Annihilation Saga IV - Fight and They Will Come

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Annihilation Saga IV - Fight and They Will Come Page 31

by Saxon Andrew

  “Yes, Sir. But why do you want me to take tests?”


  “Yes, Sir!”

  The Admiral stared into Drew’s face for another ten-seconds and then turned around and started out of the cell. He stopped at the door and glared at Drew, “Look at it this way; this might make the time pass faster.” Admiral Shan turned and stormed out of the cell and up the hall. The good-looking Lieutenant took a box of sharpened pencils out of her folder and put them on the table. She smiled and followed the Admiral out. Drew fell into the chair at the table. The Lieutenant’s smile was the first one he’d seen since he was arrested. He stared at the three-boxes and wondered what they could do if he refused to take the tests. He reached into the first box and took the stapled papers out from the top. He glanced at the questions on the first page and saw that he knew the answers; he’d learned the information from the books the computer gave him to read. He took a pencil out of the box, put the point on the paper, and started. The Guard pressed a stopwatch when the pencil touched the paper.

  • • •

  Eddie completed eight-tests and saw through the small high window that daylight was fading quickly. He put the pencil back in the box as his evening meal arrived. He completed it and then went back to taking the tests. He finished three-more before he saw the lights flash and the New Stars Realm’s Anthem begin playing. He stood at attention until it ended and then went to his bunk. He fell back on the mattress as the lights went out in his cell. He stared at the ceiling and after a few-minutes, fell asleep. He had the first restful night since being thrown into the cell. The Admiral was right, taking the tests did make time go by faster.

  Eddie spent the next-three-weeks taking the tests and was surprised by how much he remembered from his studying the material the computer provided him. Most of the information was technical and some of it were questions about the Realm’s history. The computer didn’t give him any history books, but he was in the accelerated classes in secondary school and he excelled in history. The math questions were relatively simple. Some questions made him stretch to work them out, but he felt satisfied he had done ok. Finally, he completed the last test and put them back in their boxes. The Guards watched him closely during the time he took the tests and they came in his cell, picked up the boxes, and walked out. Drew quickly asked, “Lieutenant!” The guard turned around. “Sir, the Admiral was right about doing this making time pass faster. Could you see if there are any other tests I can take?” The Guard stared at him, then turned in silence, and left the cell. Five-days later, no new tests had been brought to him.

  Drew went to his bunk and looked at the marks on the wall. He thought furiously and began counting. He realized he had been incarcerated for three-months; tomorrow was his eighteenth-birthday. He would be a prisoner the day he became of legal-age. He slammed his fist on the mattress and realized that Lyla’s birthday had already passed, and he missed it.

  • • •

  The next day, Drew finished his morning meal and the Lieutenant walked into his cell with a Fleet Officer’s uniform. Drew saw there were no rank insignias or unit patches on it. “Put this on, Baker!”

  Drew exhaled sharply, “Does my court-marshal start today?”

  “Shut up and do as you’re ordered!”

  Drew nodded, “Yes, Sir.” He undressed and put the uniform on. He went and sat down on his bunk. He lowered his head and felt his fear begin to grow. He sat in his cell and waited. His noon meal arrived, but he was too nervous to eat. An hour later, Captain Daugherty entered his cell. Drew jumped to attention and the Captain said, “At ease, Baker. Take a seat.”

  The guard brought a chair in for the captain and he sat across the table from Drew. “Baker, I’ve worked out a plea agreement with the prosecution. You will be given one, and only one, opportunity to accept it and if you violate the conditions of the deal, you will be immediately brought before a court-marshal, do you understand?”

  “What is the deal?” Drew asked.

  “I can’t reveal the conditions until you accept the plea bargain. I will tell you that it will keep you out of prison, but that is all.”

  Drew stared at the captain and said, “Short of busting rocks for the rest of my life, I think I can accept whatever you’ve worked out, Sir.”

  “’I think’ doesn’t cut it, Baker!”

  “Ok, I agree to adhere to the conditions of the plea bargain.”

  Daugherty lowered his eyes, “You understand that you will follow these conditions without complaint and will keep them secret?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Daugherty shouted over his shoulder, “Lieutenant!” The guard walked in and handed Daugherty a padded folder and a black-box. Daugherty turned to Drew, “The tests you recently took were all the final exams a cadet has to pass to graduate from the academy. Remarkably enough, you passed them. This is the first condition. Daugherty slid the padded folder across the table to Drew. He opened it and saw a graduation diploma from the Alexander Kosiev Fleet Academy with his name on it. His eyes flew open and he jerked them up to the captain. “That’s condition one. You will accept the diploma and remain silent about how you received it.” Drew stared at him and then nodded. Daugherty smiled slightly, “Which brings us to condition-two. I don’t know how you managed to do it but your scores on the tests would have placed you in the top-five-graduates of this year’s class. Truth be told, you’d probably have been number one but that is not something we’re going to give you. However, the top-five-graduates are given the rank of Senior-Captain and you have earned that.” Daugherty opened the black box, took out two-golden-captain’s-bars and pinned them on Drew’s collar. Drew started shaking his head and Daugherty raised his hand, “Remember…no complaints!”

  ‘Sir, I don’t deserve this!”

  “Your scores say you do. The last condition is that you will be attending a meeting and you will keep your mouth shut! Do you understand!”

  Drew’s head tilted slightly, “Yes, Sir.”

  “You will not under any circumstances reveal that you took part in the recent battle with the OAs, understood!!”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good! Now, come with me!” The Captain stood up and walked out of the cell. After he passed, the two-guards went to attention and saluted Drew. Drew returned their salutes and the Lieutenant said, “Thank you, Sir.”

  “For what?” Drew asked.

  Daugherty yelled from up the hall, “Get your rear in gear!!” Drew turned and sprinted to catch up to the fast-moving captain. They exited the building and entered an Algean Spear Class Shuttle. It lifted and accelerated around the planet. “What’s going on, Sir?”

  “Baker, if I wanted you to know, I’d tell you. Now be quiet and remember, keep your big mouth shut!”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  • • •

  The shuttle had no windows and Drew was surprised after it landed that it was inside Castle Gardner’s walls. He tried to ask the Captain why he was there, but the Captain had quickly walked away from him and up the marble steps to two-giant-ornate-wooden-doors. He stopped in front of them and they were opened by the guards. “Follow me, Captain Baker!” Captain Daugherty walked through the huge doors and stopped just inside them. Drew stopped beside him and saw the giant room was filled to standing room only. The numbers of different species present were amazing. Drew quickly noticed that the attendees were wearing the official uniforms of planetary officials. He looked toward the front of the giant room and saw the New Queen addressing the gathering. He saw that the front-third of the seats on the left side of the room was by the Realms Nobility. Across the aisle from them were the Senior Officers of the Realm’s military forces. He saw Admiral Shan sitting on the front
row. He started listening and heard the Queen say, “I delayed holding this meeting until our fleet returned from the OA’s home universe. It is with a proud heart that I tell everyone that the OAs have been eradicated and will never represent a threat to the Realm again!”

  The room exploded into a thunderous ovation. While the room was cheering, Rose looked at Captain Daugherty and he nodded. She gave a slight nod and then raised her arms. The room became silent and she said, “We will be moving the galaxies out of the dark dimension back into the Realm’s universe and we will start working to make the New Stars Realm the greatest in history. We will be at peace and will come together to insure the Realm stands by the ideals it was founded on!” There were thunderous cheers as the attendees stood up and yelled at the top of their voices. Rose didn’t stop them.

  • • •

  Finally, she raised her arms and the exhausted crowd went to their seats. She looked at Captain Daugherty and nodded. “Follow me, Baker and keep your mouth shut!!” The captain started walking down the long center aisle and Drew thought it took forever to arrive at the front of the room. Drew stood at attention and stared at the Queen. She looked so much like the former queen; same blonde-hair, blue-eyes, and height. Suddenly, Captain Daugherty did an about face and whispered forcefully, ‘BE SILENT!”, before he walked away toward the back of the room.

  Drew started to sweat, what was going on. The Queen was staring at him and he felt his fear start to rise. Rose’s expression was neutral, and Drew couldn’t determine if she was angry or…anything. Rose looked up from him toward the huge gathering. She looked at the front row to her left and asked, “Where is the other one?”

  Drew kept his eyes straight ahead and heard footsteps on the marble floor moving toward him from behind. A Fleet Officer moved up beside him and he saw out of the corner of his eyes that it was Lyla. He stiffened and saw her shake her head slightly. He jerked his eyes forward and prayed she wasn’t going to be punished for his actions. Rose waited, and the huge chamber became deathly silent. “I want all of you to turn your attention to the wall on your right side.” Everyone looked to the wall made of brilliant-white-marble and saw names engraved in it. Drew wanted to look at Lyla but saw her looking at the wall and he turned to see it. “That is the Wall of Heroes. The ones who have their names on that wall have been the New Realm’s greatest heroes and getting your name on that wall takes much more than just being brave; you must accomplish a deed beyond anything ever done by the ones enshrined on that wall. The first name of the wall is Admiral Kellie Mongovie. Ross was attacked by twenty-thousand-warships and Admiral Mongovie went out and single-handedly- destroyed or damaged five-thousand-enemy-warships. She was the very first hero of the New Realm and no one has come close to her remarkable achievement.”

  Rose turned away from the wall and continued, “We’ve just fought a battle against the OA fleets to defend the Realm from their invasion. During that battle, two of our pilots destroyed or damaged more than forty-thousand-OA-Warships during the three-week-fight.” The room was struck silent. Rose looked at Drew and Lyla, “One of the two-pilots died in the last minutes of the fight and his brother is here representing him before us. Ensigns Russel Baker and Lyla Cartwright fought with a determination and skill never witnessed in the history of the Realm. Before I send you home to start making the Realm something really special, we will honor our newest additions to the wall. Rose looked to her right and Tag and Danielle stood up and walked over to Drew and Lyla. The took a medal with a burgundy and blue ribbon and placed them over Drew and Lyla’s neck. Danielle smiled and hugged Lyla and Tag hugged Drew and whispered in his ear, “I think your brother will rest now.” Drew’s tears were falling, and Tag stepped back, “You can earn your own medal at another time.”

  Drew looked him in the eyes and said quietly, “I pray I never have that opportunity.” Tag’s smile was instant.

  Rose and JP walked off the dais and Rose hugged Lyla as JP shook Drew’s hand. Rose whispered, “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, Your Majesty.”

  She walked to Drew and embraced him, “Captain, make your squadron the best in Fleet!”

  “I will, Your Majesty.” Rose stepped back, “Would you have preferred to have your name on the wall.”

  “NO! Your Majesty. This is perfect.”

  Rose nodded and raised her arms, “It is with a grateful heart and sincere admiration that I introduce the New Stars Realm’s newest heroes! Show them your appreciation!”

  The room exploded, and Drew turned to Lyla, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be, Drew. I’m your second-in-command in our new regiment.”

  “You should be in command!”

  Lyla smiled, “I probably would be but for the Queens knowing the truth and who made what we did possible. You are the right one to command, Drew.”

  Drew stared at Lyla and said, “I love you.”

  She went into his arms and said, “I love you, too. I’d never let you go, no matter what I said.”

  “Will you marry me?”

  “Are you eighteen?”


  “Then after a few days, we’ll do it.”

  Drew hugged her as the ovation grew in volume and power.

  • • •

  Rose walked over to Tag and Danielle, “Please tell me I can get you to change your plans!”

  Danielle hugged Rose, “Our destiny lies elsewhere, Rose. The Realm is yours and you are the perfect one to make it special.”

  Danielle released Rose and Tag hugged her, “Promise you will come and visit…often!” Tag smiled and nodded.

  Danielle went to JP and hugged him, “I can leave knowing that you are here to take care of my daughter.”

  “Thank you, Danielle.”

  Tag and Danielle walked to the left and exited a side-door. Danielle looked up, “ALEX!!”

  They disappeared and reappeared on the Kosiev’s bridge. Tag activated his red armor and exhaled, “It’s good to be out of that royal uniform.” Danielle activated her armor as well, as Tag looked up and said, “Alex, find us a good fight!”

  “That’s what I’m talking about!”

  Danielle looked across the bridge at the young Algean and said, “Are you ready, Al.”

  “Am I ever!”

  The Kosiev disappeared from above Ross and the Gardners felt free for the first time since they returned to the Realm years ago.

  • • •

  Rose was talking to some powerful dignitaries and looked over at the Senior Officers. Eddie saw her stare at him and then nod. He stood up and said to Janie, “Come with me.” Janie followed him out of the room and Eddie thought, “Bobby, take us up.”

  They appeared on the Nightmare’s bridge and Janie looked at him, “What’s going on?”

  “The Queen has asked me to handle an issue.”

  “What is that?”

  Eddie looked at her, “All of the OAs have not been killed.”

  “Oh?! Why did she choose you?”

  “I think because the OAs caused Cali’s death and both of us suffered because of that. I think she believes I have the will and reason to remove them

  “So, you’ve decided to kill them?”

  “You heard the Queen announce that they were all dead.”

  “So, your mind is made up?” Janie asked.

  “I’m going to resolve this issue!” Eddie thought to his crew, “All hands report to your stations.” He went to his chair and the Nightmare teleported out.

  Chapter Thirty

  Susan sat in front of the OAs in the clearing and saw the Red Warriors teleporting up to the transport. She sighed and plugged the torch into her armor, “There’s something I need to tell you.”

  “What is that?” the front OA asked.

  “My civilization has exterminated every member of your species in your home universe.”

  The OA was silent, and Susan wondered if it was going to attack her. Then it replied, “That is regrettable

  “The one’s here in this clearing are the only remaining members of your species.”

  “What are they going to do with us?”

  “I honestly don’t know.”

  “What would you recommend?” the OA asked.

  “I believe you should be allowed to live.”

  “It would be easier for you to just kill us and not have to deal with the danger we represent.”

  Susan sighed, “I know.” She heard a huge noise of thrusters behind her and turned around. She saw the grass a hundred-and-fifty-yards away was being whipped around, but nothing was visible. The grass stopped moving and she heard the sound of thruster turbines winding down. Suddenly, a port opened, and she saw two-fleet officers step out; one of them was wearing an admiral’s uniform. The moment had finally arrived; the OA’s fate was going to be decided.

  Eddie walked toward the large group of OAs and Janie’s brow furrowed, “How many are there?”

  “Over four-thousand,” Eddie answered.

  “There’s only ten-warriors guarding them, and they don’t have their Mag-Guns trained on them. Is this safe?”

  “I have Bobby and Susan manning the two-psychic-blasters. We’ll be safe enough.”

  Janie shrugged, “OK, this is your show.”

  Susan said loudly, SQUAD, ATTENNNSHUN!” The ten-Red-Warriors came to attention and Susan saluted.

  “At ease, Sargent, as you were.”

  Susan dropped the salute and Eddie looked around and said, “Sargent, move your squad away from the OAs.”

  “Sir, I respectfully ask what is your intention?”

  “That is none of your concern, Sargent.”

  “Sir, if you intend to kill them, it is my concern.”

  “Oh, and why is that?”

  “Because I promised they would be safe if they followed my orders.”

  Eddie blinked. “And just how did you manage to pull that off, Sargent?”

  “I talked to them and they agreed to not harm any member of my species. They have kept their promise.”


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