TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel) Page 135

by Love,Michelle

  “It’s not all pretending,” he says then his lips touch mine. His kiss is soft and sweet and I can feel more in it than when we first kissed but he still doesn’t love me and this love talk we do is very confusing to me.

  My phone rings and I’m thankful for the interruption as my insides were getting all wiggly with his kiss and how his hands were roaming all over my back. I take in a deep breath to slow how fast I was breathing and he smiles at how I’ve reacted to him.

  He reaches over to get my phone and hands it to me. “You’re staying right where you’re at.”

  I see my aunt Audrey’s name on the screen and moan, “It’s family reunion time. Hello, Aunt Audrey.”

  “Well, well, well,” she says. “And how have you been?”

  “Just fine. I suppose this is about the reunion.”

  “It is. But first things first. What’s this I heard about you quitting your job at the diner?”

  “You heard about that? I just did it,” I say as Zane plays with my hair then his mouth touches my neck. I nearly melt into him but manage to hold myself back from that.

  “I know. Martha called me right away. She wanted to know if any of us knew why you’d moved to New York. You can imagine my surprise when she said that. I told her you hadn’t moved anywhere. Am I wrong?”

  “I kind of live here. I have a job here. I got it when I came up to see the man who bought the lighthouse. You know mine and Gramps’ lighthouse. He gave me a job so I’m going to be doing that for like a year I guess.”

  His lips touch my ear. “Or forever.”

  I shudder with his words. He’s always toying with me!

  “Well, I hope you know we all expect you to scrounge up a date this year. We’ve all talked about it and we’re going to get interactive in your love life since you don’t seem to be doing anything about it. I, for one, want a few nieces and nephews out of you. And I want them soon!”

  “Oh no, you guys don’t! I’m not coming if it’s going to be that thing again. Last year four of my cousins brought eligible men to set me up with. Not this year! No way!” I say as Zane begins nibbling my neck.

  “Take me, use me for once, Elizabeth,” he mumbles as he makes me insane with his mouth.

  My wheels begin to turn. Do I dare use him the way he’s using me? Should I use him to get my, over the top, procreating family off my back once and for all?

  “I will be bringing someone and boy are you guys in for a shock,” I tell her.

  Zane’s growl sends shivers down my spine as his fingers press into my shoulders and he goes to town on my neck. I feel his dick springing to life underneath me and know I have to get off the phone.

  “Great!” Aunt Audrey says. “And bring a bag of chips and a dip too. See you on Saturday. Bye.”

  With the call ended, I put the phone down and begin to wrestle my body out of Zane’s clutches. “Aw, come on, baby. Just a little taste,” he moans as I wiggle.

  “No tasting! Come on, Zane. This is confusing enough.”

  Stopping his neck nibbling he looks at me. “What’s so confusing?”

  “This is. We’ve known each other less than a week and using the word, love, a hell of a lot and kissing and holding each other when we’re around other people. And it’s just confusing.”

  “Stop making it that way. Come to the dark side, Elizabeth, we all float over here,” he says with a laugh.

  “You’re mixing up characters, genius. And I still have a set of morals. I need to know what my true feelings are and what yours are too before I go giving such an important part of myself away.”

  “How do you know it’s not true when I say it?” His lips touch mine for only a moment then he’s looking at me again.

  “We both know it’s not,” I say and push against his chest. “You’re making me all hot and bothered. Let me go.”

  “You keep me hot and bothered,” he says as he holds me right where I am. “Now, when’s this family thing and what are you going to tell them?”

  “It’s this Saturday. I totally forgot about it. Thank goodness I quit my job or I’d have been in a real pickle. One cannot miss a family reunion. Heaven forbid my bag of chips and dip don’t get there!”

  “So what did I hear about you needing to have a date or they’d be forced to help you out?”

  “I’m the lone cousin who has yet to marry. I’m the only single in my extensive family over the age of nineteen. My family is old fashioned. Get married, have kids, do your part in keeping this world populated. You know the type.” I run my hand through his silky hair and wish I hadn’t as his eyes light up and my heart skips a beat.

  I’m really, really falling for him and I know he’s just playing with me. This is getting too hard, I think. My head’s telling me to bail on this thing and let the lighthouse go for my own sanity but my heart’s all, stay with him, stupid girl.

  I feel the heartbreak coming. And with a whole year of hanging out with him, I foresee a real tear-fest when he ends it. If I let him show me how great he is in bed, I’ll probably die when he ends it.

  And he will end it. I know he will. I’m not a thing like anyone he knows. I may as well be a hick for all my class and couth or lack thereof.

  “I like it. Count me in,” he says with a laugh. “Use me, baby. Use me up!”

  Oh, Lord, what am I about to do?

  “Zane, I don’t know about doing this. I mean, we both know this isn’t real.”

  Chapter 2


  Never have I met a woman with no clue about when a man likes her!

  “Look, I don’t know what you’re thinking, Elizabeth. I’m not faking things with you. I mean it when I touch you and I love it when you touch me. I like your personality. I like your cute little ways of doing things. I like you and I think you like me too.”

  “You know we have hardly anything in common,” she says as she continues to struggle.

  “We have tons in common. I like pizza, you like pizza. I like watching the news, you like watching cartoons.”

  “That’s not the same thing,” she says with a little giggle.

  “Isn’t it?” I ask then tickle her ribs a bit, making her screech with laughter.

  The truth is, she’s growing on me more and more with each passing day. I did want to hear her sweet voice tell me she loved me all day long. I did crave the way her lips would feel when I kissed her once I got home. I think that must mean something!

  And now I’m going to meet her family. This is where I’ll see if she really is wife material. They say the fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree, so what better place to see what kind of fruit she really is?

  “Can you come to work with me tomorrow?” I ask her as I ease my tickling.

  “Me?” she asks with surprise. “Why?”

  “I have a meeting. It’s a lunch meeting and I think it would be a good idea if you came with me. I’d like your input on what the guy has to say.”

  “Why?” she asks as her forehead wrinkles.

  “Because I value your opinion. And we don’t have to do the lying thing with him so you don’t have to worry about telling another lie. I’ll introduce you as my girlfriend. The man is from Switzerland. He doesn’t know anyone here. I’m thinking about buying this resort from him and I’d like you to see what it’s all about and give me your opinion. So what do you say? Join me?”

  “Your girlfriend?” she asks.

  I kiss her again before I answer. “You are that, aren’t you?”

  “Aww,” she says. “That’s sweet. Do you think if that awful Meagan woman was never told that lie, then our date would’ve escalated to this point on its own, Zane?”

  “I’d like to think it would’ve. I did get the hots for you right from the first moment my eyes took you all in. I wanted to take you like a caveman, right there in my office.”

  She blushes and looks down. “You did not.”

  I take her chin and make her look at me. “I did too. But to be honest, that’s all I w
as thinking at that time. That whole first day, as a matter of fact, and most of the next day. I was thinking things like, wow, what a body. Wow, she’s hot. Wow, how I’d like to get her all wet with my sweat. You know things like that.”


  “Not really,” I say then kiss the tip of her nose. “Wanna know what I think now?”

  She nods and watches me, waiting for my answer. I dig deep into my heart for the truth. “I think things like, I wonder what she did all day without me around. I wonder what she’d like to eat for dinner. I wonder if she’s happy right now. I wonder is she’ll let me jump her bones tonight. You know those kinds of things.”

  “I see there’s still that sex factor,” she says with a laugh.

  “Always a sex factor with you, my sweet. Always. All you have to do is snap those fingers and I can be naked and have you naked before you know it. Just remember that. I’m always available to get to the next step.”

  Her voice is shaky as she asks, “So this might go longer than a year?”

  “If you want it to and I do too, then it will go on as long as we want it to,” I tell her then kiss her cheek. “I mean it. I like you. I like you a lot.”

  She smiles and leans in to kiss me. Her mouth is supple against mine. I wait and it’s her tongue that slips past my lips and I think I’m getting closer to gaining her trust. And I know I’m gaining more and more real feelings for her all the time.

  I let her do all the work and find her getting a bit more frisky as she does. Her hands move over my shoulders and up my back then into my hair as her body moves in closer to mine and her mouth gets warmer as her hunger for me seems to be growing.

  Maybe I’ve been going about this all wrong. Maybe I need to settle back a bit and let her come on to me. I may have accidentally stumbled onto something here!

  One of her hands travels down my arm until she gets to my hand that’s loosely touching her waist. Then she’s got it and is moving it up then I feel the curve of her breast beneath it and my waiting for her to make her move is over as I move her onto her back and my inner animal takes over.


  Chapter 3


  He likes me!

  He said he likes me which is more real than this love he’s had to say before. I know I like him. I might even be very close to loving him. I have no idea really, as I’ve never been in love before.

  I do know I’ve never felt for any of those other guys what I feel for Zane. It’s more than just a physical attraction. Even while I’m lying in my bed in the guest bedroom, I find myself wondering if he’s sleeping okay. I find myself wondering about him all day long too. He fills my mind and now that he’s said he values my opinion and is willing to go to a family reunion with me, well, I can’t seem to help myself!

  He’s moved me onto my back and has taken over and I’m letting him. I want him to. I need him to.

  It’s only two days short of being with him for a week. That shouldn’t put me into trashy whore status. I don’t think so, anyway.

  When he called me his girlfriend it did more for me than I could’ve ever imagined a single word could do for me. I’m his real girlfriend! Not just a pretend wife, but a real girlfriend!

  My body is shaking with the need to feel him even more than I am now. When his kiss eases and his mouth moves to my neck, I gasp out, “Take me to your bed.”

  “Fuck yes!” he says then he’s off me and picking me up into his arms and the look on his face is priceless. “Oh, baby, you don’t know how happy you’ve made me. But I’m about to show you and make you just as happy as I am.”

  His eyes are dark and lusty but I think I see more than just the lust I saw the first night. I’m pretty positive I see real feelings there. I hope so, anyway.

  God, please let him have real feelings for me!

  He looks into my eyes as he carries me to his bedroom then kicks the door closed, behind us. “Are you sure about this, Elizabeth? I don’t want you to feel pressured by me. I really don’t.”

  “Oh, for God’s sakes you are perfect, aren’t you?” I cry then take his face in my hands and kiss him. “I don’t feel pressured. I just feel a huge need to feel you. To be with you. I trust you, Zane.”

  His gaze is soft as he looks into my eyes. “You can trust me, Elizabeth. I promise I will never intentionally hurt you.”

  Easing me to lie on his bed, he props my head up on a mountain of pillows. “Can you undress first?” I ask him.

  With a grin, he nods and starts unbuttoning his shirt. He does that backward like he does a lot of things, starting from the bottom and going to the top. Each button reveals a bit more of his tight abs, they look like small hills with one long valley running between them.

  I can’t wait to run my tongue through them all!

  The shirt comes off and my temperature rises. He slips the belt off, pulling it slowly through the loops of his pants. Then his fingers go to the button on them and he pops it open and I jump a little with excitement.

  My eyes are glued to the place he’s about to reveal to me. His fingers ease the zipper down and then he pushes his dark pants to the floor. He makes some little wiggles as he gets out of his shoes then his socks and steps out of the pile of clothing.

  “Eyes up here, Elizabeth,” he says as he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his black, tight as sin underwear which leaves little to my imagination. His cock is huge just like I knew it’d be.

  Slowly, my eyes travel up his body, taking in every little bit of his well-developed muscles. When my eyes meet his, I find him looking so much more serious, with not even a hint of a smile.

  Then his arms move and I know his underwear have been dropped and long to look down but his eyes are holding mine then he steps forward and covers my eyes with his hand. “What the hell?”

  “Shh.” I hear him opening a drawer then something soft covers my eyes. “I think you might be more at ease with this on.”

  The blindfold is put on me and I feel kind of foolish but go with it anyway. “I don’t think this is fair.”

  “It’s not,” he says and it’s about to get less fair.

  His mouth touches mine as he begins a kiss and I feel his hands moving down my arms until he reaches my hands then he draws them over my head and holds them down with one of his hands. I hear some rattling and then feel something soft go around my wrists. Then his kiss ends and my brain starts working again.

  “Are you a serial killer?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” he whispers then licks the place just behind my ear.

  “You’re trying very hard to make this memorable, aren’t you?” I ask with a giggle.

  “You will remember this time, Elizabeth. I am going to make sure of that.” His teeth graze over my neck and all the way down to the top of my T-shirt.

  He’s yet to undress me and I bet he didn’t think about that before he cuffed me to the bed. His teeth take the top of my shirt and I feel his hands take the bottom then I feel it go tight. I hear a ripping sound and I see he’s going to be ripping my clothes off.

  My stomach tenses as his hands move over it after he’s ripped the shirt open. They travel all over then up to my bra covered breasts. “Do you trust me?”

  “Kind of,” I say.

  “You’re going to feel something sharp.”

  I hear him take something out of the drawer again and feel a sharp tip touch the skin between my breasts. It moves down slow and easy. “Is that a knife?”

  “Do you think it is?” he asks then he growls a little.

  “I do. Either that or you’ve turned into a werewolf and it’s one of your sharp claws.”

  “Could be either one. You are bringing out an animal in me.”

  The sharp tip moves under the portion of my bra right in the middle then it’s gone and my bra is cut. My breasts push it open and the way he groans, I can tell he’s taking in the sights of my kind of big breasts.

  “Damn it, I can’t believ
e you’ve been hiding these babies from me, Elizabeth.” I hear the clanking of him setting down the knife he used to cut the bra open as he sets it on the table. Then his mouth is warm on one of my breasts and my body goes into an instant and deep state of arousal.

  My legs are the only things I can move and I pull my knees up and press my feet to the bed as I arch up. His hands move slowly up and down my bare sides, igniting a fire in their wake.

  It’s been two years since I’ve had sex so this isn’t fresh in my mind but this is by far the best anyone has ever made me feel and he hasn’t even gotten to the good part yet.

  I hope I don’t explode!

  Chapter 4


  She is ripe and more than ready. Her tits are delicious and I may never get enough of them. I’ve never been more attracted to anyone.

  Since I knew this day would come, I bought a few things to enhance this first time for us. A set of fluffy handcuffs, a silk blindfold, a small knife to cut through any pesky clothes that get in the way of me getting to her luscious body. Some, ribbed for her pleasure condoms and his and hers lubes to further excite us both. I thought of it all!

  When this first started I thought one good dose of her would be enough but as I’ve hung out with her and gotten to know her, I figured out one dose would never suffice.

  Elizabeth is several women rolled into one. She can be sexy at times, sweet and innocent at others, and funny as hell most of the time.

  I wanted to take her out of her comfort zone for this. I wanted to take her on a wild ride that she’s never going to forget. So far, her reactions are proving she is getting the ride I intended.

  Her breathing is already getting fast as I suck and nibble her tits. She keeps these puppies wrapped up tight in her bras. They’re much larger when released into the wild!

  I intend to make a no bra after Lois leaves rule so I can thoroughly enjoy these gifts she’s been given. Taking my mouth away from the tasty globe, I run my hands over them both. “These are mine,” I whisper.

  She moans but doesn’t confirm. So I lean over and take a hard suck on one and she arches up. “Yours! They’re yours!”


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