Sweet Firecracker

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Sweet Firecracker Page 9

by Nikki Bolvair

  Trisha glanced to me and gave a slow shrug. “Yes?”

  “Why don’t you come out here?”

  She grimaced. “We’re good in here.”

  “Sweetness?” Garrett called out.

  “Yes?” I answered back hesitantly.

  “Are you going to come out here and greet me?”

  I gave the door a ‘do you think I’m nuts’ look. “No. No, I’m not.”

  Dallon called out next. “Do we have to come in there to…”

  “No!” We screeched at the same time, sharing a small smile.

  “They’re both kind of naked in there, guys. I had to prevent them from getting away somehow and give the two of them something else to worry about. So, I had them strip and took out every article of clothing and fabric that they could possibly use as clothing.”

  In that moment, I wanted to kill Samuel.

  “So, they’re completely and utterly naked?” Triton asked.

  The sarcastic voice in my head came out, causing me to snicker. Uh, no, Triton. Samuel stripped our skin. Yes! Yes, naked means naked!

  “Not a stitch.” Amusement filled Samuel’s voice.

  And there you have it folks. I threw a hand to the door.

  “Open the door, Trisha. Now,” Triton demanded.

  Trisha bit her lip, ready to cave. I shook my head.

  “No, thank you.” She walked to the door frame to put her hand on it. “How’s my father?”

  “He’s fine. Beautiful, we cheated death, and all we want to do is hold you, make love to you, and be grateful that we can still do that,” Triton confessed.

  My gut clenched at the thought of my guys being in danger.

  Triton’s voice softened. “Now, open this door so we can hold you.”

  Trisha was going to cave. She was a goner. I didn’t have time to stop her before she unlocked the door and threw herself at them. I guess we couldn’t stay in here forever.

  Dallon and Garrett walked in. I didn’t bother trying to leave. It was better to make a deal or soften my resolve. I really didn’t like the idea of them dying.

  Their eyes stayed on my face, overlooking my nakedness.

  Dallon spoke first. “Melissa.”

  We didn’t have time for sex. By the look in their eyes, they didn’t care.

  Should I Stay, or Should I Go?


  After two days of wild sex and snoozing, my body shivered, now wrapped up in a cocoon of warmth provided by the two sleeping special military agents on either side that had claimed me for their own.

  My plan in life wasn’t to find a love interest and play a good wife. But fate decided to shine her loving moonbeams on me and drop two gorgeous males into my lap, knowing I’d have trouble resisting. I snickered at my poetic thoughts.

  I’d temporarily thrown my rulebook out the window, and my life as an FBI agent teetered on the edge of a cliff. Why? Because my father came to visit me. Because of what happened three days ago. And what he gave me haunted me like the plague. It still did. My indecision. The antiserum.

  An arm tightened around my waist as Garrett whispered, “I feel you tensing. Go back to sleep, sweets.”

  I let out a deep breath as Dallon, who lay half asleep in front of me, grunted his agreement.

  They failed to capture Bane and Myter.

  Myter tried to blow them up with a bomb attached to the chair Trisha’s dad was tied to, and Bane disappeared. We had to catch them. But Myter wasn’t human anymore, just like the men who slept beside me.

  The shots Trisha and I received were sent by Bane, to try and create an offspring with superhuman abilities. The question was, why didn’t he just use himself? Why go to the trouble of using test subjects?

  Unless Trisha and me meeting the guys was a set up. What would we do then?

  I couldn’t think of the what ifs. I had to look at the facts.

  There were four things I was absolutely sure of: my former boss with the FBI, Edmund Myter, was a traitor and still at large; His daughter was missing; Dallon and Garrett were my unwanted, but can’t resist, mates; and General Bane was the culprit behind this whole mess.

  Listening to the guys’ deep breathing, I sighed. How was I going to get out of this one? They almost died because of Myter. Because of me.

  I believed Myter wanted our blood. Why? I wasn’t sure, but based on the bomb strapped to Trisha’s father’s chair, Myter wouldn’t have let us leave after we gave him what he wanted.

  Easing myself up, I glanced around the bedroom. We took up residence in the safe house built in the barn back on the farm. I scooted down the bed. I needed to leave. To figure out where Myter went and bring him in. Hopefully without these two goons beside me. This was the FBI’s issue to clean up. They had their own mess with Bane.

  I made it to the end of the mattress and gently lowered my feet and lifted my body slowly as to not jar the bed. Once up, I grabbed a t-shirt and one of their boxers, carrying them to the bathroom. My ass was sore from the kink they were into with spanking and being in control. I hissed when my busted up asscheeks met the cold, hard seat of the toilet. Damn, those boys weren’t easy on me at all. I wondered how Trisha faired. Not that I was into knowing what her and her guys did. I just wanted to know if the two of us needed to go in on some ice packs for our asses.

  Finishing up, I pulled on the boxers and rolled them to a loose fit. Then, I donned a gray t-shirt with the word Army written across it. If they were trying to hide, a t-shirt with their profession scrolled across it wasn’t the best way to blend in. It just said, “Look at me!”

  I finger combed my hair and walked barefoot out the bedroom door, headed to the door in the front room. It should be open since they came back two days ago. It makes no sense to lock it. I could grab keys or hot wire one of their cars to get to where I needed to go.

  Hand on the knob, I twisted, and it didn’t move. Shit. It was locked.

  “Going somewhere?”

  I twisted around to find Garrett standing outside the bedroom door in all his hunky glory. I tried not to look and feigned innocence. “Just wanted to check on Trisha.”

  His lips thinned. “Uh-uh.” He didn’t believe me. “You’d go, wouldn’t you? Not stay with us.”

  I shook my head. The thought of separating from them physically hurt me, even though that was along the lines of what I planned. “I didn’t say that.”

  Naked, he went to the key panel beside the door and entered the code. The door clicked. Unlocked.

  I stared at him.

  He turned to me and folded his arms. “Prove it,” he challenged me. “Go. Do whatever it is you need to do, and come back to us.”

  I stayed still, unsure if this was some sort of crazy test he was putting me through.

  Seeing my unease, he curled a hand around my neck and brought his lips to my forehead, kissing my brow. “Prove me wrong, sweets.” He let me go and reached to the side table before placing keys in my hand. His gaze bore into mine. “Take my truck.”

  My fingers clenched around them. I turned to leave, but then paused and twisted back. “Thank you.”

  Then, I was gone.



  I took Garrett’s truck and sped down the road as the morning sun rose. I liked his big, dark blue truck with a decent size lift. And it smelled like him. I messed with the radio and discovered he was a country music guy. I changed all his stations to alternative, just because I could. Punishment for the last few hours of hitting my ass. Although, the end result was nice. I sat back, letting my attention bleed into the blacktop ahead while Nickelback blasted ‘We must stand together’ and thought back to my childhood at the farm.

  The only time I’d been an actual kid.


  “We have Melissa for the summer games!” Dallon yelled as he and a few of the neighborhood kids came forward.

  “Don’t think so!” Seth threw an arm around my shoulders. “We’ve claimed her already.”

I shrugged his arm off and stepped away. “What are the summer games?”

  Weston stepped forward next to Dallon. “A war against each other. Each team has a flag. Not in a house, but on this street, hidden somewhere. If you get hit by a colored water balloon, you’re out and have to wait until tomorrow to play again. The whole goal is to get the other team’s flag. Once you have it, bring it back. Winner on our side gets one of Emma’s pies.”

  My taste buds jumped at the mention of Emma’s pies. I’d only had one slice while there, and it was mouthwatering.

  “And our side has a whole pan of Grandma Ellen’s famous caramel fudge,” another boy stepped up to announce.

  Both choices sounded like worthy prizes. “No sharing?”

  The guys all chuckled, and a small kid with a bike spoke up, “No! We win it, we eat it.”

  I nodded and grinned. “Sounds fair. I’ll make sure to remember that while eating the caramel fudge.”

  Garrett, who had been silent, scoffed, “In your dreams, girly.”

  Dallon stepped up and held out his hand. “Five dollars that my team will destroy yours.”

  “Hey!” Aaron cried, offended.

  I shifted. “I don’t have five dollars.”

  “Doubt yourself already on winning?”

  “No!” I shot back.

  “Why don’t we do this?” Garrett suggested, stepping forward. “The dads are always talking about interest.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You get five dollars from Emma at the end of the week, right?”

  My eyes narrowed at him. “Yeah.”

  “Well, then my brother will take that five dollars and also the five dollars you get next week. The extra money is because you made him wait a whole week for the first five dollars. That’s the interst he earned, and you pay him with your next allowance.”

  “I don’t want to do that.” I turned to Seth. “You have money. Can I borrow a five from you?”

  He grinned. “You’d have to pay interest.”

  I glanced to Weston who shook his head.

  My gaze shot to Aaron. He shrugged. “I like their idea.”

  I glanced over to the new guy, Samuel. “You?”

  He shook his head. “Sorry.”

  I twisted my lips and turned back to Dallon. “Fine.” I shook his hand. “You have a deal.”

  And, the summer games began. It wasn’t about the treats. It wasn’t about the money. It was about showing those boys what I was made of.

  One day. That’s how long the game lasted. One day to take them all out with water balloons, leaving no one to guard their precious flag for a whole day.

  They never said when the games started in the morning. Every one of them from the other team walked out of their doors that morning to a balloon, except for Dallon and Garrett.

  When they went to go protect their flag, it was already in my hot little hand. “No one said how early it started. We win.”

  Samuel leaned in and whispered, “You cheat.”

  My cheeks reddened, and I shrugged. “No. I’d like to call it being proactive.”

  Aaron, Weston, and Seth, or the Troublesome Three as I liked to call them, grinned. “That it is.”

  Lindsay Phillips


  I drove away from them now on my way to Fort Worth Dallas area. Past the city of Gainesville and the Frank Buck Zoo, across the long stretch of bridge that crossed over Lewisville Lake, and toward home. I arrived in town at six in the morning.

  I wanted to grab a shower and change before reporting in to the Director. After the last couple of days, I needed one.

  When I arrived at my one bedroom apartment, I realized I didn’t have my keys. Without them, I would need to have my doorman let me in. Looking the way I felt, I dreaded him seeing me like this. I swung into my parking spot and hoofed it to the glass windows to press the bell, waiting for James to appear.

  A minute or two later, James strode out, dressed and ready to go for the day. Spotting me through the window, his steps slowed. I gave him a small wave.

  He reached the intercom and pressed the button. “Yes? How may I help you, miss?” His simple, curt voice made me grin.

  James hardly saw me rumpled, if ever. Whenever I left home or returned back, my hair, makeup, and state of dress were always in place. Messing with him could be fun, but I didn’t have time. “James, I’ve lost my scan card. I need to get in. Melissa Adams, 1276.”

  His mouth popped open, eyes widening in surprise. “Of course, Ms. Adams.” He swiftly opened the door and let me through. “I’ll see to getting you another scan card and let you into your apartment.”

  I smiled at him as we made our way to the elevators. “Thank you, James.”

  We stepped into the elevator, and James chatted about his cat as we rode up to the fourth floor. From there, we made our way to my apartment, and he let me in.

  “Here you go, Ms. Adams.” He politely held the door open for me to enter. “I’ll get your key card made. Just come, and see me. I’ll have it ready for you.”

  I walked inside and turned around, flipping on the light before giving him a grateful smile as he stepped back, allowing me to take over holding the door. “Give me an hour or two, and I’ll head down there to grab it.”

  He nodded. “It will be waiting. Good day, Ms. Adams.”

  I closed the door behind me and leaned against it, blowing out a breath as I inspected my almost bare living space which held a basic couch and television. All I did was work and never really got around to decorating, but it was home. I made my way past the television and couch, through the kitchen, and down the hallway to my bedroom. Darkness fled the room as I flipped on the lights and strode past my shaker style bed and into the master closet. In there, I sifted through my clothes to search for the perfect dress for the family dinner this evening with dear old dad.

  Finding a simple black dress that could be worn to either a wedding or a funeral, I set it aside, and then took out clothes for my meeting with Director Phillips before I headed to the bathroom to get ready.

  In the shower, I scrubbed up with my loofa, easing it over my sore muscles. My backside ached. Who knew spankings like that could cause such an intense orgasm? I didn’t until they gave me one.

  Quickly scrubbing up, I turned off the shower, dried off, and headed back into the room, but paused when an old gift set on the counter caught my eye. I hadn’t used it yet and decided maybe now was a good time for it. Grabbing the box, I tore it open, taking out the lotion and perfume. Lathering up my body with the flowery scent, I gave myself one spray of the matching floral perfume. I was going the extra mile for tonight. Or, since I’d see Dallon and Garratt at some point tonight, maybe I’d gone the extra mile for them.

  Was I really considering going back there? The answer was easy. I was. Shaking my head, I went to my bedroom and dressed in my work clothes, slipping the flash drive for the Director into my pocket. Carefully putting my evening gown in to the garment bag, knowing I just change on the jet, I grabbed everything I needed and headed towards my front door.

  I left my apartment with the door unlocked even though it went against my instincts, but without my keycard, I had no other option. I hurried to the elevator, pushing the button to go down, going against my rules.

  Downstairs, I walked over to James’s desk with a wave. “Have my apartment key for me?”

  Nodding, he slipped the credit card shaped key from underneath the podium and held it up. “Yes, Ms. Adams.” He handed it over.

  Grabbing the card, I explained about my unlocked door. “I’m in a rush. Do you think you could zip up there and lock it for me.”

  “Of course.”

  Smiling at him, I said, “Thanks,” as I headed out the front door and down to Garrett’s truck.

  Director Phillips would have questions about who owned the truck, and I might or might not answer her. It really was a nice truck. I beeped the alarm, held the keys in my hand, and opened the door. It kind
of gave me a thrill that Garrett let me borrow it. Most guys wouldn’t let someone borrow their vehicle. They were possessive over them. The thought made me pause before climbing into the driver’s seat. My heart clenched. This meant something. This meant something to him that I took it. Maybe he was letting me borrow it to insure I came back.

  Shaking off the thought, I got in, turned on the engine, and pulled out of my parking spot. Driving over to Lindsay Phillips, I considered leaving Garrett’s truck at the office for him to pick up. I bit my lip, trying not to overthink it.

  I turned toward Phillips’ home instead of the office. It wouldn’t be the first time I visited her after work hours. Despite it being a Saturday, I knew where to find her. Where I always found her. At her house, just a few short minutes away from me, and most likely in her garden.

  Turning into the neighborhood, I waved to old man Fred who was out mowing his lawn as I slid up next to the sidewalk and parked.

  When I jumped out, Fred stopped the lawn mower and gestured at my ride. “New vehicle?”

  I switched hands with the keys, leaning back against the large beast. “Nope, it’s a friends.”

  A smile cracked the old man’s features as wrinkles turned upward, and his eyes squinted. “Only type of friend who would own one of those is a man. You got a man friend, Melissa?”

  Did I happen to mention Fred was a nosey neighbor?

  I chuckled and decided it was best to get going before he dug any deeper. “Possibly. Hey, is she home?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. She doesn’t come home as much as she used to. Not since you left.”

  My lips twisted, and I waved, heading up to the porch. “Thanks.”

  When I found the door locked, I knocked. No answer. Rang the doorbell. Nothing. Sighing, I went to the garage and typed in the code. Denied. Damn, she already changed it this month.

  I moved to the back gate that led to the garden and made my way back there. She wasn’t there.

  Twirling the keys in my hand, I went over to the hand sized stones that lined her flowers, found the one rock in the middle of all the others, and pulled. On the bottom side, an old medicine bottle held her keys.


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