.
"What parts of the proposal were not to the Queen's liking?" George Evan asked quietly, keeping his eyes on her.
"Perhaps the Princess isn't privy to those things," his father said, but the Margrave shook his head.
"No. Ursula has been involved in the discussions of how to improve the lives of the prisoners' families since Queen Mariana and Grand Prince Orlando came to the throne. I'm sure the Queen has talked to her sister about all this." He never took his eyes off her face.
Ursula searched her mind for something she could say. She couldn't tell him what King Killian wanted. George Evan was such an honorable man, he'd break the engagement to better the lives of the people of the kingdom. She couldn't give him that chance.
Finally, she said, "The King of Heyton wanted something the Queen was unwilling to give. That's all I know."
It wasn't totally true, but it wasn't completely a lie, either. Mariana would never have ordered her to marry the King but if she'd volunteered, Ursula was sure her offer would be accepted. Releasing the prisoners was the main thing Orlando and Mariana had wanted.
Lady Alice looked from her son to Ursula and said, in a shaky voice, "Perhaps we should continue our meal. The food will be getting cold."
"Of course," George Evan said, but he hadn't stopped looking at Ursula. "We can always talk later."
The moon was full as it floated over the Selwyn Estate. Ursula had avoided George Evan's inevitable curiosity about the conversation at dinner. She hoped if she stayed away from him until the next morning, something else would catch his attention and the discussion of the treaty would be forgotten.
She stood on the balcony of her room, watching as he cared for the horses. With his Fauna Sensitivity, he always checked on the animals even though he trusted the family's stable and hound masters. It was one of the things she liked most about him; the way he took special care of those who were entrusted to him.
She could only believe he'd care for her the same way.
At that moment, he saw her. Even though she was some distance away from the stable, with her Air Sensitivity, she could see him as clearly as if he stood next to her, and she saw the expression on his face soften. He smiled, and there was no doubt in her mind that he loved her. Not just love, he adored her, and she felt a wave of peace.
There would never be strife in their home, once they were wed. He would do everything possible to make her happy, to see she was comfortable and protected. Like a treasure, she would be adored and cherished, honored and loved.
What more could a woman ask for? Why was she even doubting her own decision to choose him over a man she'd never met who was old enough to be her father?
Just as he started to walk back toward the house, a horse and rider came galloping up the drive, wearing the colors of the Queen. It could only be bad news, because no one with good news would push his mount so hard and risk damage to the animal.
George Evan glanced back at her before hurrying to the rider's side.
She knew, in her heart, this message was about her, and she lifted her skirt a bit and rushed back to into her room and out to the
hallway. If something had happened to Mariana, she had to get back to the palace as quickly as possible. She was the Heir Presumptive, and even though she would be in mourning, her duty was to the kingdom.
When she got outside, George Evan hurried over. "I hope it's not bad news." He handed her the note.
Fighting her trembling hands, she broke the Queen's seal and unfolded the note.
"Ursula," it said, "please return to the palace as soon as you can. King Killian has agreed to release one prisoner as a sign of his intentions. We think it's important you be the one to welcome this man home."
"It is good news, isn't it?"
George Evan's voice broke through the cold wave of dread that had washed over her as she'd read the words.
"King Killian is going to release one prisoner." She stared at the note.
One prisoner. Not all of them. Not even all the men from one village or all the injured and sick. Not the old men.
This was a message to her. This was the King's way of telling her there were still so many more languishing in prisons, and it was because of her only one family would see a loved one they'd feared was dead.
"That's good, Ursula." George Evan took her hand, and she let the thick parchment flutter to the ground.
"Of course," she said. "But, unfortunately, it means I need to get back to the palace."
Chapter 12
Veronica heard the outer door to her private office open, and she rolled up the scroll and hid it on her lap. Then, keeping her expression neutral, she waited to see who her visitor was.
"Your Highness, the Exarch would like to speak to you," Clothair, the Grand Princess's social secretary said as he stood in the doorway to the office proper.
Veronica brightened. Seeing Josiah always made her happy.
"Send him in, of course."
Her son entered the office, a pile of scrolls and other loose paper in his arms. "We need to talk, Mother."
"Of course, Josiah. You know I'm always here for you."
With no regard for the work she'd been doing, he dumped his burden on her desk. The Grand Princess gasped.
"What is all this?"
"These are the lists of prisoners from the war with Valborough." Josiah looked her in the eye. "The King wants a complete tally of how many men are in each prison and their names. Apparently, he's promised to release them as soon as he and his new bride consummate their marriage."
Veronica's heart began to beat faster. No one in the family knew she'd taken men from the prisons to work in her mines. If Killian found out, all her plans could be ruined.
"Why bring these here?" she asked, relieved her voice didn't betray her swirling emotions.
"There is no organization to these lists. In fact-" He shuffled through the pile of pages and pulled out two sheets. "—these two are both labeled 'Valborough prisoners in the Ashgate Holding Center.' None of the names match." The pages fell back to the desk.
"I still don't know what you expect me to do about this."
Josiah took a deep breath and dropped into a chair. "Your staff was keeping the records as they arrived from the battlefields. Uncle Killian said it was something you took charge of because Grandmother didn't have the resources to do it herself."
In fact, it was something Veronica volunteered her staff to do in the hopes of impressing her mother and getting the crown eventually. After that all proved to be a waste of time, she'd forgotten about it.
"Ah, yes." This could prove perfect. If her people took the tally, she could make sure her mine workers were overlooked. "Leave it to me," she said smiling. "I'll handle it."
"Oh," Josiah said as he started toward the door. "You need to find one man to be released, too."
Bunting and flowers decorated the windows and doorways of virtually every building lining Aldlake's main business streets. Ursula knew Flora Sensitives had a hand in this as it was approaching the end of the growing season, and the flowers should not have been this vibrant.
"Is it some sort of festival day?" Prince Gideon asked as he stared out of the window of the carriage. She'd invited him to come with her into town to welcome the released prisoner. George Evan was not here because he still had preparations to handle before he left for the harbor tomorrow morning.
"No," Ursula replied, "this is all to welcome Felix home. The man your uncle released three days ago. He is expected to arrive today."
"All this because one man is coming home?"
"You have no idea how these people have suffered since their husbands and fathers were captured and didn't return from the war, do you?"
He shifted in his seat and glared at her. "And you have no idea how much that war cost us."
"Are we going to have this argument again? I asked you to come with me so you could see how much these people need those men to come home."
"You have it in your power to make that happen."
Ursula's blood ran cold as her face heated. "I can't marry King Killian. I am promised to Margrave Selwyn."
"Promises can be broken," he muttered, turning back to the window.
The carriage stopped a moment later, and Hamneth, assistant to the royal physician and one of the men Orlando brought to the palace when Mariana took the throne, appeared at the door. He was a man of indeterminate age, with dull dark hair that was graying at the temples and hazel green eyes that sparkled when he laughed or looked at the Queen, on whom he had a bit of a crush.
"Your Highness, may I offer my assistance?" He raised his hand toward her.
Ursula glanced at Prince Gideon. Officially, it was his job to escort her out of the carriage, but clearly, he had no intention of exiting first. He hadn't even picked his cane up from the floor to stand.
She sighed then turned back to Hamneth with a smile. "Thank you, Pir Doctor." The title was merely a courtesy as he had no official standing in the House of Pirs nor as a true physician. Taking his hand, she allowed him to help her to the ground.
"My pleasure, Your Highness." The older man blushed, then bowed and hurried away. He joined a group of people who had come from the palace in another carriage.
Reluctantly, Ursula gave her attention to Prince Gideon. "Are you coming?"
"Is it strictly necessary?" he asked. "I mean, why are we here? So a man comes home. I understand why the village wants to celebrate, I suppose, although this man couldn't have been important to everyone. I also don't understand why you have to be here. There is much work to be done on the treaty, even though your sister is being stubborn about not agreeing to anything until the prisoner situation is resolved."
He waved his hand toward the town square where a crowd had gathered. "I should be there instead of at some party."
A handful of men off to one side of the square were playing lively music, and a dozen or more young people were dancing some kind of jig. The steps were unfamiliar to Ursula but the beat of the music had started her feet moving.
On the other side, women were gathered around tables holding a colorful arrangement of bowls and platters that were undoubtedly filled with delicious food.
She turned back to the Prince. "Suit yourself. The driver can take you back to the palace, but I'm staying at the party." She closed the carriage door and walked toward the women. Rebecca followed her, having come with the rest of the people from court.
"Where is our Heyton guest?" Traren fell into step beside her.
"This event is apparently beneath him," she responded, glancing back to the carriage, still sitting where she left it. "He thinks he should be working on the treaty."
Traren offered her his arm, which she took gratefully. He said, "There is still a lot of work to do. I, myself, am quite worried about cotton tariffs and water rights in the north."
Ursula laughed. "I'm sure you are." They reached the food table. "I'm also sure one of these delicious-looking meat pastries will soothe your concerns."
"I don't know. Cotton tariffs on one hand. Meat pastries on the other. Hard choice." He
spoke to one of the women behind the table. "May I?"
"Of course," she said, dropping into a small curtsy. "It's so nice to have you here, Princess Ursula."
The Princess took the offered pastry, thanked the woman, then she and Traren walked away from the table.
A tall, teenaged boy ran toward them, chasing a wooden ball. He bumped into Ursula, nearly knocking her to the ground. Traren steadied her, and the young man froze, fear and embarrassment warring on his face.
"James?" Ursula said when she regained her balance.
The boy stared at the ground and kicked at the dirt with the toe of his boot. A moment later, several other young men joined them. One, shorter than the rest, picked up the ball. They all fidgeted as Ursula regarded them.
"You know these gentlemen?" Traren asked, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
"I know James," she replied. "His sister Patty was one of the children I visited at the Queen's hospital last spring."
"Ah. The girl with pneumonia last spring." Traren faced the boy. "You know, the Princess hoped you and your siblings would be attending the school she worked so hard to open."
"Yes, sire," James said. "I think we should be able to now, seeing's how my uncle is returning from the Heyton prison. We expect Papa to be home any day now."
"Come on, men," a voice cried from the other side of the town square. "We have to get back to the field or Cardall will win by default."
The boys all looked in that direction, and a couple started to move. Then they glanced at Traren who nodded and waved.
"Go, gentlemen. Play a good game. Make Aldlake proud."
The boys ran off.
Ursula stared after them, her brain feeling as though it had shut down. Felix was James' uncle. She hadn't known who the man was King Killian chose to release. Surely it was a coincidence that it would be someone related to a family she'd been helping, but not Caroline's husband.
"What's wrong?" Traren asked softly.
Questionable Queen Page 11