Say it with Sequins

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Say it with Sequins Page 20

by Georgia Hill

  Flattening herself against the doorjamb, so she wouldn’t be seen, she watched as Daniel danced alone. He was doing something complicated that she’d never seen before; one of the routines the show asked of its professional dancers, perhaps? She watched, enraptured. She recognised a few Paso movements and there were shades of a tango too, but really this was more freestyle. It was as if Daniel was dancing for the sheer love of it.

  Daniel pulled himself to his full height, lifted up his elbows and twisted in a leap across the floor that had Merry gasping. She really hadn’t thought him capable of such balletic action. He appeared to hang in the air for a second before landing and then jerking back into a classic bullfighter’s pose. He was magnificent; expressive and lithe, sexy and elegant but utterly masculine.

  Merry was in a quandary. She knew she was late and also knew every second counted. The more she danced, the fiercer was the hunger to win. She wasn’t bothered too much about winning for herself; she wanted it for Daniel. But still, she held back. She didn’t want to go in and break the magic Daniel was creating. She held her breath and prayed he wouldn’t spot her, that she could watch some more. All too soon, though, the music stopped. Daniel held a pose, on his toes, before collapsing onto the floor.

  Merry let go the breath she’d been holding, waited a moment longer, and then pushed open the door.

  Daniel was wiping his face with his towel. He reached for his bottle of water and gave a casual salute with it before drinking deeply.

  Merry found she couldn’t speak. Those few seconds watching him dance so freely, so completely without reserve, had changed how she thought of him. It was the sexiest thing she’d ever witnessed. She gulped.

  “Ready to tackle the quickstep?” Daniel said and grinned. He knew she was dreading it. It was always tough for the taller celebrities to get that fleet of foot needed for a really good quickstep.

  Merry swallowed. She wanted to rush into his arms but it wasn’t dancing she had on her mind when she got there. This was no lazy college crush. This was going places her heart had never taken her before and she wasn’t sure if her brain could follow.

  Daniel frowned. “You okay, Merry? Too much wine last night?”

  Merry nodded. “Fine,” she squeaked. “Erm, just worried about the steps.”

  “You’ll be wonderful, babe. You are in the hands of an expert after all. Come on in, the water’s wonderful, as my pal Max would say.”

  Merry put down her bags and shed her fleece. “I can do this,” she muttered to herself. “I can do it.” But she wasn’t sure what ‘it’ was – and hoped it was purely the dance.

  Step Nine.

  Their salsa and Merry’s dreaded quickstep went well on the following weekend. They were just pipped to the top spot by Suni and Warren’s supremely elegant American smooth. Merry didn’t mind too much; she liked the quiet Indian celebrity chef and loved the delicious samosas that she often brought into the television studios on show nights even more.

  Now they all had a week off, wonder of wonders. Fizz TV had won the rights to an important darts competition, of all things, and that was taking precedence. It was just as well, as it was Julia and Harri’s wedding on Friday and most of them had been invited.

  The wedding day dawned clear and cold, one of those rare English winter days when the air is frozen into a perfect, hard blueness. It was going to be a traditional affair, or as much as it could be, with the bride a film star and the groom a high profile television presenter. Despite being offered thousands, Julia and Harri hadn’t sold the picture rights to any gossip magazine and wanted to protect their privacy as much as they could. The guest list, date and venue had remained top secret until the very last minute.

  “This is so exciting!” Merry whispered to Daniel as they scurried from their car to the church, under the cordon of white umbrellas protecting guests from the unwanted press attention. Despite all efforts to the contrary, some information must have leaked out.

  As they waited to be directed to the right pew, she tugged at the neck of her silk wrap dress and pulled her pashmina more tightly round her. It was cold in the porch of the old church in Julia’s home village and Merry felt both chilly and self-conscious in her formal clothes.

  “Have I said how lovely you’re looking today?” Daniel murmured.

  “No you haven’t,” Merry basked in the glow created by his compliment, the icy weather forgotten. Then her usual humour reasserted itself. “Must be the shock of seeing me in something other than footless tights and baggy T-shirts.”

  Daniel hooted. “You might have a point. Can’t say understated elegance is your thing during training.”

  Merry adjusted her hat and pulled a face. “I should think not. Don’t want to get all my nice togs sweaty.” She tugged at the brim again and asked him anxiously, “Does this look alright? I borrowed it from Venetia and her style is a bit more over the top than mine. Don’t think I’ve ever worn a hat so enormous!”

  “You look beautiful, Meredith.” It was another compliment but Merry had the distinct impression Daniel’s mind was elsewhere.

  “We must be sitting here.” He stopped at the end of a pew, decorated with white lilies. “You know, I can’t wait to see what Julia’s dress is like.”

  Merry looked at him, in mock reproof. “Sometimes Daniel, you are just too camp for words.” But she felt the same. Julia’s wedding dress had been the hot topic of gossip in Who Dares Dances circles all week. She slid along the polished wood a little way and inhaled happily. There was nothing like the smell of a village church filled with white lilies. The scent from the flowers and wood polish was underlain with the faint aroma of old damp. Gorgeous. She waved at Harri, who stood, looking nervous, at the front and then sat back, enjoying the buzz of quiet chatter against the sound of a string quartet playing in the background. The organ wheezily fired up with the familiar strains of the Arrival of the Queen of Sheba, announcing the main event.

  Merry craned her neck to get a first glimpse of Julia, as she made her entrance on the arm of her father, a distinguished looking man in silver grey morning attire. “Oh!” she sighed and then was silenced by what she saw.

  Julia looked wonderful. Utterly beautiful. Merry’s sigh was echoed in a soft wave of sound throughout the church, as the congregation absorbed the vision coming its way. Julia wore a silk whisper of a simple cream dress, with a cowl neck and long train. She didn’t wear a veil but had a wreath of yet more white lilies crowning her hair.

  Wedding dress aside though, what made her look truly stunning was the happiness glowing in her face. As she walked towards him, her eyes never left Harri’s.

  Merry felt Daniel stiffen at her side. She heard him gasp and came right down to earth with a bump. This must be torture for him, seeing the woman he loved marrying Harri. Someone with whom she was so obviously besotted. Merry felt for Daniel’s hand and took it in hers. She squeezed in what she hoped came across as a friendly, sympathetic gesture but she was sure Daniel didn’t even notice.

  The ceremony was followed by a similarly traditional wedding breakfast in a discreet and upmarket hotel. The speeches made everyone cry, the happy couple looked ecstatic and couldn’t keep their hands off one another and everyone basked in their reflected bliss. The atmosphere was helped along by generous servings of Krug.

  Then it was time for Julia and Harri to dance their first as man and wife. All who gazed on were amused and touched to see the tune chosen was the same to which they’d danced their infamous rumba. At its finale, after the cheers and clapping, guests drifted onto the floor. It was too early in the evening for any cheesy sing-a-long tunes, for the moment, the music was sentimental and romantic.

  Daniel and Merry sat at their table trying not to catch one another’s eyes. ‘It’s fine’ Merry thought, ‘I’m not going to get bored or self-conscious just because everyone else is up on the dance floor.’

  She watched Daniel covertly. He looked thoroughly miserable and uncomfortable. His usual easy-goi
ng demeanour had fled. She understood how hard today was being for him. But she missed her friend Daniel. The one who made her laugh, the one who made her work so hard that she had bleeding feet most days. He wasn’t that Daniel today. Besides, she liked a party. She liked dancing. And she was more than a little desperate to dance with Daniel this evening. If he didn’t ask in the next five minutes, she decided, then she would haul him up onto the floor, whether he wanted to dance or not.

  Daniel watched as his old dance partner Lucy and her tower of a boyfriend Max Parry took to the floor. He and Merry were now the only people under eighty not dancing.

  He cleared his throat and turned to her, holding out a hand. “Would you like to dance?”

  “Well, we hardly ever get the chance to dance together, do we, Mr Cunningham?” Beaming, she shot to her feet. “I’d love to dance.”

  The thought that somehow this was different flashed through Daniel’s mind. It wasn’t like the rehearsing they did, the rush through the steps, the panic about learning them on time and the concentration on the dance. This would be for pleasure. And some pleasure. He clasped Merry in his arms and felt her melt against him. She matched his slow step immediately. She always had. She picked up the steps quickly, tuning into him and what he wanted from her.

  Oh, but this was different. The woman he’d allowed himself to love unrequited for far too long, was a few yards away looking radiant. Even through his misery, he was aware of the cliché but that’s how Julia looked, dancing in the arms of her husband. And it wasn’t him. He’d thought he was over Julia but her loss twisted in his gut more strongly today than for a long time. He’d said it so often to himself but enough really was enough this time. It was time to move his heart on. Time to accept Julia would never be his.

  Daniel’s arms tightened around Merry and he brought her nearer. She was wearing her trademark perfume, something musky and animal. He felt her attraction. Strong and straightforward, warm and real. And available.

  As the music stopped and the familiar and insistent beat of ABBA’s Fernando began, he backed away from Merry a little and gazed into her face. He saw her intelligence, her humour, her sense of uncomplicated fun. She’d once said she never took anything too seriously. Perhaps, for once, it was time for him to do the same?

  “Let’s get out of here.” His words were throaty with lust and Daniel could see the same need in Merry’s eyes.

  He took her by the hand and led her to the cool, dark corridor outside the ballroom. Backing her against the wall, he pressed himself urgently against her voluptuous body, enjoying the exciting curve of her breasts and the heat flaring from her skin.

  Merry took hold of his cravat and tugged him even closer. Daniel’s eyes dropped to her full lips and he had the crazy idea to kiss them.

  So he did.

  She responded instantly, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him in for more.

  Eventually, he lifted his mouth off, rested his forehead against hers and whispered, “I want you. Now.”

  He wasn’t thinking straight. Didn’t want to think straight. He knew what he was doing and, from her response, so did Merry. They were both consenting adults, both without any kind of commitment. The one thing he wanted to commit to at this moment was her.

  Wordlessly, Merry led him to the room she’d booked for the night. It was above the dance floor and the beat of the music thumped through the floor. Outside were the sounds of people yelling and laughing, a car horn hooting and driving off. Julia and Harri must be leaving. But it was all in the background. All she could focus on was the hunger in Daniel’s green eyes.

  With gentle fingers, he undid the soft belt of her dress. Merry sighed, enjoying the sensual caress of the silk as it slid off. Daniel removed her clothes with the utmost precision, his eyes never losing the veiled look which now darkened the green to black. He didn’t speak and avoided touching her skin, which Merry found it unbearably exciting. He unfastened her bra and held the straps delicately between finger and thumb as he slipped them down her shoulders and over her arms with a deliberate slowness.

  When at last she stood naked in front of him, she resisted the temptation to cover herself and stood proudly. Only then did Daniel touch her. The skin to skin contact made her gasp. One long finger traced across her collarbone, down between her breasts, circled her navel, flirted with her hipbone. Tantalisingly slow. Merry forced herself to remain still. She watched, fascinated at the look of almost grave intent on Daniel’s face. It was as if he were painting a picture with his finger, one that needed the utmost concentration and care. Merry felt herself melt inside, her legs trembled with the effort of staying still. She let out a whimper.

  He laid her on the bed, his eyes never leaving hers. He still hadn’t taken off his clothes. As he covered her body with his, the buttons on his jacket, the smooth wool of his morning suit abraded her skin. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever known.

  Daniel was gone when she woke in the morning. Merry was glad. The perfect night didn’t need any early morning awkwardness to spoil it. She stretched like a cat and an aftershock of pleasure shot through her. She smiled her mile wide smile. Daniel had been as controlled making love as he’d been when undressing her – and as skilful. Afterwards though, he’d held her close, stroked her tenderly and they’d fallen into an untidy, champagne fuelled sleep.

  And now it was the morning. And in two days’ time she would have to face him in training. The mile wide smile vanished.


  It was just as well Merry had some time to compose herself before she had to see Daniel again. What had happened between them had been so spontaneous, so unexpected, so extraordinary that she needed to think it over. It was hard to do though, through the hideous hangover that dogged her for an entire day afterwards. Whether it was champagne or guilt that made her feel so sick she couldn’t decide. And, although she’d had the occasional one-night stand and had never regretted walking away afterwards, this was different. Different in so many ways.

  She tried to analyse the situation. There was no question that she was deeply attracted to Daniel. Attracted to him more than to any man she’d ever known. She was also certain that Daniel had acted while still in love with another woman. Maybe, because he was in love with another woman. She’d seen, in the church and at the reception afterwards, how tense Daniel had been, how his eyes followed Julia. And yet he’d chosen to sleep with Merry. It didn’t make much sense.


  Unless Daniel was one of those people who simply grabbed sex when and where he could. Lots of the other dancers did. They took advantage of the quick intimacy that sprang up in the dance studio, with their celeb partner. Merry frowned. But Daniel wasn’t like the other dancers. He was far too nice a man to be like that. Or had she mistaken his personality so completely?

  Step Ten.

  On the morning of the next rehearsal she was no nearer sorting out the whys and wherefores of what had happened and decided that her only option was to play it as cool as the winter weather.

  As she strode through the iced Maida Vale streets, to the rehearsal studios, Merry tried to clear her head. She didn’t suit being unhappy and tired of it quickly. It had been a wonderful night. Just one, electrifying night and she was determined it wouldn’t happen again. She was too near falling dangerously deep for Daniel, and her pride wouldn’t admit to her being the rebound girl.

  Daniel watched her through the glass wall separating their rehearsal room from the corridor. As she changed into her dance shoes, Merry looked happy and relaxed; much as she had done throughout the time he’d known her. He rubbed a hand across his forehead. He was consumed by guilt. Guilt that he’d come onto her so strongly, guilt that he’d panicked and left her sleeping in the morning. But, most of all, guilt that he’d slept with her in the first place. How had that happened? Never mix work and pleasure, she’d told him.

  And, oh but it had been pleasure. Pure unadulterated, uninhibited joy. He could still sense her long
, newly toned body beneath his. He could feel her breath against his skin, her hot and eager tongue, hear her laughter, her simple joy. Maybe it had been so good because it had been a long time since he’d slept with a woman. He looked up as Merry entered. Or, maybe, it was because it had been Merry.

  Shit, this was going to be harder than she thought. Merry ignored the shrivelling feeling inside, painted on a bright smile and flung open the door. She’d glimpsed Daniel from the corridor and, apart from seeming a little preoccupied, he appeared back to his usual calm and pleasant self. She was so close to really falling for this man but couldn’t let herself. Not when she was so sure he was still in love with someone else.

  “Morning me old mucker,” she called out. “Brass monkeys out there.” And it’s pretty frigid in here, she added silently. When Daniel didn’t answer, she prattled on, his silence making her nervous. “So, what torture have you got in line for me today? Have we got to work on the Paso? Well come on then, shake a dancing leg or two, we haven’t got all day.”

  Daniel decided to take his cue from her. After all, she’d said she’d never treated anything, or anyone, that seriously, hadn’t she? She was young; they took one—-night stands in their stride. Didn’t they?

  He stood up and, with an effort, smiled. If she was going to treat it so casually and ignore the fact they’d slept together, then so was he. But something inside him died a little as he forced out a grin and said, “Well then Meredith, we’d better get a move on, hadn’t we. The Paso isn’t your strongest dance, is it? Go and warm up, please.”

  As Daniel watched Merry stretch and limber up, his heart spiralled downwards. He could love this woman. Really love her, more so even than Julia. His feelings were running out of control. This realisation shook him to the core. But what if she was just another he was destined to love and not have that love returned? He sought refuge in his professionalism. It was his only protection now.


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