Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1)

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Circle of Time: An urban fantasy (The Kazi Chronicles Book 1) Page 28

by Riverr Ravenswood

  “Our job, primary job, is to collect information. That is how we know what we know. We are a very powerful and useful sect to ally with. But we don’t ally with anybody. We are on our own. Each of us can ally with different sects should we wish, though. Because it is ultimately about free will, right?

  “Now, to ensure that we don’t go on and spill secrets to people, Nibet cast a trigger in our minds. That we can do whatever we want except talk about our sect, what we know, and reveal our identity. Like I said, we are a collection of sponges. We soak in every information we gather. That is our superpower. If someone can get into our minds, then also they cannot know everything we know. Even if the mages are much much more powerful than us. Nobody can enter our mind and get the memories or information. They can control our mind and control our body, sure. But not take the knowledge.

  “This is because we were blessed by Nibet, who had the backing of Shivati, to grant us this boon. I don’t understand the technicalities. Now this trigger was designed to release when someone truly appreciates the nuances of chaos, and doesn’t look at it as the bad thing it has been made out to be. True respect. But do you know why that was the particular trigger?”

  His eyes glint with mischief as he asks that. And I am nodding my head. Because I know.

  “Because only Ida-Samara can be that person,” I start. “The only one who matches all the parameters. I am sure that trigger and the safety net was provided by Shivati, and he set the parameters. Right?”

  Jacob nods. Then he gives a small smile, “I have no doubt that you are Ida-Samara’s soul. And that is why, earlier, Atti and I could not say anything to you. But now, knowing you, that trigger is released, and we know who you are. Nobody could have coached you for this. It has to come from within you. And by design, releasing that trigger meant that we were blessed by destruction of every ailment and pain when we found Ida-Samara. This doesn’t mean that we won’t get pains and wounds again, going forward. But everything leading up till now is resolved. Shivati’s gift.”

  Shivati’s name makes my heart warm. I know He was the father of one part of my soul. Maybe that’s why.

  “Now, coming onto why we believe you are not Kazi. Kazi is for treasure. Kazi is meant to bring the end of creation. Now what that creation is, nobody knows. We know that Kazi doesn’t mean bringing the end of Brahakta. As he had assumed initially. But something else. And that would change the way of life, the world, for the better. And in between the transition, is where chaos will reign. It will be a true testament to the evolution of the world, to not disintegrate during that time.”

  “Well, no pressure,” I mumble.

  Jacob gives a soft laugh. “That is all an assumption. What we know is that Kazi is the catalyst for that change, for the good. Whatever she ends will be the necessity. Whatever you end. But you can only be Kazi if you have something coveted. Something that almost sixty percent of the sects are fighting to find. In their misguided notions, they think that wielding that would give them the powers. Fools.”

  Kali is fully alert right now. I am too. I know where this is going.

  “What is that thing?” Dad asks.

  Jacob gives him a calculating look. But he must have found something because he nods and says, “it is something that is the utmost secret. Wielding that would give her unlimited powers. Once you all find that necklace, your lives would be overcome with dangers. As everyone out there wants that. Like I said, fools. That is all I know.” He pauses. And turns to look at me, dead in the eye. “It is a divine necklace, said to have been forged by Paramaiah Himself. It is called Kaleira.”

  Kali gasps. I show my most confused face. Unwilling to give a hint to anyone else as to her presence. I refuse to put her life in danger.

  Kali sniffles. Like she is choking up.

  ‘I won’t let anything happen to you babe. Trust me,’ I tell her.

  “And how am I to find Kaleira?”

  “I don’t really know. All we know is that it is all linked with Time. When you find Vyhdir, because we believe only you can, you will get all the answers,” Jacob tells.

  I nod, and right then, someone knocks on the door.

  A second later, Lexie enters. She gives a wide eyed look to Jacob, rubbing her arms. But she schools her features soon enough.

  “If you can tell us,” she says, “about the mental control they had on you? Your colleague, Atticus, started feeling better and he kept on repeating one thing. That he is willing to pledge allegiance to whoever Jacob, who I am assuming is you, decides to. And that you are only one who can tell us about the mental block.”

  Jacob gives her a nod.

  “The mental block is placed by three mages. Who are some of the strongest. Mages are none other than highly qualified and senior members of the Fear Sect. Betin’s. They can find their way back to anybody, can find any presence, past or present, in someone’s mind. Again, they cannot take our knowledge, our sect's. They can only control it. Like a compulsion, but powered by fear. For our sect, while they are controlling our minds, one of them can use our eyes, mouth, and ears to see, speak, and hear things. That is all. They cannot see what we know. Only see and hear the present situation. They can control anybody with a tight grip. But their control on those of us from Chaos ceased when it was broken, because a cloak works only once on us. That is, once it is broken, or released, it would have to be recast. But for everyone else, they can control your mind if you have left your mental presence in some mind they are controlling.”

  “So they can do it like a ripple effect?” I ask.

  “Yes. That is what makes them most dangerous. Just like fear. Spreading its tentacles far and wide.”

  “How does one break from it?” I ask, casting an eye on Ash.

  “They will not try to take control soon. But the only way to break it is either finding the way back to them, and releasing their hold on the mind they are controlling. Or destroying them.”

  He gives me a meaningful look. I nod. “Remember,” he starts, “when you rescue Vyhdir, you will get answers. And the mental block has to be destroyed, one way or the other. But you all are strong. You should be able to fight it unless someone figures out what to do about it.”

  He looks at Dad and straightens his spine, “now, can we please bring Atti here. We have something we need to do. And then you need to decide what to about Alpha.”

  “Alpha?” Lexie echoes.

  “In our assignments, we do not share names. We know him as Alpha, and he knows us as Delta and Omega. Nothing to do with the hierarchy, but to protect our identities.”

  “Let’s go to where your colleague is,” Dad says, asking Lexie to lead the way.

  We file out of the room. Lexie in the lead, followed by Ash, then Jacob, then Dad coming next to me.

  This room on the other end of the corridor is much the same. Ry is talking to Atticus, and turns to us when we enter. His eyes alight when he sees me, and I give him a beaming smile.

  Jacob goes straight to Atticus, and gives him a hug. They are related. And sure enough, Jacob says, “this is my younger brother, Atticus.” Turning to us, he looks at me and places his right hand on his chest. Atticus follows. Then they chant. It is a powerful chant that sounds like Gaelic. But I couldn’t be sure. What I am sure of is finding the echo of their words hitting deep within me, and wrapping me in a secure cocoon. Like an added layer of blanket. If that even makes sense.

  Once they are done, they open their eyes that are shining bright blue. Jacob steps forward.

  “We pledge our life, our sword, and our truth to you. If you would accept us, we would be there when you need us and where you need us.”

  Atticus steps forward and repeats the same.

  I look at them bewildered. I have no idea what just happened. I have no idea what to do. What does it even mean? And weren’t those similar words that Mathew spoke?

  At my questioning look, Jacob smiles and says, “raise your left palm if you’d like to accept our allegiance. Your in
stinct will guide you.”

  He is right. My instinct has been to raise my left hand, but I didn’t do it not trusting what that action might do. I look at Dad. He looks at me as if to say it is my decision. I nod, and raise my left palm.

  As soon as my palm is raised, pointed at them, I see a golden string of light reach out. My eyes widen as I see the golden light make circles around them and comes back to my palms. Then a white mist flows towards me, congregates on one point above my wrist. I gasp as a cold feeling rushes into my arms, followed by searing heat. It isn’t painful, but unexpected.

  Once it is done, I see a bizarre pattern settle on my skin. Then it vanishes.

  “We have never pledged allegiance to anybody before,” Atticus says. His voice is soft and melodic. “So we didn’t know what to expect.” They too are holding their wrists. “This is our call. You will feel it, not see it. When you need us, whenever you need support or any kind of help, you rub that invisible rune and we will get to know.”

  I nod, still unclear of how the heck did I come here, standing in the basement, taking and giving magic, when a few days back I was busy living a day in a loop.

  “Thank you Atticus, Jacob. This is, it is…. It is an honor, honestly. I don’t know whether I deserve it or not. But, thank you.” I tell them, hoping that my eyes convey my seriousness, even though I have no idea what the heck just happened.

  “Our pleasure.” They both step forward and give me a hug. A quick, light hug. When Dad, Ry and Ash pull them back.

  “Don’t go on touching her,” Dad warns.

  “They only really mean well for her,” Lexie says. I turn to look at her and read between the lines. Dad nods, but still gives Jacob and Atticus a warning glare.

  “Okay, so,” I start, “what are we doing with Alpha there,” I say, jerking my thumb to the room he is in. "And the other captive who we found in the shed?”

  “Which other captive?” Jacob asks.

  “One of the mages who got caught in the backfire when your blocks were fried,” Dad tells them.

  Jacob and Atticus share a look then turn to Dad. “Why don’t you knock them out, and we can take them back and dump them where we had met?” Jacob asks.

  “And what? They won’t come after you? Won’t your life be in danger?” I ask them.

  Atticus gives me a beaming smile. He is a youngish fellow, in his mid thirties. “Nah, we will be fine. They cannot find us once we decide we don’t want to be found. Thank you for being concerned about us.”

  “Yeah yeah. Stop looking at her with stars in your eyes,” Ryan speaks.

  I roll my eyes, and say, “But won’t he come back here with more people?”

  “He would be foolish to do so. He has seen what The Protector can do. But if possible, try and see if you can block these last few days in his mind?” Jacob tells me.

  I whirl around to Dad, in slow motion, eyes wide. “We can do that?”

  He smiles at me and says, “we can ask around.” Which means, Baba can do that. Wow…

  Dad nods and shakes hands with Jacob and Atticus.

  “We will see you around,” they call out as they head out the door, shaking hands with everyone, including me. Lexie goes out with them, taking them to the main room where Alpha is.

  “Ash, Ry, you both stay with Ada in the house. We will wrap this up and join you guys.”

  Dad gives me a tight hug, then leaves.

  I turn to Ash and Ry, but Ry has caught me in his arms and is holding me tight.

  “That was so phenomenal. You really are magic, sweetheart,” Ry puts me down and kisses my forehead.

  My heart just about melts.

  ‘Don’t forget your vagina is melting too.’

  “Come, let’s go upstairs and let them deal with it. You okay?” Ash asks me, looking at me in concern. I frown at the question. “It’s the first time you used magic. It is draining.”

  “I am okay. I guess. I really don’t know what to make of everything. But I will figure it out,” I give them a smile. “Come let’s go. It will take us some hundred years to climb all those stairs!”

  Ash smiles. “There is another way.”

  “What?! Where?”

  They laugh and lead me outside. We go up one flight of stairs, and then use the only door on that floor. It opens to a - hang on a minute - a lift!

  “Why did we not use this before!!!?”

  “We had to see you grumbling, it is the most adorable thing in the world,” Ry says, nudging my shoulder.

  I roll my eyes and run to the lift. “Where does it even go?”

  “To the garage, of course,” Ash winks.

  “Of course. You…. you guys are evil!”

  They laugh and step in with me. Ry presses the only button in the lift, while I try to suppress my yawn.

  Maybe I am tired after all.

  Chapter 42


  “Guys, I think… all these maps are ancient, right?” Vee says. “The paper these are drawn and printed on is thin. I think I have a location in mind. But I need to check something.”

  I walk towards them and Baba starts helping Vince place the maps on top of each other.

  “Okay, I see what you're doing,” I say as I reach them at the table. I can see the faint outlines of the other map underneath it. Vince frowns then turns to Baba.

  “I need to do it one by one. Could you please hold all the other maps except the first one? Each of you get hold of one map and stand aside please.”

  As everyone does what he says, he bends down and retrieves one sticky note. He finds a point on the map and places the sticky on it. He hands the sticky notes to me and motions for Baba to place the map.

  As soon as Baba does that, I can see slight outlines differing across the two maps. Vince motions for me and I hand him the sticky notes one by one. We all watch in rapt attention as he places a pink note over the note visible from the map underneath. Then he places a few others across the map.

  He motions for Lexie to place the map she is holding and I hand him the sticky notes. He looks damn cute with full focus on the work before him. Not now feeling. Not now.

  Kali snorts. I ignore her.

  He places the pink note again on top of the previous one, and places yellow ones on top of the others that are visible, but as opposed to where he had placed eleven over the earlier map, he places eight this time.

  He is slowly eliminating all the places that have changed.


  I find myself more in awe of everyone around me. The way everyone works diligently together, nobody demeans the other. I am sure that even if nothing comes out of this exercise, nobody will even think that this was a waste of time. That kind of support and unconditional belief in someone else is heartwarming.

  We repeat this process until all the seven maps are done. And by the end of it, we find ourselves looking at only two sticky notes on the map.

  Vince seems satisfied. He looks at the two points again and then nods. Lifting his eyes to us, his eyes find mine and he gives a smile. Again, I cannot help it as a blush creeps up my face and I pray that nobody noticed it.

  Thankfully, Vince speaks, “your idea is right. These two points here do not seem to have changed much over the years. But only one of them has a volcanic peak. Strange isn't it? That the mountain hasn't changed, as if it was always there. Even when the great Himalayas are said to have formed because of some drift. Right?” he says looking at everyone.

  “Which are the places?” Ryan asks and we all move in towards the map in front of Vince.

  “One is a very small island in the Indian Ocean. The land around it has moved away, but this small piece of land has stayed here, drifted slightly, but has stayed more or less in the same place. But, like I said, I think it’s facial contours have changed over the years. The boundaries are the same though,” he says. Then he moves his finger to the pink sticky note. “But this here, this peak has been here. And I think this is the place we are looking for. Surpris
ingly, it is also close to the Bermuda triangle… only 1.3 thousand miles. And this does make sense, doesn't it?”

  “Which place is it?’ Baba asks.

  “St. Lucia. Soufriere, to be precise. I think this is the place. I feel it.”

  We take a moment to take in the place on the map, St. Lucia. In the Carribbeans. Enzo whips out his phone and after typing something, he places his phone on the table and we take in the view. The oceans, the forest, the mountain, and the silvery volcanic peak.

  Yes, this could be it. No, I think this is it.

  “Well, what do you all think?” Vince asks.

  Everyone turns to look at Baba. His eyes have a glint in them, as he looks hard at the images on Enzo’s phone. He raises his head and meets my eyes. He gives a warm smile.

  “We are heading to St. Lucia, it would seem. Guys prepare for departure. We need to be stealthy and hyper aware,” he tells everyone. I feel it then. The buzz of excitement. It is palpable in the room. He turns his eyes on me once again. “Until then, you and I need to practise your magic. We will need it.”



  “What do you feel? Can you sense it within you?” Baba asks me in a soft voice.

  We are sitting in the living room, lotus positions. We meditated for a bit. He had told me that magic, or our gifts, is an extension of us. That I am to treat it as I would treat any limb of mine. It is reflex mostly. But because it has been dormant for so long, I need to try and get the muscle memory honed in on it.

  And the way to do it would be to sense my magic, like I sense all my limbs and body functions. Easier said than done.

  “I don’t know Baba. I don’t know what I am supposed to feel or sense… It is just me. The only exception is Kali. I can feel her make a move, or sigh. But nothing else.”


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