Renaissance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 5)

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Renaissance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 5) Page 9

by Rebecca Lynn


  “Yeah. And the last person,” she took a calming breath, “is a doctor. He’ll be doing a class on safety awareness and CPR type stuff.”

  She grabbed her glass of water and took a huge gulp. Thankfully, their food arrived by that time. She immediately began eating to calm her nerves, only to nearly choke a moment later. Because snagging her gaze was a man standing with a smaller curvy woman talking to the hostess...and he looked eerily like the good doctor himself.

  Just then, the familiar man turned his face toward the seating area and his stare collided with hers. A look of surprise, then happiness, then wariness hit his expression all at the same time while his eyes slid to Todd. Drew’s smile tightened as the woman next to him, whom she assumed was Carly, continued chattering away. He finally looked down at her and said something back, then they began walking through the crowded room.

  Todd was asking her something but for the life of her, she had no idea what he was saying. His hand touched hers and she finally looked at him, forgetting for a moment that he was sitting across from her.

  “You okay?” he asked, concerned.

  She nodded, smiling brightly. “Yeah. I thought I saw someone I knew.”

  “Oh, yeah? Who?” He looked around.


  In her peripheral vision, she saw Drew fast approaching the table, the woman walking behind him. When it became evident that he was only a foot or two away, she finally looked up at him.

  “Hey stranger,” Drew said with familiarity, and a look that she couldn’t quite decipher. “Fancy meeting you here.” His eyes drilled into hers.

  She swallowed. “Hey there,” then she smiled confidently. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was going to ask you the same thing. We decided to grab a quick bite to eat.”

  He hadn’t explained the ‘we’ yet and as if on cue, Carly cleared her throat dramatically, a smile playing on her lips. She was cute, with long curly hair and a bright happy smile lighting up her face. It was obvious she was Drew’s sister, since she sported the same facial features and skin coloring. However, where Drew was tall, Carly was short.

  “Sorry,” Drew murmured. “This is my sister, Carly. Car, this is Tiffany.”

  Tiffany stood politely and smiled.

  “What a coincidence,” Carly bubbled and leaned up to hug her. “Of all the burger joints in the world, huh? So great to meet you a day early,” she laughed.

  Tiffany already knew she would get along greatly with this woman who exuded life and vitality.

  The hug was interrupted by Todd, who stood and put out his hand to Drew. “Hi, I’m Todd.”

  Drew put out his hand. “Nice to meet you. Drew.” He paused. “Are you the architect?”

  Todd nodded. “Yeah,” he said, sounding a little surprised. “How do you know Tiffany?” he asked casually, putting his hands in his pockets.

  “Todd, this is the doctor who’ll be volunteering at the foundation,” Tiffany provided.

  “Oh. The one you were just telling me about?”

  “Yeah.” She fought down the nerves.

  “Huh. Small world.”

  A moment of awkwardness passed as Drew looked between the two of them then back at Tiffany. “Carly just drove in and we decided to run over and get some food.”

  “Todd says the food here is great, so enjoy.”

  “It is. I come here often, actually,” Drew said. “I’m only a block up, so...”

  “I’m looking forward to us hanging out tomorrow,” Carly interrupted.

  “Me, too,” Tiffany said with a sincere smile. “Thank you for helping me out. I really appreciate it.”

  “Trust me. I’m thrilled to help in any way I can. Drew’s told me so much about you so I was really looking forward to meeting you,” she grinned, giving Tiffany what appeared to be a knowing look.

  Tiffany blinked in surprise, trying not to show all of her cards and covering up quickly with, “Ditto. And I can’t wait to glean some knowledge from your brain.”

  “Well, listen, don’t let us interrupt your dinner. Have a good one.” This came from Todd.

  “We will,” Carly said, looking up at her brother with a raised eyebrow.

  His sister was about as subtle as a freight train. If Tiffany wasn’t so nervous about the implications of Carly’s apparent and abundant knowledge of her, and her obvious desire to talk to her brother about it, she would be laughing.

  “Yeah. Have fun, you two,” Drew said, his eyes finding Tiffany’s once again. He smiled politely, if not a bit stiffly, and he and his sister walked away to a table ten feet away.

  Once she and Todd were seated again, Tiffany realized that Drew sat facing her while Carly’s and Todd’s backs were to each other. She took a deep breath and grabbed her burger, hoping to distract herself from feeling Drew’s eyes on her. She chewed, her eyes skittering up only to see the doctor looking at her from his table.

  She swallowed some of the food in her mouth with some difficulty, and looked away. They ate in silence for a few minutes until Todd finally broke the tension.

  “So,” Todd began. “How long did you and Drew date?”

  Tiffany nearly spit out her food. Instead, she swallowed, the bread from the bun practically lodging in her throat. She took a sip of water before answering.

  “Excuse me?”

  Todd gave her a ‘come on’ look.

  “We’re just friends. He’s got a girlfriend.”

  “That’s not what I asked.” He waited patiently.

  “There’s nothing, really. We’ve been out a couple of times alone, but usually when we see each other it’s with friends.”

  “So you’ve never had a relationship outside of friendship? I just thought I saw something there,” he continued, giving her a probing look.

  Geez. How did this conversation become so personal all of the sudden? Did he see ‘that something’ from her, or from Drew?

  Tiffany hesitated, then said, “We went to a hospital party on New Year’s, shared a nice kiss at midnight, and that was that. Like I said, just friends.” She took another bite of her burger. Nice, my ass. Mind blowing was more like it.

  Todd waited a moment. “If you say so,” he shrugged.

  She smiled and he began talking about his new contract on the Brooklyn brownstone. While he talked, Tiffany could see out of her peripheral vision Carly’s hands moving in lively conversation with her brother, hearing her laugh. After a moment, Carly got up from the table and headed toward the restroom.

  At one point, Todd looked down at his food during his conversation, and Tiffany looked over to Drew who sat there staring at her from his table, a lazy and smug smile curling his lips. He cocked an eyebrow in challenge at her.

  Tiffany bristled and wiped her mouth.

  “Todd, I’m just going to run to the restroom. I’ll be right back.”


  Tiffany got up and walked confidently toward the man who was still staring at her, his smile becoming more and more challenging as she got closer.

  “Is there a reason why you’re staring at me, Doctor?” she demanded sweetly.

  “There are lots of reasons, actually.”

  She clenched her teeth and smiled. “Care to elaborate?”

  “Well, one, you’re a beautiful woman. A man can’t help but stare.”

  She rolled her eyes, but tamped down the excitement at his words.

  “And two, I was just remembering the other day.” He scratched at his tightly trimmed goatee, an innocent expression on his face. “I seem to recall you saying you weren’t dating anyone.”

  She crossed her arms. Was he jealous? He couldn’t be, could he? He was dating someone, after all. Oh, this was good. Her lips lifted into a grin.

  “I didn’t realize I needed to keep you aware of my dating schedule, or the change in my relationship status.” Before she could shut her mouth, she added, “You certainly didn’t keep me informed of the change in yours.”

  He leaned back and crossed his legs, folding his hands in his lap. His features were controlled. “Had I known there was a desire for you to be informed, I certainly would’ve done so. You certainly didn’t lead me to think that you even cared that much.”

  A moment passed where they glared at each other, trying to read the other’s mind.

  “How long has it been going on?” he asked.

  Huh? “How long has what been going on?”

  “Wow. I guess he hasn’t made that much of an impression on you.”

  Her eyes narrowed at him. How had she not realized how arrogant the man was?

  “If you’re asking how long I’ve been dating Todd, we’ve only just begun seeing each other. We’re not serious, really. It’s very casual.” Stop there, Tiffany. Just shut up for once. Of course, she couldn’t. “I didn’t lie to you the other day. I told you I was ready to date and at the time, Todd and I hadn’t begun seeing each other yet.”

  “Well, I guess you were right. After our conversation, you waited all of two days. You really were ready, and apparently didn’t waste any time getting back out there.” His snarky yet innocent tone put her back up.

  She put her hands on her hips. “You know what? I don’t owe you any explanations.”

  “So were you seeing him when I stopped by the other night? Because it’s funny. You didn’t mention him. Well, interestingly enough, you did when you were talking about the foundation, but didn’t mention you were dating him.”

  She sputtered, “You are something else, you know that?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “How’s that?”

  She looked around then lowered her voice, plastering a smile on her face. “You were seeing someone when you stopped by the other night. And by the way,” she couldn’t stop herself, “you certainly didn’t waste any time getting back out there either.”

  “Oh, really?” He shifted in his seat and looked her dead in the eye. “In what way, Tiff? Tell me. Because I recall it being several weeks after New Year’s before I –”

  “Hey, there. I hope I’m interrupting something because this looks good.”

  Tiffany looked up and saw Carly standing at the table. She wiped her face of all annoyance and smiled tightly. “Nothing good here, I can assure you. You guys get back to your dinner. See you tomorrow.” Then she gave Drew a look and said saucily, “I need to get back to my date.”

  “Yeah, have a good one,” Drew said, as if he could care less.

  She turned and walked away, adding a little more sway to her hips. She thought she heard Carly chuckling.

  “I’m back.” She sat down in front of Todd.

  “Hey.” He looked at her closely. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Your face is flushed.”

  “I’m feeling a little warm, I think.” She fanned out her shirt a little. “I’m okay.”

  “Food alright?”

  “Yeah, it was great.” She still had a half of a burger left. “I think I’ll take this to go, though.”

  He raised his hand to call the waitress over who was nearby. She took the plates and before she left, Todd asked if Tiffany wanted dessert. When she declined, the waitress handed them the check.

  “You want to split it?” she asked, wondering how he wanted to settle the bill. He’d asked so she assumed he was going to want to pick it up.

  Drew would’ve paid for it regardless.

  “Sure,” he said, grabbing his wallet.


  Her mind immediately went to the cafeteria lunch with Drew, not to mention her dinner out with him months earlier. There was no way in hell he would let her pay for the dinner, having very strong views about gentlemanly behavior. Although she argued like the devil with him that night, the stark difference between his behavior and Todd’s struck her and she was immediately confused by her reaction to it. She was a taxpaying citizen, had plenty of money, and was absolutely a liberated woman who contributed to society. Why the hell should it bother her that they split the bill?

  They got up to leave and she felt Drew’s eyes on her.

  “Do you want to say goodbye to your friends?” Todd asked.

  “No, I’m good. I’ll just wave.” She lifted her hand and waved to Drew. He nodded at her while Carly turned to see where he was looking. She waved to Tiffany exuberantly and smiling, mouthed ‘See you tomorrow’. Tiffany smiled, and she and Todd left the restaurant.

  Tiffany was quiet on the cab ride home, her mind racing from the conversation she’d had with Drew minutes before. Todd playfully knocked his knee with hers to get her attention. She glanced over at him and he gave her an inquisitive look.

  “Sorry,” she said, feeling guilty. “I’m not feeling that great, I guess.”

  He nodded, watching her. “I’m sorry. I hope it wasn’t the food.”

  “No, I think I’m just tired. It’s been a long week. Thanks for calling tonight. It was good to get out,” she smiled politely.

  “I’m glad you came.”

  The cab pulled up in front of her building, and she took out some money and paid her half.

  “I could’ve gotten that,” he groused. “Just get inside.” He turned to the cabbie and asked him to wait. “I’ll walk you to the door.” He got out with her and they walked up to the door where the doorman stood. “Feel better, okay?”

  “Thanks. I’m sorry I’m such a fuddy duddy tonight.”

  “No worries. You don’t feel well,” he shrugged. He leaned over and kissed her softly on the cheek. “Talk to you soon.” He smiled softly and touched the side of her face.

  She nodded and said goodbye, and he turned and got back into the cab, waving through the window as it pulled away from the curb. She walked inside, almost in a dream state, going over every single word that was said between her and Drew.

  Going through the motions, she changed into her leggings and sweatshirt. With her mind still racing, she settled on her comfy sofa, wine in hand and e-reader on her lap, needing a ‘run of the mill’ sappy romance to escape and stop her brain from zipping between Drew and Todd. Well, if she was going to be honest, it only zipped to Drew.

  Had he been jealous tonight? He’d certainly appeared so. She’d never seen him other than polite and sweet, but tonight, he was definitely more...

  She couldn’t quite come up with the word, but the first word that came to mind was sexier. She put her wine down and dropped her head back onto the cushion, closing her eyes.

  ...after our conversation, you waited all of two were ready, and apparently didn’t waste any time getting back out there...oh, really? what way, Tiff?...because I recall it being several weeks after New Year’s...”

  The sound of her text going off jolted her from her thoughts. She looked at the clock on her mantle. It was already ten o’clock. She must’ve fallen asleep. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she grabbed her phone and looked at the text.

  It was from Drew.

  Chapter 5

  DREW: Hate to interrupt your date, but wanted to give u a time for tomorrow since Carly and I just talked about it.

  Tiffany bit her lip, smiling.

  TIFF: No worries. What time did u decide?

  It took a minute or two for him to respond.

  DREW: I wasn’t expecting to hear from u so soon. Date end early?

  She chuckled.

  TIFF: Once again, concerned w/ my dating schedule, Doc?

  DREW: And once again, doesn’t sound like he’s making a big impression.

  Grr. She wanted to beat the man.

  TIFF: Anyway. What time do u want to meet tomorrow?

  DREW: Hm. Evasive. How does 4 sound then dinner afterwards?

  TIFF: Not evasive, just not your concern, Dr. Huntington. And 4 sounds fine.

  Take that, Doc.

  DREW: No need to get snarky, Daniels. Now that your back out there, I’m just making sure you’re picking men who’ll at least make an impression.

  TIFF: What ma
kes u so sure he hasn’t made an impression?

  DREW: A lucky guess. I’m a smart man.

  TIFF: And so humble.

  DREW: That too.

  TIFF: I’m seeing a different side of u, Doc. She wanted to add, ‘jealous much?’ but didn’t want to push it.

  DREW: That’s b/c I know how to make an impression on a woman.

  Wow. What the hell did that mean?

  TIFF: Yeah, but what’s the impression you’re going for here?

  DREW: I think you know what impression I’m going for.

  She sat there and stupidly looked at the phone. Her mind was in complete disarray and she had no idea how to respond. Moments passed and still she didn’t know what to write back. Apparently she took too long.

  DREW: Wow, speechless? That’s almost unheard of, Daniels. See u tomorrow.

  She smacked her forehead. Shit. Just thinking about the texts made her anxious. What did it all mean? He was showing a different side to her, and if she was going to be honest, it made her even hotter. He was blatantly flirting with her in his subtle way which was keeping her off kilter. He was no longer that sweet and humble man who had been a good friend, who happened to be gorgeous as sin. He was now morphing into a more complex character, showing nuances and attitude which only made her feel more tension with him.

  And it made it that much more difficult to not be attracted to the jerk.

  She slept fitfully that night, and by three o’clock the next day, Tiffany was in a state of insanity thinking about Drew. Before leaving, she chose her clothing carefully, wearing a cranberry colored Vera Wang top with skinny jeans and high boots. Choosing to wear red had nothing to do with Drew liking her in the color. It was her favorite color on herself as well. She had tons of red clothes.

  Yeah, whatever you say, Tiff.

  When she got to the warehouse, she straightened up the office and lounge area then went into the small room off of it to make sure the bedding was straight on the single beds set up in the rest area for the girls.


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