Drive Me Crazy

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Drive Me Crazy Page 3

by Rebecca Jenshak



  You can do this. Man up. This is every man’s dream. Get ahold of yourself.

  I gave myself a mental pep talk as I sat in my truck sweating through my shirt. Men would kill to be in my place, and here I was having to force one leg after the other out of the truck and up the sidewalk to Naomi’s apartment.

  I was already hard. My dick was raw from jacking off, but the fucker wasn’t satisfied with my hand. I was afraid it wasn’t going to be satisfied with anything or anyone except Naomi.

  I knocked on the door and shoved my hands into my jeans pockets wondering what torture I was going to be in for tonight. More anal play? More screams and moans with another man’s name on her lips?

  Balling my hands into fists inside the stiff denim, I relished the stinging sensation of the hard fabric biting into my knuckles. I needed to get laid.

  I was running through the list of girls I could call later tonight, already imagining the peace I’d feel after a good lay, when the door swung open and all the air left my chest.

  “Hey, you made it on time.”

  I opened my mouth to respond but closed it not trusting myself to speak. She hesitated, holding the doorframe with one manicured hand. Her long, painted nails were a blood red color and I stared at them trying to un-see the spandex material practically painted on to her body. If anyone had told me that a fully covered Naomi was even better than a lingerie-clad Naomi, I would have laughed in their face just two minutes ago. I wasn’t laughing now.

  “Let’s get this over with,” I muttered and swept past her, getting a nose full of her light perfume as I did. She smelled of soap and something clean and fruity.

  I heard the door close behind me, and Naomi appeared in front of me with big, wide eyes. “Do you like my new outfit?” Her voice was earnest and sincere.

  Cocking an eyebrow, I moved my head in a noncommittal nod. “I need to be out of here in an hour.”

  She laughed. “Got a hot date or something?”

  “Something like that.”

  Her laugh died off and a hurt expression crossed her face. “Oh.” She moved past me, leading me down the hall. “Okay then.”

  I had a game plan tonight. I wasn’t convinced it was going to work, but I thought if I could keep her talking about the business side of her job, then I could keep her clothes on longer and maybe, just maybe, I could get out of here before she got into any one-on-one dates where I had to listen to her screams. If I was honest, I hoped it also meant one less dude that got his opportunity with Princess Peach. In the grand scheme of things, one guy wasn’t really making a difference, but the hell if I could convince my head of that.

  “So,” I cleared my throat. “You do this five nights of the week?”

  “Sometimes six, but yeah typically Tuesday through Saturday. Sometimes I work Monday night, but it’s not as busy as the rest of the week.”

  “Why not Sunday? Resting for the Sabbath?” I asked with a smirk.

  “I have dinner with Granny on Sundays.”

  “Right.” A pang of guilt hit me in the chest that I hadn’t been by to see Grandma Violet since the funeral. I’d been a regular guest at her Sunday dinners when Nathan had been alive, and she’d always treated me like another grandson. She had some difficulty getting around and had moved into an assisted living community across town shortly after Nathan died.

  “How is she?”

  “She’s as sassy as always.”

  “I’ll bet.” I smiled at the image in my head.

  The room was set up like last night. The laptop was open on the coffee table in front of the couch pointed toward the makeshift bed on the floor. The drawers of toys were pulled out of the cart and laid on the blankets.

  “What’s it cost you to run the business?” I asked, crouching down beside the drawers and absently shuffling through the toys.

  “I spend about four hundred dollars a month between the site fees, costumes, toys, and upkeep.”

  “Upkeep?” I stood and held up a large neon green dildo in one hand.

  “Yes, upkeep.” She swiped the dildo from me and tossed it into the drawer where I’d taken it. “Waxing, gym fees — I take this seriously, and how I look is part of that.”

  I couldn’t argue with that, although I had an inclination that even without the upkeep she’d be the hottest girl online.

  “I see that. How much are you making a month? Is it profitable?”

  I’d run the numbers in my head earlier. If she worked for a few hours each night, she was probably making a few hundred dollars a night and at five nights a week that probably added up to a healthy sum. Of course, there were taxes and expenses, but she was still making more than I had at her age. She wasn’t doing this for the money though. Not really. Sure, I understood her desire to be able to provide for herself, but Nathan had bought her Jeep and she didn’t have any debts that I knew of.

  She still hadn’t answered me, and when I turned she was biting her bottom lip and regarding me carefully as if she wasn’t sure she should tell me.

  “I’m just trying to understand the business and make sure you’re being smart about it. If this is really what you want to do then it needs to be a financially viable option long term.”

  “Six thousand a month after Wet & Wyld takes their cut,” she said, her voice barely louder than a whisper.

  “You’re raking in six thousand dollars a month off this?” I waved my hands around the room. “After their cut? Fuck, maybe I need to switch careers.”

  I ran a hand through my already mussed hair. I wasn’t going to have any left if I spent any more time with this girl. “How much do they take?”

  “They take thirty percent, but I get bonuses if I’m among the top five visited party rooms each month.”

  No doubt she was.

  “That’s a big cut. What do you get in return?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t have to worry about all the technical stuff. I just show up.”

  “Why not just learn the technical stuff and make your own website?”

  Another shrug.

  “And taxes, are you set up with an accountant?” I was starting to feel like I was grilling her, but at least she was still fully clothed.

  “Granny referred me to hers.”

  My eyebrows shot straight up. “She knows?”

  “I don’t think she totally understands what it is I do, but yes she knows.”

  “What the hell are you doing with that kind of money?”

  “That’s not any of your business.”

  “It’s my business if you want me to take this seriously. That’s a lot of money to be blowing each month.”

  “I’m not blowing it,” she huffed.

  “Do you even have a savings account?”

  “Yes. I have a savings account and Nathan helped me set up an IRA. I only keep out two thousand a month for bills and fun. All the rest of it I put away. I’m not an idiot.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and stared me down.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that you were an idiot. It’s easy to see how much work you put into this, but I want to make sure you’ve considered everything.”

  “I have.”

  “Have you considered what you might do when you’re sick of being naked online?”

  A shrug was the only response.

  I’d pushed as far as I could for now. I looked at the time on the lower right-hand corner of the computer screen. Ten after eight. Shit, I’d barely made a dent in the hour I’d agreed to be here.

  “I need to get online.”

  I moved around to the couch and took a seat. Fifty minutes to go and counting.



  He’d knocked me off my game with all his questions. I’d been prepared to flirt, tease, flaunt around in my new sexy outfit. I wasn’t convinced he was all of a sudden taking me seriously, but he had asked more pointed questions about my career in the last
few minutes than most my friends ever had. I knew the seduction game, I didn’t know how to take a real conversation and turn it into more.

  My fingers hovered over the touchpad, and I made a last-minute decision, closing the Wet & Wyld screen and turning on some music instead.

  I fidgeted, moving my hair away from my face and shifting from one foot to the other trying to figure out my next move. Operating off the cuff wasn’t normal for me. I liked to make a plan and stick to it.

  Swaying my hips to the music, I picked up the neon green dildo that he’d handled earlier, nipple clamps, and some scented massage oil that wasn’t really all that practical when my customers couldn’t smell it. But for tonight, it was perfect.

  His eyes followed me in a bored manner. Watching, but not all that impressed was the vibe he gave off as he sat in the same relaxed, one leg crossed over the other ankle style like he’d sat last night.

  I placed the items on the table in front of him and pulled my hair into a quick braid. Moving from the front of the table to the other side where he sat on the couch, I held out a hand to him. “Dance with me?”

  He shook his head.

  “Come on. I like this song. No one can hear or see us if we stay on this side of the computer.”

  I pushed out my lower lip and my breasts for good measure.

  He looked like he was struggling to make a decision, and his uncertainty was enough to give me the confidence to grab his hand and tug.

  His warm, rough hand sent a shock through my body, and with that extra spark, I tugged again harder. His heavy weight budged on the second pull, and he stood, staring down at me.

  Unmoving, his body still radiated energy, and I soaked it up as I closed my eyes and moved to the beat. Thirty seconds went by, maybe more, and I almost gave up when his hands found my waist.

  A peek up into his eyes nearly made me lose my balance, but his hands tightened keeping me upright. His gaze was so intense, dark, hooded eyes bored into me, and I couldn’t have looked away if I wanted to. With unsteady hands, I moved them up the front of his shirt, letting my fingers explore each ridge and muscle. A noise that might have been a groan came from his lips and he pulled me tight against him. I used the position to my advantage, rubbing against him. The thin material didn’t provide much of a buffer between us, and my core ached as his erection pressed against me. He was too tall for the position to give me the friction I needed, but still, my body climbed.

  The first song ended, and a slower one followed, but his hands didn’t leave me. Turning, I maintained contact with him as I lowered the zipper of the jumpsuit revealing the peek-a-boo bra underneath. To call it a bra was really underselling it — it was God’s gift of lingerie. The black material wrapped around my body like a normal bra, but each cup was cut out while still somehow lifting my breasts up.

  With a deep breath and summoning all the courage I could muster, I faced him again. Grady’s lips moved and I could make out at least one of the curses he muttered under his breath while he appreciated my reveal.

  You haven’t seen anything yet.

  I watched the muscles in his face flex as he appeared to clench his jaw, but he didn’t pull away. I stepped back first, breaking contact and picking up the nipple clamps I’d placed on the table. Pulling my arms out of the jumpsuit, I let the top half fall around my waist. I attached the clamps to each nipple and sucked in a breath as my already tender nipples were put under pressure. The chain dangled between my breasts and I pulled slightly and let my head fall back.

  How long had it been since I had done this and really enjoyed myself? Too long, and it had never been like this. Grady’s presence intensified every sensation. What would sex be like with him? I shivered just thinking about it.

  He lifted one eyebrow when I picked up the dildo and tossed it in the air like a ball and caught it with the other hand. Holding it up to my lips, I kissed the head of the green rubber and licked it slowly from tip to base. He reached out, grabbing the chain dangling between my cleavage, and pulled. The increased pinching sensation started at my nipples and radiated down my body. I let out an involuntary yelp and stepped forward., We met in the middle. It seemed like an eternity passed as he stared down at me, neither of us moving. My chest lifted and rose with each raspy breath I took. It was time to pull away. Time to push him away and get back to my job.

  I didn’t move.

  A flash of regret and hesitation crossed his face before he brought his mouth down to my neck. My mind raced, and even as the excitement of getting Grady to touch me left me lightheaded, my stomach was uneasy. This had not been part of the plan. A little flirting, a sexy striptease. I’d wanted him to want me, to admit that I was beautiful and enough of a woman to take care of myself, but this… I hadn’t imagined this scenario.

  He pushed the jumpsuit down past my hips until the material fell to the floor at my ankles. I stepped out carefully and Grady stepped back studying me as if he were memorizing every inch.

  The separation gave me time to clear my head and I pushed him back playfully and pressed on his shoulders until he sat back down on the couch. I maintained a safe distance as I picked up the massage oil and opened it, pouring a small amount into one palm and then rubbing my hands together until the strawberry scent filled the room.

  My hands were shaky, and my heart was beating so quickly I couldn’t stop the rise and fall of my chest as I gulped for air.

  “Take your shirt off.”

  “If I do, this only ends one way.” There was a question to his statement and I nodded, hoping like hell I knew what I was doing.



  She had no idea what she was doing. I mean, she knew exactly what she was doing, but she had no idea what she was in for. I was coiled so tightly, and I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever wanted a woman more.

  Lifting my shirt, I could practically feel my ego growing as she let her eyes wander over my bare chest.

  Hesitantly, she reached out and ran her slick hands over my skin.

  “No reason to be shy now, sweetheart. I can see how turned on you are, and if this doesn’t start moving a little faster, I’m going to come in my pants like a teenager.”

  A nervous-sounding laugh escaped from her lips, and I caught it by pressing my mouth to hers. I had lost the ability to take things slow and savor her the moment I’d realized she was trying to goad me. That was what this was, right? She was trying to prove to me that she was good at her job. That she could please me. I could have saved her the trouble. I’d already told her I wanted to fuck her. Surely, she’d taken that and my constant hard-ons seriously.

  My hands found the clamps that held her nipples captive and I released one, replacing it with my mouth. She arched her back giving me better access. As I tugged gently on the thin chain in my hand, she moaned and I flicked my tongue around her tight nipple. Hard and gentle. I was torn between wanting to have her and wanting this to last as long as possible. There was a vague nagging at the back of my brain telling me to stop, that this wasn’t part of the plan, but I’d deal with the consequences later.

  “Oh, God, Grady.”

  “Mmm, that’s right. Tonight it’s all Grady.” I released the other clamp and she yelped. I tossed it on the table. “You can keep the toys for your customers. I want to touch every part of you. And taste. And smell.” I inhaled deeply. “You smell like strawberries and heaven.”

  “It’s the oil,” she stated, running her hands over her breasts until her skin glistened under the lights.

  Stepping back, I watched her touch herself. Her eyes closed, and I felt almost like a voyeur watching her in a private moment. Another time I’d love to see her use her fingers to bring herself to orgasm, but tonight I wasn’t going to be able to stand on the sidelines. Not after she’d made a move.

  Kissing her stomach and sliding my thumbs into the sides of her panties, I was filled with a nervousness I hadn’t experienced in years. Not tooting my own horn, but I knew I was a g
ood lay. Women hadn’t been shy about telling me or their friends. My nervousness stemmed from wanting it to be good for her. That wasn’t something I’d spent a lot of time worrying about before. My cock was big and I knew how to use it — the rest had always taken care of itself. However, with Naomi I wanted to erase all the men she’d allowed a peep show into her most intimate parts. I wanted to show her just how much better it was face to face. Skin to skin.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said as I cupped her face in both hands and memorized every inch of her face, from the light smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose to the almost grayish hue her eyes changed to when she was turned on.

  “You’re not so bad yourself,” she said playfully and moved her hands to the button of my jeans.

  My cock sprang up like a good boy, and she took me in her mouth before I realized her intent.

  “Christ, Naomi.” I gritted my teeth and did my best to enjoy her warm mouth without ending the night prematurely.

  She ran her slick hands over me, coating my dick with strawberries and saliva. She made a swooping circle with her tongue around the base as she sucked me hard and then slid to the tip. Her big, gray-blue eyes looked up at me through thick lashes. Cheeks hollowed, hair falling around her shoulders − she was a goddess.

  I lifted her up by cupping her face and nudging until she stood. Another time I’d let her go until I came in her pretty mouth, but not tonight. She licked her lips and I smashed my mouth against hers.

  “You taste like strawberries,” I said around our clashing tongues.

  “Now so does your cock,” she purred.

  Sliding my hands down to her ass, I lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I backed us up to the couch and laid her on it. I shrugged off my jeans and boxers and pulled a condom from my wallet. She looked up at me while I ripped the foil packet and placed the condom over my penis.

  “Ready sweetheart?” I asked, pulling her panties down while I kissed the inside of her thigh all the way down to her toes.


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