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Page 2

by Laura Greenwood

  Something grabbed my shoulder and I jumped. I spun around, raising my dagger and prepared to attack the second Demon. Aka the Demon that I’d forgotten about. Oops. Instead, I found myself holding a dagger to the throat of an amused looking Than.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, not moving my dagger. To say I was surprised to see him was an understatement. Why was he even here? Was he following me or something?

  “I was in the neighbourhood.” His low voice rumbled, and the amused look stayed planted on his face. The jerk.

  “Just like you were in the neighbourhood the other day?”

  “Yes,” he answered, the one word infuriating me to no end. No way was he just leaving it at that.

  “So, what’s with that? Are you following me?” I voiced my earlier thought. Than chuckled, the low sound doing something funny inside me. I was going to ignore that one for now.

  “And why would I be doing that Nim?”

  “Don’t. Call. Me. Nim.” I snarled at him, and pressed the dagger closer to his neck. I wasn’t actually going to cut him, and he probably knew that, but still the experience was definitely worth it just seeing the smug look slip from his face a bit.

  “Then don’t turn your back on a Demon,” he said, a serious look on his face. “Just this once, listen to me, Anima. That wasn’t a safe thing to do.” An undefined emotion crossed his face. No, not undefined. I knew what that emotion was, I’d studied enough humans and paranormals to know, but I didn’t want to think about it. Not now, at least. One thing was certain though, he genuinely did seem to be serious. How odd.

  Instead of responding, I withdrew my knife and turned away from him, walking swiftly into the night. He called my name from behind me, but I ignored him. I didn’t have the energy to deal with him right now.


  Stupid Than. Always turning up when I didn’t want him to. What was even with that? I’d never once given him a reason to hang around. Quite the opposite really. Even as kids I used to yell at him to get away from me. Playing nicely just wasn’t something I did. Though I actually came to regret it a bit when I was about ten and realised that no one else had ever wanted to play with me. Despite it all, Than had still tried over the years. And even now he was still trying. If any of the others found out about that, I don’t know what they’d do. Probably try and disown him or something.

  I have to stop thinking about him like that, otherwise impossible thoughts were going to worm their way into my head. Or worse, into my heart, and that was the last thing I wanted to deal with, especially with a Queen of the Damned after me.

  “Seriously Nim?” I jumped at the male voice, and looked up to see Than leaning in the doorway, his sleeves pushed up to his elbows revealing the tattoos that I simultaneously envied and admired. Part of me wanted to trace them all with my fingers, tracking each individual movement as it happened. I really did need to stop it. Those kinds of thoughts never happened around other Reapers.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, ignoring the incredulous look in his eyes.

  “Coming to talk to you. I thought that was fairly obvious.” He tried to go for nonchalant, but I picked up on the ever so slight hint of hurt in his voice. Maybe he had a heart after all.

  “How did you know where I lived?”

  “You’re full of questions today,” he said, ignoring my question and raising some red flags. If he knew where I lived, who else did? Did Chesca already know where I was? That could be disastrous. I’d have to move.

  “How did you know where I lived?” I asked again.

  “If I answer, you’ll have to answer a question in return.” His eyes twinkled in mischief. What was he up to? I didn’t really want to guess to be honest.

  “Fine,” I admitted, begrudging him the word. I was only agreeing so he’d tell me how he found me, that way I could avoid making the same mistake when I moved again.

  “I followed you about two weeks ago.”

  “That was you?” He nodded and I thought back to that night. I’d been certain I was being followed, but couldn’t prove anything so had eventually given up and ignored the lingering feeling of being watched. More fool me it seemed, I’d have to be more careful next time. And listen to my gut more. Damn, I really should have listened.

  “Now my question. Why do you keep getting attacked by Demons?”

  “I don’t keep getting attacked.”

  “That’s the second time this week, Nim.” Third actually. The thought of which had me completely neglecting him shortening my name. Demons seemed to override everything.

  “One of them is after me.” I shrugged while Than looked on with an expression I could only describe as concerned. Which couldn’t be right, so I ignored it.

  “Damn, Nim.”


  “That’s really not good.”

  Yep, believe it or not, I picked up on that one. Thanks for stating the obvious Than.

  “Which one?” he asked, completely oblivious to the way I was thinking about him right now.

  “Chesca,” I replied, and watched as he shivered at the sound of her name. She had a reputation alright.

  “Anima…” he started, and that’s when the shit really hit the fan.


  I wasn’t even sure what was happening anymore. Just that there was a lot of blood everywhere, and my knives hadn’t stopped moving since Than had said my name. Maybe it was even the very act of him saying my name that had brought them to us. I’d explore that thought later, when there wasn’t what was almost a mini-hoard at my front door. Dammit, I’d definitely need to find somewhere else to live. To my left, Than was fighting off his own group of Demons, his silver whip carving a path through them in a way that could almost be considered elegant. You know, if it didn’t involve chopping off heads and blood spurting everywhere.

  I might not want to admit it, but I was glad he’d stuck around. And not just because otherwise, I’d probably not survive this, but also because it kind of made me feel a little less alone. Sure, my exile was voluntary, but it still left me feeling kind of lonely.

  A Demon came at me from each side, and I spun on my heels, flicking my knives out as I did and slicing through their throats. Gory, but kind of satisfying. Their sticky black blood covered my shirt, but there was nothing that could be done about that, I’d just burn it once we were done, wouldn’t want anyone finding it accidentally. Too many questions considering things became visible to humans if I wasn’t wearing them. Luckily, these Demons were different from the ones before, and it didn’t take stabbing them through the heart to kill them/.

  I stumbled, and righted myself just in time, but still felt the steadying hand on my arm. I looked up to find Than’s concerned eyes boring into me, but couldn’t bring myself to say anything. I didn’t think it was possible but his stare intensified until I had to look away, just in time to spot the Demon that was about to take him out. Ducking under his arm, I thrust my right knife forward and drew it through tough Demon flesh. It didn’t kill it, unfortunately, but it did seem to confuse it for long enough that Than managed to get the upper hand. He drew his whip around, narrowly missing my face.

  “Thanks,” he said, looking at me with an expression that betrayed his sincerity. Huh. Well I had no idea what to do with that. Thankfully, I was saved from replying by another Demon charging at us.

  “Where are they all coming from?” I half-shouted, hoping he’d hear over the weird squeaky grunts the Demons were making. We weren’t facing particularly powerful Demons, it was just the numbers that were posing an issue.

  “You tell me, Nim. You’re the one they’re after.”

  “Don’t call me Nim,” I growled.

  “Why not? Isn’t that what your friends call you?” he asked. It was followed by a grunt as he dispatched another Demon. Good job we weren’t counting, he’d totally be winning on the kill count.

  “You’re not my friend,” I responded as I withdrew one of my throwing knives and used it to st
op the Demon that was creeping up behind him. He nodded an acknowledgement before turning back to his foe.

  “Am I not? What am I doing here then?”

  I stopped dead still. Which really wasn’t a good idea when you’re surrounded by Demons that want to take you to their leader. But whatever. Was Than my friend?


  “I take it that’s a ‘yes, you are my friend, Than. I’m sorry I was wrong’ then?”

  “I guess,” I grumbled, thankful there were still some Demons about so I could avoid giving more of an answer, though there were less of them about now.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Than sounded frustrated rather than angry, and drew his whip through the Demon that had appeared between us, leaving it cleaved in two, and splattering us both with gore. He didn’t care though, just stalked towards me, a determined expression on his face.

  When we were standing just a hairsbreadth apart, he stopped, looking down at me with something undiscernible on his face. The next thing I knew, he’d slipped an arm around my waist and yanked me towards him. I licked my lips, having a good idea what was coming next. Not that I knew how to feel about it. Did I even want it to happen?

  I thought about the hard, muscled arm that was wrapped around my waist, and the glowing blue tattoos that swirled around his skin as he reaped. Okay, turns out I did want this. I wanted this a lot. “Than,” I whispered.

  “Anima,” he whispered back, the sound of my full name sending a thrill through me. Though that could just be because he never used it. Silly man. Silly, infuriating, desire inducing man. Stop it, Anima. No one can know how often you’ve thought of this moment, remember?

  His head lowered until we were breathing the same space. This was actually happening. How was this happening? In the middle of a Demon attack. A small part of me tried to latch on to that thought. This really wasn’t the place to have a first kiss. And yet, that part was definitely losing the argument.

  Getting impatient, I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips to his, tingles running up and down my body as he responded. His kiss was firm and just the right side of demanding, especially when he pulled me closer to him.

  I moaned, pushing my body closer to him, and I swore that if we were alone right now, I’d be one step away from ripping off his clothes. No, stop it. I couldn’t give in to him just because of one amazing kiss.

  Something hit my back, and we pulled apart, both of us a little dazed. I touched my lips, the tingle not quite having worn off, while Than glared at something over my shoulder. I turned slowly, noting a deflated football had appeared about two feet from where I stood. Odd.

  When I faced the direction that Than was looking, I understood the frown completely. Elijah was leaning against the wall of what looked to be an empty office block, an amused look on his face and a pile of Demons at his feet.

  “Oh good, you’re back with us,” he said. As before, he looked too damn perfect for words, with a cheeky innocent smile, and perfectly curled blonde hair. Basically, he looked like everyone expected an Angel to look. Sans the wings. Apparently, he could hide them at will, which seemed like a useful trick if you asked me. If I was honest, I didn’t know how Lindsey resisted him. From what I’d seen of them together, he was clearly interested in her. And I was pretty certain she was interested in him too in her own Demonic way. Hell, I could be into him, and I’d just been kissed senseless in the middle of a Demon battle.

  “What do you want, Elijah?” I asked, feeling more impatient than I had any right to. Than placed a warm hand on the small of my back, which was far more reassuring than I expected it to be.

  “Some thanks would be nice. I did just save your cute little behind from certain death.” I glared at him. The innocent look was totally just an act. Lindsey really should give into him. “Who gets it on in the middle of a fight?”

  “It felt like the right moment,” Than said from behind me, earning a raised eyebrow from Elijah.

  “Yes, sure, kiss the girl in the middle of the battle. Probably because it’s the only time she’s off guard enough for you to let her.”


  “Completely true,” Elijah said, interrupting me.

  “It kind of is, Nim,” Than added. I frowned at the angel, not wanting to take my eyes off him to include Than in the death stare. Elijah just laughed in response.

  “Well, glad you finally got what you wanted Thanatos. You owe me one Anima.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled, knowing there was very little I could do to dispute that. Angels just didn’t do something without expecting something else in return, they were a lot like Demons in that regard.

  “Oh, and tell Lindsey I say hi.”

  Yep, he was definitely into my Demonic friend. Maybe I could get my own back on him by pointing it out. With that, he disappeared into thin air, definitely a plus of being an Angel. We just had to walk places unfortunately.


  “Guess you need to get back now?” I said, already feeling disappointed. To my surprise, he shook his head.

  “There’s nowhere else I want to be.”


  What on earth was happening? How was this happening? Why were Than’s hands on my hips, and in my long dark hair. His breath fanning across my lips as he leaned in to kiss me. My pulse pounded, and it was getting hard to remember how to think. Or remember we were completely covered in Demon goop and likely stinking to high Heaven. Totally normal then.

  He closed the gap between us and pressed his lips against mine, far more gently than he had during our kiss on the battlefield. Which just wasn’t on, if you asked me. I didn’t want gentle. I’d been alone too long to want gentle. I pressed my body against his, pulling him even closer by the scruff of his jacket. Until I realised that really, the jacket was in the way, and I scrambled to push it off his shoulders and down to the floor. He complied, not breaking the kiss, but his hand did move from my hip, causing me to whimper in disappointment. He chuckled, pulling back, his eyes glazed over with lust as he looked down on me.

  “You know, we really should clean up.” A wicked grin crossed his face as he spoke and something deep within me awoke. Now that sounded fun. In fact, it sounded really fun. And while I knew I couldn’t stay in this house any longer, what was an extra half an hour? I looked into Than’s hungry eyes again. Okay, maybe an hour.

  “We should,” I whispered, taking a step back and slipping off my own jacket. I walked backwards, towards where I knew the bathroom was, removing my clothing as I did. Than watched, the hunger in his eyes only growing as each item fell to the floor. I reached the bathroom door and gave him a pointed look, hoping he got the message and that his own clothes soon joined mine. This wasn’t going to work if he didn’t play along.

  I heard a rustle behind me and smiled. That was more like it. Leaning forward, I switched on the shower, the powerful stream of water already starting to warm the room. This shower was so needed. And not just because I wouldn’t be alone…though that did help.

  Stepping under the water, I tilted my head back and groaned quietly at the soothing water. This was definitely worth it.

  Strong hands interrupted my thoughts and I squeezed my eyes further shut, worried that if I opened them, he’d disappear, and that this would be nothing more than my own vivid imagination.

  Than’s lips met my neck, and he kissed softly, before drawing my ear between his teeth and nibbling softly. I groaned, loudly this time, and arched my back. Please, please, please don’t let this be my imagination. Slowly, I opened my eyes.

  “Anima,” he groaned, his voice low. I looked into his heavily lidded eyes, whatever it was there, filling me with feelings I really didn’t want to examine right now. I hated Than, didn’t I? Well maybe hate was too strong a word, was wary of maybe. Wait, why was I thinking about this right now? I had a very sexy man with water dripping down his chiselled chest in front of me, looking like he wanted to devour me, and I was thinking about feelings? Screw that. Or
screw me, more like.

  Neither of us moved or broke eye contact, even though it was clear we both wanted to. Something was brewing I was sure of it, and I didn’t know quite how it would play out. Eventually, the stalemate between us broke, and in several hurried moments, I found myself with my legs wrapped tightly around Than’s waist, and one of his tattooed arms against the wall beside my head. His body shielded me from the warm water, but right at that moment, I didn’t care. Not with his body so close to mine and radiating a heat all of its own. His other arm was under my ass, holding me in the perfect position for what I really wanted.

  I moved my hands downwards, there was no real need for foreplay right now, which was odd for me, but the tension thrumming through the air might have something to do with that. Or maybe it was the Demon fight. Though death as an aphrodisiac was a little odd. What was with me tonight? Here I was about to have sex with Than. Than. And all I could do was think about weird tangents.

  “Anima, are you okay?” he asked softly, a concerned look in his eyes. I nodded once. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want.” I shook my head.

  “I want this,” I whispered softly, and moved my hand down further, taking his hard length in it. Than groaned, and tipped his head back.

  “Nim,” he ground out. And this time, the shortening of my name didn’t bother me in the slightest, in fact, I kind of liked it. “If you don’t do something then I’m not going to last,” he said through baited breath. Well, if he was going to say that…

  I guided him towards me, the excitement inside me only growing. This was it. It was really happening. The thing that I’d been secretly fantasising about for years, was becoming a reality. Nature took over, and in one strong thrust, Than seated himself within me, and the slight ache of sex for the first time filled me. I’d get over that pretty quick at least.


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