TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel) Page 9

by Love,Michelle

  Cosima laughed and hauled her into the kitchen. She laid out their feast; naan bread, curries, sag aloo, tarka dahl – and French fries. They sat and talked while they ate; reminiscing on the time they’d spent in the apartment.

  ‘It’s strange; we’ve only been here a few months, but it feels so much longer. So much has happened here.’

  Harpa smiled. ‘You fell in love.’

  ‘You like Arlo, don’t you?’

  ‘Very much, sis, very much. I wouldn’t have felt like I could leave you unless you had him here to protect you. Not that you can’t look after yourself,’ she added in a hurry, but Cosima nodded.

  ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to just not have that hanging over us all the time? To be able to be truly free of our past?’

  Harpa rolled her eyes. ‘Goes without saying but I don’t think it’ll ever happen. Do you worry about it all the time?’

  Cosima considered. ‘Most of the time I try to forget it. Most of the time, it would be very hard to get to me…I worry about your safety more than my own.’

  Harpa squeezed her arm. ‘Don’t worry. What with Jack and now Arlo’s fleet of bodyguards, I’ll be fine.’

  Cosima was silent for a minute. ‘I’m not sure Arlo is a big fan of Jack’s.’

  Harpa was surprised. ‘Really? Why?’

  Cosima looked uncomfortable, her face scarlet. ‘He thinks Jack’s in love with me.’

  Harpa shrugged. ‘He is. Has been for years. But you knew that, right?’

  Cosima stared at her sister and slowly shook her head. ‘I had no idea.’

  Harpa laughed. ‘Dude…how the hell did you manage to get Arlo? Did you think it happened magically? Look in the mirror.’

  ‘I propositioned Arlo, not the other way around.’

  ‘You did? Cosima Bedi, I never knew you had it in you…’ Harpa was impressed, and Cosima chuckled.

  ‘Do you blame me?’

  ‘Hell, no. Arlo’s a catch but then, so are you, Cos. I wish you’d realize that more.’

  Cosima, embarrassed, changed the subject. ‘Well, what about you? Will you be looking for someone new in Seattle?’

  Harpa snorted. ‘No way. I’m done with men until at least after I’ve graduated and found a new job.’ She yawned suddenly, and Cosima grinned.

  ‘Unless you want to feel like a zombie on the plane tomorrow, I suggest you get some sleep. I’ll clear up in here.’

  Harps nodded, pulling herself up. ‘Are you going over to Arlo’s tonight?’

  ‘No. I’m staying here tonight. Get some sleep, I love you.’

  ‘Love you too.’

  Harpa got into bed and lay back on the pillows, listening to Cosima clear the plates in the kitchen. ‘My last night here,’ she murmured and sighed. She was looking forward to starting her new life tomorrow.

  It seemed to Naveen that the Malhotra sisters were now surrounded with top level protection. The FBI and now Forrester private security service had the two women’s safety locked down, and he would find it very hard to get close enough to them. Time to reconsider his plans…

  Harpa, the younger sister – as far as he was concerned, she didn’t really figure into it. If he could kill her too, it would be a bonus but for the moment, all his focus was on Cosima. She haunted his dreams and his waking thought, and now it had become more than fulfilling his family’s wish for her death; it had become his obsession. He wanted her…badly. He wanted to fuck that glorious body of hers before he ended her life, slowly, painfully, torturing her until she begged for his knife. Then he would stab her in the belly, watch her bleed out…god, it made him hard just thinking about it. But Arlo Forrester would not easily let harm come to her.

  Which was why Sabine Karlsson was so useful, so pliable. He knew he had left her wanting more, that she would obsess over him. Leave her dangling for a few days then call her, fuck her, and see just how useful she could be. If he’d got the measure of her the last time, it was that she didn’t like to lose, that she was sociopathic enough that he could tell her what he wanted, and she would help him make it happen. Cosima’s murder would be front page news – and now he had someone to frame for it…

  Harpa and Jack stepped out into the Seattle sunshine. He turned to grin at her. ‘Here we are, at last.’

  Harpa grinned although inside she felt sick with nerves. It was happening, she was here, a country away from the only family she knew, and it was time to strike out on her own. She had originally planned to stay in the college dorms, but Jack had persuaded her against it for security reasons.

  Jack drove the rental car to her new apartment block, and as they walked in, Harpa nodded a black sedan parked across the street. The driver nodded at her, and she smiled. Arlo’s security team. It made her feel good, feel safe, knowing they were there, and it was a link back to her sister – who no doubt had the matching pair at home. Thank God, Harpa thought now as they rode the elevator to her floor, because for a while now I’ve had this feeling that I can’t shake. That something might happen. That someone might hurt Cosima, that she isn’t safe. Which was ridiculous, she reasoned, her sister was safer now than ever. But still, it nagged at her.

  ‘Hey, space cadet, we’re here.’ Jack nudged her as the elevator doors opened and they stepped out. Her door was the closest to the elevator – convenient for late night food runs, she smiled. Jack unlocked the apartment door and went in; his men had already swept it before they arrived but always on the lookout, Jack palmed his pistol and darted from room-to-room. Harpa ignored him and went straight to the large window in the living room. The view was incredible…Harpa turned to Jack as he was tucking his pistol away.

  ‘Dude…tell me again how you found this apartment – and how the hell it’s so cheap?’

  Jack had the grace to smile sheepishly. ‘Probably something you should talk to your sister’s boyfriend about.’

  Harpa’s mouth fell open. Arlo had found this apartment? For her? She felt tears prick her eyes, and when Jack indicated a huge fruit basket on the kitchen counter, she found a note from her benefactor.

  Hey Harpa,

  I hope you don’t think this is overstepping the mark, but I wanted both you and Cos to feel you could be safe in Seattle alone – ish. The place is yours for as long as you want – rent free. Live, love, enjoy – please. I know you want to make it on your own, and there’s nothing I admire more – just think of this as a gift from a brother to a sister. It’s not charity, it’s a helping hand.

  So please, enjoy,

  All best,

  Arlo x

  Harpa felt a tear escape at his generosity. ‘God…’ she groaned, ‘How bummed am I Cosima got to meet him first?’

  She was sorry she said that when Jack looked away from her, and she went to hug him. ‘Sorry, dude.’

  Jack smiled at her brightly. ‘About what? Come on, let’s give you the tour then I’ll take you for something to eat.’

  In the end, they didn’t go out but ordered pizza, and it wasn’t until it arrived that Harpa found that the kitchen had been fully stocked, the refrigerator and freezer stuffed full of fresh produce and meats. A full spice rack sat on the counter. Harpa shook her head. ‘I’m sure I just walked into a dream. Fairy godfather.’

  Jack snorted with laughter then checked the time. ‘Listen, kiddo, I have to eat and run, I’m afraid. I’m getting the red-eye back to New York tonight.’

  Cosima was arranging invoices into alphabetical order when Arlo found her. The office behind the reception of the hotel had been finished for a while, and Cosima used that as her base, only occasionally wondering if the men working above would come through the ceiling.

  Arlo stood at the door and watched her. On her desk were six neat piles of paperwork and Arlo noted with amusement, her office supplies were also neatly placed. ‘Are you really that bored?’

  Cosima looked up and grinned. ‘It’s true, I’m struggling to find things to do – the contractors are all running on time, within budget, they all know what they
have to do.’ She sighed. ‘Yup, I’m bored, and that’s something I never thought I would say in this job.’

  Arlo chuckled and came to the desk to pull her to her feet. ‘Hmm, how can I make you un-bored?’

  ‘Un-bored is not a word.’

  ‘Is too. Miss Bedi, I recognize this dress.’

  She was wearing the same wrap dress she had on when they had driven out to the lake and made love under the stars. He hooked a finger into the belt and pulled. She grinned.

  ‘Ha ha, foiled. I double knotted it,’ she giggled as he groaned and buried his face in her neck.

  ‘You honestly think that would stop me, Cosima,’ he nibbled her earlobe, and she shivered with pleasure.

  ‘No…but there’s no lock on that door yet…’

  He met her gaze. ‘So?’

  Her eyes widened. ‘Exhibitionist.’

  He grinned wickedly. ‘Come here.’ He led her over to the door and made her face it, her stomach against the hard wood. He pulled his tie from his neck and tied her hands behind her. Cosima, her breath quickening, gasped a little as he pushed her skirt up, and tugged her panties down. His fingers found her sex and began to stroke and excite. With her ear pressed to the door, she could hear the workmen outside talking, and as their voices got closer, Arlo increased the pressure on her clit before suddenly thrusting his cock into her from behind, the friction on her cunt delicious and delirious. Cosima sighed, her head falling back to rest on his shoulder. Arlo kissed her as he plunged deeper inside her. ‘Cos…?’

  His question was said in a curious way as if asking permission and suddenly she knew what he wanted. ‘Do it,’ she whispered, ‘I trust you.’

  He tilted her chin up so he could kiss her mouth deeply then used his hands to gently part her buttocks. He eased himself out of her vagina, and then pushed gently into her ass. Cosima gasped and shuddered at the quick pain. Outside she could hear the men talking and laughing but then as the pressure increased, she heard nothing but her own ragged breathing, Arlo’s excited breaths as he fucked her, his hand still rubbing her clit. Cosima came quickly, such was the overwhelming feeling of him, and she cried out a little, hearing the men outside stop talking. For a moment, they both froze then Cosima got the giggles which made Arlo laugh. He pulled out and they tidied themselves up. Cosima’s legs felt strange as she walked back to her desk.

  Arlo, his face flushed, grinned at her. ‘Well, that was thrilling…what say we do that in every room in this hotel?’

  Cosima laughed. ‘You are a nymphomaniac, you know that?’ She kissed him, sliding her arms around his waist. ‘But, yes, absolutely.’

  He kissed her thoroughly then regretfully let her go. ‘I have bad news, though; I have to go back to Frisco for a couple of days.’

  Cosima pouted. ‘Boo. Why do you have to go?’

  ‘Shareholders meeting. Just know that I will be bored out of my skull without you.’


  Later, at home, after Arlo had left for the airport, Cosima took a long soak in the tub then padded around her echoingly empty apartment. Harpa’s leaving had been more of a wrench that Cosima had admitted and now, without even Arlo here, she felt lonelier than she had done in years. Stop being so self-pitying, she said to herself and resolved to pull it together. She went to the kitchen to seek out food but couldn’t be bothered to cook so she grabbed a box of cereal and ate straight from it.

  She went into the living room and sat in the window seat to gaze out at the night; something that drove Jack crazy from a security point of view but she loved to watch people as they drifted through the Quarter on their way to clubs and bars and music venues. She had turned all the lights out in her room and sat a little back so she could watch while being unseen. It had been raining and the lights of the Quarter reflected in the water on the road creating an ethereal scene below her window. She leaned her forehead against the cool glass. She had thought it impossible to love a city more than New York, but New Orleans had captured her heart so completely that she couldn’t ever have imagined leaving it.

  She got up and went to bed, leaving her window open to let the cool night breeze wash over her hot, tired body, and fell asleep almost immediately.

  Outside, the man who had been watching her from the street below flicked out his cigarette and walked away.

  Harpa cleaned the last of the kitchen counter down and dumped the dirty water in the sink. She had been working part-time at this restaurant for a month now, and she loved every single, hot, sweaty, stressful, exhausting minute of it. The head chef, a coarse but brilliant Englishman called Stanley – ‘Or call me Stan, love, I don’t give a shit, I ain’t posh’ – had taken her on but told her ‘Everyone starts out as a pot washer in my kitchen. You’ll get your chance to learn, I just want to see you earn your keep.’

  So she did just that, without one complaint, putting in even longer hours than necessary to show the bluff Briton that she was committed. She knew she had impressed him because two weeks in, he’d taken her aside and shown her some of his signature dishes, watching her try to emulate them. She’d watched him taste each one with nervous trepidation then he’d give her feedback, constructive criticism, and praise where it was earned. When she perfected something, he would just taste it, and a big smile would tell her everything she needed to know.

  Harpa glanced at the clock. Just after one a.m. God, and she had a nine a.m. class too. She yawned expansively then grinned. Nights like this she was glad of the constant presence and therefore convenient ‘cab’ potential of Arlo’s security team. They must be bored out of their minds, she thought now, grabbing her coat. Sitting around all day. She grabbed the foiled covered tray of leftovers she had saved for them – tonight she knew it would be Tony and Sean who would be in the car. They were her favorites – not as po-faced professional as the others, and both were nearer her age and had a sense of humor.

  ‘Evening, boys,’ she said now as she clambered into the back seat.

  ‘Evening, Princess,’ Sean beamed at her from the front passenger seat. ‘What you got for us tonight?’

  ‘Beef Wellington, sautéed potatoes and green beans.’ She waved the tray to let them smell it, and they both drooled. ‘Hey look, why don’t you just come up to the apartment and eat tonight?’ Too late, she remembered her nine a.m. class. Sean grinned at her.

  ‘That’s good of you, but we need to keep our distance – part of our contract, we stay a certain distance away unless you need us….for cab rides and the like.’

  Harpa chuckled, relieved. ‘Well, okay then. You may need to stop at a bodega, get some plastic cutlery then.’

  On the ride home, she checked her phone. A text message from Cosima: I miss you, Bubba, when can I come visit? Harpa grinned. Anytime you want, Cos, you’re always welcome, I miss you too. How’s my sugar daddy?

  At home, she showered quickly then fell into bed, exhausted but exhilarated.

  Arlo nodded to the foreman at LaBelle. ‘Hey, have you seen Cosima?’

  The workman, Al, smiled. ‘Miss Bedi wanted to look at the penthouse; we’re almost done up there so she grabbed a hard hat and went up about ten minutes ago.’

  Arlo thanked him and took the stairs up to the penthouse. The apartment was spacious and rang with emptiness; it still needed decorating and furnishing, but Arlo couldn’t help but be excited; this was to be his and Cosima’s home – if she hadn’t changed her mind. She’d been quiet these last few days, and he had been concerned that she was starting to regret telling him yes to living with him so soon.

  He found Cosima in the living room, gazing out of one of the large windows. He slid his arms around her waist, feeling her start as she felt him behind her. ‘Hey, beautiful.’

  She turned in his arms and kissed him. ‘Hey, yourself. Just taking in the view.’

  She smiled, but he could see the sadness in her eyes. He stroked her cheek. ‘What is it, Cos? Talk to me.’

  She sighed. ‘I’m sorry I’ve been quiet, it’s jus
t…it’s the anniversary of my father’s murder today.’

  Arlo was appalled. ‘God, Cosima, I’m so sorry. How long has it been?’

  ‘Sixteen years,’ she shook her head sadly. ‘Every year I keep waiting for the pain of it to lessen, and it never does.’

  He pulled her close and tightened his arms around her. ‘I wish I could say I can’t imagine, but sadly I can.’

  ‘Your brother?’

  He nodded. He had told her about Mason at the beginning of their relationship. ‘We both of us know what violence can do. You don’t talk about your dad a lot.’

  Cosima shook her head. ‘I can’t form the words to tell you how much he meant to me, to Harpa. He was everything.’

  ‘I’m so sorry, baby. Do you have anything you like to do on the anniversary?’

  She shook her head. ‘Harpa and I usually just have a meal in his honor, toast his memory, and thank him for everything he did. But now Harpa’s in Seattle…’

  ‘Would you let me be her proxy? We could have a quiet meal in my hotel – room service?’

  Cosima smiled. ‘I’d love to spend the evening with you, but I’ll cook, if you don’t mind, it’s a tradition…my father loved Indian cuisine and even better if it was homemade.’

  ‘Sounds perfect – if I can help you cook.’

  ‘It’s a deal.’ She smiled then looked around the empty penthouse. ‘This place will be mind-blowing when it’s finished. Still sure you wanna share?’ She grinned at him, and he laughed.

  ‘Hell, yes, you think I’d let you off that easy. Come on, let’s get planning décor and furnishings; the quicker it’s done, the quicker I get to wake up with you in our home.’

  Harpa read the message from Cosima as she was driven to work.

  Thinking of you today, Harp, and of Dad. I love you both so much. C.

  Harpa smiled, feeling tears prick her eyes. It was definitely strange to be away from her sister today. She quickly sent a reply then stuck her phone away. She was nervous because today, one of her dishes was going to be on the restaurant’s menu. She’d cooked it for everyone as a one-month anniversary treat for making her feel so welcome, and they’d eaten after service one night. Everyone had fallen in love with it, especially Stanley and he’d told her, if she just perfected it a little more, then he would try it out on the customers. She couldn’t quite believe it and today was the day. What made it more nerve-wracking was that one of Seattle’s most prominent restaurant critics had booked a table at the lunchtime sitting. Stanley, grinning, had told her that gleefully, and she had swatted away his teasing. ‘As if this wasn’t scary enough!’


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