Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1) Page 23

by Riverr Ravenswood

  He hangs his head again. I take it in with a sense of foreboding. If Ash, who has been training with his magic for so long could be made vulnerable, then how could I protect myself and everyone else better?

  ‘Can you stop this self doubt? You have not even scratched the surface of your powers babe. Shut up.’

  Kali’s voice echoes in my mind.

  ‘Now is not the time Kali. Go back to sleep.’

  ‘I would if you could stop your whining and the mental wheels turning for a minute please.’

  I roll my mental eyes hoping she goes back to sleep.

  “We figured it out, so that’s good, right? From now on we just have to ensure that we are fully equipped to deal with it. How did you come out of it? What about that man?” I ask him.

  “See, that's the thing,” Dad says, and I turn to watch him. “We now know that the cloak was cast by two highly powerful Gifted. One of them followed the captives’ minds here. And was hiding out God knows since when. When Enzo attacked their cloak, I attacked them subsequently. It backfired to the mages too. It was after their mental connection had broken that I had shown my powers, so the captives didn’t get a chance to convey back that I am The Protector now and that we have found you. But the mages were still maintaining control of the captives’ minds, even though they couldn’t get any information. Like standing outside a closed door? Even if you cannot hear or see what is happening inside a room, when the fire escapes the door, you get caught up in it too. They couldn’t escape in time.”

  “Hang on… are you saying that the one casting the magic can get hurt too, even if they are away from the subject?” And why did nobody tell me before?

  “Yes. I would have told you when it was my turn to talk about my magic and powers.” Dad says. “When we cast mind magic, anyone here for that matter, while they are in possession of someone’s mind and if that person gets hurt, it is going to backfire through the mental link. Similarly, like Ash and Ryan can tell what someone is saying or seeing? If someone else had been there digging through their minds, then they leave their magical signature, which Ash and Ryan could follow the link back to that person. Not being able to locate that person would mean that person is one of the highest calibre.”

  “So these two mages were of that high potential?”

  “No not them. But these two were backed by another one. He pulled back at the first sign of trouble. And we cannot trace him back because they are really really powerful. On the Gifted scale they have to be a 9 or above, out of 10. Just like all of us.”

  “Oh damn.. Is he alive?”

  “Yes. Sensei healed him. And left him in the basement, after cloaking his mind too.”

  I think about that.

  “Could I come with you all when you go to meet them next time?”

  Dad keeps looking at me for some time. Then he nods.

  “But, you will do as we say. Down there, you are the youngest and least trained. And when anyone tells you to do something, you will do it. Deal?”

  “Dad, what can happen in the basement. Relax. I will do what you all say, but if, in an unlikely event, there is any danger, do not expect me to run away.” Dad opens his mouth to argue. “No. Never gonna happen. You know it. Your heart knows it. Your mind knows it. So let's just agree that I will listen to what you tell me to do, except leave anyone behind.”

  He lets out a bark of laughter then nods. I squeal and jump to look at Lexie and sign ‘Now we can have fun!’

  “Gudiya, everyone here knows sign language,” Baba says, laughing.

  “I know,” I shrug. “I wanted everyone to know, quietly.”

  Everyone snickers at that. But what draws my attention to the light in Baba’s eyes.

  “Okay, so…..” I start.

  “Yes, so.” Baba continues, and we both start laughing once again.

  “So, let's talk about my magic?”

  “What happened in the shed?” Dad asks, and all laughter flees from the room. Lexie clasps my hands as if worried that I will go off somewhere. All the guys sit on the edge of their seats and Dad and Baba have an unnerving expression.

  “Calm down guys. I am right here. And you all might find it funny. But just…. Just listen to me, okay?'' I ask everyone. I am worried if they will accept Kali. Because I want them to.

  The realisation hits me like a freight train. For the first time in my life, I am worried about someone other than Baba, Dad, Ma and my dogs, liking something or someone. Or rather, liking me.

  “What happened?” Baba asks again.

  Taking a deep grounding breath, I start.

  “Remember I told you that I had a feeling we needed to go in the shed? Well, the first part was finding the lookalike. But there was something more urgent. I started looking around, and suddenly I heard a voice. Urging me to find it. Urging me to hurry.”

  “What was it? Did you find it?” Vince asks.

  “Yes, yes I found it. On the table with nuts and bolts and various maps, I saw a shimmer. As I cleared the space to get to it, the tug became stronger and the urging, louder. I saw it was a chain. A gold chain, an inch thick. As soon as I touched it, I started burning from the inside. The chain vanished inside me. But once the chain was inside, it felt so good. Felt like home. I don’t know how else to describe it…”

  I am looking nervously at everyone, waiting for their verdict. As my eyes find Baba, he looks pale.

  “Where...where is this chain?” he asks me, getting paler by the second.

  “I told you it vanished inside me. It went beneath my skin,” I tell them.

  ‘You can call me if you want. Just wish it so and it will be so.’ Kali’s angelic voice comes to me.

  ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘It means that if you want me to come out as a chain, I will.’


  Baba stands with a screech!

  “You can talk to it? Her?” he asks.

  ‘Told you Baba would know!’

  My mouth opens of its own accord as I look at him.

  “Umm… yes… and she says that you will know more about her,” I tell him.

  “What do you mean?”


  “Who is she?

  “The chain?”

  All these questions are thrown at me making Kali laugh.

  Perhaps this is how all those shifters I read about in fantasy books feel - another being inside of them. It is surreal.

  “What is she Baba? Please tell me she isn't trapped. Please tell me she is happy…..” I plead with him.

  “What is her name?”

  “Kaleira. And her friends call her Kali.”

  As soon as the name is out of my mouth, everyone stills, their sharp inhales resounding in my ears. Nobody is even breathing. What? They all know of this?

  “What is it? Why are you all behaving like this?'' I ask them frantically. “Oh God, please don't tell me that she is a person trapped to be a chain,” my hand flows to my mouth as a sob comes out of me.

  ‘Oh dear Lord! Relax would you! I am a badass and nobody can trap me.’

  A laugh leaves me at her sassiness at the same time as Vince catches my eyes.

  “Don't worry. Nobody is trapped anywhere. But Sensei will tell you more about it.” He gives me a reassuring smile.

  I turn to look at Baba and he still looks pale.“What is going on Baba. Why do you look so pale?”

  Baba looks at me for a long time. Then, seeming to make up his mind, he nods and clasps his hands behind his back. I sit back at that, knowing that this pose means he is over whatever emotion had come over him, and is ready for world domination.

  ‘Your mind is fucking hilar Ada!’ Kali starts laughing.

  Oh yeah, I forgot this added personality to me.

  “Alright. So let’s start at the beginning. You know the tales of how Gods and the world came into being. This tale is from when Ida-Samara was born. And before you ask me how I know that, I will just say that I got it from the horse’s
mouth. Considering I am as old as time itself.” He smirks, throwing my words from long ago back at me.

  I give him a sheepish smile and then gesture for him to continue.

  “Paramaiah gave Ida-Samara a gift. He imbued His essence in a metal, that metal came from the deepest core of Arhanyth itself. He created that gift with the intention of it being the most formidable weapon, that was as dainty and beautiful, as it was wise and deadly.”

  He stops again, why he would keep stopping at the most interesting places I could never figure out.

  “What was it?” I never intended it to, but it comes out as a hiss.

  He smiles and continues. “A gift, a piece of jewelry as I said, that has the potential to turn into any weapon, provide its wearer with immense wisdom, and most importantly, has the power and essence of Paramaiah, and Arhanyth. See, you have to understand that Arhanyth, the place itself is a magical place. Anything that comes from the land, is not only priceless, but oozes magic and powers. Some powers we can never understand. It took a long time for this gift to be created. It had its own intelligence and wisdom, its own identity and essence. Like a soul. Indestructible.

  “When Ida-Samara was born, that little bundle wrapped everybody around her little fingers. Even Brahakta, the one who was so opposed to her being born. Everyone lavished her with gifts. When Paramaiah gifted her with that gift, she was ecstatic and carried it everywhere with her. She loved it like she would a sister. They would talk and discuss things in detail. Everyone always thought about what happened to that chain after Ida-Samara…..died. On Earth. Logic dictates that any Arhanyth objects on other realms would be returned automatically if its wielder or owner left that plane.

  “So Gods, and people, have been looking for that gift for a long time. For, a gift given by Paramaiah could very well be their greatest weapon. Because other than the gods and the lands themselves, nothing else holds Paramaiah’s essence, except that gift.”

  “So how come it is not mentioned in the book?”

  “It is. In another book. Not the book you were reading. I think Paramaiah didn’t feel the need to announce the importance of such jewelry. As it is, legends and myths have been talking about such a weapon,” he scoffs at that. “Imagine if they knew that something is made up of the land and metal from the land of the Gods, forged in the essence of the Supreme Creator Himself. Can you imagine the mayhem it would cause?”

  “Hang on! Hang on… are you saying that Kali is that gift?'' I am bewildered. A God’s creation? From Gods’ lands? In my hands? On my body? Within my body?

  “Yes gudiya, if it is that Kali, then she is that gift. But I need to tell you more. The others know, so it is for your benefit only.”

  I eat all the questions I had and nod for him to continue, while caressing Kali, and I swear I could hear her purr.

  She isn't a cat, right?

  ‘Of course I am not, you idiot.’

  Oh right. She can listen in.

  “Ida-Samara and Kaleira never claimed each other. You see, Kaleira’s essence had to merge with the essence of Ida-Samara so that she could be fortified. Paramaiah asked her once why she had not embraced Kaleira, why was she still wearing her as a chain? Ida-Samara told him that they are best of friends, and that Kaleira had told her of what she was expected to do. But Kaleira never accepted Ida-Samara. Kaleira kept saying that she is meant for someone powerful and with the purest of souls.

  “Paramaiah was quite flabbergasted at that. But Ida-Samara made Him see that in infusing His essence, they also infused His will, determination, love for justice, purity, and authenticity as well.

  “So it was no surprise that Kaleira had a mind of her own. When Ida-Samara died, everyone thought that Kaleira would find a way back to Arhanyth and mix within the Land. But apparently, after years of trying to find her, Paramaiah, Shivati and Aarya surmised that Kaleira must have hidden herself, in the form of whatever it took to keep her safe and out of anybody’s reach. And apparently, you are the one she had been waiting for all these years, these millenniums….,” he trails off eyes glistening, though I cannot fathom why even I am feeling upset at this story.

  “Shivati and Aarya were looking for her too? Why?”

  “She was the only one who was closest to their daughter. Do you think they wouldn’t want any piece of their daughter with them?”

  “Shit… Oh God. I cannot believe what they must have gone through. Paramaiah, Brahakta, Krimavi and Kshiteera also loved Ida-Samara?”

  “Oh yes. She was the only child to have ever been born in their realm. She was the princess. Everyone loved her. Each and every God. Some Gods even had their eyes on her for claiming. As a partner. It is said that whoever had any thoughts about her, had to think of facing not just Shivati, but also Krimavi, Brahakta, Vyhdir, and Paramaiah. And, Aarya and Kshitara. The other gods are said to pale in comparison to these two. So if you think Cael is over protective, imagine all of them put together.”

  I smirk at that. True. All those wannabe partners must have been shitting bricks at the thought.

  ‘Yeah, they were.’

  He clears his throat. Then says, “bring her out Gudiya.”

  He seems to be bursting with excitement.

  Umm… well how? How do I bring Kali out?

  As soon as I thought it, a thick gold chain, that glitters like the goddamn Sun, appears around my neck. I feel no pain, nothing. It's like it is an extension of my body. She. Like she is an extension of me. Working with muscle memory or something.

  ‘Exactly like that. I am a part of you. Now shut up and listen to what Baba has to say.’

  I roll my eyes.

  Every eye in the room is fixed on her. A fact that she seems to enjoy a lot.

  ‘My my.. What hot men. And is that your father?’

  ‘Oh please. Shut up. ‘

  “Nice to meet you Kali,” Baba speaks in a soft voice.

  The shock that zings through me, is indescribable. I have never, ever, heard Baba use that tone with anybody else.

  ‘Except you,' she scoffs. Then sobers up. ‘Tell him I say Hi.’

  “She says hi, Baba,” I convey. “But wait. You are saying that Kali is a gifted sentient boon who can protect me, guide me, and be whatever I want her to be?”

  No, Kali can be who and what you need her to be.

  “No, Kali can be who and what you need her to be.”

  I gasp again. I am getting tired of gasping.

  Kali giggles. And I look at Baba, slack jawed.

  “What?” Baba asks.

  “She said the same thing….” I start giggling.

  Somehow, everybody groans.

  “What?” Dad asks them.

  “Ummm… now there are two of them!” Lexie facepalms and falls on the couch headrest, while Dad laughs. Baba and I join in too, and Kali’s tinkling laughter joins me soon.

  ‘We will take care of them babe. And we will uncover everything, together.’

  Yes, we will.

  ‘Including the hotties.’

  My laughter turns to a groan, and as if everyone knew what had happened, that I had been thrown on my ass by my talking-chain-boon-alter-ego, they laugh louder.

  ‘We are one now babe. Just like those shifters.’

  Yeah, that's what I am worried about.

  As I tell this to Kali, my eyes find Baba and he has this look of pure indulgence on his face. He looks far more settled. I get an urge to go to him, which I follow.

  The others are still laughing as I cross the distance between Baba and I. I hold him tight. He hugs me fiercely and I feel his calmness ring through me.

  ‘Thank you Kali. I don't know what the connection is. But whatever it is, Baba is happy. Thank you.’

  Kali doesn't reply. I realize that she is holding Baba in her own way too. I know we have a lot to discuss, but this is needed. By the man who never thought about himself but others. For my Baba. I will postpone everything if I have to, to give him whatever solace he needs.

apter 36


  Seeing Ada with Sensei is an experience in itself. Add to that her power, and then Kali. Kali. I repeat the name in my head and for the millionth time wonder about how this little bundle of energy has changed everyone’s lives.

  As I take in the faces of everyone around me, I see it. I feel it. The sense of responsibility, and invincibility. It is a tangible force in the room. I have felt invincible for so long, that somewhere it became interwoven into the very fabric of my being. But I never knew that it could be emboldened to this extent.

  It makes me wonder what that means for Pa. His powers are palpable now. He is The Protector. He just got a level up, what none of us thought possible. I don’t know what it means for Sensei. But there is something deeper going on there with him. He is different with Ada, something everyone here seems to agree to. But now? Now, after finding out that Ada is the Kazi and finding Kali, Sensei seems like a different man altogether.

  I see Vee trying to catch my eyes. When I look at him I find him gesturing towards the rooms and asking me to follow him.

  My mind is a jumble of thoughts as I trace my steps towards our room. As soon as I am inside, Vee’s frantic pacing brings me out of the stupor.

  “What is it?” I ask him as I step inside the room, closing the door behind me.

  He stops and looks at me.

  “Something is changing. Kali is… Kali changes a lot of things. And I couldn't get a read on her. At all. Other than what we all already know, that she is an ancient. But seeped in powers so strong that it is unfathomable,” he says tugging at his hair.

  “Okay, first calm down. And then tell me why did we need to have this conversation up here as opposed to downstairs with the family?”

  “There is something I wanted to talk to you about too,” he says fidgeting with his ears.

  I reach out to grasp his shoulder and give him a squeeze. “Whatever it is, you can tell me Vee. What is it?”

  He looks at me, takes in the earnestness in my eyes, and takes a deep breath. “I… You… Fuck. What do you think of Ada?”


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