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Tasty Page 28

by John McQuaid

  in processed foods, 192, 194, 202

  sensitivity to, 34, 57–58, 68

  umami as substitute for, 234

  Sassanid dynasty, 112

  Savoriness. See Umami

  Schultz, Wolfram, 127

  Science magazine, 55

  Scientific method, 2, 155, 242

  Scoville, Wilbur, 176–78

  Scoville units, 161–63, 170, 172, 176–78, 181, 185

  Sea anemones, 49

  Searle pharmaceutical company, 131

  Secarz, Lior Lev, 237–39

  Secor, Stephen, 41

  Senegal, 43

  Senomyx, 207–8

  Sensation and Perception in the History of Experimental Psychology (Boring), 2

  Sesquiterpenes, 90

  Seven Years War, 193

  Sex, 6, 21, 95, 119–20, 125, 176

  cravings for, 110

  deviant or inappropriate, disgust in response to, 139, 140

  and pleasure centers of brain, 122

  Sheep, 78, 86–89, 103

  Shepherd, Gordon, 92, 94

  Shepherd-Barr, Kirsten, 94

  Siam, 169

  Siberia, volcanic eruptions in, 23–24

  Sicily, 113

  Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), 110–11, 113, 118

  Silk Road, 112, 238

  Simner, Julia, 100–101

  Singapore, National University of, 174

  6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP), 58

  Skinner, B. F., 120–21, 207

  Skinner boxes, 207

  Slave trade, 115, 116, 169

  Smell, sense of, 2, 48, 49, 80, 90–96, 98–102, 164

  brain structures involved in, 12, 92, 101–2, 127, 199

  of children, 14

  delicious, 209

  disgust and, 139, 142, 151

  evolution of, 18, 22–23, 26–27, 30, 34, 42, 79, 90

  memory and, 23, 94, 139

  receptors for, 9, 27, 42, 99

  sex hormones and, 198

  spices and, 238, 239

  umami and, 234

  See also Olfactory mechanisms

  Smithsonian Institution, 166, 240

  Human Origins Program, 44

  Solanaceae, 164, 193

  Sonoran Desert, 18

  Soranzo, Nicole, 66

  South Africa, 35

  South America, 65

  Soy-based foods, 78, 89, 96, 232, 233

  umami in, 98, 235

  Soylent, 211–13

  Spain, 50, 63, 168–69, 191

  colonies of, 114–15, 176, 193

  cuisine of, 220

  Spices, 105, 113, 168–70, 236–39

  acidic, 105

  See also Chili peppers

  Spindle neurons, 147

  Splenda, 131

  Stanford University, 53, 205

  Stem cells, 208–10

  Stevia, 108

  Stevia rebaudiana, 132

  Still Life with Absinthe (van Gogh), 75

  Stone Age tribes, 141, 142

  Streptococcus, 87

  Studies on Fermentation (Pasteur), 218

  Sucralose, 131–32

  Sucrose, 118, 130, 131

  Sugar, 3, 107–19, 121–24, 126–32, 164, 189, 196, 200

  amino acids combined with. See Maillard reactions

  bitterness and, 50–52, 72

  in fermentation process, 69, 80–82, 84–85, 89, 98, 217, 253

  Sugar (cont.)

  in food preservation, 156

  for infants and children, 14, 87

  overindulgence in, 107–9, 118–19, 128–30, 164, 192, 195, 197

  pleasure response to, 110–11, 119–24, 126–28, 201, 207

  refined, production of, 109–18, 168, 199

  substitutes for, 108–9, 130–33, 207, 209

  in synthetic meat, 210

  See also Sweetness

  Sustainable agriculture, 228

  Sweating, 163, 174–75, 179, 187

  Sweetness, 2–3, 8, 68, 77, 95, 99, 200, 202

  aromas and, 99, 102, 171

  bitterness balanced with, 51–53, 77, 99

  evolutionary role of response to, 27, 34, 163

  receptors for, 9, 11, 60–61, 98, 105, 129–30, 207

  See also Sugar

  Switzerland, 75, 76

  Synapses, 15, 42, 94, 206

  Symposium (Plato), 5

  Synsepalum dulcificum, 105–6

  Synesthesia, 99–100, 102

  Syria, 238

  Szechuan peppers, 180

  Ta Henket, 84

  Taino people, 114, 115, 168

  Tapassu, 111

  Tasmania, 109

  Taste receptors, 4, 9, 70–71, 96–99, 105, 129, 175, 180, 195–98, 235

  artificial sweeteners and, 130–31

  DNA of, 9–11, 48, 60–63, 67, 69, 207

  fat and, 12, 195

  fMRI studies of, 11–12, 95

  TAS2R38, 61, 66, 71

  Tate & Lyle Corporation, 131

  Terroir, 222, 224, 227, 243

  Tewksbury, Jonathan, 165

  Texas, University of, 26

  Thailand, 191

  cuisine of, 170, 173

  Thaumatin, 132

  Thaumatococcus danielli, 132

  This, Hervé, 219–20

  Thousand and One Nights, The, 113

  Thresh, John Clough, 177

  Thujone, 75–76

  Tierra del Fuego, 138, 142, 154

  Timaeus (Plato), 5

  Tishkoff, Sarah, 67–68

  Tofu, 78, 215

  Tokyo Imperial University, 234

  Tomatoes, 96, 132, 164, 232, 236, 241–42

  Tongue map, 1–5, 8, 13, 60, 200

  Toronto, University of, 56, 57, 148

  Touch, sense of, 6, 7, 48, 98, 163, 179

  disgust and, 137–39, 149, 153

  evolution of, 34

  of infants, 100

  receptors for, 180, 195

  Toxins, 49, 90, 143, 151, 164, 253n

  Travel Channel, 151

  Trigeminal nerve, 180

  Trilobites, 18–23

  Trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), 151

  Tryon, Thomas, 115–18

  T2R1, 62

  Tulane University, 124–25

  Turkey, 84, 86, 88, 102

  23andMe genetic testing service, 58

  Twitter, 230

  2-methylpropanal, 93

  Uganda, 244

  Ultimatum game, 148

  Umami, 4, 95–98, 158, 215, 225, 228, 234–37

  chemical version of, 97

  DNA for, 207

  evolution of, 34, 39, 90, 163

  of processed foods, 192, 194, 202

  receptors for, 60, 96–97, 235

  virtual, 213

  United Kingdom. See Britain

  United States, 76

  Army, Natick Laboratories, 200–202

  Defense Department, 141

  junk food in, 192

  Patent and Trademark Office, 236

  potato chips in, 190, 194

  prisons in, 198

  University College London, 66, 100

  Uruguay, 135

  Vanderbilt University, 89

  Van Gogh, Vincent, 75–76

  Vegetarianism, 116–17

  Velosa, Gonzalo de, 115

  Venezuela, 167

  Vertebrates, evolution of, 21, 26, 69

  Vezina, Gaetane, 57

  Vietnam War, 200

  Vikings, 152

  Virtual reality, 213

Vision, 5, 6, 21, 48, 203

  evolution of, 28–31, 35

  Visual cortices, 31, 143, 195

  Von Economo neurons, 147

  Ward, Jamie, 100–101

  Washington, University of, 165

  Wasps, 80

  Watson computer system, 233–34

  West Virginia, soda tax in, 108

  Wild children, 154–55

  Wilde, Oscar, 75

  Wine, 12, 20, 58, 156, 204, 222, 242–43

  alcohol content of, 81, 98

  in ancient world, 82–83, 102, 103, 112, 130

  biochemistry of, 233

  distilled, 77

  fermentation of, 78–80, 89

  in Mediterranean diet, 70

  tastings, 4, 7

  Wise, Roy, 123–24, 263n

  Wooding, Stephen, 62

  Woods, Nick, 162

  World War II, 62, 189

  Wormwood, 75

  Wrangham, Richard, 41

  Yahgan tribe, 135–38, 149, 151, 153, 154, 159

  Yale University, 68, 129, 240

  Yeasts, 19, 69, 82, 84–85, 98, 217–18, 225

  baker’s, 79–80, 89

  Yogurt, 78, 87, 89, 105, 203, 218

  Yucatan Peninsula, meteor strike off, 28

  Zapotec peoples, 183, 184

  Zuker, Charles, 196

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