Of Blood and Sacrifice (Royal Fae Guardians Book 2)

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Of Blood and Sacrifice (Royal Fae Guardians Book 2) Page 13

by Heather Renee

  I nodded. “The blade will be destroyed once Alaryk is dead.”

  “Very well. We can do it this way, but I make no assurances that it will work,” Queen Navi said as she got to work.

  There was another box on the table that she opened, which contained a mold of the dagger to be made. Once the heart stone was placed in the hilt area, she started the spell and continued to work swiftly.

  The silver went in next and settled into the area, forming one solid piece of metal. As the liquid form began to harden, Queen Navi added the vampire blood, then Kali’s last.

  Her hands hovered over the forming blade, and magic poured from her and into the box until it started to rattle and crack, then she closed the box, continuing to mutter her spell over and over again.

  The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow as I wondered what was happening to Kali. Was she consumed by darkness? Was Alaryk hurting her? Would she even recognize right from wrong by the time we arrived?

  Too many questions and not enough answers until we arrived to see for ourselves.

  A loud crack sounded through the room and my eyes went back to the mold that was now in pieces. Queen Navi dusted the mess away and revealed the forged dagger.

  The succubi heart stone gleamed in the sunlight, and I took in the detail I hadn’t expected to be there, like the intricate carvings in the pommel and the beveled edges of the guard.

  “Give me your hand,” Queen Navi said to me.

  I placed my hand in hers, and she promptly drew a pool of blood in my palm with the dagger, dragging the blade across my hand until both sides were covered in my blood. Then, she shoved the hilt into my hand and wrapped both of our hands around it as she started another spell.

  My eyes closed and power flooded through me, followed by a new connection to Kali opening up between us. She was hurting, and my entire being ached to be with her.

  “You are now connected to the dagger, and you will sense your Meraki in a different way while the blade is activated. Use it to your advantage, and may the Fates bless you during this battle.”

  Jordan and Dom were already waiting by the door, and we wasted no time with pleasantries. It was time to get my Meraki back.

  Chapter Eighteen

  After blasting the wall to bits, I climbed the rumble with ease and charged onto the battlefield, curious as to what exactly was happening around us. The bonded animals and guardians were already there, fighting those who stood with Alaryk.

  There were over two hundred people gathered, but the fight wasn’t even. The guardians and queen’s people were outnumbered and losing.

  “They’re all fighting for you. How does that make you feel?” Alaryk called out to me, keeping a safe distance from my still-glowing hands.

  Turning toward him, I smirked. “Thanks to you, I feel nothing but the drive to kill you. You wanted a partner, but your greed will be your downfall. You created that which will end you.”

  He shrugged. “What then, Kaliah? You said it yourself. You’re a monster. Who will love you if you kill me? I’m offering you everything you could ever hope for. You never have to feel again, and I will provide you with all that you desire so long as you share your power with me.”

  I considered his words; they struck something within me that I’d buried deep, but when I didn’t answer, he kept going.

  “Don’t you see what’s missing out there? Your so-called friends have already abandoned you. None of them fight for you like I do. We were created for each other, and I’m not sure what else it will take for you to see that.”

  Glancing back at the crowd below us, he was right. There was no sight of Ryland, Stryx, or Jordan. If the others had time to arrive at the fight, then my friends should have as well.

  “You know I’m right. Just take my hand and we can end this right now.” Alaryk reached out for me, taking one step closer.

  I eyed the power that rolled off of him. Neither of us had pulled back, meaning neither of us was willing to trust the other. Even if I went to him, I’d never believe it would work. He was darkness. I was darkness. We were two parts of evil that didn’t belong together.

  But he did make some very valid points.

  The people who supposedly cared about me most weren’t present. They weren’t fighting for me. Ryland wasn’t keeping me anchored to the goodness. Stryx wasn’t trying to get through my wall. Jordan wasn’t slaying everyone in her path to get to me.

  None of them were doing what they’d promised.

  “That’s right, my sweet. Let that rage out. I’ll never hold you back. I only want the real you. Set yourself free!” Alaryk was several steps closer but paused as lightning struck within inches of his position.

  I did as he suggested. My power seeped through as I called to the storm I’d already begun when inside of the mountain. The dirt beneath me shook with a ferocity and ripped holes in the earth, causing fissures to separate the fight below.

  “You’re positively stunning, Kaliah. Just come with me.” His hand was still outstretched as his dark eyes pleaded with me.

  My heart had been overridden by the darkness the moment Alaryk touched me. I stopped caring about anything other than his death, but I couldn’t deny the pull to him I felt.

  My legs moved toward him without overthinking it. Maybe I didn’t have to kill him. I didn’t have the dagger to do so anyway, and if my magic hadn’t killed him when I’d struck him in the mountain, I wasn’t sure it was possible anyway.

  Maybe there was a common ground we could meet at.

  Excitement bubbled off of Alaryk, and I stopped.

  Something was happening within me. My chest ached, and feelings of hope filtered through. Hope for what, though? Then, there was love and rage. Confusion punched through my core as I tried to sort out what was happening to me.

  I backed up once more, and Alaryk roared. “You will be mine, Kaliah.” His magic slammed into my center, and I tumbled down the mountain side.

  My body landed in a heap at the feet of a dragon. “It’s nice to see you again, Kaliah,” Queen Yelah said from above me. “You’ve changed, but we will still fight for you. Remember to fight for yourself.”

  Her words on top of the growing emotions within me rocked my core.

  What was happening to me?

  “Kali!” a familiar voice yelled but was quickly quieted by the booming of Alaryk.

  “Make your choice now, Kaliah. Our time for foreplay is up, and it’s time for the main event. Which will you choose? A life of never being good enough in their eyes, or a life where you can thrive while being your true self?”

  Again, the dark fae’s words hit home with me, but the desire to kill him still simmered somewhere within me.

  Rage filtered into me from someone else. The feelings weren’t mine, but a part of my mind pushed me to pay attention to the connection that continued to grow with every passing second.

  I can’t lose her. I have to make it in time.

  Ryland’s voice sounded inside my mind, further confusing me, especially as our bond flared to life and I couldn’t ignore the feelings it ignited within me.

  “Your hesitation leaves me no choice, my sweet. If I can’t have you, then nobody will.” Alaryk’s power slammed into me from a close distance, and I flew backward.

  After landing on the ground, I moved quickly, refusing to let him catch me off guard again. The emotions from Ryland were weakening me, but I wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.

  Go away! I yelled inside my head, then charged forward.

  We were fighting next to everyone else now. Jordan was there, and our eyes met. She had her sword mid-swing and didn’t miss a beat as she struck her opponent. “Sorry we’re late, Chuck. Let’s finish this together.”

  I didn’t know how to respond to her. I had more control over my actions than the first time I took to the dark magic, but my care was still missing. Her words meant nothing to my mind, but my heart… I couldn’t seem to turn that all the way off.

  There wa
s no time to continue to wonder, though. Alaryk was coming for me, and I wouldn’t let him knock me down again.

  He lunged for me, and I met him in the middle, once more trading hits that were more physical than magical.

  “You can’t stop me. There is no magic in this world that can contain me, and now I’m going to take what’s yours,” Alaryk hissed at me as he wrapped his hands around my throat.

  Gone was the wooing version of him he often presented to me. In his place was the real dark fae, the one I’d assumed him to be this whole time, but I’d also almost fallen for him and his smooth words.

  Wrath and madness consumed me, and I fought against his hold as he pinned me against a tumbled rock from the mountain.

  Ryland appeared behind Alaryk, holding a blade out to me. His eyes were tinged with fury, and something cracked within me. He was hurting and, suddenly, I wanted to do whatever it took to make the pain stop.

  “No!” Alaryk’s voice thundered in my ear as his hand slammed onto my chest, searing my skin within his magic.

  My body fell slack. Whatever the dark fae was doing instantly sucked the life out of me. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, and I couldn’t see a damn thing as shouts sounded.

  The pounding in my head didn’t help, either. I tried to ignore it, but in my weakened state, I couldn’t any longer.

  Kali, can you hear me? Stryx’s voice came through my mind.

  Yes, what’s happening?

  Have you chosen your path, young one? he asked.

  I want to kill Alaryk if that’s what you mean.

  What will you do if you succeed? Will you keep the darkness within you to control, or will you freely let it go?

  I don’t want to feel anymore, I said truthfully.

  So, you’ll choose to live in darkness?

  Emotions slammed into my mind: memories of my time with Jordan, the dates I’d had with Ryland before leaving for the Otherworld, the places I’d explored and wanted to know more about.

  Stop screwing with my head, I yelled.

  I’m not doing anything to you, Kaliah. Your mind and heart are also at war. You have many battles at play today. I’m just here to see which of them wins and stand by your side if you’ll let me. So, which will it be? Your time is running out.

  Alaryk was still sucking me dry. The press of his hand against my body was also urging me to choose, but I was scared. I’d left behind so much hurt and uncertainty when the darkness entered me. It offered me an escape I wasn’t sure I’d find without it.

  Kali, don’t do this. I know what he’s offering seems easier, but I promise if we survive this, the reward will be worth it. Don’t let him kill us, Ryland’s voice sounded in my mind and my heart stopped.

  Ryland couldn’t die because of me. He didn’t deserve that. I wanted him to walk away, and while normally his loyalty was something that was to be admired, it was really beginning to piss me off.

  I don’t want others to die because of me, I said, hopefully to Stryx, but since Ryland was suddenly there, I wasn’t sure if he could hear me as well.

  So, will you relinquish the darkness inside? Stryx asked.

  If it will save the lives of others, then yes. I don’t want it.

  Very well, young one. Just try to remain conscious.

  His words were followed by blinding pain as light exploded within me and something stabbed into my chest over and over.

  When my body had absorbed the worst of it, my eyes finally opened to see Alaryk still standing over me. “You can’t beat me.”

  “Yes, I can.”

  Lifting my hand, I did the same to him by shoving my palm against his chest, but instead of taking his power from him, my instincts told me to give him more of mine.

  Lead with light, Kaliah, Stryx whispered in my mind, and that’s exactly what I did.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Everything slowed as I pushed past the darkness swirling inside of me and had a clear mind again. Emotions filled me, and I thrived on them instead of letting them bury me in sadness.

  Alaryk still had one hand on me and the other pointed toward Ryland, holding my Meraki frozen in place as he tortured him. “You turned my prize against me, and now you will watch as I rip her away from you and take away your bond.”

  There had been a pulling sensation within me the moment I let emotions back in and pushed the darkness away, but I hadn’t thought twice about it. Alaryk’s words made me frantic that he was actually stripping away the Meraki bond I had with Ryland.

  Without another thought, I acted on instinct and called a storm to me once more. This time, instead of it lashing out uncontrollably, it came with ease and perfection, going exactly where I wanted.

  The wind picked up Jordan, Oliver, and their animals and brought them to me. I needed them by my side to do what came next. Jordan’s eyes gleamed with an unusual happiness, but there was no time to ask what had happened.

  Each of them circled around us, and Stryx was at my back, supporting my every move. The agony in my chest grew with every passing second, but I didn’t rush.

  Ryland has the dagger, Kali. You have to get it from him, Stryx said. I wondered how they’d completed the task so quickly but would have to ask later.

  “Let go of him,” I snarled at Alaryk, trying to pull his attention to me.

  “Not a chance in—what are you doing to me?” He finally noticed I was touching him and had been pushing some of my own power into him. Light magic didn’t hurt when it wasn’t meant to.

  “Showing you how much stronger I am than you without your influence.” I turned toward Jordan. “Now!”

  She was my best friend, my soul sister. She knew my fight styles, and I trusted her in that moment to do what needed to happen next.

  Dom joined in, distracting Alaryk with a bite at his calf while Jordan sliced his hand clean off with her sword that flamed with her fire power. Blood poured from the wound onto Ryland, but he recovered and pulled the dagger from his side pocket.

  Alaryk bellowed above the sound of my storm. “You bitch!” Then, he removed his other hand from me and shot something dark and ugly at my best friend. She tumbled down the small hill, and I moved to go to her, but another man I didn’t recognize was with her in a moment and ported away.

  Fear spiked through me, but Dom wasn’t losing it, so I trusted she was as okay as she could be at the moment.

  The dark fae then turned toward Oliver and tried to do the same thing to him, but Oliver dodged the first attempt, slamming his fist into the ground and knocking Alaryk off balance. Ryland was recovering and sent his wind out into my storm. All three of us were working together.

  As Alaryk began to right himself, Dom and Cynder jumped into the action and attacked each of his arms, effectively pinning the dark fae to the ground with the help of Ryland and Oliver.

  “Now, Kaliah!” Stryx yelled at me as he joined the animals, using his wings to assist in keeping Alaryk pinned to the ground, and relieve Ryland who was barely staying upright.

  Alaryk was already injured and had depleted heaps of his power in his effort to strip away the bond I’d formed with Ryland, but after fighting with him earlier, I knew he was stronger than the three animals combined, so I didn’t bother to move in.

  Instead, I waited and used the time to recover and choose my next move carefully, which was to go to Ryland.

  “You need to leave before he hurts you again. I can finish this,” I said as I gently pulled the dagger from his grasp.

  “I’m your anchor, and I will never leave your side. Now, go finish him.” His faith in me brought back the last of my sanity that I needed in order to decide what came next.

  Turning around, I watched as Alaryk yanked his bloodied arms away and flung magic at Stryx but thankfully missed.

  “Not so good with your aim when using your left hand, are you?” I asked, once more trying to get his attention on me.

  “One-handed or not, you still can’t stop me.” He tried to port away, but I wa
s quicker and latched on to him, trying to keep us both on the field.

  Even injured, he was still incredibly powerful and ended up pulling me with him in his port after he tried to break my hold, but I refused to let up. We had one shot at this, and I wasn’t walking away until he was finished.

  We’d only made it to the top of the mountain, and I could still see the others fighting at the bottom. Even though their leader abandoned them, the idiots still kept at it and were beginning to lose.

  “I knew you wouldn’t let me leave.” Alaryk grinned. “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about, but I was done listening. My grip tightened on the dagger in my hand and started to rise, but before I could hit my mark, pain sliced through my back.

  “Ahh, that’s a good boy.” Alaryk cradled his arm with the missing hand and grinned behind me. “Now, take her to the caves and I’ll follow behind after I throw the others off course. This time, we won’t let anyone see us leave.”

  Heat pulsed at my back, and I forced my head to turn. A dragon stood behind me with bits of my jacket in his claws.

  The bastard had cut through muscle, and I was barely standing, let alone able to move my arm to stab the dark fae.

  Alaryk patted my cheek. “I’ll deal with you soon, my sweet.”

  “Wait,” I croaked, frantically trying to come up with another plan.

  “What is it? If you want to change your mind, it’s a little late for that. You’ve lost, and there will only be pain for the rest of your miserable life. Such a pity, really.”

  Stryx was in my head, telling me that he was coming to help, but he would be too late.

  I had to find the strength within me and finish this once and for all.

  Closing my eyes, I dropped my head, appearing weak, but instead I did something I’d never done before. I called to the Fates. I begged them for help. For just enough to help me lift my arm and sink the dagger into Alaryk’s heart. As he stepped closer, I wondered if he was either completely oblivious to my weapon or thought I couldn’t truly hurt him.


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