More Than Love (The Barrington Billionaires Book 5)

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More Than Love (The Barrington Billionaires Book 5) Page 36

by Ruth Cardello

  Urgent hands palmed her ass, and then stopped abruptly.

  Chloe sat up, resting her hands on his shoulders. “Don’t, Gabe. Don’t be afraid to touch me any way that you want. I’m not afraid anymore,” she panted as he squeezed her butt cheeks.

  “I’m afraid,” he admitted, his fiery eyes meeting hers. “I’m scared I’ll do something to scare you away, and I couldn’t stand that, Chloe. How I have you doesn’t matter. It only matters that I do have you. All the rest of it is just bedroom games. I don’t think I can ever forget what he did to you.”

  Chloe knew he was comparing what happened between them to the horror of the videos. “You aren’t him, Gabe. Everything you do to me feels good. Someday I’d like to try everything with you. We’ll decide what we like and what we don’t like. I’m not letting my past experiences shadow my future—our future. This is new. This is us.” She quickly put a hand up to swipe her still-damp hair from her face so she could look at him without distraction. “Do you understand?” She placed her hand back on his shoulder. “I know you’re never going to hurt me.”

  “I’ll do anything in my power to make sure nobody does,” he answered. “I’m not going to dwell on the past if you aren’t hurting from it. I just want to be with you. I just want you to be happy.”

  His expression was so open and honest that Chloe wanted to cry. But she didn’t. No more crying for her. Not now. She had exactly what she’d always wanted, and the time for regrets was over. It was time to live. “I’d be happy if you’d just concentrate on satisfying this horrible ache I have inside me.”

  She moved back and let her saturated core slide over his engorged cock.

  “What ache?” he asked hoarsely.

  “An empty one,” she moaned softly, rubbing her pussy against him again. “I think I need you.”

  “I’m all yours, Chloe. Take me, take whatever you need,” Gabe urged.

  Sitting up higher, she balanced her weight on her knees and ran her hands down his chest, reveling in the feel of his hot, damp skin. “Mine,” she told him possessively. Her covetous instincts were running as high as his right now.

  She positioned herself over his shaft and slowly lowered herself down, feeling every inch of him as he filled the ache inside her. “Yes,” she hissed, throwing her head back as she moved lower, taking him until their groins met and they were completely merged.

  “Fuck! You feel so good,” Gabe muttered in a graveled voice.

  His hands grasped her hips, urging her to move.

  Her heart was overflowing with joy as her body caught fire. Chloe moved slowly, lifting her hands to her breasts to eke as much pleasure from her body as she possibly could.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Take what you want,” Gabe encouraged huskily. “Own it.”

  Finally feeling free with her body, Chloe knew what he was asking her to do. She let go completely as he lifted his hips and slammed up into her. She met every stroke of his cock, basking in every forceful thrust.

  “I love you,” she moaned loudly, letting the words ring out and fill the room.

  Gabe sat up and wrapped his arms around her, and Chloe leaned into him and put her arms around his neck, wishing she could crawl inside his body. Instead, she inhaled the heady scent of him, letting herself drown in pleasure as he rearranged her legs and continued a fierce, fast rhythm of plunging upward as she controlled a downward grind, catching onto the position quickly, and how it could pleasure her.

  Gabe lowered his head and caught her nipples in his greedy mouth, nipping and sucking one after the other, making Chloe’s core spasm in pleasure. “Gabe, I can’t stand it,” she cried out helplessly, grinding down onto him hard.

  He urged her head down and kissed her, their bodies careening toward climax.

  Spearing her hands into his hair, she kissed him back, giving him everything she had as she wriggled in his lap, her clit finally getting the friction it needed to send her over the edge.

  Moaning against his lips, she tore her mouth from his and panted, finally screaming as her channel clamped down on his cock.

  He took control, grasping her hips, lifting and lowering her in short thrusts that had him following her into orgasm.

  They held each other tight, their sweat-dampened bodies straining as they shuddered in release.

  Chloe’s head dropped to his shoulder as she struggled for breath, waiting for her hammering heart to calm.

  “Yes, goddammit. Yes. I’ll fucking marry you now,” Gabe growled against her skin.

  Out of breath, Chloe still smiled. “You’re convinced?” she teased.

  “I’m convinced that if I don’t make you mine officially I’m damn well going to go crazy. I love you too damn much,” he confessed. “Marry me, and I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world for the rest of your life. I promise.”

  His oath was so powerful that Chloe shivered in pleasure. She stroked his springy hair, wondering how it was possible for her to be any happier than she already was right now.

  She had her future.

  And she had Gabe, a man more precious to her than she could ever explain, could ever have believed.

  “Okay. I’m glad you finally see it my way.” She tried to joke, but the tenderness she was feeling for Gabe was vibrating in her tone.

  He flopped onto his back dramatically. “I had to give up. You wrecked me.”

  Chloe giggled at his antics. “I love you,” she told him as she started to swing her body to the side of his.

  “Don’t.” His voice was entreating. “Stay here for a while. I need to feel you.”

  She sighed as she laid her head on his powerful shoulder, their bodies melding as they touched skin-to-skin.

  Chloe understood why he needed to feel her against him because she felt the same way. The feel of his body beneath her was delicious, comforting and addictive.

  He held her without saying a word, his hold possessive and tender.

  Chloe’s eyes slowly drifted closed with a sense of contentment that she’d longed for but had never found…until Gabe.

  She fell asleep, her body plastered to his, knowing for certain that with Gabe, she was now eager for her life to really begin.

  Chapter 19

  They were married three days later in a small civil ceremony, with only family attending.

  Chloe couldn’t stand the pain of not having Ellie with her for her wedding, and neither one of them cared how the ceremony was conducted. All they wanted was for their life together to start.

  She’d opted not to have a band to go with the beautiful ring Gabe had given her, and they’d gone together to pick out a ring for him. He’d picked a plain platinum band. Chloe had wanted something nicer for him, but he’d refused, saying he didn’t want to have to take it off his finger when he was working. So, touched beyond words by his reasoning, Chloe had let him purchase the ring he wanted without another word.

  In the days before their wedding, Chloe had tried to tell Gabe everything she’d ever omitted, including the two times she’d taken James down by using the fighting techniques Lara had taught her. He’d been happy she’d had her shot at James, and relieved to hear that she hadn’t taken any shit from him even when she’d been at his mercy.

  They’d also had a session with Natalie together, and they planned more in the future. Chloe wanted to lose any remaining baggage she carried, even if it took awhile.

  Everybody had agreed that traveling was a fantastic idea, giving Chloe time to get away and complete her healing process.

  With every day that passed, Chloe felt stronger, more capable of handling whatever came her way.

  Her only sorrow was Ellie. “It’s so hard to leave still not knowing what happened to her,” Chloe told Gabe the day after their wedding as they packed their suitcases in the big master bedroom.

  They were leaving the following afternoon. They’d be in Thailand for a few weeks, and then probably move on to hit some other, less touristy destinations around the world they bo
th wanted to see. Gabe had covered the ranch for a couple of months, plenty of time for them to take a break.

  Chloe was looking forward to it, but the trip was bittersweet in one way in particular.

  “I know,” Gabe answered solemnly. “Do you want to postpone?”

  She looked up and met his gaze, both of them on opposite sides of the bed throwing items they needed into suitcases.

  He’d been so patient, so loving and accommodating. The truth was, she didn’t want to put off starting their lives together. Ellie had been gone for months. “I have to face the truth, don’t I? She very well might never be found.”

  “We don’t know the truth, so you handle this however you want to, sweetheart.”

  Chloe sighed and sat on the bed. “I want to believe she’s still alive, that she’s out there somewhere. I want to believe that she had her reasons for leaving and that she’ll contact me when she’s ready. Mostly, I want to believe that she left because she had to or wanted to, not because somebody took her.”

  “Then believe that,” Gabe said simply.

  “If they find her body someday, then I’ll deal with it, but for now I’d rather think of her out there somewhere, still alive and still okay.” While the situation was in limbo, it was all she could do.

  “Zane’s still looking. He isn’t going to stop,” Gabe said as he sat down beside her, pushing her suitcase aside so he could wrap his arms around her.

  “I know. He was always fond of Ellie. I know he wants to get to the truth.” Chloe looked at her new husband with determination. “Whatever happens, I know I can handle it.”

  Gabe kissed her gently before answering. “I know you can, too.”

  “Then let’s run away for a while,” she said, standing to continue packing. “I’m ready for the beach.”

  The weather had turned colder in the last few days, and Thailand was sounding better and better. She’d miss the ranch, but this was time that she and Gabe needed. Neither of them had ever had time to just enjoy themselves and wind down. While they were away, they could just enjoy being together.

  Remembering that she’d bought him a wedding gift, Chloe went across the room and pulled a box from the back of the closet.

  “For you,” she told him, holding the large item out to him anxiously. She was hoping he’d take it in the way she meant it.

  He took it from her with a confused expression. “What is it?”

  “A gift. Open it.” Chloe hoped he understood, and he wouldn’t be hurt. She’d taken a shot, hoping her gut instinct was right.

  He slowly removed the wrapping paper. “You didn’t need to get me anything.”

  “I wanted to get you this.” Chloe knew Gabe had more money than most men in the world, and between the two of them, they were obscenely rich…but this was…different.

  She held her breath as he opened the box, his expression appearing astounded as he pulled out a brand new black Stetson.

  Chloe’s heart accelerated as his face grew dark, hoping her gift wasn’t bringing back bad memories or disheartening ones about how he could never seem to fill his father’s shoes.

  “I can take it back if it doesn’t fit,” she told him hastily, meaning much more than if the size wasn’t right. She knew it was his size. She just wasn’t sure if it would fit.

  It was different from the one that had belonged to his father. It had a little less rim, and the band was a nice design, black with small metal studs, but not as fancy as the one his father had given him. Still, when Chloe had seen it, she’d been reminded of Gabe, thinking this particular hat would suit him.

  Slowly, he put it on his head and pulled the brim down to a comfortable position. “Why?” he asked in a subdued voice.

  Chloe shrugged. “I grew up watching you wear that hat. It was like a little piece of Texas that you brought with you. I thought maybe you missed it just a little.” She took a breath before continuing nervously. “When I saw this one, I just thought it would fit, that it was you. I wanted to give you a hat that seemed to fit your personality. I guess it was my way of saying that you don’t ever have to be anyone else because you’re perfect just the way you are.”

  “Is that so?” he asked in a gruff voice.

  She nodded.

  He walked over to the mirror and looked at his reflection, and then turned around and grinned at her as he adjusted the hat a little bit. “Feels pretty damn good.”

  “The hat?”

  “The sentiment, sweetheart. It feels good to know that you love me for who I am.”

  He lunged forward and picked her up and swung her around. Chloe laughed delightedly as he chuckled.

  When he finally lowered her feet to the floor, she looked up at him with her heart in her eyes. “I’m serious. If it bothers you in any way, I’ll get rid of it.”

  “The hell you will,” Gabe grumbled. “I plan on dying in this hat now. It’s my gift from the woman I love, and it fits perfectly. Honestly, I did miss my hat, but I could never bring myself to replace it. How did you know?”

  “I didn’t really. I just know you, and I really like that hat. I knew it would look good on you.”

  “It helps with the sun,” he told her honestly.

  “Just stay out of stalls with angry stallions,” she told him with a laugh, happy that he’d accepted the gift in the way it was given…as a token of love.

  “Thank you for loving me,” Gabe said in a rush.

  Chloe’s heart started to hammer. “You’re an easy man to love, Gabe Walker.” She tightened her arms around his neck. “Thank you for saving me.” Without Gabe, she wasn’t sure where she’d be right now, and it wasn’t pleasant to think about.

  She probably wouldn’t have married James, regardless. And she’d probably be in counseling, but he’d brought her so much further along in the healing process by loving her unconditionally and teaching her to trust again.

  “I didn’t save you, darlin’,” he denied. “You saved yourself. You’re a strong woman, Chloe.” His arms tightened around her protectively. “Just try not to scare the hell out of me again.”

  “I’ll try,” she promised.

  Loving someone as much as she loved him, Chloe could understand his heartache. If anything happened to Gabe, her entire life would be destroyed. He’d become everything to her, and she wasn’t sure how she’d go on without him.

  They had the same fears, but they shared the same love. Eventually, they’d get over their unease. Their love was new and precious. In the future, it would still be treasured and cherished, but without the intense fear of losing each other. The trauma had been painful, but it had also made Chloe even more grateful and appreciative of what she had.

  Gabe took off the hat and dropped it on the bed. “I love the hat, but I think I need to kiss you.”

  “You do?” she said playfully.

  “I think I do,” he answered gravely with a slow nod.

  He lowered his head and Chloe’s heart skittered as he gave her one of the sweetest kisses she’d ever experienced, one that showed her just how much she was adored.

  She sighed as he pulled his lips from hers slowly, as though he didn’t want to stop kissing her.

  “I love you, Chloe Walker, and I plan to make damn sure nobody will ever hurt you again,” he rasped, his voice full of tenderness and emotion.

  Loving the sound of her name on his lips, she replied, “I love you, too, and I promise I’ll try to make you happy, Gabe.”

  “Sweetheart, I already told you that you don’t have to try. You just have to be to make me happy. Now that you’re mine, I’m fucking ecstatic,” he rumbled.

  Tears sprang to Chloe’s eyes, knowing he meant every word he said. Gabe wasn’t always smooth, but he was honest. How did she explain to him how much his words meant to her after what she’d gone through in the past? She’d tried, but he shrugged it off, thinking his words were no big deal.

  They were a very big deal to her.

  “Thank you,” she said simply, kn
owing he’d understand.

  He held her close for a minute, rocking her body slowly in an attempt to comfort her. Finally he said, “You ready for tomorrow?”

  “I’m ready,” she answered adamantly.

  He pulled back from her and grinned, a mischievous smile she’d come to love so well. “I might not let you get dressed for a while once I get you naked.”

  She was on board with that. “Are we ever going to be able to see the sights?”

  “After,” Gabe said gruffly and noncommittally.

  Chloe laughed and hugged him. She knew that all she needed to do was ask and Gabe would do anything she wanted to do just to please her. Knowing she could bring this big, strong, proud man to his knees was heady, but something she’d never take for granted. “After,” she agreed.

  They’d take some time to get used to loving each other with such intensity that it was almost scary, and then they could indulge in making other memories together.

  Thinking back about the times she didn’t feel ready for anything, and about how confused she’d been, she was grateful that she could now say that she was ready to start a new life, one free from fear and sadness.

  She’d been given a gift, and she was going to seize it.

  Sadness, fear, and heartache were her old life.

  And then there was Gabe.

  As he lowered his head to kiss her again, Chloe shuddered, knowing she was truly leaving her old life behind, closing the door on it forever.

  Gabe was her future, and that was all she’d ever need.


  One Week Later…

  Zane Colter had lost track of how much time he’d spent in his home lab in Rocky Springs examining samples.

  When he finally lifted his head, it was dawn—and he hadn’t slept a wink. He could see the sun rising over the mountains, but he didn’t give a shit.


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