Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4) Page 21

by Kym Grosso

  “Ah my lovely future wife, I’ll certainly forgive you but perhaps I should punish you first,” he teased. “A spanking perhaps?”

  “I guess I would agree to a consensual spanking every now and then.” She winked. “But you know it goes both ways!”

  “Both ways? I’m not sure I can agree to those terms. Let’s say that some things aren’t up for negotiation. Now come to me, my sweet fiancée. I plan to make love to you in every room of this penthouse.”

  No longer able to control his lust, Kade leaned forward and pressed his lips to Sydney’s. Their tongues danced in delirium, finally sealing their future. He speared his fingers through Sydney’s soft, blonde hair, pulling her head into his. She tasted like sweet honey on a fine summer day. His lover…soon to be his wife.

  Sydney moaned in delight, breaking away from his lips for a second.

  “Um, Kade, considering we have no furniture in our home yet,” she glanced over to the oversized, outdoor day bed, “maybe we should start right here on our wonderful balcony.” She grabbed his hand, led him over to the soft bedding and pushed him backward so he lay on his back at her mercy. “Kade, I plan to make it up to you and then some…over and over again for the rest of our lives.” She straightened above him, seductively stripping off her clothes until she was completely naked in the moonlight.

  “Love…oh…you are such a naughty woman.” Kade groaned and massaged his rock-hard cock through his jeans. “The way your skin shines in the moonlight, I cannot resist you for one minute longer. Come here,” he demanded.

  Sydney moved over him, straddling his legs. Kneeling, she slowly leaned over, gently kissing him, her soft hair falling onto his face and shoulders. Without warning, she rose, resting her hands on his shoulders, rubbing her plump, ripe breasts into his face. He moaned as he cupped and suckled her soft peaks, teasing them until they hardened in pain.

  “Yes, Kade. Oh my God. Yes…I want to taste you. Now,” she begged.

  Slithering down his body, she made quick work of his pants, freeing his straining manhood. Taking him into her mouth, she greedily sucked his shaft, moaning in pleasure as she tasted his salty essence. Sydney grazed her teeth along his hardness, teasing him, hoping to make him beg. Finally, her vampire cracked, his breath began to quicken into pants.

  “I…I need to be inside you. Hurry…I want to come inside you. Please,” he pleaded.

  Sydney smiled. Her big, bad vampire’s begging was music to her ears. She crawled up him slowly and lowered herself onto him until her sex settled fully onto his cock. Sydney’s receptive body welcomed him, her hands clutching his shoulders for support.

  “Yes, baby. That’s it. You feel so good inside of me,” she said, staring deep into his blue eyes. “I’ve never loved another man like I love you. You’re everything to me.”

  Connecting on a higher level, Kade and Sydney slowly rocked together as one in total harmony, allowing their arousal to consume them both. Pressing her hips into his, she gradually increased the pace, her climax building as he stimulated her most sensitive area. Kade moved his hands, grasping her by the waist, supporting her while she seated herself upright onto him, taking every inch of his throbbing hardness. Throwing her head back, she moaned in pleasure, undulating against him with reckless abandon.

  “Oh yes, Kade. I love you! Please…I’m coming,” she cried out as her explosive orgasm washed over her. She splintered in glorious rapture, writhing above him.

  In a swift move, never leaving her body, Kade brought her to him so they faced each other on their sides. He swung his leg possessively over hers, linking them together. In a delirious frenzy, Kade and Sydney passionately kissed while he thrust up into her again and again. Sydney surrendered to his rhythm, losing herself in his rich, intoxicating scent. She loved this man with all her heart. Kade slowed his movement within her warm sheath, reluctantly pulling his lips from hers. He pressed his forehead to hers once again, gazing into her eyes.

  “You’re everything to me. My future, my love, my wife. I love you.”

  Sydney bared her throat freely, offering her blood to him in anticipation of his erotic bite. Her gift of submission sparked a primal instinct deep within him. He growled possessively and powerfully thrust into her, and pierced her soft flesh with his fangs. Sydney excitedly drove her fingers through Kade’s hair pressing his mouth into her neck. She screamed in sheer bliss as her release shattered simultaneously with his. He sated his thirst, losing control as he spilled his seed deep into her.

  They lay still within each other’s arms, embracing, not wanting the moment to end. Sydney was elated knowing that not only had he forgiven her for leaving, but he was totally committed to her in every way. She never thought in a million years she’d be the kind of woman who could fall in love so completely, but she had. And now, she would never let her vampire go.

  “Mmmm….that was awesome. You’re amazing, do you know that?”

  Kade chuckled softly. “Ah…my love, it is you who are amazing. I am not sure how I ever survived all these centuries without you.”

  “Kade,” Sydney smiled, realizing they’d just made love on the balcony, “as much as I love being naked in your arms outside on the terrace, the sun will be rising soon. People could see us out here. Where are we going to sleep?”

  “Funny thing, since I was short on time,” Kade laughed, “I only purchased the bare necessities for our penthouse. In doing so, I realized that most furniture is highly overrated. However, a bed, my love, is most definitely a necessity when it comes to you and me. And since I planned on making love to you all night and well into tomorrow, I purchased two beds: an outdoor bed, so we could make love under the stars, and a bed for the master bedroom. If you’re ready, we can test that one out now. Shall we adjourn for the evening?”

  “I would love that,” Sydney agreed. She kissed him once again. Feeling light as a feather, she let Kade lift her up into his arms and carry her into their new home.


  Sydney woke feeling optimistic, looking forward to her future with Kade. She gazed up at the stark white ceiling, dreaming of how she would decorate their new home. The open penthouse was quite a contrast to the historic, Garden District mansion in New Orleans. She wondered how Kade would adjust to the cold hard streets of Philadelphia, but guessed he could more than hold his own. She looked forward to living in both cities, in both of their homes.

  She laughed to herself, thinking about how much she actually liked belonging to Kade, and having Kade belong to her. She moved to lay her head on his smooth chest, his vampire heartbeat resounding in her ear.

  Letting her thoughts drift back to New Orleans, she wondered how Samantha was doing. She’d left the mansion before she had a chance to visit with the girl, and in the fray of taking off back to Philadelphia, she’d forgotten to ask Kade how she was.

  Kade glanced to Sydney, having been awake for over an hour. Without a doubt, he knew that he was the only person Sydney had ever really loved, would ever love. Ecstatic that she had accepted his proposal, he looked forward to their life together. She was the woman of his dreams. Kade hugged her closer into his embrace and kissed the top of her head.

  “What are you thinking about so hard this morning? I may not be able to read your thoughts clearly yet, but I certainly can sense you thinking…very loudly. Is something wrong?”

  “Just wondering about Samantha, that’s all. It's hard to believe that girl in the cell with me was the same girl we met in Sangre Dulce. Samantha seemed so innocent and scared, but not in a submissive kind of way. She was a fighter, no doubt about it.”

  “Don't worry.” Kade sighed. “I promise Ilsbeth will take care of her. Your instincts are correct, though. She’s not the person who was in that club. Not of her own accord, anyway. Ilsbeth detected dark magic on the girl’s aura. Even though the coven can eliminate the darkness, the magic is infused within her. She is forever a witch.” He shook his head, feeling frustrated about how he’d left things with Luca. �
�There is something else that bothered me, though. Before you left, Luca seemed off. I don’t know if the dark magic emanating off of Samantha was affecting him or what, but he actually seemed…I don’t know…caring?”


  “Yes. He seemed caring toward the young woman.”

  “What’s wrong with that, Kade? I mean, Samantha has been through a lot. Asgear…did you see what he did to her? Anyone would show feelings after seeing what happened to her.”

  “I know. It’s not caring that is a problem per se. It’s just that…I’ve known Luca for nearly two centuries. Other than Tristan, he is my best friend. He has many good qualities. He’s loyal, respectful, honest, a valiant warrior, but caring about the feelings of a crying, human woman? That is not something he does. Usually, he wouldn’t care in the slightest. No way. That isn’t his style. Honestly, I’ve never seen him in love with a woman in all our time together. Sex with a woman, yes, but never love. When we were with Samantha, he actually comforted her. It was strange…for him anyway. I don’t know. It’s probably nothing.”

  Sydney turned her naked body beneath the sheets, pressing her soft flesh against his chest. He leaned down, kissing her warm lips, parting them with his tongue. Growing hot with need, she reached down to explore the evidence of his arousal. They both jolted when Kade’s cell phone rang loudly.

  “Damn phone. I’ll get it later. Don’t stop.”

  “You sure?” She smiled. “Maybe you should just answer it this one time and then turn off the ringer so we can make love in peace.”

  Kade reluctantly pulled out of her arms and reached down to the floor, scavenging through his clothes. He glanced at the cell. Ilsbeth? Why was she calling? He shouldn’t be hearing from her so quickly. Answering, he sensed that something was terribly wrong. They’d been attacked on the way to the coven. Ilsbeth and the girl had made it back safely, but Luca was missing.



  Immortals of New Orleans, Book 2

  Kym Grosso


  I am very thankful to those who helped me create this book:

  ~My husband, for encouraging me to write, editing my articles and supporting me in everything I do. Also for listening to me read the love scenes out loud to him, which he thinks are the best parts of the book. Ooh la la. Keith definitely provides me with ideas on how to make them even better.

  ~ Tyler and Madison, for being so patient with me, while I spend time working on the book. You are the best kids ever!

  ~Mom & Dad, for giving me a loving family and guiding me along my way. Dad is my biggest supporter and I am so grateful. My brother Kevyn, who is the very best sibling a sister, could have.

  ~Julie Roberts, editor, who spent hours reading, editing and proofreading Luca’s Magic Embrace. I really could not have done this without you!

  ~My beta readers, Sandra and Diantha, for volunteering to read novel and provide me with valuable and honest feedback.

  ~Carrie Spencer, CheekyCovers, who helped me to create a sexy novel cover and my new website.

  Chapter One

  Naked. Bound. Luca strained his wrists and ankles upward, seeking a release from the silver cuffs and chains that burned his flesh deeper with every movement. The sound of sizzling skin echoed in the room with the slightest movement. Luca lay imprisoned flat on a stone altar, his battered body racked with pain. His arms were spread to each side, the chains on his wrists wound around the hard pedestal legs. His feet were tightly bound together, effectively immobilizing him.

  Where the fuck am I? Scanning his surroundings, Luca realized he was in an abandoned building, a Catholic church. He could see the Stations of the Cross painted on the faded, chipped walls. Streams of light shone through a broken, stained glass window. The church smelled of mold, urine and blood. His blood. Used surgical syringes littered the floor. A rubber band was loosely tied to his arm. Because there were no marks on his arm, he reasoned he must have healed himself. Shit. Someone had been syphoning his blood.

  The last thing he remembered, he had been escorting the witches to their coven. An attack, a blinding silver spray flashed in his mind. Luca couldn’t remember how long he’d been unconscious. Weak, so weak. It took everything he had to wriggle his arms. The silver burned and drained his energy as uncontrollable thirst enveloped his thoughts.

  He screamed into the desolate cathedral, hoping someone would hear him. “Help me!” No answer. His eyes burned with fury, knowing it was unlikely help would come. How long had he been shackled without blood? Would his captors return to torture him? In his diminished state, he was surprised that they hadn’t staked him. Why was he still alive and not dead? Crying out in agony, he was again met with silence. It was useless.

  Lying on the altar in his stink and dried blood, he felt like an animal. Glancing around the dilapidated structure, he could not assess a feasible means of escape. He closed his eyes and concentrated, praying he could establish a connection with his maker, Kade. Kade would not rest knowing something had happened to him, his best friend and confidant. Luca prayed to the goddess that he could link with him soon. Feeling his life slip away like air leaking from a balloon, there wasn’t much time left. If he wasn’t rescued soon, he’d die.

  Kade’s eyes flashed open, sensing Luca’s consciousness. He’s alive.

  Sydney stirred in Kade’s arms and placed a kiss on his bare chest. She felt him tense beneath her; something was amiss. “Kade, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s Luca. He’s alive. I can sense him. I need to concentrate and see if we can make contact.”

  “Oh my God, Kade. Where is he?” she asked excitedly. Luca had been missing for over a week. Attempts to find him had been fruitless.

  “Shhhh, love. Just give me a minute to focus on him. Lay still.” Kade closed his eyes, letting his mind wander. Settling his thoughts on Luca, he mentally reached out across New Orleans. Since Luca had disappeared, Kade had been unable to establish contact with his progeny.

  While in Philadelphia with Sydney, Ilsbeth, a local ally and powerful witch, had contacted him with the news that they’d been attacked while returning to the coven. Both Ilsbeth and newly transformed witch Samantha, had made it safely home; Luca, however, had been taken. Kade, the leader of New Orleans vampires, and his fiancée, Sydney, a police detective, had searched the area of the attack for days on end and had turned up no clues to his abduction. Immediately after the fight ensued, the coven had been set to lock down, so none of the witches could describe Luca’s abductors or provide assistance in finding him. Kade had tried numerous times to reach out to Luca psychically. Throughout time, they’d always shared a connection. But since the attack, only a silent hum remained of Luca’s existence. Kade could not sense Luca’s death, but neither could he sense Luca’s location. It was as if he’d dropped off the face of the Earth.

  Kade surmised that the lack of communication meant one of two things: either Luca was incapacitated to the point of death, perhaps silvered, or he had purposefully left the area, refusing to contact Kade. Luca had been a loyal friend since Kade had turned him at the start of the nineteenth century, so Kade knew for a fact that Luca would not take off without notice. Because of this, the former conclusion concerned him greatly. If Luca was hurt, it would be nearly impossible to find him.

  As Kade meditated on Luca, a flicker of vibration resonated back to him, alerting him again to Luca’s presence. It felt as if Luca was far from the Garden District but still within the city limits. Luca, can you hear me? Where are you?

  Drifting into unconsciousness, Luca perceived the sensation that Kade was there with him. He wasn’t sure if he was hallucinating or dying, but he moved his lips, trying to speak into the darkness. No matter how he strained to talk, no more words could be spoken aloud; he was too weak. His thoughts raced. Please let this be real. Help me. An abandoned church. Mold. I can’t…I can’t last much longer.

  Kade swore, “Goddammit. I felt him, but he’s
lost to me again. He must be unconscious or badly hurt. I heard something…something about an abandoned church. And mold. But shit, that could be just about anywhere down here. The only thing is that I can feel he’s within the city limits; not in our district, but he’s not far.” He raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Shit. I should’ve sent someone else with him to escort the witches so soon after that clusterfuck with Simone and Asgear. This could be related to them, or maybe someone’s trying to get to me,” he speculated.

  Sydney scrambled out of bed, pulling on a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt. “Don’t blame yourself. This is not your fault. We don’t know that this is related to Asgear or Simone. We’ll get him back,” she said determinedly. “Where could the church be? There were hundreds of abandoned buildings after Katrina. But there has been lots of cleanup. Where could there still be a church? Lower ninth ward?”

  “No, he feels closer. We need to get the car and go for a drive.” Kade quickly got dressed, pulling on a pair of black denim pants and a black polo shirt. He pushed his feet into his leather boots and began to pace, anxiously wanting to resume the search. “This isn’t good, Sydney. If he hasn’t fed, he could be dangerous. I’m just warning you in case we find him. He’ll need human blood immediately. You’ll have to do what I say, no questions, okay? It feels like he’s almost gone…not yet dead to us, though.”

  Sydney wanted to comfort Kade. A lot of shit had gone down over the past few weeks; she was determined to help find Luca. Kade felt helpless not being able to locate Luca and blamed himself for not anticipating the attack. She wasn’t sure how to make him feel better except by comforting him in the one way she knew how. Wrapping her arms around Kade’s neck, she kissed him lightly, letting him know she was there for him. “Kade, I will do whatever you need me to do. I promise we’ll find Luca. I love you.”


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