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LUCAS Page 6

by V. A. Dold

  Kensie nodded and smiled. She wasn’t sure what to say. Except for Jojo and Carol, she didn’t do small talk.

  The instant they entered the restaurant Kensie knew she was about to experience interaction overload.

  A man who must be the owner beamed and slapped Lucas on the back. “Lucas! It’s great to see you tonight. I was surprised to see you made a reservation for two. Who’s the lucky lady?”

  “Hi, Angelo. This is Kensie.” Lucas squeezed her hand. “Darlin', this is Angelo. He’s the owner of Rubio’s.”

  Kensie reached to shake the man’s hand. Angelo, took her hand and gently kissed her fingers. “It is a pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at the sweet old man.

  “Now, Angelo, that’s enough,” Lucas teased. “Don’t make me call Maria from the kitchen.”

  “Momma mia! Don’t do that,” Angelo said dramatically.

  Kensie laughed at the show they put on for her benefit. She started to feel more comfortable and that surprised her. Lucas led her by the hand through the dining room. They seemed to be headed to a private table at the very back.

  They couldn’t take three steps without stopping to say hello and introductions. So many new names were thrown at her she thought her head would explode. There was no way she would remember any of them except Angelo. She didn’t want to be rude, but enough was enough.

  When they were in-between tables, she leaned in and whispered. “Lucas, you’re not having dinner with the entire restaurant.”

  “You’re right, mon amour. I apologize.” The rest of the way to their table, he simply nodded, smiled, and said hello as they passed. He feared he’d blown his chances by using a term of endearment she wasn’t ready for. He was sure she wouldn’t be comfortable with him calling her ‘my love’ yet. Thankfully, she was too overwhelmed by the locals to notice.

  He was pleased when Kensie waited for him to seat her at their table. Many women from the last few generations ignored such manners as allowing a man to seat the lady.

  Seated, he placed his napkin in his lap. He felt her gaze like a physical touch. He couldn’t help but raise his own and drink her in.

  Kensie looked at Lucas before, but she’d been so busy avoiding him, she hadn’t really looked all that closely. His masculine handsomeness left her awe struck. Not pretty like some men, heck no, he was all male. She really liked a man with a strong jawline and a solid chin. For her, there was no bigger turn off than a weak, snively chin. She’d meant to pass over his full, kissable lips, but all her good intentions lost out to flaring desire.

  Determinedly, she pulled her eyes from temptation and focused on his hair. Dark, lush, slightly wavy hair begged her to tunnel her fingers deep. Damn, was there anything on this man that wasn’t perfect? Forcing her attention from his hair, her eyes clashed with his intense, aquamarine gaze, rimmed with long dark lashes any woman would kill for. On any other man they would look girly. Lucas just looked hot. Smoking hot. Shiznit, he in turn fixedly studied every one of her features as well. His intense inspection made her feel like a bug under a magnifying glass.

  Irritated, she felt an embarrassed blush heat her cheeks - again.

  Lucas flashed his charming, megawatt smile, chalk full of dimples. The ones that immediately wreaked havoc with her heart rate.

  Jaw tightening, she ignored the flash of heat and the fact she was officially beet red. Fair skin was a hazard she hated being cursed with.

  He didn't speak; he simply continued to gaze at her. His eyes darkened and grew hungry when his perusal fell to her mouth.

  Kensie's lips parted and her tongue instinctively moistened them. Her body responded with a disturbing eagerness she never experienced before. Her nipples joined in and tightened against the lacy cups of her bra and then invited a flutter to begin in her belly.

  She silently willed him to say something. Anything. She sure as heck couldn’t form words much less string a few together.

  Lucas averted his eyes and cleared his throat to give her a chance to recover. He understood the intense draw of one mate for another, but she didn’t know what was happening and he could smell her desire and confusion. He did all he could do to not chuckle. If he did, she would be embarrassed and he would never do that to his mate in public.

  Kensie directed her attention to the menu, a much safer choice than the cowboy across the table. Vegetarian lasagna, yum.

  They hadn’t been seated long when a woman with silver gray hair rushed over. The glasses of water on her tray wobbled dangerously as she practically slid to a halt.

  “Evenin', folks. The special tonight is lasagna,” she said as she set the glasses on the table. “Mercy me! Lucas Le Beau with a date.”

  “Thelma, you of all people know I don’t take just any lady to dinner. Since you refuse to accept my offer, continuously breaking my heart, I took a look around and found this gorgeous woman. She took mercy on me and healed my broken heart,” Lucas teased.

  Thelma patted his cheek as if he were a precocious child, instead of a one hundred seventy-five-year-old man. “My refusal was for your own protection, darlin'. You couldn’t handle me,” she teased back.

  “You got that right,” he laughed. “Thelma, this lovely lady is Kensie. Kensie, this is Thelma, the holder of everyone’s secrets in these parts.”

  “Go on now,” Thelma blushed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kensie. You must be one special lady to catch the eye of this young man.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Thelma.” Kensie shook the friendly waitress’s hand. She knew instantly she was going to like the woman.

  “Y'all ready to order, or would you like a little more time to read the menu?”

  Lucas glanced toward his mate. “If you don’t mind, I could order for both of us.”

  Kensie gave him a considering look. Maybe this was one of those rules Jojo was talking about. “All right.”

  “Please bring us a bottle of Chianti, the chicken cacciatore for me, and vegetarian lasagna for Kensie.”

  Thelma wrote down the order and put her notepad in her pocket. “I’ll bring you the house salad and the wine in a jiffy.”

  Lucas handed the menus to Thelma and reached for Kensie’s hand.

  She stiffened and dropped her eyes, but didn’t pull away. A small victory was won in that moment.

  After Thelma was out of earshot, she leaned closer to Lucas. “How did you know I like vegetarian lasagna?”

  “Maybe I can read your fascinating mind, or maybe it was just a good guess.” He grinned, flashing his heart stopping dimples shamelessly. He heard her choose the lasagna and consider a glass of Chianti, but he wasn’t going to tell her that. At least not yet.

  Kensie blushed a pretty pink and pulled her hand back.

  Before Lucas could speak again, a runner from the kitchen brought their salads and wine.

  The instant he left the table, Lucas said, “You’re always beautiful, but you’re breathtaking when you blush.”

  Her blush bloomed brighter, yet she refused to look up from her lap. Ignoring him she took a sip of water.

  He wanted, no, needed a reaction from her. Leaning close enough for her to feel his warm breath, he whispered, “I want to kiss you so badly, it hurts.”

  Kensie inhaled sharply and choked on the water. Quickly, she set the glass down before she dropped it. Despite her cautionary measures, the water still managed to slosh out.

  “Here, let me get that.” He reached over to dry the table. Their hands brushed and his heart fell to his feet when Kensie jerked back as if bit by a rattler.

  Lucas set his damp napkin aside. He must have pushed too hard with the kiss comment. He needed to be more careful.

  “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Let’s be honest. There's something powerful happening between you and me. You feel the pull as much as I do. I only ask that you explore that with me and see where this goes.”

  “I admit there is an...attraction,�
� she said, trying to smile. “But I’m not used to men who are so assertive. If you want to continue this, you need to slow down.”

  “I'll try, darlin'. I don’t think you realize the appeal you hold for me. But I swear I’ll try.” His vow echoing in his ears sounded like a portent of disaster. He was afraid when the time came, and Kensie gave into her attraction, he wouldn’t be able to go slow or be gentle. By Goddess, he would give her his best effort and provide whatever she needed. She deserved nothing less.

  Taking a sip of water, he shifted in his seat under her scrutiny, and prayed he wouldn’t break the promise he’d just made to his mate.

  The sight of his throat working as he swallowed, captivated her more than she would admit. A crazy impulse to run her tongue up the length of exposed skin flared through her. Her eyes shot to his. He watched her with a hunger she hadn’t expected burning in his gaze. She was lying to herself. She wanted him so badly she could taste it, and now she was afraid he knew how she felt.

  Lucas held her gaze as he set the glass aside. “Cher, you can’t look at me like that and expect me to be a gentleman.”

  Purposely, she changed the topic. “That’s the second time you’ve spoken French. What is up with that?”

  “I was raised in the Louisiana bayou. When I get distracted, my heritage slips out. And darlin', you distract the hell out of me.”

  Thelma breezed up to the table with two steaming plates. Clearing the salads, she set their dinners before them. “Anything else you need? Dating tips perhaps, Lucas?”

  Lucas cocked an eyebrow. “I don’t think so.” He tried to keep a straight face and appear disgruntled. “But I appreciate the offer.”

  Thelma rocked back on her heels and grinned. “You know, I’m here for you any time. Seriously, though, I’m glad you brought Miss Kensie tonight, the two of you together gives me hope.”

  Then she looked at Kensie. “The poor darlin' doesn’t get a date very often. Thank you for taking pity on him.”

  “He was rather pathetic when he asked me to dinner.” She smiled brightly at Lucas and tried to suppress the laughter bubbling up. “How was I to say no?”

  Lucas rolled his eyes at the ladies and groaned.

  Kensie wished she could stay at the ranch longer. She knew if given the time, she and Thelma would be great friends. And Kensie didn’t do friends. What was it about Texas that made her act and think so outrageously?

  Lucas enjoyed the byplay between Thelma and his mate. Her soft brown eyes glittered with laughter and mischief. He loved seeing her relaxed and happy. Needless to say, his body and wolf responded eagerly. It took an immense amount of will power to remain on his side of the table when all he wanted to do was claim her sweet, sexy lips.

  Kensie turned that smile on him – a joyful, heart-stopping smile, before catching herself and reverting to the prim surgeon persona she hid behind. Lucas’s heart soared and as quickly plunged to his feet. He wanted to see her smile like that at him again.


  Lucas heard Kensie’s soft moan of satisfaction as she set her silverware across her empty dinner plate. When she dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin, his slacks about burst. He’d fought his body’s urges for the past forty-five minutes. He wanted to feel those lips on his. Needed to feel her lips more than he needed air.

  All throughout dinner, he'd been much too aware of the woman only inches away. Purposely, he brushed his leg against hers several times throughout the meal. He and his wolf needed the intimate contact with their mate. He knew each casual touch sent a jolt through Kensie. He’d felt the shockwave. Fed her desire. Pulled her further into their budding relationship.

  He knew she would fight her attraction for him every step of the way. Lucas sensed and smelled her reluctance and resolve. Well, he would dig his feet in and use every trick in the book if need be. Kensie liked her life neat and tidy, all planned out and scheduled. Then he came along and threw a wrench into the middle of everything. Oddly, he sensed sadness and loneliness, too. Something was off and he intended to find out what was wrong and fix it.

  Kensie may be a successful doctor, but she still had some lessons to learn. Life wasn’t designed to be lived on a schedule. Life was messy and exhilarating and sometimes dangerous. You could exist on a schedule, but to live, you must allow yourself to wing it once in a while and see what the universe presented to you. In his experience, by going with the flow, the gifts you received unexpectedly were priceless.

  Thelma walked by topping off everyone’s coffee cups. “Y’all want a cup before you go home?”

  Lucas deferred to Kensie. She shook her head. “No, thank you, Thelma. The caffeine will keep me up all night.”

  Turning his attention back to Thelma, he said. “Just the bill, please Thelma. Thank you.”

  Thelma grinned a much too knowing smile. “You got it, Romeo.” She winked and left to prepare their receipt.

  Chapter 7

  Lucas’s proprietary hand never left the small of Kensie’s back as he escorted her from the restaurant. She was his, and he let every man in the area know, without a shadow of a doubt, he staked his claim.

  They stepped into a warm, clear night. A steady breeze offered cooling relief from the heat of the day. But a little breeze wasn’t going to be enough to cool his burning need. Even the air-conditioned interior hadn’t provided an adequate reprieve. Only Kensie naked beneath him would ease his discomfort.

  A billion stars lit the never-ending Texas sky. Kensie had never seen anything so breathtaking. Where she lived, the lights of the city obscured the brilliance of the night until she forgot the wonder that was there to behold.

  “Did you have a good time tonight?” Lucas asked as they neared the car.

  Pulled from her reverie, she glanced his way. “Yes, I did. Thank you.”

  That small turn of her head allowed the breeze to catch her hair, sending wisps across her face. Without thinking, he tucked the strands behind her delicate ear. Her skin was incredible, soft and warm, like silk beneath his fingertips. To hell with his good intentions of giving her time and going slowly, he needed to kiss her before he died from wanting.

  Kensie stiffened. Her eyes wide with apprehension mixed with something else. Was that desire sparking in her gaze? He wasn’t sure; the scent of her trepidation diluted everything. He held onto the small hope he’d seen heat flair for a moment. Neither moved. Energy began to spark between them like electricity. The undercurrent of awareness had grown stronger throughout the evening.

  Lucas directed their last few steps until he pressed her against the car. Holding her gaze, he breathed, “I need to kiss you. Please, Kensie, take pity on me.” Slowly, he lowered his lips to hers. Expecting rejection.

  He kept the kiss soft and sweet. Lips brushed lips, barely a touch, but enough to ease his need. He wanted so much more, and would have it, just not tonight. She gave him a great gift. Most would scoff at the idea such a small peck of a kiss was anything special. But most weren’t Kensie. He understood that.

  Leaning his forehead against hers, he steadied his breathing. “Thank you.” Without waiting for a reply, he reached around her and opened her door. She hesitated for a moment, then slid in. Kensie never said a word. Then again, she hadn’t pushed him away or slapped his face either. He would chalk that up as another small victory.

  The ranch was only fifteen miles from town. The drive home felt more like one hundred. Could time drag any slower?

  Finally, the turn for the drive that wound its way to the main house appeared in his headlights. Thank Goddess.

  His body thrummed like a humming birds wings, cooped up next to Kensie yet unable to hold her.

  He parked the car and threw open his door. He never took his eyes off her as he rounded the passenger side. She heard him mutter something incoherent under his breath. Was he angry with her?

  Incongruent to his mood, he gently helped her from the car. His behavior was so confusing she wasn’t prepared for the sudden impa
ct of her body pulled hard against his. For a long few seconds he just held her. His arms wrapped tightly, ensured their entire lengths came into contact. When she felt his hold ease she stared up at his expression. Unaware of her own sex appeal, her gaze slipped from his eyes to his parted lips. Oblivious, she nearly gave him heart failure.

  Lucas groaned, devoured her with his eyes, battled both his and his wolf’s need of this woman. He tried valiantly to honor his promise. Willed his arms to drop away. He failed miserably when she looked at him and he saw desire in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Kensie. I tried.” Lacing his fingers through her hair, he tipped her head back. His eyes held her in a trance as his lips descended. He kissed her softly, teased and licked. Enticed her to open for him.

  A thump sounded as her purse hit the ground. Kensie hadn’t noticed she dropped it as she slid her arms up and around his neck. Tentatively, like a frightened wild animal she kissed him back.

  One hand stayed in her hair while the other skimmed to her hip kneading for a moment before cupping her perfect tush and cradled her body to his. Damn, she felt like heaven. Every soft curve and dip fit him seamlessly. His mind fizzled out and he completely forgot about going slow. Lemon meringue and woodsy pine mingled and swirled. Blending faster and faster as their passion raged.

  Inside the main house, Krystal peeked through the blinds. She wasn’t spying on the kiss, she was watching their aura’s stretch and intermingle until there was only one aura encompassing the couple. The more time they spent together the tighter the weave of their auras would become. Not only would their unmated souls reach for the other, their auras would as well. This plan was working perfectly.

  Lucas only intended to indulge one tiny kiss. When Kensie wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back, something gave way. He pulled her closer until they shared one skin, grinding his rock hard erection into the junction of her thighs.

  When she slanted her head and deepened their kiss, he lost all control. His tongue dove into the hot sweet depths of her mouth. She arched her body and pressed her breasts into his chest, he thought he would go mad if he didn’t have her. Before he knew what he was doing, he trailed kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Lapping at the place he reserved for his bite, his fangs elongated as he prepared to mark her. Dammit!


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