Neo's Strength (Devil's Riot MC: Originals Book 8)

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Neo's Strength (Devil's Riot MC: Originals Book 8) Page 8

by E. C. Land

  “Hey,” I whisper unable to think of anything else to say.

  “What . . . are you doing here? Wait, how long have you been here? Why are you?” Luna asks her face growing furious by the moment.

  “Easy, Kitten,” Shadow says, stepping up behind Luna he pulls her into his front. “There’re somethings you don’t know and you need to calm down. Don’t need you getting upset.”

  “But . . . what’s going on here?” she demands, her gaze narrowing on me then turning to look up at Shadow.

  At the anger pouring off her, I begin to shrink into myself. I’ve never seen Luna like this and I don’t want to experience anything she might do to me.

  Call me a coward if you will but I’ve been through enough in my life. I don’t want to have to worry about if she’s going to lash out at me too.

  “Easy, Angel Eyes, I’ve got you,” Neo murmurs into my ear.

  “Right here with you, babe,” Venom says touching my arm.

  “Are you with them both?” Luna asks in shock.

  “No, but I’ve claimed her as my little sister, so she is my family,” Venom remarks coolly.

  “Harley, come on in here, you don’t need to be standing there afraid to come in the room,” Rachel says, gaining my attention from where she was standing in Stoney’s embrace with their youngest in his free arm. Sebastian was sitting in a booster seat playing with his food while his brother and sister were staring around the room trying to figure out what is going on.

  “Come on, Angel Eyes,” Neo urges.

  Nodding, I step further into the room scared yet trusting Neo.

  “I heard you were getting a tattoo today,” Rachel says as if I’d been around for ages without hiding in Neo’s room.

  My throat tightens and words escape me. Unable to speak I nod in response. I know it’ll take me a while to finally be able to speak to women again but I’m trying. I did at least get ‘Hey’ out.

  I don’t know why I can’t speak to women. I know I’m scared to be around them, but it started at the rehab facility. Though there, I didn’t speak to anyone and I hated being around the doctor who I had to see every day.

  I hope to be able to not fear women again. I miss having friends to talk to.

  “Is someone going to tell us what’s going on?” Victoria asks.

  “Sweetness,” Tracker says in warning as he shakes his head at Victoria.

  Seeing the confusion and anger conflicting across the women in the room, I make a decision before I end up regretting it. I glance up to Neo. “You should tell them,” I whisper, tears welling in my eyes.

  “No, Harley, I’m not putting your shit out there,” he mutters, pulling me tight against his chest.

  “Please, Nate, I don’t want hostility within your club. I know your brothers know, but I . . . I can’t,” I murmur, the tears spilling down my cheeks.

  “Angel Eyes, don’t worry about it,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

  “No, please, or have Rachel or Raven tell them, I . . . I’ll just go back to the room for now,” I say the need to cause self-harm intensifying.

  “Harley, you don’t need to be alone right now,” Venom mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “How about it’s no one’s business but yours and those who were there,” Rachel snaps, coming to my defense as she glares at everyone else.

  “Agreed,” Raven murmurs, nodding her head. “We all have our own demons, and we didn’t get in each other’s faces about it.”

  “Yeah, but we also didn’t cut each other out for no reason at all,” Luna grumbles.

  “Kitten, you need to cool it,” Shadow remarks.

  “Why are you telling me to cool it? I’m just wanting to know why my supposed best friend who I’ve worried about for months on end is now standing here in front of me in Neo’s arms.” I can definitely see why she’s mad but at the same time she kept her story to herself, not telling me.

  “Luna,” Shadow growls in warning.

  “I was assaulted in this very clubhouse,” I blurt out without meaning to as I turn in Neo’s arms to face the room once more. For some reason the hostility is scaring me even more than the thought of what these women could do to me.

  “Angel Eyes,” Neo murmurs.

  “What did you just say?” Luna whispers.

  “You were assaulted here? By whom?” Victoria demands, glancing around the room with calculating eyes.

  “Is that why you moved and cut me out of your life? You blame me for everything you’ve been through,” Luna says tears welling in her eyes.

  “Kitten, that’s not it so calm down,” Shadow rasps. “Like I said you don’t know what all has gone down with Harley.”

  “I want to know who would go after Harley,” Victoria demands, glaring up to Tracker.

  “Sorry, Sweetness, club business. Told you I wasn’t putting you in it anymore unless it was completely necessary,” Tracker says gently.

  “But it seems Raven and Rachel both know, wait is this why we spent the other day away from the clubhouse?”

  “The only one who knew anything was Rachel and as your ol’ man stated, Vi, club business. As for what happened to Harley here at the clubhouse, it’s been taken care of. Now with that said she doesn’t have to explain anything. You all need to calm the hell down and quit with the fuckin’ drama. She’s family to us all and has been through hell so back the fuck off,” Stoney yells loud enough to gain everyone’s attention.

  “See, Harley, I told you,” Neo murmurs in my ear giving me a slight squeeze.

  Yeah, he did tell me, and I couldn’t be more grateful to these men in the room, they’re protecting me even from the questions they knew the ol’ ladies would throw in my direction.

  And as they do so I also realize Raven and Rachel are two women I know I can trust without a doubt.

  Glancing around the room, I spot Ally standing next to her ol’ man as well as a few others I’d never met before. One of them though looks familiar. I don’t know what it is about him, but his eyes are nearly the same shade as mine. And . . . his hair color is nearly the same. Even from across the room, I can see the similarities.

  His eyes narrow and I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Following Harley’s gaze, I notice her eyeing Badger as he does the same with her. His head is cocked slightly to the side and I look between the two of them for the first time noticing the similarities between them.

  Glancing from them to Stoney he’s seeing the same thing we are.

  Are these two related in some way?

  I shake my head, no that can’t be her parents are dead. Badger’s dad, Jasper, is in Colorado with our charter working for them out there, while his mom is dead. I’d been there when he’d set the house he grew up in on fire. He went through hell growing up with his bitch of a mother so why do they look so much alike.

  “Nate,” Harley calls my name in order to gain my attention.

  “Yeah, baby,” I rasp, tilting my head to look down at my woman.

  “Um, this . . . might sound strange but that guy over there looks familiar to me. Like I’ve met him somewhere before. And he has some of the same features I have and so does my grandfather.” Shit.

  We need to figure this out. How is it they share these things?

  Jezebel said Harley’s mother stole their dad from her mom when she was pregnant. Could they have actually had another kid before Harley. If I’m not mistaken, Harley’s younger than Jezebel was. She’s more around Badger’s age.

  A theory hits me and I decide to test it out.

  “Harley, I’ll be right back why don’t you hang out with Venom for a few minutes,” I suggest.

  “Um, okay,” she says nodding her head.

  Fuckin’ love this woman even when she’s nervous. I hadn’t responded to her comment, but I will when I get back to her. I want to talk to Badger to see if it’s possible.

  Sliding my
arms from around her, I guide her over to where Venom was now talking with Whip, Red, and K-9. Venom immediately wraps an arm around her pulling her into his side. Ready to protect her as a big brother should.

  Harley seems to put that feeling into all of us ‘cause I see the same look in both Red and K-9. I’d been surprised to see them when they came up with Burner and the rest of them. I hadn’t seen them since I got out of the military. Our paths had cross on several occasions, and I knew they were both members of the club at the time.

  I lean in and give Harley a kiss on the cheek and head over to Stoney. “We need to talk,” I murmur.

  “Yeah, I’m sending a text to Badger to get his input on this as well.” And this is why Stoney is the fuckin’ Prez of the national charter. He’s intuitive as fuck.

  Nodding, I wait as Stoney gives Rachel a kiss and releases her. “Do you think Harley would be okay with me coming over and talking to her?” Rachel asks.

  Glancing from her to my ol’ lady, I give her a jerk of my chin. “Long as you don’t get to close, I’m sure she won’t mind. My goal is to slowly get her used to being around all the ol’ ladies. Don’t get discouraged if she doesn’t speak directly to you. I’ve noticed she won’t speak to women,” I tell her.

  “Okay, thanks, Neo.” Rachel smiles.

  Nodding once again, I follow Stoney out of the room and head to his office. I stand to the side of the office as the door opens to Horse and Badger stepping into the room.

  “What’s going on?” Horse asks.

  “Got a question I’m curious about. I’m sure Badger’s just as curious,” Stoney states.

  “You mean Neo’s ol’ lady sharing my same looks?” Badger remarks getting straight to the point.

  “Yeah, noticed that and so did she. She’s curious as to why you look like her grandfather,” I say.

  “I’m an only child as far as I know, then again, I remember Mom was fat at some point right after my dad went away,” he shrugs.

  “I think we need to get Nerd in here,” Stoney suggests, pulling out his phone.

  “If that woman out there is my sister like I’m thinking she is, that stupid fuckin’ bitch yesterday didn’t tell the full truth. ‘Cause we all know Jordan killed my mother a few years back,” Badger sneers, balling his hands into fists.

  “Can you get your ol’ man on the phone?” Horse asks Badger.

  “Yeah, I’m wondering if he even knew,” he grumbles.

  “This shit is fucked up,” I mutter.

  “You can say that again,” Badger agrees.

  A knock sounds on the door before it opens to Nerd coming into the room with his laptop in hand. “What do you need me to check into?” he asks.

  “Birth records on Harley Michaels and anything else you can get on her parents,” Stoney states.

  “You got it, Prez.” Nerd nods getting to work, his fingers flying across the keyboard.

  “Michaels?” Badger mutters.

  “Yeah, it’s her last name,” I say, furrowing my brows.

  “Motherfucker. My mother’s maiden name was Michaels,” he snarls, pulling his phone out of his pocket to dial his dad.

  “And according to these documents I’m looking at Harley was adopted by a Vivica and Terry Michaels, who in turn were killed when she was still a kid, from the records shown she went to live with her grandfather, Nelson Michaels, who raised her until she turned eighteen. There are several CPS reports about neglect and abuse,” Nerd mutters.


  “Yea, Dad, look I’m puttin’ you on speaker. Stoney, Horse, Nerd, and Neo are in here with me, we gotta ask you a question,” Badger says, pulling the phone from his ear and doing as he said.

  “What’s up, Badger?” Jasper asks.

  “Did Mom have another kid?” Badger demands.

  The only sound that comes from the other end of the phone is silence for a long moment. “Your mom was pregnant when I got locked up for her shit. Was supposed to be a little girl. I was told there were complications with the birth and she died. Why are you asking?”

  “Did you have a name picked for her?” Badger asks.

  “Yea her name was supposed to be Harley Renee,” Jasper rasps.

  “Fuck,” Badger seethes, his gaze coming to mine. “I think you need to come out here, old man, my sister isn’t dead. She’s my brother’s ol’ lady.”

  “What?” Jasper demands.

  “Jasper, just get out here, we’ll figure all this shit out when you do,” Stoney states firmly.

  Now isn’t the time to go over it. Not on the phone.

  “Yeah, I’ll talk to Grinder real quick let him know what’s up and that I’ll need some time off,” he says, mentioning the Prez of the Colorado charter.

  “No problem, I’m sure Grinder won’t say shit. I’ll shoot him a text and let him know I’ve told you to,” Stoney says, already holding his phone in his hand.

  “Thanks, Stoney,” Jasper says and hangs up.

  Badger slides his phone back in his pocket looking as if he were going to punch something.

  Talk about one hell of a fucked-up twist in things and I wonder how Harley’s gonna take it when she finds out. She’s already been through so much I wonder if this will be too much for her.

  Blowing out a breath, I speak my thoughts aloud. “With all Harley’s been through this shit could send her back over the edge.”

  “Brother, I feel you, but remember one thing, you’re there for her this time. We all just need to keep a close eye on her,” Stoney grumbles, furrowing his brows.

  “What do you mean send her over the edge? What happened?” Badger demands, not knowing what we’re talking about. “I might have just found out I have a fuckin’ sister, who was assaulted here by that fuckin’ cunt Ally took out yesterday, I felt it soon as I saw her.”

  Stoney and I share a look and finally I nod to him. He sighs, leans back in his chair, and brushes a hand over his face. “Neo, you might as well be the one to tell him.”

  “Back when shit went down with Shadow’s ol’ lady, Luna, Harley was taken as well. She was raped by two women, and then about seven months or so later she was molested by Jezebel. A month ago, my uncle called asking me to come over to his place and check on his neighbor. Didn’t know it was her until Shadow and I got there. Broke her door down and found her in the bathroom slumped over. She’d tried to kill herself.” A bitter taste fills my mouth as those words slip through.

  Closing my eyes, I shake my head. I can’t think of that day. Every time I do it guts me. I open my eyes and glance down at the tattoo I now sport on my hand. ‘Inner Strength’. I’m strong for her and here soon she’ll need me more than ever though as her world gets knocked off its axis all over again.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I don’t know what’s going on but after Neo reclaimed me from Venom, I could sense something was up. I wanted to ask him but at the same time I’d been afraid of what I’d find out.

  For the past two weeks things seemed to settle somewhat around the clubhouse. Guys who’d come up from the Franklin Charter went back home. Well, all but Badger, the guy who looked familiar. He stayed around and his ol’ lady, Jordan, came up with their little boy Nico.

  Something’s up.

  Plus, the girls though they spoke to me, they all stayed at a distance. Especially Luna. I know she’s upset with how I cut her out of my life but I couldn’t help it. I’d been in a bad place at the time and I was not able to handle things.

  Each day I can feel myself growing stronger. I’m not nervous to walk into the main room of the clubhouse anymore. I’ve spent time with Venom and a little bit with Shadow as he checked in on me, mainly to see where my head’s at. I’m sure he’s wanting to get things between Luna and myself patched up and I do too, it’s just I’m apprehensive.

  Maybe she’s right and I do feel a part of what’s happened to me is her fault. Then again, my life was screwed up way before I met Luna.

  The other day N
eo took me to my house or might I say our house, as he confessed when we got there, he’d bought it to keep me from losing my home. I officially met my neighbors and found out they were Neo’s aunt and uncle. I had them to thank for Neo saving me. If they hadn’t been concerned, I definitely would have managed to end my life that day.

  I still struggle and I think I always will have to fight the need to want to slice into my skin. I know some of the members of the club watch me carefully to make sure I don’t do anything to myself; however, I understand why so it’s not bothering me.

  Yesterday, I finally got back on my computer and started working again on edits. I’m thankful to whoever contacted my clients, they’d informed them I’d been in an accident and would be unreachable for a little while. Which is mostly true, I’d been unable to speak to anyone or work.

  I found I really like working in the kitchen close to the coffee maker where I can refill my cup whenever need be. Harlow also likes to work in there as well and I found she makes even better food than just her cookies. She makes an awesome gumbo.

  With my laptop in hand, I head in that direction to get some work done while Neo is working out in the gym. Tonight, I’m going out with him to watch him fight in one of his matches. I’m looking forward to it and can’t wait to see Neo kick butt.

  “I want to know what the hell’s going on.” At the sound of Victoria’s voice snapping, I stop right outside the kitchen door.

  “I agree. I don’t think it’s fair everyone’s supposed to be walking on eggshells around her. She’s supposed to be my best friend I don’t even know what’s turned her into who she is now. Harley didn’t used to be this scared. Even Shadow is babying her and I’m confused by all of this. He didn’t even do that when he first met me,” Luna mutters.

  Tears sting my eyes as I continue to listen to them talk about me and how I cry so easily. I know I’m not like them and they’re strong and beautiful were I’m weak and bland.

  Turning on my heel with my head down, I head back in the direction I’d come from. The urge growing so much more with each step.


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