The Night's Champion Collection: A supernatural werewolf thriller trilogy

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The Night's Champion Collection: A supernatural werewolf thriller trilogy Page 111

by Richard Parry

  A DRM-free copy of Sleepless, the short story that started me towards writing the Tyche’s Journey trilogy. You might have this — it’s out there! — but it’ll be saddled with DRM. DRM is the devil that steals children in the night.

  Escape, my short radio play. You, unless you’re on my mailing list, almost certainly don’t have this, as the mailing list is the only place to get it. If you want to see how nothing but dialogue can be used to tell a tight, edge-of-your-seat story, you’ll want to grab it. Yeah, no DRM here either.

  So. You want free stuff? Get it here:

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  Thanks. Keep being awesome. As a reward for your awesomeness, here’s my Spotify take on soundtracks for these books:

  [Night’s Favor Soundtrack]

  [Night’s Fall Soundtrack]

  [Night’s End Soundtrack]

  Also by Richard Parry

  Have you read them all?

  Tyche’s Journey

  Tyche’s Flight

  A colony world goes dark.

  Grace Gushiken is a grifter and a liar. Worse, she’s an esper, an abhorrent creation of the Old Empire. Grace keeps her blade sharp and her wits sharper. She’s on the run from the Republic’s justice.

  Nathan Chevell captains the free trader Tyche, an ex-war heavy lifter. He’s no pirate, but he’s no white knight either. An encounter with espers saw him discharged from the Emperor’s Black before the real fighting even started.

  When the crew of the Tyche are hired to deliver a new transmitter for a downed Guild Bridge, Grace hitches a ride. They find the Absalom Delta colony deserted, its people turned into slaves by the insect-like Ezeroc. The aliens have descended like locusts on humanity, consuming all in their path. No one is safe. Even the Republic Navy is powerless against them.

  Facing an impossible foe, odds are stacked against the Tyche. The ship and her crew need to test their skill and their luck to survive. Will Grace and Nate be able to work together to get away? Or will fears and rivalries from the past destroy humanity’s hopes, ceding victory to the Ezeroc?

  Tyche’s Flight is the first book in Richard Parry’s gripping Tyche’s Journey trilogy. If you like page-turning space opera with great dialogue and heart-pumping action, get your copy today!

  [Get It]

  Tyche’s Deceit

  The enemy is already here.

  After the encounter with the merciless Ezeroc on Absalom Delta, Grace Gushiken and Nathan Chevell make a run for home. They have a new mission: to warn humanity. Aliens are real. And they are already among us.

  The crew of the free trader Tyche are hunted by men in black, fearsome fighters who share the Ezeroc’s powers. When the Tyche lands on Earth the ship’s placed on lockdown. Her crew are scattered and on the run. Without their ship or friends, Grace and Nate have no escape.

  The Republic and its military have been corrupted to the core by the Ezeroc. Humanity’s homeworld is at risk. As hope dwindles, Grace and Nate receive an offer they can’t refuse from an unlikely source. The abhorrent espers of the Old Empire might be their only chance to save humanity. Their devil’s bargain: join us, or die.

  Out of time and running low on luck, Grace and Nate must gather their scattered crew. Five souls and an old heavy lifter against the might of the Republic and its alien overlords. Will the crew of the Tyche find allies in humanity’s struggle for survival? Or are we doomed to be food for the insects?

  Tyche’s Deceit is the second book in Richard Parry’s gripping Tyche’s Journey trilogy. If you like page-turning space opera with great dialogue and heart-pumping action, get your copy today!

  [Coming Soon!]

  Tyche’s Crown

  Our empire is built on lies.

  The Senate is in chaos. The Republic is falling from within, a corrupted shell around a rotted core. Abhorrent espers control humans like pawns. The Republic Navy is in open rebellion. The Tyche rides solar wind, seeking allies. If they don’t find them, humanity will fall.

  An ancient transmission is discovered from beyond the charted edge of the hard black. It is not Ezeroc, who need no technology to communicate. Grace Gushiken and Nathan Chevell take the free trader Tyche on a desperate mission. Find the source of the signal, and with it, hope. The war against the Ezeroc is not one humans can win alone.

  Flying on borrowed time, Grace and Nate discover an ancient space station. It holds horrors from the Old Empire. These secrets are better left hidden, for they lead the Tyche to the heart of Ezeroc space. They find an alien homeworld hungry for war.

  With the Ezeroc menace poised for victory, will Grace and Nate be able to save humanity? Or will their luck finally give out?

  Tyche’s Crown is the conclusion to Richard Parry’s gripping Tyche’s Journey trilogy. If you like page-turning space opera with great dialogue and heart-pumping action, get your copy today!

  [Coming Soon!]

  Standalone Books


  Would the man who has it all ever need to change?

  Mason Floyd’s job is simple: company asset protection and acquisition, no questions asked. An augmented company enforcer, he’s known for taking the straightest path to the objective. Sometimes that’s climbing over bodies, and sometimes it’s blowing up the evidence. Just another day in the syndicates.

  He’s good at what he does. It’s given Mason the best looks money can buy, the spacious apartment that only comes with knowing the right people, and top shelf bionics from Apsel Federate. He’s at the top of his game when a gate between worlds opens, spilling a man who can control minds into Seattle. This master of coercion rips away everything Mason holds dear. A world bought by corporate interest turns against him.

  Hunted and fresh out of friends, Mason learns that living in the soft line between incentive and crime was always the easy path. Making the right choices could save the world – and his soul. It’ll only cost him everything he’s ever wanted. Can Mason learn what it means to be truly human?

  Upgrade is a standalone cyberpunk book by Richard Parry. If you like page-turning techno thrillers with great dialogue and heart-pumping action, then you’ll love this novel from a Sir Julius Vogel Award finalist for both Best Novel and Best New Talent.

  [Get It]

  The Night’s Champion

  Night’s Favor

  Could one night change your life forever?

  Valentine Everard drinks to get through the week — but then, who doesn’t? — so waking up with no memory isn’t unusual. What is unusual is how his body is becoming faster and stronger. This is the Night’s Favor, and it is creating a beast within him: a werewolf. With these gifts come outside interest: Elsie Morgan, CEO of Big Pharma company Biomne, is hunting him for the gift he carries to save her dying heir.

  When his newfound Pack mate Danielle Kendrick’s daughter is abducted, Val must race to rescue her. Elsie offers him a devil’s bargain: a child for a child, a life for a life. Even knowing that the child is merely a way to draw him in, he cannot resist the call of Pack. Will he be able to master the
Night’s Favor and save those he loves? Will he fall into darkness and anger like his maker?

  Night’s Favor is the first book in Richard Parry’s gripping Night’s Champion trilogy. If you like page-turning supernatural thrillers with great dialogue and heart-pumping action, then you’ll love this Sir Julius Vogel Award finalist novel.

  [Get It]

  Night’s Fall

  Would you let a stranger take your curse even if it would damn the world?

  In the five years since their Pack left the ruins of a Biomne facility, Adalia Kendrick has discovered gifts of her own. While her mother Danny tries to run from the curse of the Night’s Favor, Adalia speaks to those only she can see. She speaks to the dead.

  Stories of the Night’s dark gift have reached across the seas to Talin Moray, a man who will stop at nothing to possess its power. With his mastery of Vodou he brings the city of Chicago to its knees. Armies fall. Zombies roam the streets, and no one is safe. Talin will become the king of a ruined world.

  Five years is a long time to run, trying to turn the curse of the Night’s Favor into a blessing. Will Val and Danny’s yearning to be free from the Night’s Favor mean losing everything? Is Adalia’s power – and the dead boy that walks with her – enough to stand against Talin?

  Night’s Fall is the second book in Richard Parry’s gripping Night’s Champion trilogy. If you like page-turning supernatural thrillers with great dialogue and heart-pumping action, then you’ll love this Sir Julius Vogel Award finalist novel.

  [Get It]

  Night’s End

  Can mortals stand against the powers of the heavens?

  Vampires have hunted werewolves almost to extinction. Val and Danny, the last of their werewolf kind, aim to strike back at the heart of their ancient foe. They have tracked the vampire leaders to the City That Never Sleeps.

  Kaylan Gleicher is Death, and with her brother Pestilence, they lead the vampires. They are Riders of the Apocalypse, and have created the vampires to drain the life from the world. The Night’s Champions are nothing compared with the forces of creation. Even Adalia’s gifts can’t stand against those made to end all things.

  Hope seems futile until the Pack gains an unlikely ally in a fallen vampire. Will Val and Danny be able to put trust in those who have always been the werewolves’ enemies to save the world from Judgement?

  Night’s End is the gripping conclusion to Richard Parry’s Night’s Champion trilogy. If you like page-turning supernatural thrillers with great dialogue and heart-pumping action, then you’ll love this series from a Sir Julius Vogel Award finalist for both Best Novel and Best New Talent.

  [Get It]

  The Night’s Champion Collection

  Don’t want to get the trilogy piecemeal? No problem. The boxed set is just what you need.

  Could one night change your life forever?

  Valentine Everard and Danielle Kendrick have the Night’s Favor: they are werewolves. There are many who would steal the Night’s dark gift from them.

  The Night’s Champions must face down the corporate interests of Big Pharma, battle with masters of dark Vodou, and make their last stand against both vampires and the Riders of the Apocalypse. Armies fall. Zombies roam the street, and no one is safe. The world is close to its final Judgement. What can a handful of souls do against the powers of the heavens?

  Val and Danny must seek to master the Night’s Favor and save all they love. If they fail, they will fall into anger and darkness like all those who have come before them. The world and all they cherish will be ash.

  This boxed set contains the entire Night’s Champion trilogy of full-length novels by Richard Parry:

  Night’s Favor

  Night’s Fall

  Night’s End

  If you like page-turning supernatural thrillers with great dialogue and heart-pumping action, then you’ll love this series. Get your copy today!

  [Get It]


  First thanks goes to you, my readers, for enjoying the Night’s Champion trilogy. Not only have you made it here to the end with me, but you encouraged me with your emails full of kind words, and your reviews with kinder words. None of us would be here without you.

  I’ve said it before, and will keep saying it for a while: writing is a team sport. Sure, there’s the hours of self-doubt and alcohol-induced creativity that yield words on a page, but there’s also a lot of people who helped make this story. My Team Narrative helped to ensure that this story made sense. You can tip your hat towards Arran, Cheryl, Greg, Julia, Raelene, and Paula for this thing being coherent in any way. My Team Kwality (let me tell you, they love that name) were the ones who caught the errors of quality in the manuscript; Anthony, Cheryl, Erin, Jane, and Julia, thank you. This collective group of fine humans continue to humble me by how much effort they put in to making my work worth seeing the light of day. Trust me, the first draft of a novel is not a handsome thing; these people give time, but they also take any future counseling they need on the chin.

  My Writer’s Coven kept me aiming for brilliance, not settling for anything less, and consistently called my bullshit on areas that my tired brain could not see. Cassie, Frances, and Kate, thank you. I suck less for knowing you all.

  It turns out that writing a Russian character after your Russian human has turned into a pumpkin is difficult. I’d like to extend a fond thanks to Google for their excellent Translate services ( that turned English into Russian and back again. As a side note, a lot of people worry about net vs. nyet when trying to be all Russian and negative at the same time. As near as I can determine, pronunciation is nyet to the English Ear™, but correct spelling is net. Fuck correct spelling, because it jars: you’ll find it with the y throughout. The actual Cyrillic is нет, for all you nerds like me out there. Do not fucking email me about it being net, because I have already done enough agonizing for both of us on this one.

  The last thank you is the most important: my Rae. You were there with me when the Death Star was destroying planets, and my soul. You’ve given so much to enable me to write. None of this would be possible without you. You are, above all others, the person I write for.

  — R. P.

  October 2017, Wellington

  About the Author

  Richard is the author of the Night’s Champion trilogy, the Tyche’s Journey trilogy, and a huge liar. Previously he worked as an international consultant in one of the world’s top tech companies, which felt like a facegrater simulation. His debut novel Night’s Favor and its sequel Night’s Fall have been shortlisted for the Sir Julius Vogel Award “Best Novel” category.

  His first trilogy about the Night’s Champion are supernatural thrillers about an alcoholic bitten by a werewolf, who then saves the world through action scenes and clever dialogue. His standalone cyberpunk novel Upgrade is a gripping techno thriller set in a believable near-future world. His Tyche’s Journey trilogy is a space opera where sword-wielding blaster-shooting heroes save not just Earth, but the entire universe through — again — action scenes and clever dialogue. Why break up a winning formula?

  Richard lives in Wellington with the love of his life Rae. They have a dog, Rory, who chases birds. The birds, who have the power of flight, don’t seem to mind.

  You can find the rest of his Internet empire at He spends far too much time on Facebook at Occasionally he’ll post photos of his dinner on Instagram If Twitter’s your thing:


  A colony world goes dark.

  Grace Gushiken is a grifter and a liar. Worse, she’s an esper, an abhorrent creation of the Old Empire. Grace keeps her blade sharp and her wits sharper. She’s on the run from the Republic’s justice.

  Nathan Chevell captains the free trader Tyche, an ex-war heavy lifter. He’s no pirate, but he’s no white knight eithe
r. An encounter with espers saw him discharged from the Emperor’s Black before the real fighting even started.

  When the crew of the Tyche are hired to deliver a new transmitter for a downed Guild Bridge, Grace hitches a ride. They find the Absalom Delta colony deserted, its people turned into slaves by the insect-like Ezeroc. The aliens have descended like locusts on humanity, consuming all in their path. No one is safe. Even the Republic Navy is powerless against them.

  Facing an impossible foe, odds are stacked against the Tyche. The ship and her crew need to test their skill and their luck to survive. Will Grace and Nate be able to work together to get away? Or will fears and rivalries from the past destroy humanity’s hopes, ceding victory to the Ezeroc?

  An Easy Mark


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