Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 18

by Kym Grosso

  Kade had had enough of Asgear’s venomous words. He stood erect over the mage and kicked his face hard. Once, twice. Blood spritzed out of Asgear’s mouth as he rolled onto his back.

  “This is not the end, vampire!” Asgear hissed.

  “Wrong again. This is the end of the road.” Kade smirked at him. “Rot in hell!”

  Kade pinned him to the floor, cracking his neck and wrenching his head off its spine. He bared his fangs, shredding Asgear’s throat until there was not a single drop of blood left in the mage.

  Sydney couldn’t see Kade, but heard him arguing with Asgear. She grabbed the edge of the table, pulled upward and steadied herself on her feet. As Tristan came into sight, she screamed. Simone repeatedly stabbed the wolf.

  “Hey bitch! Over here! Leave the wolf alone! It’s me you want,” she baited.

  “You! You! You distracted me from my purpose!” Simone turned from Tristan, all her focus on Sydney. She tore across the room, grabbing Sydney’s throat with one hand. “All my hard work. The girls’ deaths …it was all for him. I was practicing. My power was growing. And you had to stick your nose into my business…ruin my ritual!” She spat at Sydney’s face. “I will make him watch as I drain every last drop of your whorish blood. I will rule this city! Nothing will stop me! Nothing!”

  Sydney choked and struggled to breathe under the pressure of Simone’s strong, bony fingers. Her eyes darted to Kade, who stealthily approached Simone.

  “Let her go, Simone. She is a mere human. This animosity is between you and me.”

  Simone’s eyes darted to Kade, but she didn’t release her prey from her deathly grip. Sydney felt herself starting to lose consciousness. Even as both her arms fell to her sides, she fought to hold on to the sword.

  “I do not love you, Simone. I never did.” Stepping a hair closer to Simone, Kade refused to relent. “You’ll never rule this town. You’re finished.”

  “You do love me.” Simone threw Sydney to the floor, and rushed over to him. “I’m here now. I am your queen. My power, I will share it with you. We shall rule together.” She laid a pale hand upon his chest. “This is our time. You are mine.”

  Reaching for the table’s edge, Sydney quietly pulled herself up so she was standing once again. Her abdomen throbbed, and she felt dizzy with pain. Never give up. The sword hummed underneath the warmth of her grip. She quietly approached Simone. Time for the bitch to go. With a final thrust of strength, Sydney whirled the heavy sword above her head. As the sword hissed, it sliced through the blood-tinted air and Simone’s fine, pallid neck. Simone’s dismembered head went flying across the room as blood and ash sprayed Kade’s face. A clank of the sword on the ground was followed by silence in the room, as Simone’s spell was broken.

  Sydney fainted and her head cracked loudly against the ebon floor, blood covering her golden braid. Kade fell on his knees screaming her name. Biting into his wrist, he pressed it to her still lips hoping she would swallow the precious fluid.

  “Sydney! You cannot bloody well leave me!” He laid her head in his lap, smoothing her hair across her head. Sydney’s swollen lips began suctioning against his wrist. “I love you so much. Please, drink. That’s it, love. Don’t give up.”

  Kade kissed her forehead, knowing she would survive. He delicately lifted her frail body into his arms, carefully cradling her head against his chest. As he ascended the stairs, a healing breeze grazed his face. He sighed in relief, finally exiting Simone’s diabolical stone creation. He called to Dominique to beckon Ilsbeth. Whatever demonic forces held the walls from the water table, they needed to be dismantled. The tomb and its rooms needed to be destroyed and blessed so that nothing remained of the malignant force within.

  Luca approached him, carrying a small, unconscious woman with long, red hair. Kade immediately recognized the woman as Rhea.

  “Where did you find her?” he asked.

  “She was cuffed to a wall. The room was barbaric.” Luca took a deep breath. “She’s been recently beaten. Bloody whip marks all over her body, black eye…the works. She said her name is Samantha. Kade, something strange is going on here…it was as if she had no recollection of the club or the night she silvered Dominique. When we released her cuffs, she fainted. Exhaustion maybe?”

  “Take her to my compound,” Kade told him. He glanced to Sydney in his arms, concerned with getting her home as soon as possible. “Clean up the girl, make sure she’s healing, and lock her in the downstairs security room until I get a chance to read her thoughts. It is possible that she was under Simone’s thrall, or that Asgear bespelled her, but we need to make sure she holds no culpability before we return her to her home. And whatever you do, don’t let Dominique see her yet. She is looking for payback, and will ask questions later. Now go.”

  Luca sped off across the cemetery, human in tow. Kade scanned the area and found Etienne kneeling on the ground, holding a naked Tristan, who drank at his wrist.

  “How’s Tristan?”

  “Simone stabbed the hell out of him. He’ll survive, but we need to get him back to the compound before his brother comes sniffing about. He will be pissed beyond belief. Marcel means well, but Tristan needs more vampire blood if he is going to make it.” Etienne winced as Tristan continued suckling his wrist.

  Kade caught sight of Dominique and Xavier exiting the tomb, and yelled over to them. “Let’s get moving. Xavier, help Etienne with Tristan. Get him out of here now. Dominique, I need you to wait for Ilsbeth to get here. She needs to clean up this mess. You know what to do.”

  Kade was tired and angry. How could this have gone so very wrong? Sydney had been beaten, stabbed. He should never have let her leave Philadelphia. She was human, a strong human, yes, but still very human at that. She could have died tonight. His heart ached knowing she might need several days to recover from this ordeal. And then, would she still want to be with a vampire? The blood, the violence, the danger?

  He trudged back to the van, his mind swirling with doubt. The only thing he knew for certain was that she was his. He was fooling himself to think he would let her go without a fight. He kissed her forehead as she slept peacefully in his arms. He prayed his beautiful, fighting warrior woman would be okay and that she would forgive him for involving her in this mess.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Sydney slowly opened her eyes to a candlelit room. Kade’s room? Peering up, she noticed the intricate carving of the dark stained mahogany on the ceiling of the four poster, Tutor bed. Luxurious black velvet curtains were tied to the elaborately patterned posts, held back by red silk tiebacks with tassels. Nice bed, Kade. She smiled and turned her head toward the center of the bed where Kade slept soundly on his side with his hand possessively touching her stomach.

  She moved to get out of bed when Kade pulled her into his arms and rested her head against his chest.

  “Now exactly where do you think you are going, love?” He pressed his lips to her hair. “How are you feeling?”

  “I don’t know. It’s weird. All that’s happened…but I feel energized…as if I hadn’t been beaten and stabbed to a wooden table by some crazy vampire bitch.” Sydney vividly remembered her last vision before blacking out…blood spraying profusely as Simone’s head flew off her shoulders clear across the room. She shuddered, thinking about the torture she’d endured, but felt strangely rejuvenated. “Seriously, though, I feel great; no bruises, no soreness. I take it you gave me your blood? Pretty potent stuff, huh? Hey, do I need to worry about turning into a vampire?” she teased. She nuzzled into his chest, taking a deep breath of his masculine scent.

  “No, you are not a vampire. You would have to essentially lose every last drop of blood and then have me replace it with mine. But, Sydney…we are bonded now. You have taken my blood. I wanted it to be special, but it is done.” Kade sighed.

  “I know you asked me before you gave me your blood, and I really do appreciate that, given we exchanged bodily fluids and all, but what do you exactly mean by bonded?” Sydne
y questioned.

  “You are mine. I am yours. When we made love before, I bit you. Your blood runs through my veins. And now, my blood has been introduced into your human body. We are formally bonded for eternity. I will always know where you are and be able to sense you. As our bond becomes stronger, you and I will be able to speak telepathically like I can with some of the others. And as long as you continue to take my blood, you will not age. We are linked.” He lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “I want you to stay with me, Sydney. Here with me in New Orleans. You belong to me now.”

  A rush of emotion flooded Sydney’s mind. She felt as though she could deal with being linked to Kade. She’d never loved anyone the way she loved him. He made her feel womanly, empowered, and erotic all at once. He’d fought with his life to save her, never giving up on her. He was everything to her. After so many years of frivolous sex and meaningless relationships, Kade filled her soul, captivating both her mind and body. She wanted to submit to him. To give herself over to him, becoming one heart with his. But seeds of doubt grew in the pit of her stomach. He hadn’t said he wanted to marry her. He said he wanted her to move in with him.

  And for eternity? What about her job? She'd worked so hard over the years to make it through the ranks to where she was in her division, and now he expected her to give up everything on a whim and move down here? And what about the children’s center? How could she just leave the kids and give up all the work she’d done at the center? And her condo…was she just supposed to abandon it? As much as Sydney wanted to think with her heart, her mind was jolting her back into reality.

  “Kade, you know I love you, but I have commitments back at home and my job and….”

  “Yes, but you’ll stay here with me.” He softly pressed his lips to hers, stifling any rejection she might give him. “All the things you mention are minor details…we will work it out. Now come…come to me. Let me show you how much I love you.”


  “Sydney,” he interrupted, capturing her lips once again. Kade slid his hand across the healed, smooth skin of her stomach until he found what he sought, gently cupping her breast. He deliberately chose to be gentle with her, acutely aware of the trauma she’d been through in the past week. Although her physical wounds had healed overnight, it would be a long time before either of them forgot the evil they’d faced and defeated. As he kissed her, he reveled in her strength and beauty. This woman, his woman, she was everything in life; his warrior mate, his friend, his lover.

  Sydney squirmed under him, impatiently awaiting his next touch. Her skin tingled with anticipation, knowing he was capable of providing her immeasurable pleasure. She let her hands explore the hard smoothness of his chest. Ripping her mouth from his, she licked her tongue across the hollow of his neck and bit down on the flesh of his shoulder.

  “My girl likes to bite?” He growled in ecstasy.

  She laughed in response, gliding her tongue down his muscled flesh, licking and sucking his nipple.

  Releasing one of her breasts, Kade allowed his hand to delve into the slick, wet heat of her sex. Sydney sucked in a startled breath as she felt a finger slip deep into her pussy. She bucked into the rhythmic intrusion, needing more.

  “Oh God, that feels so good.”

  Responding to her erotic desire, Kade pumped another finger into her while circling her clitoris. With quickening gasps, Sydney arched toward his hand as she spiraled hopelessly into orgasm, shattering in a million pleasurable pieces. Screaming Kade’s name repeatedly, Sydney curled into him, quivering in his arms.

  “You’re the most incredible, fascinating woman I have known in all my years; so responsive, so soft. I love you so much.” Kade gently rolled her onto her back, straddled her and held her arms down with his strong hands. “Look at me. Watch me love you.”

  Dipping his head, he captured a rosy, hardened tip in his mouth, gently taking it between his teeth. She moaned as he alternately bit and laved her hard peaks, driving her mad with need.

  “I can’t take it anymore. Please. I need you…in me now.”

  Kade smiled and kissed the pink point one more time before settling himself at her entrance.

  “I want you to see the pleasure you bring me. I want to look into your soul as we join as one.”

  Kade shifted the weight of his body, supporting his hands on the bed, and Sydney opened her thighs wide, inviting him into her. Frantic with desire, she lifted her hips up to Kade, moving to accept him. He groaned in blinding delight as he slid his rock-hard cock into her warmth. He moved slowly, letting her stretch to accommodate him. Sydney gazed into the depths of Kade’s eyes, acknowledging the love in every thrust.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  He smiled as he continued to plunge in and out of her, increasing the pace, building the sexual tension. The slick heat of her center massaged his manhood as he leaned in to kiss her swollen lips.

  Sensing the nearness of her climax, Sydney lightly circled her hips into him, stimulating her most tender flesh. She was quickly losing control.

  “Kade, yes, Kade, I’m coming. Don’t stop. Yes, please.”

  “That’s it, love. Come for me. You’re beautiful,” he told her as she climaxed.

  At his direction, the crescendo rose to the edge of ecstasy.

  “Fuck yes. Oh my God. I’m coming! I’m coming! Yes! Yes!” Sydney rocked frantically against him as her orgasm slammed into her.

  As her hot channel convulsed, making it impossible for him to hold back, Kade sank his fangs into the soft flesh of her neck. Thrusting deeply into her one last time, he exploded inside her as pulsating waves of pleasure washed over him. Mine.

  Kade fell back into the bed off of Sydney, rolling her with him so she lay upon his chest once again. He would never let her go. She would stay here and build a future with him. He knew she was worried about her job, but he would get her one here if that’s what she wanted. He’d spare no expense making sure she had everything she needed to stay.

  Sydney fought back the tears, overwhelmed by the emotions from making love. God, she loved him. He was everything she could ever want in a man; masculine, honorable, sexy, and intelligent. She’d never met a man like him before in her life and was pretty sure she’d never meet another. Kade made her feel loved, desired, wanted. Hell, he made her feel, period. It had been years since she’d dated anyone for more than a month, let alone someone who made her consider moving hundreds of miles away to live with him.

  But give up her entire life for a man she met less than a week ago? Could she really just move all her stuff down here, not knowing if they had a real commitment? It was true that she had bonded with him, but as a human, she still wasn’t exactly sure of the implications. As much as she was tempted to tell him ‘yes’ right away, she had responsibilities waiting for her at home; her job, the center, friends, a life. Okay, so she didn’t have that many friends or family, but still, it was her life.

  Her chest tightened as she wondered if what they had was real. She knew that working long hours with a partner often caused simple emotions to escalate. With Kade it had gone so much further; she’d fallen deeply and utterly in love with him, a vampire. There was no going back. If she left New Orleans, hoping for a long distance relationship, it would crush her. She reasoned that she needed time to think about how she could make it work. She’d been held up in this dark, fantasy world for days. She knew life and death situations had a way of skewing one’s perspective. If she could just get some fresh air…maybe a Philly cheesesteak…get back to the office, she’d be able to make hard decisions with a clear head. The thought of leaving him, even for a few days, caused her heart to break.

  “Kade,” she whispered, “I need to take a shower.”

  “Okay, love. You sure you don’t want me to join you?”

  “I would love you to, but I really think I just need to take a nice, relaxing bath. You know…decompress after the past few days.”

  “As much as I would like to
wait for you, I really should get downstairs to help Luca. The woman in the cell…she needs to be questioned.”

  “Samantha?” Sydney asked.

  “I’m not sure what her real name is, but we need to find out before we release her.”

  “I was in that cell with her. Now granted, I couldn't read her facial expressions, but her story rang true with me. I didn’t even recognize her as Rhea. I mean, how will you know the truth?”

  “It shouldn’t be hard. I’ll try to scan her mind. See if she shows any signs of deception. I called Ilsbeth over here to see if she’s been bespelled. It is possible Asgear put a spell on her that could enable her to lie so well even she would think she’s telling the truth.”

  “But he’s dead,” she countered.

  “True. But Jane Doe down there may still harbor dark magic. If Ilsbeth senses any residue, she will take her to the coven to be cleared of spells and blessed. We cannot be too careful, considering Asgear may have schooled others in his dark ways.”

  “Others?” Sydney shivered at the possibility that Asgear had spawned other mages.

  “I sense your fear, Sydney. I would tell you not to worry, but you and I both know the truth of the situation. All I can say is that supernaturals sometimes are not all that different from humans. Evil has no boundaries. And you and I…we both seek justice, albeit in very different worlds.”

  “Yes. Crime is everywhere, that’s for sure.” There is crime waiting for me back in Philadelphia. “I hope Samantha is okay. She deserves a lot better than what happened to her. Please, Kade…just go easy on her.”

  “I’ll try, but we have to be safe. I promise that if she’s innocent, she’ll get her life back.”

  “Thank you,” she replied, convinced he’d treat the girl with compassion. Not wanting to end their time thinking of leaving, she kissed Kade, savoring his warmth once more. She knew what she had to do. She also knew he’d be really pissed, more like infuriated, but she needed to clear her head. Not looking back, tears pricked at her eyes as she scurried off to the shower.


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