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Ciccone, Jennifer (half sister)
Ciccone, Joan Gustafson (stepmother)
Ciccone, Madonna Jr., see Madonna
Ciccone, Madonna Sr. (mother)
and Catholicism
death of
influence of
Ciccone, Mario (half brother)
Ciccone, Martin (brother)
Ciccone, Melanie (sister)
Ciccone, Michelina di Ulio (grandmother)
Ciccone, Paula (sister)
Ciccone, Tony (Silvio, father):
background of
and Madonna’s childhood
Madonna’s relationship with
remarriage of
Cirlot, J. E.
Cirque du Soleil
Clarkson, Alison
Clinton, Hillary
Cobain, Kurt
Cole, Gardner
Collins, David
Collins, Joan
Collins, Phil
Compton, Ken
Confessions on a Dance Floor
Confessions tour
Cook, Norman
Cook, Pablo
Cooling, Wendy
Cooper, Wyn
Costner, Kevin
Cousin, Lorne
Coward, Noël
Crawford, Cindy
Crawford, Joan
Crawford, Michael
Crouch, Andrae
Crouch, Sandra
Crow, Sheryl
Crumes, Oliver
CTS Studios
Cunningham, Chris
Curtis, Dave
Dafoe, Willem
Dalai Lama
Danceteria, New York
Dangerous Game (film)
Davidson, Bruce
Davis, Bette
“Dear Father,” “Dear Jessie”
“Deeper and Deeper”
DeGeneres, Ellen
Delanghe, Gay
DeLory, Donna
DeMann, Freddy
Derogatis, Jim
Desperately Seeking Susan (film)
De Vries, Marius
DeYoung, Bill
Dick Tracy (film)
“Did You Do It?”
“Die Another Day”
Dietrich, Marlene
Dixie Chicks
Dolce & Gabbana bra
“Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina”
“Don’t Tell Me”
Dougary, Ginny
Drayton, Kim
“Dress You Up”
“Drowned World”
Drowned World tour
Dudley, Jane
Duncan, Isadora
Dunne, Griffin
Dylan, Bob
Dynell, Johnny
Eagleton, Terry
“Easy Ride”
Eccleshare, Julia
Eccleston, Danny
Echols, Brigitte
Edel, Uli
Edmonds, Kenneth “Babyface”
Edwards, Bernard
Eichenbaum, Luise
Elliot, Brian
Emin, Tracey
English Roses, The (children’s book)
Enos, John
En Vogue
Estefan, Gloria
Etheridge, Melissa
Everett, Rupert
“Everybody Is a Star”
Evita (film)
“Express Yourself”
Fab Five Freddy
Faithfull, Marianne
“Family Affair”
Fanning, Dennis
Fauque, Maripol
Ferrara, Abel
Filth and Wisdom (film)
Fincher, David
Fisher, Carrie
Fitzgerald, Ella
Flett, Kathryn
Flick, Larry
Flynn, Christopher
Foley, James
Fonarow, Wendy
“Forbidden Love”
Foster, Geoff
Foucan, Sebastien
Foucault, Michel
Frank, David
Frank, Randy
Freud, Sigmund
Friesen, Gil
Fulvimari, Jeffrey
“Future Lovers”
Gabriel, Peter
Gainsbourg, Charlotte
Gaitsch, Bruce
Galloway, Janice
Gardner, Ava
Garfield, Simon
Garland, Judy
Garratt, Siedah
Gault, Sharon
Gaultier, Jean-Paul
Gauwloos, Salim “Slam”
gay culture; lesbian themes
Gaynor, Gloria
Geldof, Bob
“Get Together,” “Get Up”
Gilberto, Astrud
Gilchrist, Janelle
Gill, A. A.
Gilmour, Dave
Gilroy, Dan and Ed
Girlie Show, The
Goddard, Jim
Golden Globe Awards
Goldsby, Jackie
Goose and Tomtom (play)
Gordon, Jon
Gotham Records
Gottlieb, Jeff
Grace, Della
Graham, Martha
Grammy Awards
Grandmaster Flash
Gruberger, Shraga Feivel
Guevara, Che
Guggenheim, Peggy
Guthrie, Gwen
Gutierez, Jose
Hall, Dave “Jam”
Hall & Oates
Halliwell, Leslie
“Hanky Panky”
Haring, Keith
Haris, Niki:
on Blond Ambition tour
on Drowned World tour
on Girlie Show
on Madonna’s relationships
on “Music” video
as singer
on Truth or Dare
on Who’s That Girl tour
Harlow, Jean
Harrah, James
Harrison, George
Harry, Debbie
Hayworth, Rita
Hearst, Patty
Heiden, Jeri
Henry, Caresse
Hernandez, Patrick
Hertz, Ramon
Hey You, “High Society”
Hirschberg, Lynn
Hoban, Phoebe
Hoffman, Dustin
Hojna, Richard
Holden, Dan
Holiday, Billie, “Hollywood”
hooks, bell
Hooper, Nellee
Hoskyns, Barney
Hudson, Curtis
“Human Nature”
“Hung Up”
Hynde, Chrissie
“I’d Be Surprisingly Good for You”
“I Deserve It”
“I’d Rather Be Your Lover”
I Dream of Madonna (Turner)
“I Feel Love”
Iggy Pop
“I Know It,” “I Love New York”
I’m Breathless
I’m Going to Tell You a Secret (documentary)
Immaculate Collection
“Impressive Instant”
“I’m So Stupid”
Inaba, Carrie Ann
Inchaustegui, Ruthy
“Inside of Me”
“In This Life”
“Into the Groove”
Iraq War
Isherwood, Charles
“I Want You”
“I Will Survive” (Gaynor)
Izod, John
Jackson, Anthony
Jackson, Janet
Jackson, Michael
Jacksons, The
Jacobs, Marc
Jagger, Mick
“Jimmy Jimmy”
Johansen, David
John, E
Jolie, Angelina
Jones, Grace
Jones, Quincy
Jones, Vinne
Joplin, Janis
“Justify My Love”
“Justify My Love” video
and astrology
history of
and lifestyle
and Raising Malawi
Spirituality for Kids
Kahlo, Frida
Kamen, Chester
Kamins, Mark
Kane, Big Daddy
Kane, Paula M
Kaye, John
“Keep It Together”
Keitel, Harvey
Kelly, Tom
Kemp, Rob
Kennedy, John F. Jr.
Kent, Sarah
Kerr, Louise
Keshishian, Alex
Khan, Chaka
Kid Rock
King, Carole
King, Jamie
Kirakosyan, Mihran
Kitt, Eartha
Klein, Calvin
Klein, Stephen
Kleinman, Dan
Kobal, John
Koestenbaum, Wayne
Kool & the Gang
Kramer, Jay
Kravitz, Lenny
Labèque, Katia
Lachman, Ed
Lader, Joan
“La Isla Bonita”
Lamb, Chris
Lambert, Mary
Lang, Fritz
Lang, Pearl
lang, k. d.
Lange, Jessica
Late Show with David Letterman
Lauper, Cyndi
Leach, Christine
League of Their Own, A (film)
LeBlanc, Keith
Lee, Peggy
Lehman, Edie
Leigh, Jennifer Jason
Leighton, Sir Michael
Lempicka, Tamara de
Lennon, John
Lennox, Annie
Leno, Jay
Leon, Carlos
Leon, Lourdes (Lola)
Leonard, Pat
and Blond Ambition tour
and “Dear Jessie”
and I’m Breathless
and “La Isla Bonita”
and Like a Prayer
and “Live to Tell”
and Madonna’s sound
and “Oh Father”
and Ray of Light
and True Blue
and Virgin tour
and Who’s That Girl tour
“Let It Be”
Letterman, David
Lewicki, Stephen Jon
“Like a Prayer”
Like a Prayer
“Like a Prayer” video
Like a Virgin
“Like a Virgin”
Like a Virgin tour
“Like It or Not”
“Little Star”
Live Aid
Live Earth concert
“Live to Tell”
LL Cool J
Lloyd Webber, Andrew
Loder, Kurt
Lomuscio, Bill
London Community Gospel choir
Long, Loren
Long, Russell
Loquasto, Santo
Los Angeles Church of God choir
Love, Courtney
“Love Profusion”
“Love Song”
Lucas, Reggie
“Lucky Star”
Lynch, David
Mackenzie, Michael
and aging
ambition of
artistic evolution of
birth of
and Catholicism
childhood of
children’s books by
college years of
competitiveness of
control exercised by
as dancer
early bands formed by
English property of
exercise regime of
family background of
and feminist agenda
frugality of
and Guy, see Ritchie, Guy
and her mother, see Ciccone, Madonna Sr.
high school years of
and Kabbalah, see Kabbalah look of
and motherhood; see also Banda, David; Leon, Lourdes; Ritchie, Rocco
at peak of career
political interests of
pregnancies of
putting it together
relationship with audience
reputation of
riding accident of
and Sean, see Penn, Sean
self-discipline of
as singer
as songwriter
sound of
style of
and success
voice of
“Madonna” (Sexton)
Madonna & the Sky
Magno, Alex
Magnussun, Bob
Maguire, Martie
Mailer, Norman
Maine, Margo
Mamet, David
Mantegna, Joe
Manzi, Zoe
Marr, Johnny
Marshall, Penny
Mary, Saint
“Material Girl”
Mazar, Debbie
McBrien, Richard
McCartney, Paul
McCartney, Stella
McCollum, Brian
McDaniel, Melodie
McDean, Craig
McDonald, Skip
McFarland, Moira
McLaren, Malcolm
McLean, Don
Media Sound
Meisel, Steven
Melcher, Charles
“Mer Girl”
Meyers, Bill
Michael, George
Midler, Bette
Miller, Stephen
Minelli, Liza
Mink, Leslie
Minogue, Kylie
Mitchell, Joni
M/M Paris
Moffet, Jonathan
Monahan, Mike
Mondino, Jean-Baptiste
Monroe, Marilyn
Moore, Demi
Moore, Michael
Morissette, Alanis
Moroder, Giorgio
Morse, Peter
Moses de Leon
Mosher, Gregory
“Mother and Father”
Mr. Peabody’s Apples (children’s book)
MTV Awards
Muldoon, Clive
Murphy, Mic
music industry:
acoustic folk rock
Big Band swing
“buggas” in
changes in
“high/low art”
live videos
performance arts
pop artist as brand
Seattle grunge
superstar careers in
synth sound
Nahmias, Ruth
Neale, Adrian
Neil, Andrew
“New Argentina, A”
Newton, Helmut
Next Best Thing, The (film)
Ndegeocello, Me’shell
Ninja, Willi
“Nobody Knows Me”
“Nobody’s Perfect”
“Nothing Fails”
“Nothing Really Matters”
Novoa, Father Carlos
Nowells, Rick
“Now I’m Following You”
Nugent, Ted
Nunez, Tobias
O’Brien, Glenn
O’Dair, Barbara
“Oh Father”
“Oh What a Circus”
Open Your Heart”
Orbach, Susie
Orbit, William
Orville H. Gibson Guitar Award
Osborne, Torie
Oseary, Guy
Ostin, Michael
O’Sullivan, Kevin
O’Toole, James M.
“Over and Over”
Pacino, Al
Paglia, Camille
Paltrow, Gwyneth
“Papa Don’t Preach”
Parker, Alan
Parlo, Dita
Parson, Debrah
Parton, Dolly
Paterson, Vincent
Pellerin, Jean-Claude
Penn, Robin Wright
Penn, Sean
divorce of Madonna and
in Goose and Tomtom
marriage of Madonna and
and Shanghai Surprise
violent side of
Pennebaker, D. A.
Pepsi Cola
Peron, Eva
Peron, Juan
Personna Dance Theater
Pettibone, Shep
Phair, Liz
Philbin, Regis
Phillips, Arianne
“Physical Attraction”
Piaggi, Anna
Pink Floyd
Pitt, Brad
Pittman, Monte
Plath, Sylvia
Pointer Sisters
Powell, Ron
“Power of Goodbye, The”
Pratt, Guy
Price, Stuart
“Promise to Try”
Pryce, Jonathan
Public Enemy
Rabe, David
Rafelson, Peter
Raising Malawi
“Ray of Light”
Ray of Light
ReInvention tour
Renck, Johan
Rice, Tim
Rich, Adrienne
Richards, Keith
Riley, Bags
Riley, Bob
Ritchie, Guy
and David’s adoption
in documentary
in England
and Kabbalah
marriage of Madonna and
and Swept Away
Ritchie, Lionel
Ritchie, Rocco
Ritts, Herb
Robertson, Dustin
Robinson, Smokey
Rodgers, Nile
Rodman, Dennis
Rodrigues, Jake
Rogers, Bruce
Rolling Stone
Romanek, Mark
Ronstadt, Linda
Rosenberg, Liz
Rosenblatt, Michael
Ross, Andrew
Rossellini, Isabella
Rubell, Steve
“Runaway Lover”
Russell, Ken
Russo, James
Ryder, Mitch
St. Denis, Ruth
SARM studios
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Sawyer, Forrest
Scorsese, Martin
“Secret Garden, The”
Sednaoui, Stephane
Seeger, Pete
Segal, David
Seger, Bob
Seidelman, Susan
“Semtex Girl”
September 11 attacks
Serrano, Andres
Setrakian, Whitley
Sex (book)
Sexton, Anne
Shadows and Fog (film)
Shakur, Tupac
Shanghai Surprise (film)
Shapiro, Peter
Shaw, Bobby
Sheen, Martin
Sheffield, Rob