Photographs in Time

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Photographs in Time Page 17

by Terry Segan

  “Forgive the intrusion, Sami, but I needed to talk with you.” He stood on the edge of the porch waiting. His formal upbringing wouldn’t allow him to proceed further without an invitation.

  Standing up I gestured to a chair next to mine. “Please, come join me. It’s no intrusion at all. Would you like some coffee?”

  Slowly he stepped up onto the porch, gave a formal nod and took a seat, settling the box on his lap. “Coffee would be most welcome, thank you. I drink it with cream, if it’s not too much trouble.”

  Nodding back, I went into the house with my own cup in tow. In the kitchen I retrieved a mug from the cupboard, added cream and poured in coffee. Giving a warm-up to my own black brew, I carried them out the front door.

  Paolo sat there staring out to sea. He didn’t turn when I set the mug down on the table beside him. A moment later he looked at me in surprise, as if he had been so lost in thought, he hadn’t heard me come back outside.

  “You are most kind, Sami. Thank you.”

  “You’re quite welcome. I see you’ve brought your son’s slides,” I continued as I retook my seat. “Why?”

  “I thought perhaps…well…those Suitors and potential Betrotheds deserve a chance. Maybe you and your Collector…” He trailed off, not able to finish the request.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but after our last match, we’re done,” Jimmy said from the front doorway.

  I hadn’t heard Jimmy come outside. Carrying his own coffee, he walked up to Paolo and extended his free hand. “Jimmy Chang, Mr. Fortuno. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Sorry about the circumstances.”

  Without standing, Paolo reached out and shook Jimmy’s hand. “The pleasure is mine,” he said formally. “Please call me Paolo. So, you’re Chang’s grandson?”

  “Yes,” Jimmy said as he released the old man’s hand and took the seat on my other side. “I don’t mean to sound rude, but we’re one match away from completing our quota. Once we’ve satisfied the thirtieth match, we’re done. You’ll need to find someone else to complete your son’s work. That is if you feel it’s worth finishing. With all the tragedy that’s befallen the process, it seems to me you would be as anxious as we are to see it end.”

  Paolo sat back in the wicker chair. It groaned in protest as he shifted his weight. With the quiet of the morning, the noise sounded exceedingly loud. “I did not mean to offend. It just seemed that perhaps a small piece of Junior could be at rest knowing his job was accomplished. Obviously, I have overstepped my bounds. My apologies. I will go,” he said as he began to stand up.

  Looking to Jimmy, then putting my hand on Paolo’s arm, I gave it a gentle squeeze. “Please, Paolo, wait. It’s a noble gesture. We appreciate the opportunity, don’t we, Jimmy?” I nodded toward him to speak up.

  “Yes, Sami’s right. I didn’t mean to sound harsh. Carney has done a world of damage to all of us. I understand how you feel about your son’s work. It doesn’t need to end, but we’re just not the ones to complete the job. Maybe you can find a couple more fitting to fulfill this goal for you. Right now, we need to focus our efforts on trapping Carney. You know of the process to trap him in time? So, he can’t come back?”

  Paolo settled back into his seat and again focused his gaze seaward. “Of course, that information is passed on with the Family Slide. My father instructed me in the act yet had never known it to be used. It is only for the direst of circumstances.”

  “I believe we’re to that point,” I said. “There’s no other way to stop Carney’s murderous spree. He’s destroyed too many lives already, including our last Betrothed. This can’t go on.”

  “Yes, I agree,” Paolo said. “But to do that, you will need two Family Slides. One is not enough. You must have two.”

  We never thought to notify Paolo of our latest development. I looked at Jimmy and he seemed to know what I was thinking. He nodded his head firmly, as if encouraging me to tell Paolo.

  “Paolo, due to recent developments, we have two slides.” It never occurred to me the old man may want his slide back. Perhaps he wanted to hatch a plan to save his son.

  “So, you’ve obtained the Frenchman’s slide?” Paolo would have no way of knowing that Francois’ was destroyed.

  “No. Mr. Chang confirmed that after his last journey, suffering from a fatal gunshot wound delivered by his grandson, Francois smashed his Family Slide before expiring.”

  “He destroyed it with his own hand? He must have had powerful reasons to choose that path,” the elder Fortuno said. “By simple deduction, that means you have acquired my family’s slide as well as your own, have you not?”

  “Yes,” Jimmy replied. “I guess it’s for us to ask permission. May we keep yours to stop Carney?”

  Both of us sat there holding our breath staring at the old man. I felt Jimmy grab my hand. If he said he wanted the slide back, would we be obligated to give it to him?

  After several painful moments, we could see the resolve and determination come over Paolo’s face. He held his head up, set his jaw firmly and answered, “It would be my honor to have even a small part in stopping that mad man. Please use whatever means necessary, including the Fortuno slide. You have my blessing and permission to keep it.”

  Reaching over with my free hand, I grasped Paolo’s. “Thank you. We promise to do whatever it takes to stop him. We won’t let up until he’s trapped.”

  “Please let me know if there is any further assistance I can render. Whatever means I have is at your disposal.” He stood up still holding the box of slides. The parcel remained lovingly grasped within his large hands.

  “For now,” Jimmy suggested, “the best thing you can do is lock those slides up securely. As long as Carney is on the prowl, he may use any means, including those slides, to continue jumping through time. Right now, he’s locked into the present. He may be getting desperate, so please take good care of them.”

  “Understood. Thank you for the hospitality, Sami. Contact me if you need anything.”

  He stood there a moment looking lost. Instinctively I stepped up, threw my arms about his neck and gave him an awkward hug, with the box between us. He held tightly to his treasure, yet I felt a light kiss brushed across my cheek as I released him.

  “Good luck,” he said before turning around and walking down the driveway. He gently placed the box on the passenger seat, closed the car door and walked to the driver’s side.

  Jimmy came over and put his free arm around my shoulders as we watched him drive away. Instead of feeling sorry for the old man, I had nothing but respect. Even at the loss of his son, he still wanted to see the job completed.

  A thought suddenly struck me. Looking up at Jimmy, I said, “I know how to trap Carney.”

  Jimmy gave me a sidewise glance and took the bait. “Ok, lovely lady, I’m listening.”

  Chapter 34

  “We pretend to return the Fortuno Family Slide?” asked Jimmy, tilting his head. I could tell he thought this wasn’t the best plan.

  “Yes.” Pulling away from his embrace, I took a sip of coffee, then set it on the small table. Turning back to him, I continued. “Don’t you see? He’s broken into the Fortuno home and stolen it once before. I believe he’s arrogant enough to think he can do it a second time. That’s when we have the slides activated and ready to trap him. What do you think?”

  Jimmy mulled this over, sipping from his own mug. “It just might work. Do you think Paolo will go along with it?”

  “There’s no doubt in my mind. Carney killed his son. There’s nothing that man won’t agree to if it means stopping this monster. It won’t bring back Junior, but it will exact justice.”

  “What’s your plan?” Jimmy asked, as he walked over to the wicker chair and sat down.

  Sitting myself, I spelled out my idea. “We make a show of giving Paolo back the Family Slide right here on the porch. Hopefully, Carney will be up in his tower watching.”

  “He’s probably keeping closer tabs on us than we’d like to think. I imagin
e he’s panicking now that he can’t randomly jump, and it’s killing him,” said Jimmy.

  “That’s what I’m thinking too. Even though it makes my skin crawl, I think his vigilance is relentless.” It took all my strength not to look up in the direction of Carney’s house. “Do you think he even wonders what happened to Stella?”

  “I don’t know, sweetie.” He reached over and placed a hand on my arm. “He may have written her off as another pawn in his game.”

  At the thoughts of our recent Betrothed, I went into the house, grabbed Stella’s clothes and tied them up in a plastic bag. Walking out to the trash can on the side of the house, I dropped the bundle in. Closing the lid seemed so horrific an end to such a fragile life. I couldn’t help feeling partly responsible for that sad creature being led astray.

  Back on the porch, Jimmy sipped his coffee. So deep in thought, I sat down next to him without saying a word. Staring out at the ocean, I felt his hand gently cover mine and squeeze.

  As I turned to face him, we gazed into each other’s eyes. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. “You know what frightens me most?”

  “Uh-uh,” I shook my head.

  “Losing you. I don’t think I could go on if you weren’t here with me. All these years, we’ve chosen to live apart. We’ve always wanted our own space to retreat to. Why do we do that?”

  I breathed deeply, savoring the ocean’s scent. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the trees. Sitting here with my perfect man, I wondered what thoughts churned in his head. I contemplated the question and finally answered. “Fear.”

  “Fear of getting too close and losing. Am I right?”

  “Yes.” I gazed into his pensive blue eyes.

  “Sami, I love you very much.”

  “I love you, too. You’ve always known that.”

  “Yes, I have. That’s why I have to say this to you.”

  Fear coupled with sheer terror filled my head. He was breaking up with me to keep me safe! That had to be it.

  “You know,” he said, “I love to see the emotion race across your face and your hazel eyes go wide when you think you know what’s going on—but this time, you don’t.”

  I crinkled my brow with obvious confusion.

  Jimmy laughed and set his mug on the table beside him. Still holding my hand, he got out of his chair and down on one knee. With his other hand, he pulled a small box out of his pocket and flipped it open. Inside rested a ring. A simple band woven of fine silver strands.

  I gasped, not expecting anything like this.

  He looked into my eyes and said, “Samantha, I love you from the bottom of my heart. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” My answer was immediate, and much louder than either of us expected.

  “Take your time. You don’t want to make any hasty decisions.” He laughed.

  Pulling my hand free, I leaned over and threw both arms around his neck. Kissing him on the lips, I pulled back, “Yes, I will marry you.”

  Jimmy removed the ring from the box and gently slipped it onto my finger. “When?” he asked.

  Bursting out laughing, the two of us stood and he pulled me into his arms. Amid all this chaos, joy and love still existed, but now was not the time to plan a wedding.

  We went into the house and made breakfast together. Over toast, bacon and eggs, we began plotting our next move to trap Carney. Despite the joy we both felt, business had to take precedence.

  “So how do you want to approach Paolo?” I asked.

  Jimmy thought about it a moment then said, “We go to his house. Its crucial we’re familiar with the location so there are no surprises. But we really need a reason for Carney to go to Paolo. With having to power up the slides for an hour, we can’t leave too much to chance.”

  “What if Paolo invited Carney to his house?”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “Think about the facts,” I said, getting up to refill our coffee mugs. “Carney doesn’t know Paolo suspects him of killing Junior. The only truth known to all of us is that Carney stole April, his son’s photographer. What if Paolo expected Carney to complete his son’s work?”

  “That could be a good angle.” Jimmy nodded as I handed back his mug.

  “Paolo could offer to give him the box of slides suggesting he help the Suitors and Betrotheds that were robbed of a chance at happiness. Carney would jump at the chance of getting the emergency slides. The dates might coincide with something to his advantage. He may think he can use them to get back one of the Family Slides.”

  “Sami, you’re a genius! That could be just the bait we need to get him to the Fortuno house.”

  “Except, when he arrives, we’ll be there waiting.”

  “We need to warn Paolo that Carney could be armed. As well thought out as this plan may be, there are still factors we can’t count on. His having a gun is a strong possibility,” Jimmy pointed out.

  As we sat finishing our breakfast, I had to ask the question that burned in my mind. “Jimmy, why did you choose now to propose to me?”

  He reached across the table and picked up my left hand. Gently, his thumb rubbed the ring. My whole arm tingled with warmth. “Because I always took it for granted you would be in my life. The events over the last few months made me realize that when our time is up, there are no second chances. No going back, no matter how many slides we have. When it finally comes time for me to leave this existence, I want it to be as your husband. It would be the one thing in life I’d regret not following through on.”

  “You don’t think we’ll both survive this, do you?”

  He raised my hand to his lips and kissed the back. Without a word, he got up and walked out of the kitchen. Tears slid down my cheeks. Regardless of the cost, he intended to stop Carney. No matter what it took. And there was nothing I could do about it.

  Chapter 35

  While cleaning up our breakfast dishes, I heard Jimmy on the phone with Paolo, asking if we could come over for a talk.

  “See you tonight,” he said, as he walked back into the kitchen and ended the call. Looking up from his phone, he continued, “We’re all set.”

  “Did you explain our plan?”

  “No. I thought it best to discuss it in person. I’m sure he knows why we’re asking to come over.”

  “He’s very intuitive. Maybe he’ll have something to add to the trap.”

  “I believe he already has.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “He had to have known we would turn him down as far as finishing his son’s work. Maybe he just wanted to get that box of slides out in the open. For someone else to see.”

  “That never occurred to me. When I went to see him, it was before Carney snatched me and we knew he had a house nearby. Paolo must have assumed he’d been watching us. How else would he be able to keep interfering with our work?”

  This also made me think about our scene on the porch earlier. Carney may have been witness to the proposal. Was it Jimmy’s intention to further stir things up? With Carney’s anger growing, it might make him reckless in his actions to get at us and the slides. While I didn’t like the idea of Jimmy using our intimate moment to further our plan of trapping Carney, it reinforced the idea that we must use every means possible.

  “Why are we going so late?” I asked.

  “Paolo has appointments most of the day and won’t be home until after 6:30. Besides, that gives us a little bit of time to celebrate our engagement.” The mischievous grin on his face, told me the afternoon would go all too quickly.

  Pulling open the cupboard, I grabbed two wine glasses. “It may be a little early for libations, but today calls for an exception.” Giving him a wink, I asked, “See you upstairs?”

  “I’m way ahead of you. I’ve been saving a cabernet from that quaint little winery we discovered in Santa Ynez. Give me a moment to pop it open, and I’ll be right up.”

  The rest of the day was devoted to nothing but celebrating our happiness. After an
early dinner, we were ready to leave.

  “Let’s go,” Jimmy said.

  I grabbed my purse from the kitchen counter, and we headed for the front door. Just as a precaution, Jimmy popped into the office and retrieved the Family Slides from the safe. We didn’t want to get this far, only to lose the means we needed to finish Carney.

  Neither one of us said much on the drive to Laguna Beach. The two slides rode safely in my lap, both wrapped in the green silk scarf and nestled in a canvas bag. I gave Jimmy directions as he guided his silver Jaguar through the neighborhoods leading to the Fortuno mansion. At the gate he pressed the button. A moment later the iron groaned as it swung open. Paolo must be as anxious as we were to end this saga.

  When we drove up to the house, the front door stood open. Jimmy came around to my side of the car, opened the door and grabbed the bag. Reaching back in, he helped me out.

  I gripped his hand as we walked cautiously up to the entrance and peered inside. The light was on in the entryway, but no movement of any kind. “Hello,” I said. No answer.

  “Paolo?” Jimmy called. Still nothing.

  “I don’t like the looks of this,” I said. “Something doesn’t feel right.”

  Just then Paolo came hurrying over from somewhere in the house. He wore a pair of khaki pants and a t-shirt. It seemed out of character as the prior times I’d seen him he dressed more formally in slacks and a button-down shirt.

  “My apologies for not being here to greet you when you drove up. As I awaited your arrival, my phone rang, and the help has gone home for the evening. Please, come in.”

  I sighed with relief as we entered the house.

  “Thank you for seeing us, Paolo,” I said, as we walked past him. He nodded, then gestured toward the sitting room he led me to on my first visit. This time I smelled the delicate scent of roses. The bowl on the end table brimmed with a potpourri of dried petals.

  “I trust you have a plan?”


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