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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 15

by Kym Grosso

  Deciding against a taxi on a warm summer day, Sydney opted for a ride on the St. Charles Streetcar from the Garden District to the French Quarter and then grabbed the Canal Streetcar over to the Riverfront Streetcar to meet Tristan. She loved taking in the sights of the city, while riding on the train. Within a half hour, she arrived at her stop and hustled down the riverfront steps to Café du Monde.

  Tristan was already seated at a corner table under the open-air canopy with a large platter of beignets sprinkled with powder sugar and a café au lait awaiting her. Sneaking up behind him, she wrapped her hands around his neck and planted a chaste kiss to his cheek.

  “Hey, mon loup, you want some company?” she teased seductively.

  “You really are looking to get me killed down here in New Orleans, aren’t you, Syd?” Tristan laughed.

  “What are you talking about? Can’t I give a wolf a little love? I missed you. You don’t know what it's like being surrounded by vampires twenty-four-seven. You have to come back with me to Kade’s. We have an address we’re checking out as soon as the sun goes down.”

  Tristan handed her a mug, sliding the plate of beignets in front of her. “First things first, you really don’t get how a little wolf lovin’ could get me killed, do you, mon chaton?” he asked. “Look, Kade and I go way back, we’re close. And let me tell you that in all the years that I've known him, he has never expressed his desire to claim a woman. I can smell him on you. Remember? Super-wolf sniffer? And as hard as you tried to hide it with makeup, I can see that he marked you. You may not know it, sweet Syd, but you are his.” He grinned, bringing his cup to his lips.

  Sydney nearly spilled her coffee, slamming it down on the table. “Marked? Claimed? What the hell is that supposed to mean, Tristan? Claimed like luggage? I'm sick as shit of all this supernatural lingo, and rules! Rules that don’t even apply to me, by the way, as everyone down here keeps reminding me that I'm human, which I pretty much take to mean ‘less’.” She picked up another beignet, fully intending to shove it into her mouth. “You know what; don’t even explain it to me. I'm sorry I asked. As much as I love the Big Easy, I am so ready to get back to Philly where I'm appreciated for my kick-ass human qualities.” She bit into the beignet, and powder sugar sprayed over her plate.

  Tristan laughed out loud. Poor Sydney just had no idea what was going on with her and Kade. And Kade didn’t seem to be doing a very good job communicating it. He had a tiger by its tail, one that had sharp teeth and bit. This was going to be fun to watch.

  “Listen Syd, I didn’t come all the way down here to get you riled up. Look what your Alpha brought you…a pretty pink backpack with all kinds of fun toys.” He held up the bag and smiled.

  “Now, that’s what I’m talking about. Thanks.” She took out her cell and glanced down at the time. “As much as I’d like to soak up the sounds of the city, we’d better start making our way back to Kade’s. The sun will be down in an hour or so, and I don’t want to waste time finding this bastard.”

  Tristan stood and left money on the table.

  “Okay, let’s roll,” Tristan suggested. As he went to leave, he caught sight of her weaving her way through the maze of tables, smiling as if she hadn’t a care in the world. Oh yeah, this is going to be fun all right.

  Kade finished talking with his overseas contacts and sighed. As much as he’d wanted to hang up the phone and go make love to Sydney again, he needed to take care of Issacson’s investments. Issacson Securities was a firm he’d built over the years, one that catered to supernaturals. He’d been neglecting business while in Philadelphia, so completing the call was a necessity. Kade was a man who honored his commitments and his clients trusted him with their finances.

  Just as he was about to go look for Sydney, Luca entered his office. Waving a piece of paper in the air, he seated himself in the chair across from Kade’s desk.

  “So, did you hear from the witch?”

  Kade nodded. “Yes, and interesting news, the address she gave me matches the one we got from the bartender last night. A mage by the name of Asgear bought Vin Vin oil around six months ago…fits our time frame. So maybe we’ll get lucky tonight and find Simone. When is everyone coming over here? We should prep Sydney and the others.”

  “Yeah, about your girl.” Luca smirked knowingly. “Do you happen to know where she is?”

  “She is here in the house. I just saw her a few minutes ago standing at my door. Why do you ask?” Kade’s lips tightened.

  “Well, you might be interested to know that she took off to meet Tristan in the French Quarter, alone.” He threw the note across Kade’s desk. “You must have been on your conference call a little longer than you thought.”

  Kade read the note, feeling blood rushing to his face.

  “Damn, stubborn woman. I specifically told her not to go out alone. She does not follow instructions,” he muttered.

  “Or simply does not wish to and ignores them on purpose. She’s with Tristan, though. Surely he will protect her?” Luca could not resist stirring the pot.

  “She is mine,” Kade barked.

  “I see,” Luca said quietly. “I must inquire, Kade, does she understand how you feel? Does she know that she has been claimed, or what that means? That she is yours? She is only human after all.”

  “Hell, I don’t know. You know me better than anyone. I’ve had many women over the centuries, but only a handful of actual lovers, women I cared about. But this human woman, she…she makes me crazy. Crazy with lust, crazy frustrated, infuriated at times. She won’t obey orders, putting herself in danger left and right. Worse, danger is part of her job, so she acts like it is perfectly normal. And as insane as she makes me, I cannot resist her. There has been no one like her, ever.” He rubbed his brow with one hand and stretched his neck from side to side. “I must talk with her when she returns. This nonsense has got to stop. And if she has been with Tristan…” He could not even go there. He loved Tristan, but would rip out his heart if he touched her today. He knew they had a past relationship, but he had informed Tristan of his intentions with Sydney, which Tristan had agreed to honor.

  “Listen, I’m sure she’ll return safely.” Luca rose and patted Kade’s shoulder. “It’s daytime, and Tristan will escort her back here. Even I must admit that Sydney is a very capable woman. You know that I’m generally opposed to getting humans involved in vampire business; their weakness puts us all in danger. But the woman has staked two vampires so far and rescued Dominique, so I have to give her that. I’m still not crazy about having a human working the case with us, but she is proving her worth.

  “As for Tristan, you are friends.” Luca crossed the room to the doorway, knowing he needed distance for what he was about to say to Kade. “He will honor your intentions with Sydney…as will I.”

  Kade listened, already aware of what Luca was thinking.

  “Last night, on the dance floor, dancing with Sydney, with you and her. It was intimate. I have not danced with a woman in a very long time. She is…” He lowered his eyes in submission. “She is very desirable, but Tristan and I are your friends. Even if Sydney doesn’t yet understand the extent of your feelings, we have a pretty good idea. None of us will pursue her, knowing she is yours. Well, not unless you invite me in on the fun again,” he joked, trying to diffuse the tension. Kade knew Luca had been aroused the previous night. But he’d controlled the situation, had given Luca permission. He’d felt no jealousy, as he danced erotically with them both. It wasn’t as if he and Luca hadn’t shared women in the past. But there would be no sharing Sydney. Dancing was one thing, making love was another. Kade was falling in love with her. Sydney was his, and he needed to make her understand they could have a future together.

  Sydney pushed through the front door feeling refreshed. Kade stood waiting in the foyer, his arms crossed, aiming a menacing glare at her and Tristan.

  “Look, man, I told her you’d be pissed for not telling you where she was going. And before you vamp out on me
, no, I did not touch her.” Tristan retreated a few steps and held his hands up in surrender. “So, looks like you guys have a lot to talk about. I’m gonna get something to eat.”

  Kade shot his friend a look of irritation as Tristan waved, making his way toward the kitchen.

  “Listen, Kade, I'm not sure why you're boring holes into me, but I just went out for beignets and I needed to get my weapons and…” Sydney began.

  Kade tore across the room, possessively grasping her arms and pulling her into him closely. Her bag dropped to her feet. They were so very close, chest to chest, face to face, forehead to forehead. He would never hurt a single hair on her head, but she needed to understand the seriousness of running around in this city alone. Most importantly, she needed to understand that she belonged to him for the rest of time.

  “Sydney, love, what don’t you understand about my directions? I told you not to go out alone. Outside this house, Simone can get to you, any time, any place. You scared the life out of me,” he growled.

  “You said that I was expected to consult on this case, not pursue leads on my own, and follow your directions…all of which I've been doing. Furthermore, you do not get to tell me what to do in my spare time,” she said, pointing a finger at his chest. Showing no remorse, Sydney defiantly wrenched out of his arms. “I would have been more than happy to tell you where I was going today had you actually stuck around in my bed this afternoon to find out, or if you had taken the time to talk to me when I came looking for you. You did neither of those two things, so I left you a note. Which by the way, I believe was a perfectly acceptable alternative considering how you treated me.”

  This woman was trying to make him insane. Her full, lush lips beckoned to him, as did her engorged tips straining against her tight, purple sundress. She needed to be taught a lesson all right, but his cock grew in instant arousal, with a very different activity in mind.

  “You, me, now. My office.” He pointed down the hallway and took her by her hand. He was not having this conversation out in the middle of the house where Tristan and Luca could hear every last word, not to mention the others who would soon be here.

  Sydney winced as Kade slammed the office door shut, plowing his fingers through his hair. He paced the room, finally positioning himself directly in front of her chair, and her eyes drifted to his groin. I did not just look there. Okay, I did. Averting her eyes to his desk, which also brought dirty thoughts to mind, she huffed.

  “I didn't deliberately set out to make you angry, but you've got to look at this from my perspective. It's not my first time in New Orleans. You were busy; I left a note and went directly to meet Tristan. I was perfectly safe.”

  “Sydney, first, let’s get something clear, until Simone is caught, you cannot go out on your own. We found a mage suspect who happens to reside at the same address the bartender gave us. Said mage would not be limited during the daylight hours. So even though you thought you may have been safe, you could have been bespelled at any time.”

  “Okay, point taken,” Sydney conceded. Spells? Witches? Mage? The last thing she needed was for someone to put a whammy on her while she was looking to get her beignet on. “I promise. No going out alone, but in my defense, I did leave a note. So, it wasn’t as if I just went missing.” She’d known he’d be angry but hadn’t expected the intensity of his reaction. The cop in her told her to be mad at him, but his pure masculine strength reverberated throughout the room, making her grow wet with desire.

  “No going anywhere without me,” he repeated. Like a predator, he deliberately locked in on his prey, closing her knees together as he straddled her legs, dominating her personal space.

  Sydney nodded in agreement. As he towered above her, she could feel the heat of him upon her. Blood rushed to her face as she became swollen below with need. The man was so sexy, delicious, and all hers.

  “Last night was electrifying,” he continued, twirling a strand of her hair. “Making love to you…I have never felt for a woman what I feel for you. You must understand that we are halfway bonded to each other. When I bit you…” He trailed his finger along the mark on her neck. She shivered in anticipation, wanting more. “When I bit you, I claimed you as my own, my woman. I am falling for you, Miss Willows, and I don’t intend to let you go…not after this case is over…not ever.”

  Sydney’s heart ached, finally hearing him say that he wanted to be with her. She gazed up into his piercing eyes and felt as if he could see into her very soul.

  “Kade, I’m falling for you too. I…I don’t know what this all means, but I want to explore this with you…our feelings, our relationship. I can’t believe I'm even saying this, but us…last night…it was amazing. You overwhelm me. I want you so much I can’t think straight.”

  Sydney craved him; his kiss, the taste of him. Reaching up his hard, muscular thighs, she let the palms of her hands roam toward his growing arousal. Ripping his belt off within seconds, she unzipped his pants, releasing his straining masculinity.

  “Yes,” he groaned as she took him into her hands.

  “I have to taste you now, can’t wait.” Stroking his throbbing shaft, she licked the underside of him, laving it from root to tip. Drawing out the pleasure, she pressed the crown between her lips.

  “Sydney, you’re killing me.” Kade’s head lolled back.

  That was exactly what she was planning…to bring him to his knees. Pumping his stiff, wet shaft in her hand, she gradually slid his thick hardness all the way into her warm, parted mouth. She pumped him in and out, sucking and relishing every hard inch of him, while sweeping her tongue along his length. Reaching under his rigidity, she caressed his tightened balls, tenderly rolling them in her hand.

  “Sydney, stop, please, I want to make love to you…which I won’t be able to do if you keep that up." Kade sucked a sharp breath, unable to endure the sweet torture of her moist, warm mouth.

  Seductively, Sydney released him from her mouth pulling his pants down and off in the process. It was her turn to dominate, to take the initiative. God, she loved this man. She thirsted to enjoy his magnificent body. Standing up, she switched places with him, and pressed him down into the soft leather loveseat.

  “I want to enjoy every inch of you, Mister Issacson, every hard inch,” she purred. Climbing over him and yanking her dress up, she pulled off her thong and balanced her knees on either side of his thighs, hovering over his narrow hips, but not yet touching him. Kade clasped his strong hands around Sydney’s waist, allowing her to direct the play.

  The deep aching heat between her legs threatened to hasten her approach, but she wanted this to last. Desperately needing to taste Kade’s skin, she slowly unbuttoned his shirt and threw it aside.

  Kade reached under her dress to touch her, only to find the bare, silky skin of her soft flesh. “Aw…love…you’re so very, very wicked. A naughty girl, my naughty girl. Truly, I cannot take waiting. Come here.”

  Placing his hand behind her neck, he pulled her toward him and fiercely kissed her. He captured her soft lips, his tongue finding hers. Sydney gave in to his intoxicating kiss, running her fingers through his hair. His fingertips dug into the smooth skin of her ass and massaged her toned muscles.

  Allowing her hand to roam below, she rubbed his straining cock against her slick, wet crease, readying him for her. A burst of ecstasy shook her body as she guided him into her slowly, one incredible inch at a time. Slowly she sank all the way down on him, enveloping his entire length, joining their bodies as one.

  “Yes! Kade, oh my God. You’re so hard, so big. Please, oh yes!”

  She arched her back, moving up and down in a rhythmic motion that stimulated her most tender nub. Sensing her increasing arousal, Kade reached a hand up and slid down the straps of her dress, freeing her full, heavy breasts. Leaning forward, he captured a nipple in his mouth, sucking and biting its tortured peak. Sydney moaned again, opened her heavy-lidded eyes and watched as he mastered her body.

  The sight of him pushed h
er over the crest. She began forcefully riding him, both of them rocking to her rhythm. Sydney felt dizzy as her body started to shake intensely. He bit her softly on her breast, pushing her into an explosive climax. She cried out his name as she shuddered, riding out the last wave of her orgasm.

  Kade reluctantly separated from her, dominantly lifting her from his lap. He glanced to the desk and raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Desk. Now,” he ordered.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  Kade gently bent her over it, placing her hands flat onto its surface. She grew hot as the cheek of her face settled on the cold leather desktop. He lifted her dress to expose the creamy flesh of her backside.

  “You ready for me, love?”

  “Please. I need you now. Inside me. Make love to me,” she pleaded, her breath quickening as she anticipated his entrance.

  Flattening his hands on her buttocks, Kade plunged inside of her core, filling her with his hardness. Her warm, moist sheath massaged his cock as he pumped in and out of her. He knew he wouldn’t last long. Letting a hand slide up her back, he wrapped the long hair of her ponytail in his fist, tugging her back into him. She screamed his name in rapture, the pain and pleasure of the moment almost too much to bear.

  Their bodies moved together as one. As he drove himself deep inside her, she pushed back on his shaft. Both Kade and Sydney fought for breath as they approached climax, moving in response to one another. Kade let go of her hair to tightly hold her by the waist, thrusting harder and harder. Knowing they were both close, he leaned over, pressing his chest to her back.

  “I love you. Forever, you are mine,” he whispered in her ear.

  With those words, he slammed into her one last time while biting down on the back of her neck, releasing her divine blood into his mouth.

  The slice of his teeth drove her into an uncontrollable orgasm. Pulsating waves of pleasure resounded throughout every square inch of her skin. Her contracting sex convulsed around Kade’s cock, and he groaned loudly, erupting inside of her.


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