TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel) Page 119

by Love,Michelle

  Kathy felt embarrassed as he gaze lingered on her breasts.

  Smiling Bernardo left her apartment.

  Chapter 4

  Kathy closed the door of her apartment after Bernardo had left and locked the door. She did not want him striding in and intruding on her privacy.

  As she switched off the lights of her apartment, she heard Bernardo moving around in the outer living room area between the two apartments. Kathy slipped into bed, but sleep was the farthest thing at the moment. Every time she closed her eyes she pictured Bernardo looking at her with those sexy piercing black eyes.

  It took very little time for Kathy to get used to working at Lorenzo Conglomerates, but she always chided her weakness for Bernardo Lorenzo. Every time Bernardo walked into her room, Kathy’s heart skipped a beat. His voice was more of a purr that emanated from the back of his throat. He always caught her looking at him with eyes, he was sure, asked for something more than just a boss personal assistant relationship. Kathy’s eyes always reached deep down within him and the feeling he got, he never experienced with other woman and he did have a retinue of women, from blondes to brunettes, who were ever willing and ready to jump into bed with him and enjoy the steamiest of sex, which Bernardo was capable of providing.

  The feeling he got when Kathy was around prompted him to make an attempt to explore her body, feel her dampness between her legs, such her breasts until she pleaded, yes until she pleaded for him to fuck her. Just thinking about all this, Bernardo felt his erection push against his boxer shorts.

  One morning Kathy was busy putting together a report on the previous day’s meeting they had with a client from Malaysia, when Bernardo strode in.

  “Kathy, Mr. Lee of Malaysian Towers, whom we met last evening has a change of plan, he wants us to fly out to Malaysia, so that he could show us the exact location he wants his apartment complex to be built,” said Bernardo.

  Kathy looked at Bernardo. Did she hear correct? Did he mention the word, “we”? Yeah he sure did.

  “You said, “we”. Does that mean to include me as well?” she asked.

  Bernardo looked around as if he was searching for someone.

  “Well by the looks of it, I don’t see anyone else here other than the two of us,” he said mockingly.

  Kathy could have kicked him in a place that hurt the most. She grounded her teeth and looked defiantly at him.

  “Yes I understand that, but then you never told me at the interview I would have to accompany you on overseas trips?” she said.

  Bernardo looked at her, fury in his eyes.

  “It is to be expected if you work for a man like me, who has no time to make notes at meetings and moreover that was why I employed you,” he said, turning on his heal and walking off.

  Before he left the room, he turned to face her.

  “We will be leaving on Saturday and please bring enough clothes to last a week,” he said.

  “But on the other hand the less clothes the better,” he said and walked off humming a tune.

  Kathy punched the table and winced at the pain.

  “The arrogant bastard,” she muttered, as she shut the drawer with a bang.

  “I heard that Kathy,” said Bernardo amusement written all over his face.

  Chapter 5

  Saturday morning dawned and Kathy had the urge to call Bernardo and say she was sick. An unfamiliar feeling gathered inside her in a tense ball. A mixture of self-consciousness – she was not used to travelling with men overseas and moreover with a dashing gorgeous man like Bernardo. Would he try to approach her? How was she going to handle it, if he did? Would she go wobbly at her knees and let him seduce her?

  She kept turning and flipping these questions in her mind, when she heard the doorbell buzz. Wondering who it could be, Kathy walked barefooted to the door and opened it. She also reeled in surprise to see Bernardo standing outside, in a casual denim and t-shirt. He looked oh so gorgeous and devastatingly sexy.

  “You?” she asked.

  “Come on Kathy. Why do you always question my identity? Yes it is me, Bernardo Lorenzo at your service to drive you to the airport,” he said in a mock bow.

  “But there is still time and I was going to call a cab to take me to the airport,” she said.

  “Well you save a couple of dollars and I have the privilege of driving you to the airport. Now isn’t that a great deal to strike at the beginning of our first business trip abroad,” he said.

  He was still standing at the door.

  “Kathy are you going to keep me standing out her in the cold? Aren’t you going to invite me in for at least a cup of coffee, before we leave for the airport?” he asked.

  “Oh I am sorry. Do come in.” she said standing aside, as he brushed passed her, an elbow grazing her breasts.

  Kathy sucked in her breath as an electric current raced through her body, which left her tingling.

  She poured them both two cups of coffee and handing one to Bernardo, she sat direct opposite him. For once she was lost for words and did not know what to say, as she looked across at Bernardo, who was scanning a magazine by the coffee table.

  Draining the cup of coffee, Bernardo came round the table and walked to the kitchen sink, where he washed and dried the cup with a paper serviette. He turned and almost bumped into Kathy who was standing right behind him. Their eyes clashed as he looked at her and he never took his eyes off.

  Quietly taking the cup from her, Bernardo placed it on the kitchen table. Taking her in his arms he brought his mouth down on hers. Kathy was so shocked that she opened her mouth to protest and taking advantage of that, Bernardo delved into her mouth and nudge and licked her tongue with his.

  Kathy was quivering like a leaf in an autumn gust of wind. Her knees went all wobbly and she surprised herself by kissing him back with the ardor that he kissed her.

  “There is so much I don’t know about you Kathy. You kiss brilliantly and is every man’s dream of having you in his bed, under him, while he does justice to your body, licking and sucking the most sensitive of places, such as this.

  Nipping at her bottom lip, Bernardo lifted her and walked across the kitchen, kicking open the door that led to her bedroom, he placed her on the bed. Kathy looked so bloody sexy with her t-shirt above her breasts, which were two creamy globes with pink perky nipples that were now hard. He had an instant erection, which nudged at her.

  Kathy snapped back to reality and jumped out of bed, pushing Bernardo away from her.

  “No we can’t be doing this Bernardo, we just can’t” she said and raced to the bathroom, closing and locking the door as such bathed her face and scrubbed it hard, as if erasing the touch and scent of Bernardo.

  She emerged from the bathroom all dressed up for the trip to Malaysia.

  “Look Kathy you were a willing partner a while ago and how come you grew a halo almost seconds after?” he asked.

  “Bernardo, this just won’t work. I do not need a man in my bed and certainly not you. Don’t forget that you are my boss and I do not sleep around with my boss. Period,” she said.

  Bernardo was furious, but he did not want to show it, as they had to leave for Malaysia together. Losing his temper and showing it would not work.

  But he did make a mental note that someday he would seduce Kathy, that she would beg him for more.

  They drove to the airport in silence. Leaving his Aston Martin in the garage allocated to him at the airport, they boarded his private jet. Kathy looked like a little girl, as she took in her surroundings. The jet was classy and screamed wealth from every end.

  Bernardo sat opposite her and immediately set to work on his laptop. Kathy pulled out her notebook and scanned the reports she had taken down and transcribed on the Malaysian deal. She always kept abreast with her work and never faltered one bit. Bernardo appreciated this in her. She was an ace personal assistant and he presumed she was an ace in bed too. He had yet to discover more about her, as that afternoon’s encounter was just the tip of
the iceberg and iceberg’s do travel deep into the sea. But would that iceberg in her shatter him, as did the Titanic, whose encounter with the iceberg killed scores of people.

  Kathy occasionally glanced across at Bernard. She tried to forget that morning, but the encounter at her apartment kept popping up. She knew she had to be on her guard in the next few weeks when they were going to be in Malaysia, to ward off her seductive employer.

  Kathy fell asleep and when she awoke, she found that a blanket had been draped from her breasts downwards and a pillow tucked under her head. Presuming that Melissa the stewardess had done it, she thanked her.

  Melissa shook her head and pointed towards Bernardo.

  “It was not me who did that, but Mr. Lorenzo,” she said.

  Kathy turned to stare at Bernardo. So he did have something called human nature in him, she thought.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “You are welcome,” he said smiling that dazzling and seductive smile. Kathy quickly looked away.

  Her thoughts went to David, who had dumped her for Sabrina. She had been devastated that her friend had surreptitiously had an affair with David and equally mad at him for having had both of them at almost the same time. She swore then and there she would never fall in love with any man thereafter, but she was not so sure now, as she looked once again at the bent head of Bernardo. Oh how she would love to run her fingers through that mop of hair.

  She literally dropped down to earth, when she heard Bernardo’s voice.

  “Kathy, why do you look at me that way/” he asked.

  “Which way?” asked Kathy.

  “You know, the oh I wish I could make love to you, way,” he said smiling.

  “Don’t be too sure of that. Maybe I was thinking of my ex, looking at you,” she said.

  Noting a streak of anger than zipped through Bernardo, Kathy felt triumphant that she had hit a weak spot of Bernardo.

  “I don’t like to be compared with your ex, whoever he may be,” said Bernard, looking furiously at her.

  “Well hard luck then, Bernardo,” she said and got up to go to the washroom, but in a moment she was spinning and found herself seated on Bernardo’s lap and been violently kissed. Kathy struggled to get free, but Bernardo continued his assault on her lips. Releasing her abruptly, he almost pushed her off his lap, as Melissa walked in with a tray of hot towels.

  Kathy rushed to the washroom and immediately looked at herself in the mirror. Oh God, her lips were red as tomatoes and swollen; the after effects of his brutal kiss. Tears sprang from her eyes, as she sobbed.

  Kathy had been warned by Desiree and Sarina back at the office that Bernard got through women just as day turned into night. He never did long relationships and always ended them within a week, with a trinket from Cartier and that also sent through Giovanni. At least now he sent it through Giovanni, they said, but in the past it had been through his personal assistant. Kathy had wondered why he did not continue the practice and send the “trinkets” through her.

  Washing her face and putting very little make up, Kathy walked to her seat and picked up a magazine. She tried to read, but could not concentrate and the words were a blur.

  Bernardo did not speak to her until they landed and even when he did Kathy ignored him completely. He was so brutal and equally handsome, that she felt she had got herself into a pool of hot water and it was useless trying to swim out of it, as if she tried, it would burn her more.

  A limousine took them from the airport to the Hilton, where they were going to stay. The porter left their luggage in their respective rooms and Bernardo gave him a handsome tip. Kathy stood in her room looking around in awe, as she walked to the large glass windows. Looking outside she gasped at the Kuala Lumpur Tower. Kathy had read that tourists visited the Tower to have a 360 degrees view of the city. She made a mental note to visit it, if she had the time.

  Sensing Bernardo’s presence, Kathy turned.

  “It’s so beautiful and totally amazing. Isn’t it?” she asked him with her head inclined to a side.

  “Yes it is. We can visit the KL Tower may be the day after tomorrow, when discussions will be slower. But not tomorrow.

  Bernardo showed her around her room, which was a mini apartment, to her.

  “If you need anything you could use the connecting door,” he said pointing to a door on the right side of her room.

  It was then that Kathy saw it.

  “I guess it leads to your room,” she said caustically. She saw the fury in his eyes as he turned on his heal and left, closing the door behind him with a bang.

  Kathy shrugged.

  “Why on earth does he have to get so het up when I speak?” Kathy asked herself.

  Kathy quietly turned the lock to the connecting door and she felt safe.

  Back in his room Bernardo paced the expanse of his room.

  Kathy was one in a million and the best personal assistant he had. He couldn’t let her slip through his fingers. But how was he going to control his feelings?

  Chapter 6

  Mr. Lee of Malaysian Towers was very pleased Bernardo had taken a personal interest in the contract and come over to Malaysia. The day before Bernardo and Kathy left for Italy, Mr. Lee invited them for dinner to the Celestial Court set in the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, offering innovative Cantonese food, threw a majestic elegance around. Its Pagoda style entrance, featured a giant Chinese vase, plush red carpeting and softly illuminated with halogen lighting.

  They ordered honey spiced roast rack of lamb, with sweet bean in Mongolian sauce which the Chef himself said was the signature piece of the restaurant.

  Kathy and Bernardo left Mr. Lee, who promised to visit Italy later that month. They opted to hail a cab, even though Mr. Lee offered to drive them to the Hilton.

  Sitting in the back seat of the cab, Kathy felt the closeness of Bernardo and his scent, which tingled across her nose. She wanted to reach out to him. Bernardo glanced across at Kathy as she looked out of the cab window. He could not resist touching her knee that was exposed. Reaching out, he placed his hand on her knee. Kathy jumped, as she felt his warm touch. She looked at him with half closed eyes and the next thing she knew, he was kissing her with an urgency that even surprised Bernardo himself. His right hand travelled up her thigh and to his delight he found she was wearing a thong. He urgently pushed his forefinger through the lace which covered her mound and was delighted to find she was soaking wet. Before he found her clitoris, which was now pocking out of its hood, almost beckoning him to do justice to it. As the cab pulled into the Hilton driveway, Bernardo drew back and seductively sucked his fingers which were covered with her juices.

  Paying the cab driver, they almost rushed through the lobby towards the elevators. Both of them were hungry for each other. Once in the elevator, Bernardo crushed Kathy between his arms and kissed her hungrily, his erection nudging at her, promising more in a few minutes to come.

  They almost ran to Bernard’s room and as Bernardo fumbled with the swipe card, Kathy clung on to him, rubbing herself against him.

  Once in the room, Bernardo removed Kathy’s dress effortlessly over her head and threw it aside. He stood looking at her 38B breasts and nipples which were like twin peaks, straining against the lace of her bra. He ran his hand behind her and unclipped her bra and the twin creamy globes spilled out standing straight and nipples pointing towards him.

  With a groan and growl Bernard latched on to one nipple, while he squeezed and played with the nipple of the other. Kathy was in seventh heaven, as she felt her juices drip down her thighs.

  “I want to see and touch you Bernardo,” she moaned.

  He removed his trouser and shirt and threw them on the floor and with one fluid move his boxer shorts were on the floor as well, where they joined her clothes.

  Kathy gasped at the size of his erection as it stood out majestically, the purple head almost nodding at her. She went down on her knees and took him in her mouth. He tasted delicious as s
he sucked, pulled and inserted it right up to her throat.

  Taking hold of her hair, Bernardo fucked her mouth, until he shouted out and shot his load down her throat. Lifting Kathy he took her to his bed and Kathy was surprised that his cock had turned on another erection. Spreading her legs he latched on to her clitoris and sucked, pulled and tongued all in one, as she squirmed and bucked her hips.

  “Yes…y-esssss.Oh Bernardo, suck me hard and harder. Fuck me now,” she cried out.

  Positioning himself in between his thighs, he lifted her legs over his shoulders and entered her in one thrust. She was tight, but also very wet as he fucked her. Kathy screamed.

  “I am cummmmming……Oh Bernardo faster please, plea…se,” screamed Kathy.

  Bernardo increased his tempo and within seconds Kathy was shuddering in a climax that she had never experienced before.

  They made love the whole night, trying out different positions, where they sucked, pulled, caressed and squeezed each other that brought on climax after climax and left them exhausted.

  The following morning Kathy woke up, as Bernardo’s fingers travelled through over her mound and found her clitoris, which was ready for his touch. He fucked her thrice before they left for the airport and Kathy felt as if she was walking on air and not flying back to Italy in his private jet.

  Chapter 7

  Kathy got back to work the following day and she was kept busy going through emails, replying them, sorting out the ones that needed Bernardo’s immediate attention. She hardly saw the brunette enter her room, until she felt someone standing before her. Looking up she smiled brightly.

  “Hi, is there anything I could do for you?” she asked pleasantly.

  The brunette’s eyes bore into Kathy and literally spewed fire. She kept looking at Kathy and then spoke.


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