Feta and Freeways

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Feta and Freeways Page 12

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  Tia, sweetheart, where are you? I am so sorry.


  The course of love never did run smooth.

  William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

  Tia shivered long before the rain began. The rumble of thunder resurrected memories of her abusive father with his blaming, clenched fists, and growls. She sought shelter in the bus and snuggled under the blankets in their bunk as the storm raged. She knew Niko probably worried about her. She had left her phone, but she was angry and couldn’t think of talking to him when he was going to justify his behavior and blame it on…Tears fell as fast as the precipitation outside. She hugged her pillow tight and drifted to sleep.

  She awoke early in the morning, grabbed a shirt and jeans, and threw her sweatshirt back on. She headed to the hotel and waited in the lobby for the guys to come down for the continental breakfast. She forgot her key and wasn’t going to ask for one. Without her identification, she had no proof she belonged in room 230 anyway. She grabbed a coffee, added sweetener, and sipped it as she settled in to wait. She wasn’t sure she wanted to face Niko alone.

  Roger arrived first. He met her gaze and proceeded to get his coffee before he sat in a chair adjacent to hers.

  “Niko was worried about you. We all were. Is he aware you’re here?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t want to wake him up.”

  “That’s assuming he even slept.” He sipped his coffee. “We were all out searching for you until it stormed.”

  “I was fine.”

  “Care to tell me where you went?”

  “I slept in the bus.”

  Roger nodded. “I’d forgotten the keyless entry feature. Wasn’t it cold?”

  “Nah. I had my sweatshirt on and the blankets. You mean I outsmarted a United States Marshal?”

  “I’m old and retired.”

  “I don’t think God’s through with you yet.”

  “Listen, Tia. My job is to keep you safe from anyone who would try to harm you like this past summer. If you need to run away again, grab your phone and text or call me, and I’ll join you.”

  “You won’t drag me home to my husband?”

  “Not unless you request I do so.”

  “You’re not going to ask me why?”

  “Nah. That’s between you and him. Marriage is hard work. You’ll both figure it out in time.”

  Soon the rest of the guys had filtered into the room. All were relieved to see her back safe.

  Johnny spoke up. “Has anyone called Niko?”

  Roger shook his head. “No. Think we should?”

  Johnny smirked as he pulled out his phone and typed a text. “He’ll know now. Wonder how long before he’s down here?”

  Sam laughed. “Depends on if he was asleep or in the shower.”

  Wayne frowned. “He won’t shower till after set-up this afternoon. What time is our morning show?”

  “They are putting you on during the eight o’clock hour. We need to leave soon.” Tia glanced at her watch. “It’s almost six now. We’re not far from the station, and you’re doing a stripped down performance like last night.”

  “Are you coming with us?” Marc asked.

  Tia sighed. “If I can brush my teeth and get the snaggles out of my hair, I’ll go. You don’t need me there.”

  “Of course we need you. You’re the glue that holds us together,” Wayne chirped in.

  She shook her head. “No. Niko is the glue. I’m the road map, but that’s all in writing. I’m superfluous.”

  Johnny growled. “Don’t ever say that. Niko’s a jerk. I don’t know what else he did to muck things up, but if you need help straightening him out, you just call me.”

  Niko ran into the lobby and came to a stop as he saw her.

  Tia’s heart flipped at the sight of him. Dark shadows under his eyes gave testimony to his sleepless night. He hadn’t shaved yet. She held his gaze as he strode toward the tables where everyone sat.

  “Hey, Niko. I forgot my key card and need to get ready to head to the station. Didn’t want to disturb you.”

  Someone coughed, and Niko shot them a narrowed gaze along with a snarl. His hands fisted at his sides.

  “Come on, then.”

  “Grab a coffee before you go. I can wait a minute.”

  He went for his coffee as Tia stood and deposited her empty cup in the garbage. “See you in fifteen guys?”

  The men rose, and together they walked to the elevator and rode to the second floor, where all their rooms were.

  Niko let her into the room, and she slipped into the bathroom to make herself presentable. She put on a nicer shirt and scarf. She finished her makeup, came out, and slipped on her boots. She threw her phone in her purse and grabbed her briefcase. She turned to find Niko sitting on the bed. He must have remained there while she got ready.

  “Shall we go?”

  Niko sighed and stood to leave with her. Soon they were at the station, setting up for the morning’s performance and interview.

  * * *

  Tia was happy to note it was a male and female team who would be doing the interviewing, and the woman in this instance had short, straight, dark hair and a slight figure. Along with a wedding ring.

  The interview was standard and the band played their song, and soon Tia helped them wrap up cords and lug things to the bus.

  Rocco surveyed them before they headed out. “Did anyone eat breakfast this morning? I’m hungry and was thinking we should get a bite to eat before we go set up for tonight’s gig.”

  Everyone murmured consent, and the bus took off to the nearest restaurant.

  * * *

  He needed to talk to Tia. He had no idea where she’d been. He hadn’t apologized for his words, and she spoke to everyone but him. This cold war would kill him. As they walked into the little coffee and sandwich shop, the guys pushed some tables together, and soon Tia was surrounded and he was stuck on the end.

  The band obviously sided with Tia. Unfortunately, he had to admit they were right to do so. He almost wished Johnny had punched him in the gut last night. It would be a better pain than the one he suffered in his heart.

  “Tia, how are you feeling about singing with us tonight?” Sam asked.

  “Why did I let you guys talk me into it? It’s the only reason you need me here.”

  Johnny slammed his fork down. “Excuse me? What kind of nonsense are you spouting? We need you here for a lot of things—mostly to keep Niko sane, which by the way, you need to work on, hmmm?”

  Tia blushed as she drank her soda and took a bite of her sandwich.

  Wayne was right next to her and wrapped his arm around her. “Who’ll play Kings Corner’s with me on the bus rides? Or War? You’re the only worthy opponent.”

  Niko swallowed the last of his drink and pushed back from the table. “We’d better get going.”

  Murmurs and chairs scraping across the floor met his pronouncement, and he strode out to the bus to wait for the rest.

  Once at the venue, Tia went into manager mode, getting the information they needed and giving directions for set up and encouraging the students who showed up to give assistance, shadow the band, assist the tech team, and learn about the industry. Tia led them around and spent time answering questions.

  Soon they completed the sound check, and the band ran through a few songs.

  “Tia, come on up and let’s play For Love of You.” Niko wondered if she would balk at his request. To his surprise, she didn’t and came on the stage with her own microphone.

  He nodded and started the song with the band joining in. Tia swayed to the music and sang at the right time but glanced at Johnny and some of the other guys as she did so. She ignored him.

  Rocco gave them a thumbs-up when finished, and they set down their instruments to head back to the hotel to rest and shower before the evening’s performance.

  Tia remained quiet. Niko followed her into the room. He shut the door behind him and leaned a
gainst it.

  “I think we need to clear the air between us.” He folded his arms.

  Tia set her bag down, walked to the window, and pulled back the drapes. She turned to face him from across the space. “I’m sorry I left. I panicked and I ran, and that was wrong.”

  Niko took a few steps and stopped. “I’m sorry I refused to take responsibility or to even consider how my interaction to that reporter would affect you. This is so new to me, but that’s still no excuse. I’ll admit her attention stroked my ego, and I enjoyed that.”

  She nodded, and he spied a lone tear slowly begin a descent. “You deserve the compliments, Niko, and I’m sorry if I’ve not been providing enough of them for you.”

  He stepped closer. The bed was all that came between them. “You haven’t failed me in any way, Tia. You’ve been the biggest cheerleader I’ve ever had. It’s one of the things I love about you and why I need you. No one has believed in me like you do, even though you know my darker side.”

  Tia shook her head. “I don’t think I do know your darker side, Niko. I don’t know much of your history. You’ve never talked about it. Johnny knows, I’m sure, since he’s your cousin and lived through it with you. But me? I’m clueless.”

  He sat on the bed, facing away from his wife. He focused on his clasped hands. “I don’t know that it’s really important.”

  “What if it is?”

  “Have you told me your past? Your family?”

  “No. It’s not something I like to talk about.”

  “So we’re even. We’ve been acquainted with each other for years and are still strangers.”

  “In some ways.”

  The bed sank under her weight only a few inches from him. He didn’t move. “Tia. I’m sorry. I really am. Will you forgive me?”

  “Of course. If you’ll forgive me as well.” She reached a hand over and placed it on his forearm. He lifted his gaze to her eyes framed with dew-laced eyelashes.


  She leaned over and kissed his cheek. She slid over on the bed, reached up to move his face towards hers, and kissed his lips. He drank of her as if he’d been in a desert for a week.

  Niko held her close as they both drifted to sleep. The night ahead would be late and take a lot out of both of them.

  * * *

  Tia awoke in Niko’s arms and hugged him tight. She rolled back to the nightstand to check the time. Sighing, she dragged herself up and hit the shower. When she came out, Niko was up and took her spot in the bathroom while she fluffed her wet curls and put on her makeup. Normally, she wore old jeans and t-shirts for her backstage work, but tonight she had a nicer pair of black jeans, her black boots, and a light blue top. An outfit Stephanie helped her pick out. She wrapped a multi-colored scarf around her neck and pulled on a jean jacket. She surveyed herself in the mirror with her silver earrings that picked up some of the shiny threads in the scarf. She appeared, perhaps, like she belonged on stage with the men. Either that or a groupie.

  Niko came out of the shower with only his jeans on. He snuck up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and nestled his chin on her shoulder. He kissed her cheek and looked in the mirror.

  “Wow, Tia. You clean up nice.” He blew a raspberry into her neck, making her squeal. He stood and moved away but not before she managed to swat his behind. His deep chuckle was muffled as he threw a t-shirt on.

  Soon they were out the door and in the bus for a quick stop at a drive thru before heading to the concert venue at the University. The gang ate on the bus during the trip to the auditorium for a final sound check.

  Tia hadn’t been able to eat much. Nerves flittered in her stomach and scrambled her brain. What were the words to that song? How did these guys do this night after night?

  Niko gathered them in a back room, read from the Bible, and they all prayed together for each other, the concert, and the hearts of those attending. While it was a Christian school, they hoped many who came who did not know Christ would be inspired to seek Him. They also prayed that those who had lost their passion for God would find it again. After the final “amen,” Niko took Tia aside.

  “How are you feeling about tonight?”


  He smiled and kissed her. “Just sing to me and trust in my love for you. It’s really our song, after all. Pretend no one else is there but us and God.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “The rest of the time you are our manager. You do what you normally do in taking care of us. Do you have our water?”

  “Yes, it’s in a cooler offstage for you to get at intermission. Just like I’ve always done. Your other bottles are already on the platform awaiting you. I’m beginning to think you’re more nervous about tonight than I am.”

  Niko paused as he considered her. His eyes grew darker. “I love you. Don’t ever doubt or forget it. I have a lot to prove to you about the truth of that. I don’t take for granted your constancy and devotion to me over the years, even though I didn’t see it at the time.”

  “Thanks, Niko. Have a great show.” She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck and kissed him. She pulled back, and he groaned.

  “Girl. I don’t have time to start something I can’t finish.”

  Tia giggled as he adjusted his jeans. He gave her a peck on the cheek and escorted her to the gang waiting in the wings. Tia called out words of encouragement to each man as he passed by. Niko was last, and he hugged her close, placing a kiss on her hair.

  With a wink, he was out on stage and the crowd clapped and roared.

  Tia watched from the wings with Roger by her side. The bright lights made it almost impossible to see the audience. The band launched into their signature hit, Everywhere You Go, and proceeded to play songs from previous albums.

  A small intermission gave the guys a chance to head backstage and loosen up or use the restroom. Tia had towels for them, as they would often sweat under the hot lights. Niko wore his fedora as she had asked, and she personally took the towel to his forehead, face, and neck. The guys all downed their bottles of water and grabbed a fresh bottle to carry out with them. The crowd again went wild.

  As the evening wound down, Tia paced. Roger guarded her. There had been no backstage visitors other than the organizer, who wanted to make sure everyone was happy. They were. Finally, Niko finished a song and spoke to the attenders.

  “It has been a pleasure for us to be here. A few months ago, I had the honor of marrying a wonderful woman.” Whistles and hoots came from the audience. Tia shook her head as Niko grinned. “We suffered a tragedy prior to this tour, and I almost lost Tia. During her recovery, I wrote this song as I came to realize how precious she was to me. Tonight, to help me sing that song, would you please welcome Tia Acton, my lovely bride and also our fabulous manager?”

  The crowd jumped to their feet, and Roger gently pushed her past the curtain to the stage. Tia strode to Niko and grabbed her microphone off the stand by Sam, who gave her a wink. Niko leaned over and kissed Tia on the lips. She was shocked to the core. He took off his fedora and plopped it on her head as the bass played the opening riff and the drums, keys, and soon guitars were fully into the music. Niko started to sing and gazed at her while he did so. She looked back at him and added her harmony to the song.

  Niko had been right. The stage shrunk to the two of them as the final chords hung in the air, until applause broke the spell. Niko winked at her as he took off his guitar and turned to the audience. “Thanks for coming tonight and for supporting our music. We’ll be out in the entryway shortly to sign albums or take photos.” Niko set the guitar on its stand, and holding Tia’s hand, he walked off the stage followed by the rest of the group as the crowd chanted. The noise continued for several minutes.

  Niko turned to Johnny and whispered in his ear. The guitarist glanced at Tia and nodded.


  “Tia, we never planned an encore. Would you mind if I sang them our wedding song? Johnny will play, and I c
an sing it to you?”

  Tia smiled. “You want to make sure the young bucks in the audience steer clear of your wife later, huh?”

  Niko grinned. “You found out my deepest secret.”

  Tia laughed and nodded. “Let’s give them a special bonus.”

  Johnny came out first, and they followed him. He picked up his guitar, and the crowd cheered louder. Niko held Tia’s hand and grabbed the microphone with his free hand to take it off the boom. “We didn’t plan an encore, but my wife has given me permission to share this song with you.”

  Johnny started playing, and the crowd quieted. Niko gazed at Tia, and love shone in his eyes and through the words of the song. She was transported back to their wedding day, when he had surprised her with this. Tears flowed freely now as much as they did then as he poured out his heart in poetry and music. The song ended, and Niko drew her close as the crowd remained strangely silent.

  Johnny spoke. “Thank you for your gracious hospitality to us during our visit to Lynchburg. May God be glorified as you walk out these doors to worship and serve Him.”

  Niko set his mic down and led Tia offstage, and Johnny followed. The crowd clapped, and soon the murmuring of voices drowned out the music Rocco played over the sound system. Tia took the fedora off her head and put it back on Niko’s.

  A table had been set up with chairs, and someone sold the merchandise across the lobby. The crowds lined up waiting for the band to sit and sign CD’s or t-shirts. Normally, she got the lines started and left to help tear down, but Niko insisted she sit on his lap and that any photos taken included her in them. Tia was initially uncomfortable but soon saw his purpose. Having her there. Kissing her on the stage. Actions spoke louder than the platinum band on his ring finger.

  Many people complimented Tia on her singing, and soon she had a chair next to Niko and they sat side by side for the rest of the signing. Repeatedly, they asked if she would be doing more singing with the band.


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